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I'm back!

Autor:  Mamori
Last week I went to Breitungen to visit Moonlil. The nine days were very funny. We did so many different things.
The first weekend we went to Leipzig with her parents. There we visited some relatives and went shopping, had a barbecue and went to the cemetery to feed squirrels. It was so amazing, that the small animals took the nuts form your hand! They were so trusting, it was really cute.
In Leipzig there was also Wave and Gothic meeting, so we saw many people with gothic- costumes and took a lot of pictures.
On Sunday we went to “Völkerschlachtsdenkmal”, this is a big historic building, something with Napoleon, but Mooni couldn’t explain it to me XD. We also went to a lake. Actually we wanted to go swimming, but it was a bit cold, so we only took our feet into the fresh water. We watched some people who did waterski, ate something and walked a bit around the lake.
After we went back to Breitungen we played some funny games with cards and also with dice.
During the week we did so many things:
We made sushi. It was a little chaotic, but funny. And we ate so much while making it, that we weren’t hungry in the evening. We took some of it to a small private clinic, where Moonlil had worked. And her Mum and her sister ate it, too.
On Wednesday I went to school with Moonlil. But because they had so many different teachers and also a test, I couldn’t go into the lessons. But I used the free time to learn biology for my exam.
After school, we went to Meiningen. We went shopping and went into the cinema, where we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I think the movie was very funny and good. It was better than the second part. But some scenes were really strange XD.
The next day I stayed at home, while Moonlil went to school. I learned biology and read some mangas. After that, I went to the train station and picked Mooni up. We walked around a smaller lake in Breitungen.
On Friday we went to school together. This time I was allowed to join the lessons. It was very interesting and I even wrote a test in immunology. It was a bit difficult, because I didn’t know some of the things and words. But I tried to answer the most questions. I didn’t hear the lessons and didn’t really learn for this test, but the result wasn’t really bad for that conditions. The teachers were very nice to me and wished me luck for my future.
After school we went home and tried to make a cake. It was an instant cake from Dr. Oetker, it is called mole cake, because it looks like a molehill^^
But it was a small disaster. First there was no fresh milk, so we bought some. Then Mooni mixed the whipped cream with water, so we couldn’t make it, because the cream was too liquid. So we went to the store again and bought new whipped cream. But for some reason it was not very good. I mixed it and the top got stiff but the bottom was still liquid. So on top we had butter and the rest was liquid whipped cream. We collected the butter and mixed it with new cream. In the end the cake looked a bit weird, but it tasted good XD
In the afternoon we went to Eisenach. We went shopping again, because we wanted to find a ball dress for my graduation ball. But we couldn’t find a good one. Now I will wear the dress from Moonlils older sister. She lent it to me for the ball.
On Saturday we went to Suhl to a weightlifting competition. It was interesting to see something like this. There were also girls, who did it. And we were shopping again XD.
In the evening, we went to Bad Salzungen. There we went to a “Gradierwerk”. It is a building with salty air. This is very good for people with asthma and because I have asthma, it was very good for me ^^°.
After that we went to a salty swimming pool. This is good for the skin and it was very funny, too. In one of the basins there was so much salt inside of the water, so that it was really difficult to stand on the ground. Your body wanted to swim on top all the time. You couldn’t sink ^^.
During these days, we also watched some episodes of spiral. It is a very interesting anime. But it is still a bit confusing.
And we tried to watch the first episode of Gokusen 2, but Mooni dozed of in the middle XD, so we went to bed.
In these days, we said some funny things, too.
On Sunday I went back home. The journey took six hours and I had to change trains four times. It was a bit stressful, but now I’m back home^^
Yesterday, I went to the hospital, because the sister from my boyfriend got her baby last week. It is three weeks too early, but it is so cute!!! The boy is called Fabian.
The mother is okay, but the boy has icterus and he has to lie in a box with blue light. The doctor said, it is not a big act. Many babies have icterus and the blue light is very effective. Normally all the babies mended. I hope it won’t take so long. They want to go home to the Dad. But I will often visit the mother and the baby, they need entertainment, because it is very boring in hospital, especially for the mother.
So, I think that’s all. I hope I didn’t forget some important things^^°
And I hope there aren’t too many mistakes, because this text is very long XD
You can find pics to this topic at my livejournal site:

Blind Guardian

Autor:  Mamori
Gestern war ich auf dem Blind Guardian Konzert in Stuttgart im Messe-Kongresszentrum!
Einfach nur hammer geil *.*
Die Stimmung war total toll, sowas hab ich noch nicht gesehn und sie ham so supergut gespielt, einfach nur toll, die BAnd ist so geil!!!


Autor:  Mamori
So, ich bin nochmal ein bisschen weg
Von Montag bis Donnerstag geh ich nach Bergkamen zu meiner Oma!
Viel Spaß ihr alle


Autor:  Mamori
So juhuu ich bin wieder ausm Urlaub da!
Hin 17 Stunden Fahrt und aufm Rückweg nur 13^^° Alle wollten irgendwie nur doch nach Hause. War aber wirklich schön und lustig nur leider hat es recht oft geregnet


Autor:  Mamori
So, ich wollte nur sagen dass ich von heute (also 11.08) bis zum 26.08 im Urlaub bin^^
Juhuu, Sonne, Strand und Meer und nette Leute mit denen ich dorthin geh, ich freu mich wirklich schon!
Also machts gut!
Bis bald^^

wieder da

Autor:  Mamori
So seit gestern Nacht bin ich wieder da^^
Die Fahrt war total toll, obwohl das Hotel etwas naja war^^
Aber dafür war es mitten in St. Pauli in einer Querstraße zur Reeperbahn!
Hatten am ersten Abend gleich eine Führung durch St. Pauli, hätte nicht gedacht dass da so viele Nutten rumstehen O.o Und unsre Jungs wärn fast nicht mehr aus der Herbertstraße gekommen^^°
Hatten auch ne Stadtführung, waren bummeln, aufm Michel, hatten eine Hafenrundfahrt mit einer Barkasse, warn im Gewürz- und im Zollmuseum, warn in König der Löwen im Musical und im Hamburger Dungeon, aber natürlich auch sehr oft auf der Reeperbahn^^
War sehr lustig. Strand Pauli ist auch toll und die Marktstraße hatte die tollsten Läden, fast nur Punk- und Gothicklamotten.
Leider waren die tollen Bars in die wir wollten nicht offen weil es unter der Woche war, aber es gab auch genug andere Möglichkeiten wo man hingehen konnte!
War einen Tag auch mit Shelly unterwegs^^ War total toll, waren auch im OCS und in einem Hello Kitty Laden!
Aber ich glaub ich bin noch nie so viel gelaufen, mir haben jeden Abend total die Beine wehgetan^^° Aber gelohnt hat es sich!
Naja, das warn jetzt ein grober Überblick, was ich alles so gemacht hab, die letzen Tage^^


Autor:  Mamori
So, endlich ist es soweit
Ich bin ab Morgen früh (7.50 Uhr) bis Donnerstag abend (23.00 Uhr) mit meiner Klasse in Hamburg wegen Studienfahrt.
Ich freu mich schon, das wird sicher total lustig^^
Und Shelly seh ich auch endlich mal wieder *froi*
Wollte nur bescheid sagen, damit sich keiner wundert, dass ich nicht da bin!

wieder ein Jahr

Autor:  Mamori
So, jetzt ist mal wieder ein Jahr rum!
Denke der Tag wird ganz cool, wenn endlich die Mathe arbeit vorbei is für heute *zitter*

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag:
Gackt *-*
Massu~ (NewS) ^^
und Ran (Weiß Kreuz) O.o

Juhuuu, Mathe vorbei und es lief sogar ziemlich gut

Wie immer...

Autor:  Mamori

So, jetzt sind die Ferien vorbei. Morgen geht der Schulaltag los.
Natürlich war ich die ganze letze Ferienwoche krank und dann erkältet...wie immer nur in den Ferien oder am Wochende.
Und grade jetzt wird es so schönes Wetter...
sonst:...warte und hoffe...

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