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One night



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One night

"Fucking shit!!!!" Aiji angrily slammed the door shut behind him,threw his jacket in the next corner and rushed into the bathroom.After turning the water on he slid down the wall onto the ground,curling up into a ball,crying with his hands covering his face."You fucking bastard...why couldn't you control yourself..." he shouted out to himself.Frustrated he punched the wall with his fist,just to immideately feel the sharp pain shooting through his hand which made him cry in anger and pain. Fuck,fuck,fuck!!! Grumbling he stood up, took off his clothes and went under the shower all the while cursing under his breath.

He stood there under the hot water for a few minutes,eyes closed, trying to calm down slowly.His hand still did hurt.But what hurt the most was the thought of what he did last night.What he did to him... The one he fell in love with.

He didn't mind the fresh tears running down his face as he thought of last night.

Earlier,they were drinking in a bar and went home to Jun's place afterwards.They talked,laughed and had fun.Just what friends do sometimes.

He could clearly remember when they both were nearly lying on the floor in front of the couch.How they joked around and acted like drunken fools.Well they WERE drunk... Then suddenly he found himself hovering over Jun kissing him fully on the lips.Jun didn't shove him away as he aspected the other man would do.No,he did respond to the kiss...

When they broke apart they both looked into each others eyes.There was something in Jun's eyes he couldn't describe at this moment...

The next thing he remembered was lying down on Jun's bed.Together with him.Naked.Jun was snuggled up to him while he himself had one arm around Jun's waist,holding him close.Hastily but carefully he went out of the bed put on his clothes and ran out of the living room.

He still stood under the water with his head leaning against the wall.It took some more minutes for him to calm down,turning out the water,going out of the shower and drying himself.Then he looked into the mirror,just to look down onto the floor again after a second ashamed.

He will hate me... He will tell me I should go to hell.. God he will hate me.... Again tears were falling as he finally went into the living room to lie down on the couch.Maybe I should skip practice tomorrow... He probably wouldn't want to see me there... He wouldn't want to see me anymore... He turned to the side,musing on a happy Jun.A smiling Jun. I guess I won't see him smiling anymore... Will he ever look at me again? Will he ignore me for the rest of my life? Angry with himself his hands curled into fists until he felt this sharp pain in his hand again. Shit... Will I even be able to play with this tomorrow? he sighed and started to listen to the raindrops falling against his window,slowly crying himself into sleep.

"Gah where the heck is he!!???" Kirito mumbled angrily. "He's already half an hour too late!" he told himself and shot a glance at his bandmates. "Anyone knows where he is???" Kohta shook his head and looked at Takeo who could just mimic him.Just Jun remaind silent which made the other wonder if he maybe knew something about their missing lead guitarist.Just when Kirito were about to ask Jun the door flew open and a slightly exhausted looking Aiji made his way into the studio,all the while with his head down. "Oh wow! Mister Mizui finally had the kindness to show up! Thanks! " he nearly shouted out at the latter but got a little worried when he saw the bandaged hand and the slightly pained look on Aiji's face who still had his head down,fumbling with his guitar and murmuring a quiet "Sorry...".

"What happened to your hand? Aiji?" Aiji didn't look up "It's nothing.I can still play." Kirito raised an eyebrow "Are you sure you're alright?" The guitarist just nodded. Kohta and Takeo exchanged worried looks and even Jun now looked at Aiji with a slight concern in his eyes. "Okay guys.Let's give it a try and we will see if you can play today or not" Kirito said,eyeing Aiji again for a short moment before he went to his mic stand gesturing for the others to get ready.

Half an hour later the room went silent again. "Aiji...When you can't play then tell us and we will end practice for today" Aiji nervously looked down at his hands. "No it's alright..it's just...-" "Fuck Aiji! Nothing is alright! Not one note was right during the songs we played!" Kirito cursed out. "You know what? I think it's really better if we call it a day and go home.And you will rest you hand over the weekend okay?" he looked at Aiji intently. "But...-" Aiji started. "No but's! It's over for today.Go home. We will try this again on Monday." A nod followed to this when Aiji packed his things and went outside the studio. Kirito sighed and wondered what's going on with the guitarist. He decided to give him a visit later the day.

"Do you have an idea whats going on with him?" Kohta asked Takeo curiously but he just got a shrug and a worried look as a response. "Jun..? You don't seem to feel good today too huh?" the bassist asked the silent figur who was packing his things up as well by now. Jun looked up for a moment "..Huh?..ah no i'm alright...don't worry" he smiled slightly,finished packing and left them with a short "..bye..". " I really wonder whats up with those two..." Kohta mumbled as a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Don't worry... Whatever is with those i think they can handle it themselves hm? " the drummer said and both soon left the studio as well.

Aiji again threw his things carelessly into a corner and laid down on the couch, tears falling down his cheeks. Damn...Did he even look at me? What was he thinking about? Does he really hate me now? He looked at his injured hand and sighed. Closing his eyes he tried to relax a little,which was difficult at this kind of situation now.

He nearly fell asleep when he heard someone konocking at the door.After some moments of knocking,he got up,grumbling,knowing this person won't give up at all.

As he opened the door he found a slightly annoyed Kirito whose eyes immedeately filled up with concern when he looked at Aiji's form.His friend still looked exhausted but it was worse than during their practice this morning. He...cried? Kirito thought to himself when he looked closer into Aiji's face.The taller man's eyes were all red and still had this slightly pained look on his face. "What do you want..?" Aiji asked quietly."Uhm.. May i come in?" the vocalist asked after a while.Aiji sighed and went away from the door making his way to the kitchen. "Want something to drink?" Kirito came in and closed the door after him and answered "No thanks.." The guitarist shrugged and went to get himself a beer before he got back to sit on the couch where Kirito is already seated.

"So what's going on..?" Aiji asked tiredly.The other watched him for a while before he spoke up "I could also ask YOU that." he started."What happened? Why were you acting like that during practice? Everyone could see that something was bothering you..or maybe it's STILL bothering you. And whats with your hand?"Kirito watched him curiously for some moments until Aiji finally started to respond."It's nothing ok...?I have to handle that myself..." he just stared at the beer in his hand. "But it seems as if you can't handle alone..." his friend said calmly. "Kirito..this is none of your business okay? Just leave me alone...No one can help me with this..." he said sadly.Kirito sighed "Whatever you want...I just want you to know that you can talk to me.That's what friends are for okay?" Aiji looked at him now with wonder in his eyes. He never said anything like that before... why is he so friendly? "Thank you.." he murmured "But believe me..i have to handle this on my own..." he finished. The older one gave a nod as response and stood up. "I guess I should leave you alone then.Just don't forget that i'm there and you can talk with me okay?" Aiji nodded,wondering about Kirito's behavior again as the latter went to door and left after telling him in his usual "leader" voice "And watch your hand! Don't you dare come to practise on monday if you still can't play!". Now he's back to the old Kirito again... he smiled to himself and shook his head before laying down,thinking about his situation once again.

An hour later Aiji heard the phone ring.After fighting with himself he finally got up and answered it. "...Moshi moshi?" "Uhm.. Aiji? This is Jun..." He immedeately frooze at hearing that voice Jun!! What does he want? Will he tell me he hate me now? After a while of thinking to himself he heard Jun speaking up again "...Aiji?..Are you still there?" He sounded worried. "Oh..ehm yes.. still here..sorry...Uhm are you okay?" Aiji asked,shaky. "Eh..hai..i guess so.. Eto.. i wanted to ask.. if we could meet..now..?" He probably wants to shout right into my face that he hates me he thought and answered "Ano..sure... ehm..shall i come... over?" he winces slightly at the thought of what happened the last time he went to Jun's. "..okay..when..will you be here?" Jun asked on the other line. "Uhm.. in about .. 10 minutes..okay?" "Hai..okay.. uhm.. see you then ne..." was the answer before he heard the other hanging up. Aiji sat there for some moments trying to imagine what could happen if he will go to Jun's, but finally got himself up from the couch changing his clothes and leaving his place to drive to Jun's.

When he was standing in front of Jun's door he hesitated at first but then put up all his courage to knock at the door.It took just a second until the other opened the door,and both just looked at each other for a while before Jun finally let him in and motioned for him to sit down on his couch.Aiji fumbled with his hands when he remembered that "it" started here."Want something to drink?" Jun asked nervously "Uhm... tea...that would be nice.." No beer... Who knows what will happen then... Aiji thought to himself when Jun disappeard into the kitchen to make some tea.

Some minutes later they were both sitting on the couch drinking.No one said a word.They sat there in silence until Aiji whispered "I'm sorry... for .. what happened..".This made Jun look at him for a moment before he put the cup of tea away,stood up again,went to the window and looked outside. "This was not what I hoped you would say... " he whispered and Aiji could hear the sadness in Jun's voice.He looked at him in shock. "W..wh..what? What is this...supposed to mean?" The man who stole his heart now looked at him again,with tears in his eyes. "I thought..maybe he wouldn't feel sorry..about this..night..Cause..i don't..." he said as tears fall down his cheeks,and he moved back to look out of the window. This..can't be true... Does that mean..? Does he maybe..? Aiji thought for a moment before he stood up as well and slowly went beside Jun. "Jun... what... "

"I love you..." Jun looked at him again,the tears still falling. "I love you since I first met you... and yes this night maybe was a mistake.. but I don't regret it...I won't ever" he said and tried to go away,crying. Oh my god...This can't be true... Is this a dream???? He decided that this time he would actually DO something instead of thinking all the time.Jun was stopped by a hand that was now holding his.He didn't dare to look up into Aiji's eyes until he heard him softly saying,almost whispering "I .. didn't know... I hoped this would happen.. but.. I didn't think.. you would feel the same.. " Looking up Jun saw that Aiji was crying. "Jun I'm sorry... If this really is true... I..god.. I love you too..." The last words where merely above a whisper,his hands were shaking slightly,the tears sliding down his cheeks. Jun stared at him for a while until he realized what Aiji just told him. "..Aiji..?"

The next thing the taller one felt where Jun's arms around his shoulder,hugging him tightly.They just stood there holding each other. If this is a dream..No this can't be just a dream.. It feels so real.. and so right... Suddenly Jun pulled away wiping away his tears before looking at Aiji shyly. " You know.. the tea... gets cold " he smiled and blushed a little. When he wanted to go back to the couch Aiji once again held him in place with his arms around his waist.The shorter one turned around a little surprised and met an smiling Aiji who leaned forward a little so his face was just inches away.Biting his lip the taller man hesitated at first,not sure if he should continue when suddenly Jun moved forward to meet his lips in a shy kiss.Smiling inwardly Aiji happily answered the kiss,deepening it a little before he broke away to look at Jun who was blushing deeply now. "We could.. also.. ehm.. we could... if you want to.. maybe.. ehm.. do what we.. eh.. did.. this one..night..? " When Jun saw Aiji looking surprised he stumbled with his words " ehm.. i mean..you dun have to.. I ..just.. eto..-" Aiji cut him off with another gentle kiss. "Are you sure?" he asked when they broke apart.Jun nodded shyly "I mean.. we're not drunk this time.. so... " He blushed even more which made his friend chuckle slightly "You're cute when you're blushing you know that?" "Ack Aiji! Stop it.." the letter giggled and blushed more if this was even possible.This is much better then a dream Aiji thought to himself when he took Jun's hand smiling,leading them both to the bedroom.

"WTF! Where are they! " Kirito was getting angry again.Kohta just shook his head and sighed "Hey onii..they're just 15 minutes too late.." His brother just growled back "Fifteen minutes is already too much!!!!!" It made Kohta whince slightly "Oi calm down...". Takeo watched the scene calmly "Kohta is right... I bet they will come right through this door the next moment" "I hope so for their own sake." Kirito grumbled when suddenly the door flew open and their missing guitarists made their way into the studio."Oh fine! There you are! Then we can start fina...--????.." the vocalist nearly yelled at them but stopped at the sight of a shyly smiling Aiji and Jun,looking like a little child who regretted doing a mistake. "Eh... did you two work things out?" he asked curiously, looking back and forth between both men,noticing them standing closer together. "At least it seems so.." he added and got a nod from Jun and a smile from Aiji as a response.

Suddenly Kirito smiled which made Kohta and Takeo wonder."Then let's start practise" the vocalist said calmly.The guitarists made their way to their guitar stands while Takeo and Kohta again exchanged looks before getting ready as well.

After practise Kirito told Aiji to come up to him. "Ne..so your problem had to do something with a special guitarist I think?" The younger one could just stare dumbfounded at him while he continued "Hey so you think i didn't notice how you always looked at him? I kind of guessed that there was something beyond friendship... And it seemed that this one night something happened because you two were acting really strange then. But now you're both happy again.. So?" Aiji was still staring at him. "But.. how..I.." Kirito just smiled and said "Do you really think I would just live for the music? Hell,i have eyes! And i'm not stupid so i put two and two together" The fellow guitarist nodded slightly "I just thought if someone, then Takeo would be the first to notice..." His friend chuckled "Uhm.. I guess he's kind of busy with his own love life" which made Aiji laugh slightly in response. "Now go...i guess you and Jun want some time alone hm? " The other rolled his eyes smiling and went away to pack up his things and join a curious Jun at the door.

Outside,Jun curiously asked Aiji about his converstaion with Kirito "Ne.. what was this all about?" The taller man just smiled and put an arm around Jun's shoulder "He knew about our feelings for each other since the beginning.He kind of watched us from the background i think... and not just us... " he thought for a while. The smaller guitarist raised his eyebrow "Sounds like Takeo... but.. " Aiji laughed slightly "Yeah,thats unusual for Kirito..." he started.Both were now standing in front of Aiji's car."But somehow i have the feeling that he paid less attention to his own life all the time... " Jun nodded, deep in thoughts,until Aiji spoke up again "Don't worry about it now JunJun" he said. "I know Kiricho will find his own luck soon...else we have to help him." Both chuckled slightly until Jun asked shyly "And...what will we do now?" Aiji shrugged "Anything you want to..". The smaller man blushed slightly when he answered almost in a whisper "I don't mind... As long as you're with me" which made Aiji smile and look at him. "You know what?" he said,wrapping his arms around Jun tightly placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm glad that this one night.. that this happened..." Jun could just blush more when he hid his face in Aiji's neck,mumbling "Same with me.." Same with me...



Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (3)

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Von:  Sini_x3
2009-03-14T23:32:49+00:00 15.03.2009 00:32
*big smile*
tatsächlich! Du kannst dich wiklich übertreffen >///>
haach, ich liebe deine FFs!
Die sind sooo toll *______*

schreibst du noch mehr???

und ich bin jezt NOCH stärker für Jun x Aiji
*new favorite pairing*

weiter sooo~!
Von:  Astharte
2007-10-03T14:44:34+00:00 03.10.2007 16:44
da mir deine eine FF gefiel, hab ich diese natürlich gleich hinter her gelesen. höhö
diese gefällt mir auch besser. eben dramatischer. ^-^
total genial! ^-^d
Von: abgemeldet
2005-11-19T20:19:22+00:00 19.11.2005 21:19
du weißt ja was ich von der FF halte... LOVE!!!!

verbreitet das aijixJun fandom!!!!
