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Tokyo - New Oc - Introduction Questions XD Dämonen, Rollenspiele (Sachthema), demon, new oc, question

Autor:  Shiaru

A. Are you a boy or girl?
- Boy

B. What are you?
- Demon

C. How old are you?
 - around 20 I think

- *drop* just if you are shorter than ME

E. You got any bad habits?
- I try to eat everything looking like food, even if it's not edible

F. Favourite food?
- everything but sour things

G. Favourite Ice cream flavour?
- I don't know but I don't like vanilla, I'm fed up with it

H. Girlfriend?
- what's that?

I. You a virgin?
-*blush* ... ehm... yes?
J. Killed anyone?
- nope

K. Hate anyone?
- my family
L. Any secrets?
- not really I guess

M. Favourite season?
- don't have any

N. Who's your best friend?
- I think Rai, by the way he's the only friend I have

O. Hobbies?
- reading, eating

P. Favourite Drink?
- tea

Q. When's your birthday?
- I'm not sure, I was never told

R. What age did you die and why?
- for the society I died the day my mother gave me birth to, the reasons are that I'm too weak in the eyes of the old mighty family, they didn't want to show me

S. Are you nice or mean?
- I would say nice~

T. What's your greatest ambition?
- to break free from my family

U. How many kids do you have?
- ehm... I don't think I will ever have

V. What were you known as and who gave you that name?
- Tokyo, my mother I think? *don't know the meaning of the question*

W. What do you think of Christmas?
- is it edible?

X. Any tattoos or piercings? If so, what and where are they?
-2 rings at one ear, a stud on the other; more are coming maybe, but I don't think at the face

Y. What would you say is your biggest weakness?
- I know few things about the outworld

Z: Do you enjoy dates?
- if there is food, yes~

ZZ. Most cherished thing/s you currently own?
- ... Rai's friendship I guess

ZZZ. Any last words you want to say here?
- uhm... I'm glad to know Rai who lets me living with him, even that he's aware of where I'm from~

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