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Autor:  hiwi
You didn't give me the link before, but you did now, so I just now looked at the drawing your brother did.

You're real, but this drawing is not real. Yes, I can see how you can look at it and see the humor, because you're not really being hurt.

The chicken DOES look funny. I can see that.

But I repeat, if you STILL do not get it, there is NOTHING REMOTELY FUNNY WHATSOEVER about Dib XCRAWLING around cut in half AND still alive and CRYING!


If it IS such a BIG JOKE why can't you AT LEAST draw him LAUGHING???

or STRAPPED DOWQN and having his GUTS PULLED out WHILE he's still alive GODOHGOD THATIS SICK!!! GODDAMMIT THAT IS FUCKING SICK!!!!!!!! or havinghis teeth his GODDAMNEDTE


okim ok again i stopped crying now

YES it IS that upsetting to me

Dib isn't real... AND the drawing isn't real. It's like this: Dib and the drawing are both in the same place, so the torture can not get to you... but it CAN get to him. Do you understand what I mean?

Please, PLEASE tell me your brother doesn't "like" Dib the way you do too. Just... just PLEASE. I couldn't stand there being TWICE as many horrible drawings like these in the world.

>>human beings are so difficult! some get angry when they >>get drawed in pain... others are not...
>>u can't know if dib would be....

And neither can you. But you DO know how Dib FANS are about it. Or this one at least. Are you trying to hurt us? WHy would you go out of your way to hurt people you don't even KNOW??

> >>don't know if I hate you. I do know this much. I DO
> >>know I DO hate those horrible pictures you draw of Dib

>you don't know how happy it made me to read this!

I only said I didn't know.

Do you want people to hate those horrible bloody drawings you do of Dib? Now that finally WOULD make some sense.

I am still wondering:

> >>and if i would draw dib torture zim... i would discuss
> >> with an angry zim-fan now...

>Do does that mean you will? Or does it mean you won't?

So are you going to draw Dib doing it to Zim?

You can sure discuss it with an angry Dib fan! Why is it going to be any different discussing it with an angry Zim fan?

IF again IF you like Dib, and if you cannot laugh at anything BUT blood and pain and death and horror, you'd draw Dib doing the hurting from time to time.

> >> Oh, so that's it. You're ashamed of liking a cartoon
> >> character. Well, you certainly hide it well. No one who > >> sees these pictures would ever know you like Dib, so > >> don't worry about that.

im not ashamed of liking a cartoon! Oo
what made u have this idea?

Gee, the fact that you have so many drawings up in which he is being horribly tortured do NOT exactly shout that you like him.

dont worry! 1. he likes gaz 2. he doesnt draw

>>Dib isn't real... AND the drawing isn't real. It's like this: Dib and the drawing are both in the same place, so the torture can not get to you... but it CAN get to him. Do you understand what I mean?

you're right.... thats true...... these are in the same place... in the same unvulnerabler place!
cartoons are unvulnerable... isnt this a blessing for them?^^
or why do you think, does kenny always return to southpark altough he dies nearly every episode? ^^

>>But you DO know how Dib FANS are about it.
i didnt know that they (inclusive you) take my pics so seriously.. Oo
cause... IZ is a funny show... to laugh about...
ok... i admit.. some of my pics arent funny but intressting to look at them...

>>So are you going to draw Dib doing it to Zim?

when im in mood for it... ^^ of course!

im not ashamed of liking a cartoon! Oo
what made u have this idea?

>>Gee, the fact that you have so many drawings up in which he is being horribly
>>tortured do NOT exactly shout that you like him.

ya... i know... but u only talk about the 'bad' pics i made... whats about 'valentines day' for example?

*tiiiiief durchatme*
Datum: 21.03.2007 00:12
ääää... ja?
Datum: 21.03.2007 19:09
und nochmal lol XDDDD
ich versteh immer noch cniht wieso sie deine pics anschut wenn sie sie nciht mag...Ôo
Naja was solls...XDDD
Deine pics sind geil und seinen lieblingschara leiden lassen auch XDDDD
Und damit basta!
Datum: 23.03.2007 21:28
Zim,Dib = Fiktion
FAN Art = noch viel viel viel viel viel mehr fiktion xDD
Ich verstehe das problem von ihr(?) nicht xD
Ich meine,es ist ein CARTOON und selbst wenn es eine real serie wäre |D
Sie beschwert sich über FanArts o_o"
Und es gibt Fans die machen weitaus schlimmeres mit Dib und Zim (damit meine ich nicht ZADR |DDDD).

Ich lese deinen Weblog,nur damit dus weißt :D
Evil is back,the hell is open Muahahahahah xD

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