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other side of the moon

Autor:  Fa-Ying
rei ich mich auch mal ein und aktualisier hier alles, auch nen neuen webblog^^

ja was gibts zu sagen:
ich bin mal wieder krank, wie sollte es auch anders sein, wenn ich daran denke, dass ich nur noch eine woche schule hab und dann ferien *drop* aber was solls XD

weiterhin, ist es extrem toll rpg zu playn und larp zu playn XDD *wegroll* jaja X3

öhm ja, devil may cry 3 spielen is auch toll^^ nur gegen vergil verlieren weniger XD aber was solls *shame*

ich hör dann besser auf, bin grad net fähig nen ordentlichen blog zuschreiben, da drogen und trendy isorade sportdrinks mir meine sinne entreißen...
hab euch trotzdem sehr lieb^^
eure Burman/Melody/deine Himika^^

Buchmesse, Katanas und kalte Füße XD

Autor:  Fa-Ying
da ich von einigen erfahren habe, dass englisch wohl net so beliebt is und ich lieber in deutsch schreiben soll, tu ich das mal *gnädig desu* XD

am weitesten zurück liegt wohl die leipziger buchmesse und es war soooo toll *_______________*~~ meine erste con und nearly so wie ich sie mir vorgestellt habe *meow* und dann auch noch so viele nett leute dabei, die ja auch bei mir gepennt haben und mich begleitet haben *chuuu*danke euch so sehr^^

und wehe ihr kommt nächstes jahr net wieder zu mir *böse guck* XD
hoffe wir sehen und bald wieder, vermisse euch schon^^

dann hab ich mich wieder sehr von katanas begeistern lassen und mag auch unbedingt eins haben *gar net weiß was ich damit machen soll, aber erstmal haben* XD bin schon fleißig am suchen und wüsste auch schon nen edlen spender *hände reib* XD

guckt mal bitte auf www.chokingyo-costume.com da üersetze ich und die haben echt hammer mäßig tolle kostüme^^ wenn ihr den code "GerMar05" benutzt, bekommt ihr bis 01.04.05 ein gratis geschenk zu jeder bestellung :) ich hab da mein kikyo cos her^^

und ich hab kalte füße wie immer, lol

bis dann,
eure Burman

long ago - -

Autor:  Fa-Ying
I do not know if I should write in English or German but I think some things should be said in German...

I haven't written for a longer time because nothing really important happened and because of the that I think this doesn't interests someone - -

weill, I started doing my driving licence and the fact that I had to do a visual test scared me and I was right - I need classes to drive a car because I am short-sighted but only -0.5 dioptrin.. and yes, it isn't as crazing as I thought, I like my classes and got used to wearing them ^^

Next important thing is that I got a part-time job at chokingyo costumes where I bought my Kikyo costume and I will translate their emails from English <--> German because there nobody speaks good German and they have some customers which are from Germany and cannot speak English very well. I am extremely glad about that because I can earn some money and I like translating and such things ^^

now German:

an meine cosplay schatzies, vielleicht lesen sie es ja ;)

bin so froh, dass ihr zu mir kommt^^ haben auch gestern das luftbett bekommen und liegt sich auch echt gut drauf ;) passt ihr auch alle 3 drauf und es is auch recht hoch :) hoffe euch gefällts hier und naja, bin mir sicher, dass wir recht viel spaß haben werden
hab euch liiieb^^ *knutsch*

namaste (das heisst das göttliche in mir grüßt das göttlich in dir)


Autor:  Fa-Ying
lallalaa *rumhüpf*

freu mich auf leipzig^^ und hoffe, dass es alles so klappt mit dem pennen und so o.O mami muss lieb sein und mich lassen XD
nyoaa, mal fragen^^ wird schon

öhm ja, sonst.. FERIIIIEEEN!! *hrhrhr*
und fahrschule -.- und ich hab kein bock auf englisch zuschreiben *euch heut mal begnadige* XD

schmuffige grüße an mein schuu und nagi ^^ *flausch*

Ups and Downs

Autor:  Fa-Ying
Hey everybody ^^

like it is said above the days are going up and down and so I feel good and sad but right it's okay, I am a little tired and I think I am going to sleep for some hours after I finish this^^

As I said in the last post the dsl arrived here but it doesn't really fit with my computer - something is going wrong I totally don not know what is it. I formated the pc and also there isn't really anything on it that could disturb the traffic... there must be something wrong with the motherboard... and the Telekom - that are people from hell, if you call there you can be happy if you find somebody who is able to speak, they simply cannot help you and all the fun costs 0,12 Cent/min... I hate them so much >____<

and yes... I am little sad that nobody recognized my new fanfiction but I think I simple have to indicate more on me ;)
but I hope this shit here interests somebody or even somebody read it ^^"

that was enough from me

Matane Anne ^^

maybe I am a hopeless romantic

Autor:  Fa-Ying
no one else can speak the words on your lips

(Natasha Bedingsfield - Unwritten, I am addicted to her^^)

and so I am going to speak...

The last days haven't been easy for me and somehow I was very depressed and sad but I think I'm going to be fine again. It's always a up and down and that is going on my nerves, it makes me sick that sometimes I am soo happy and glad, I cannot believe it, but on other days I could commit suicide if I had the courage to do it. And right now I feel like this won't end...

myaaaa~a it doesn't help to complain all the time, I know and I am trying hard not to do so but it is very difficult for me.

so, what's new w/ me: not so much I think but the DSL modem entered my room and tomorrow my dad is going so install it (I hope *_____*~) and theeeeen.. I am faster as I can think XD no not really but w/ ISDN right know it is a little low, I mean I am used to it, so it is no apocalypse but I have been looking forward to that day when I am as simple as everybody else, lol .. and got a flat XD (most important fact^^)...
hm, then school is very hard at the moment, we have our exams in the A-levels and so much to learn, above all I've got to read to books (Nathan der Weise, most insignificant book I've ever read >____< and Moon Palace and it is really cool, look to my quotes ;) *kitty so love* if somebody know it, too, please tell me ^^)

and now I got to quit because I have to to housework.. maths.. *würg* XD see ya later^^

It's murder on the dancefloor ^__^

Autor:  Fa-Ying
I'm getting better I think ;) after my last entry and my depression

not only that I had my big night yesterday (a presentation of the "Wirtschaftsakadamie", we had to look like if we want to go to the Gala or something like that XD it was great) but also that the days are going to be better, not soo musch to learn and to do *smiile*

then I had time to paint something to express my creativity and I liked it very much because I haven't done this in some time^^

hm, do not know what to say, my English is today not the best, wrote on monday a class test (620 words I think but it was reading comprehension and that's okay^^)

my last words should come from a song, unfortunately only in german:
so oft erlebt und doch
immer wieder da
immer wieder nah
die Wut auf dich, wie kannst du nur
so gemein sein
ich sag mir, daß es nichts zu bedeuten hat
nur manchmal hab ich Angst
manchmal hab ich Angst
und heute ist wieder mal so eine Nacht
bin mal wieder so weit
träum von deiner

ich werde die tranchieren
in Stücke filetieren
in Öl anbraten und garnieren
und dann friere ich dich ein
in Portionen - klein und fein
ich werd nir mehr alleine sein
ich trag mein schönstes Kleid
der Tisch gedeckt für zwei
und du bist auch dabei
verzehre dich bei Kerzenlicht
Peter - mein Leibgericht
manchmal hab ich Angst - vor mir.

*muahahaha* XDD

Gnahahaha,,,gnaaah (is das eigentlich ein richtiges wort? XD)

Autor:  Fa-Ying
oh god.. sometimes I wonder why do we feel, why do people have relationships, why do we love or hate people? I can't describe how confused I feel right now... why do we make connections if sooner or later they're going to break?
I'm sorry for saying such things but lets face it, it's always like this and it's not going to stop. If by death or just differences in a relationship they get apart and hate each other. I know it is not always it that way... I'm fallin into pieces

This day had started so good, the second part of the rhetorik curse... and know I feel like losing my mind.
I also know my words are only a complain about I feel right know but I think I am not alone...

I cannot understand how people can slander about somebody they loved.. I do not know how this shit should work out

my heart is broken
I'm lying here
My thoughts aren't choking on you my dear

It doesn't feel right at all
Together we built a wall
Holding hands we'll fall

first entry

Autor:  Fa-Ying
so mein erster eintrag und da ich gerade in einer englisch phase bin, tu ich euch das an und schreibe alles in englisch *muahah* lol

well last schoolday today *yeah* and now holdiays.. for such a long time I was looking forward to that day because school really sucks now.. *gnah* it seems like every teacher thinks his subject is the most important on eart.. trsch, above all now in sek II every thing is more difficult than before and it's hard to get used to that.. but what should I do?!

*sigh* I wish I could sleep now but in half an hour there is a "Rhetorik Training" in my school and I have to there. It's also tomorrow morning (9.00 am *gähn*)and I don't feel like going there..

that should be enough for the first time and please forgive me my mistakes, I'm trying to improve my English everyday^^