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Einzelposting: Most funniest Moment?

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_233004/-1/12439815940983/

Von:    Gatcha 03.06.2009 00:28
Betreff: Most funniest Moment? [Antworten]
> > 2. "On the Head of a Pin"
> > Dean: You guys don't walk enough, you're going to get flabby."
> > Castiel: ...
> > Dean: "You know, I'm stating to think Chuckles has a better sense of humor than you do.
> > Castiel: "Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison, ask anyone."
> >
> Actually, he refers to him as "Junkless"...;)

echt? hab ich mir auch gedacht (that he calls him junkless) aber ich dachte ich hab nur schlecht gehoert! xDD lol
Take it easy... ¦3

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