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Einzelposting: Eure TOP 10 des Monats, all included

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_104874/-1/11195482907271/

Von:   abgemeldet 23.06.2005 19:41
Betreff: Eure TOP 10 des Monats, all included [Antworten]
bei mir ändert sich das immer recht flott, also werd ich hier wohl öfters schreiben xD~

1. My Chemical Romance - Helena
2. Franz Ferdinand - Matinee
3. Blur - Country House
4. The Coral - Bill Mccai
5. Muse - Please, please, please let me get what I want
6. My Chemical Romance - Demolition Lovers
7. Radiohead - Thinking about you
8. Muse - Stockholm Syndrom
9. Oasis - Wonderwall
10.Pink Floyd - Wish you were here
Wash me away
Clean your body of me
Erase all the memories
They will only bring us pain

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