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Einzelposting: Ist Heterosexismus eine Krankheit?

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_139851/-1/12298769775623/

Von:    TadStone 21.12.2008 17:33
Betreff: Ist Heterosexismus eine Krankheit? [Antworten]
nur mal so dazu das du nicht glauben möchtest, das die Juden die Homophobie zur abgrenzung "erfunden" haben. Ich darf mal Dr. Hani Miletski zitieren (aus ihrem Buch "Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia"):

Bestiality was very closely linked with male homosexuality in the ancient Hebrew mind (Rosenfeld, 1967). The Hebrews always considered sexual relations with animals a form of worshiping other gods, as was homosexuality, and the bestialist and the animal were both to be put to death. The purpose of these taboos was to set apart the Jewish people, “the chosen people,” from their neighbors. The taboos helped to maintain and reinforce the boundaries of the group, and enabled it to retain its distinctive identity under adverse circumstances (Davies, 1982). Masters (1962) states that these prohibitions were the result of an urgent need to increase the population among the ancient Hebrews, and that no sexual act was tolerated which was not aimed
at procreation.

Ich hoffe das überzeugt dich, wenn nicht kannst du ja mal selbst etwas anspruchvolles lesen bevor du große Sprüche reißt...
Zuletzt geändert: 21.12.2008 17:36:35

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