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Utter silence...

Autor:  TypeZeroTree
There are such days, on dennen everything inclined goes.... Simply everything.... But which is if each day like that is? If a prohibition becomes laughter, another person of everything does thereby one is not lucky? As would become you reagiern.... Rage...? Mourning...? Hate....? I do not point as I to now feel is.... Everything works somehow in such a way.... false... not material... And then this feeling.... Something so natural.... So simply.... But I do not think this life am so simple....
It is called always one should be strong.... Why actually? Do I want that? And that is not which others from me wants. I should be strong for it....
Sometimes but this feeling is to be eingespeert in me... In cage surround by darkness and then the peace.... Utter Silcen....A crushing peace.... a strange fairy tale...
Sometimes I see my life as a strange fairy tale.... But a fairy tale goes always well out... And then think I of you.... Those, those always say it are with me.... And now come me this word into the mouth "Another simmer... Another story... And my story is just beginng now"
I thought at that time anyhow... But I can do that... I still close now for days... Weeks... months into my room. Go only away if I really must.... And again silence... Crushing satisfying.... Slowly lose I to it the understanding....
And this silence it does not yield any longer of me.... Never again.... I close my eyes... And hope that it finally change one becomes.... That is my Finaly Fantasy....
Or it was....
Lately I argue with my care nut/mother only... No meeting goes without controversy out... It finishes me seelichs totally. And then still the crushing silence.... It does not want yields... And arranges me gradually at the basis....

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