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Neues von mir

Autor:  Ravinna
Hiermit offiziell stolze Absolventin des Comicademy Trainingsprogramms! <3

Ganz klar:
Ich wurd in die falsch Welt und die falsche Zeit geboren!
Ich träume zuviel? Nie im leben genug!

Moral, Ethik und Philosophie:
„Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar." Kant.
Meiner Meinung nach muss jedem Menschen seine eigene Würde zugestanden werden. Kein Mensch hat das Recht einem anderen Menschen die Würde zu nehmen.
Durch Gewallt sind keine Konflikte zu lösen. Nur durch Geduld, Liebe und Hingabe können Konflikte und Probleme auf Lange Sicht gelöst und zum besseren gekehrt werden. öhm ja hust**

Maglors song:

Oh father mine, where did you go,
were has your soul found rest?
Why did you forced your sons to fight,
and burned your wounded chest?

Alone I wander through the dark,
And hear the dying screams,
Of those who gave their lives for you;
Myself stays unredeemed

How long will peace despise me?
How long will my soul tumble?
Can I too find at last a home,
A haven for my heart.


The tears fall down beside my cheeks,
When wind blows far and fair,
I hear his voice deep in my heart,
of silver starlight stairs,

He sangs me of the wooden land,
he sangs me of my dreams,
He sangs of blowin' horns in fight,
and of the high-elves' kings,

"When time will pass, when sun will go,
the silver light will shine,
there you will see on carvened throne,
what in time was lost so long."

Then smile will lay upon me lips,
and hope deep in my heart,
And i will walk till time has passed,
till sun will go at last.


A king he was on silver throne,
and in his eyes a light was shone,
His long dark hairs as water stream,
From far his banner could be seen,

He flight to mountains snowwhite head,
and layed his friend down to his bed,
He fought against the Fire Lord,
And fell on blooded fields,

Where did he went to brightly strand,
Next to his father side,
His land ank down to Ocean World,
To dreamland fair and bright.

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