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long ago - -

Autor:  Fa-Ying
I do not know if I should write in English or German but I think some things should be said in German...

I haven't written for a longer time because nothing really important happened and because of the that I think this doesn't interests someone - -

weill, I started doing my driving licence and the fact that I had to do a visual test scared me and I was right - I need classes to drive a car because I am short-sighted but only -0.5 dioptrin.. and yes, it isn't as crazing as I thought, I like my classes and got used to wearing them ^^

Next important thing is that I got a part-time job at chokingyo costumes where I bought my Kikyo costume and I will translate their emails from English <--> German because there nobody speaks good German and they have some customers which are from Germany and cannot speak English very well. I am extremely glad about that because I can earn some money and I like translating and such things ^^

now German:

an meine cosplay schatzies, vielleicht lesen sie es ja ;)

bin so froh, dass ihr zu mir kommt^^ haben auch gestern das luftbett bekommen und liegt sich auch echt gut drauf ;) passt ihr auch alle 3 drauf und es is auch recht hoch :) hoffe euch gefällts hier und naja, bin mir sicher, dass wir recht viel spaß haben werden
hab euch liiieb^^ *knutsch*

namaste (das heisst das göttliche in mir grüßt das göttlich in dir)

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