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OC-Interview #2 Eigene Serie, männlicher Charakter, Comic, crazy town, Doujinshi, Interview, OC, OC-Fragebogen

Autor:  Drachenprinz

Uuuund mein zweites OC-Interview, weil mir einfach danach war, ich das total lustig finde und Happy Man mir gesagt hat, er will das auch mal machen!! xD

Wie beim letzten Mal schon erwähnt, das Interview hab ich von zitruseis auf DeviantArt, verlinkt ist sie in meinem ersten Interview schon. :D



1. Pick one of your OCs.
2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your OC.
3. Your OC cannot lie
4. Journal's tittle should be OC Interview
5. Tag as many people as you want.
6. And most importantly.... Have fun!



Interviewed Character: Happy Man



1. What is your name?
Ouh. Do I really have to tell you...? Does an alias count as well? That would be 'Happy Man'. * grin *

2. Do you know why you were named that?
I named myself like that because it just describes what I am!

3. Nice~ So... what's your current age?
I'm ooold. * laugh * 55!

4. Single or taken?
Single, unfortunately! Nick's mom and I didn't have a serious relationship, it ended after a few weeks. We're still friends somehow but it would be nice to have a wife and be a real family for sure!

5. Have any abilities or powers?

Oh yeah! The power of love! * laugh *

6. Stop being a Mary Sue!

'Mary Sue'? Isn't that a girl's name? Well, okay, I'm not sure if I'd actually prefer that name over my own!

7. What's your eye color?

8. How about hair color?

9. Have you any family members?

I still have my mom and dad, awesome people! A little crazy, haha. And I was very close to my grandma. Never knew grandpa though, he died in world war II. * sigh *

Oh, and my lovely son Nick, of course!

10. Well,who is your best friend?
My best buddy was Daniel, I'd say – but I haven't seen him for years! I really wonder what has become of him...

11. How many friends do you have?
There are a few guys I'd count as my friends but I spend most of my time with Nick. He's my buddy, too!

12. What are your hobbies?
I do a lot of sports but I also like fishing!

13.Who is your favorite author?
Oh, well... I don't read that much, I guess!

14. Favorite quote?
„Make love, not war!“ So true! But I don't know who said that actually, haha.

15. Oh? How about pets?
I had a bird and a few frogs as a child! And I really think about keeping a dog...!

16. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like.
Oh, there's really not much I don't like at all! Let's talk about the nice and beautiful things in the world! * laugh * I know, I'm such a cliché!

17. What's one food that tempts you?
Aah, I can't decide, there's too much! Maybe cookies... and candy, it's so colourful and reminds me of my childhood.

18. What are your thoughts on PIE?
You mean, like... cake? It's awesome, of course! Who doesn't love pie?

19. Favorite drink?

I really like cocktails but also hot chocolate!

20. What do you mostly wear?

Shirts with bright and conspicious patterns – I don't care if everyone thinks they look terrible. * laugh *

21. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way?
I really hope I haven't! But sometimes that's hard to avoid...

22. Ever… killed anyone before?
Oh god, no!! I could never do something like that!

23. What kind of animal are you?
I think it would be cool to be an eagle! Oh, or a leopard! They can chill under the sun all day and look awesome while doing so!

24. Name your worst habits.
Well, I guess I'm often too naive and I never really grew up at all. Wait, is that good or bad...?

25. Do you look up to anyone at all?

I think there are many people I look up to.

26. Do you go to school?
When I was young I did, of course!

27. Am I annoying you?
No! Do I make you feel like I'm annoyed?

28. Well, it's still not over!
Oh! That's cool!

29. Confession time, Who is your lover?
Like I said, I'm single. So, if anyone should be interested...?

30. Have you kissed anyone yet?
Haha, yeah! I miss those times!

31. Do you have a childhood sweetheart?
* grin * There was this girl in the neighbourhood I really liked. But she never noticed me!

32. What's your type?
Well, what's most important is that you get along with each other and can talk about everything. Someone who stands by your side in good and in bad times!

33. Are you interested in anyone~?
Oh, if you ask me like that... There's this mysterious woman with long black hair. I'd really like to get to know her better!

34. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Hey, have you forgotten about my son already? Don't make him sad! Actually, he would be old enough to have kids himself... How time flies, it's unbelievable!

35. What do you want to be when you're grown up?
Haha... People often tell me I look younger than I am. But THAT young?


36. Do you have fan girls/fanboys?
I don't really think I have something like tha- Oh, wait! I've met those two boys, they said they were Daniel's kids and they seemed to be... fans, kinda? Especially the one with long hair, he even wanted an autograph! What an honour!

37. What are you most afraid of?
Uhh... Living in a world without love. Hate, war, loneliness – what's more terrifying than those things?

38. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
Hm, never thought that much about this. But I think middle class, maybe?

39. What's your favorite place?
Probably the fishing pond where I always relax with Nick. Especially in the evening when the sun sets and the sky looks like it's burning over us.

40. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Both is awesome!

41. Camping or indoors?
I must admit, I really love camping, it's always like a mini-adventure!

42. Any fetishes?
Woah, what are you asking me? Uhm... Pretty shoes, maybe?

43. Seme or uke?
Is that slang or maybe two of those abbrevations kids use on the internet these days? * laugh * Maybe I should ask Nick about that!

44. What is your life long dream?
That's easy to answer: Spreading as much love as possible and living in harmony with everyone! Yeah, I know, sounds kinda cheesy... But just imagine what the world could be like when people wouldn't hate so much and respect each other instead! I don't give up on that dream.

45. What would you do if your dream came true?
I guess I'd be an even happier man, haha!

46. What do you do most of the time?
Didn't I mention that already?

47.What would you do if you meet your creator?
My creator...! Wow, I guess I'd ask if he shares my wishes and intentions or why else he created someone like me. And then I'd like to go to some bar with him!

Bonus: If you were stranded on a deserted island, name 3 things you would bring!
Does Nick count as one of the three? Uhm, what else... Music! I think that's all I need!



Wie letztes Mal auch schon, jeder, der will, kann sich getaggt fühlen. :DD


Datum: 01.11.2019 19:16
Oh sehr interessant! Ich würde gerne mal so ein interview zeichnen sobald mir mal gute fragen einfallen die zu den charakter in meinem manga interessant wären..haha XD
aber beim lesen ist mir aufgefallen das ich immer mehr wissen wollte wie der dude eig aussieht >D
klingt sehr interessant
Datum: 03.11.2019 17:16
Oh, hallöchen! :D Hätte gar nicht damit gerechnet, hier einen Kommentar von jemandem zu bekommen, den ich gar nicht kenne, aber umso mehr freut es mich, dass du reingeschaut hast. ^-^
Ja, ich hab schon zwei von diesen Interviews gemacht und finde das auch total cool, weil ich selbst dabei meine Charaktere noch besser kennenlernen kann! Hab ich einfach von DeviantArt geklaut. xD
Der Dude stammt aus meinem Comic 'Crazy Town', in Kapitel 5 ist er oft zu sehen - er sieht wie ein klassischer Hippie aus. XD

Danke fürs Lesen! ^^
Datum: 04.11.2019 09:51
Haha :D Ich hab deinen Namen in nem Zirkel gesehen (Ink-Circle) und dann war der beitrag hier unter dem thread "Yuuki ließt wo ich oft rien gucke, haha xD)
Klingt interessant da guck ich gleich mal rein :D

Son interview ist auch echt cool aber zu meinen charakteren passen die meisten fragen einfach nicht XD wahrscheinlich wegen dem setting im dem sie sind :D aber ich bin zu doof mir selbst fragen aus zu denken, haha xD
Datum: 04.11.2019 12:36
Ach ja, der Ink-Circle. xD Eigentlich find ich das Konzept total cool, aber irgendwie hab ich dann doch Schiss, wenn ich mit jemandem in Partnerschaft so eine 'Beratung' machen würde, dass derjenige dann ganz viel Kritik hätte, ich nicht weiß, wie ich's besser machen kann, und dann frustriert bin. X'D *headdesk*

Ach, aber die Userin bei DA, von der ich das Interview hab, hat auch ein Fantasy-Setting, und die Art, wie ihre Charaktere die Fragen beantwortet haben, war wirklich auch sehr amüsant zu lesen! ^^ Davon würd ich mich an deiner Stelle nicht abschrecken lassen. Ansonsten kann man nach solchen Fragebögen bestimmt googlen und findet noch andere! ;)

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