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Gone with the sin...

~the beauty of death~


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Disclaimer: Same as always, the characters are not mine but Kishimoto-sama's, even if I'd like it to be different. I don't make any money with this and stuff...*yawns* you know the rest ;X

A/N: We~~ll I was bored ._.

and somehow it bugged me that it ended just there ^^*

and I got inspiration from finally reading the manga XD (yeah, I only knew the anime up until now believe it or not :P)

hmph... I guess I didn't get Sasuke to be the same kinda Sasuke as in the first chapter :/

Imagine someone being OOC of his own OOCish Sasuke .___.

But yeah... I can do even that X3

I hope you enjoy it all nonetheless, and if, review please ;X

'Cause I'm a review-whore and I admit it, ye know? XD


They found us the next morning...or was it evening already?

I couldn't really tell how much time had passed.

I sat there, hour after hour, holding your cold hand, the dried blood sticky between our fingers, as if it was glueing our hands together, so I would not leave you.

I wouldn't have, if they hadn't come.

I gazed at your smiling face, a smile, frozen in the moment of your death.

You knew that I'd accept your decision, yes, but did you also know, how much pain it'd cause me?

I know, if I told you, if I made clear how unbearable life would become without you, you'd have stayed.

You'd have stayed in your personal little hell...but... you also didn't know that I loved you enough to get rid of my selfishness. I didn't want to be an obstacle in your way, the way which lead out of hell...

Sakura had been worried about us... she came to your apartment and found the door unlocked, but no one answered, as she called your name.

I should have called out to her, no?

I know you would have wanted me to tell her not to come in... to not let her see you in this state.

But I was too absorbed in my own thoughts, in my own pain, to save her the sight of your lifeless body, drenched in your own blood.

Her scream penetrated through the wall that had begun to form between us and the rest of the world, so I looked up to that strange person who intruded.


My words were barely audible. And even if I had screamed like her, I doubt she would have heard me in her state of shock.

But her voice had attracted others... more people to disturb us...

They tried to talk to me, tried to convince me that I had to let go, I stood, I don't remember if it was me or them who brought me to my feet, but my eyes were still fixed on your lithe body, the lifeless shell, that was once you.

I had to say goodbye, ne?

You would have wanted me to do it properly, so... to everyones surprise I bent down a little, pressed my lips to your unnaturally cold forehead and whispered my last words to my love.

I think Kakashi heard me... Tsunade as well... she had been called, you know.

At least that's what I concluded from the renewed shock, showing on their face... that the cold bastard who left you once, even almost killed you, would say that he loves you, must have really been a big surprise.

After they had dragged me off, Tsunade interrogated me about what happened.

I thought it was pretty obvious, but perhaps they thought that I had killed you?

I don't know... doesn't really matter, ne?

But I answered their question, telling them the obvious, that you couldn't bear it anymore, all those glances, the hatred, the gossiping... that you had found a way out of it, as they can see.

Sakura and Kakashi were there as well, getting all sad because of my words...why you hadn't talked to them, if it was so unbearable, why hadn't you confided in them?

In the end Sakura asked me, when I had found you, why I hadn't called anyone...

Looking at me with her eyes that couldn't even see through your fake smiles...

She annoyed me to no end... I gave her a blank stare, and my lips quietly formed my answer.

I had been there from the beginning...I had watched the blood flow from the cuts... I had watched your breast, the breaths getting shallower and shallower, and I had given you the last kiss we ever shared, that I had thought, that even in pain...or perhaps especially in pain, you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Their eyes grew wider as they listened in horror. Sakura, Tsunade...even Kakashi began to tremble, rage surging through them like wildfires.

And Sakura actually hit me with her inhumane strength. I didn't dodge her... I thought it a less than appropriate punishment for my failure... I had failed you, failed to give you strength and happiness.

Your funeral was quiet and I earned more than just a few hateful glances.

And at first I wanted to follow you. I never imagined it to be so difficult...living on without you I mean.

But... in the end I accepted it as my punishment.

I punish myself with living on. Or at least with not finishing me off myself.

Every day without you is... painful to say the least.

It could end soon, though.

Itachi is near Konoha and without you, I have no reason to not be the avenger. I will face him, and perhaps I'll come back...

I don't know...

Just wanted to say goodbye in case I don't, 'cause I won't be going to the same place as you. I carry so much guilt, I'll surely go to hell with my brother...

And I just can't believe that you're there, as well...


tja~~ wie oben shcon gesagt, war mir einfach langweilig, ich hatte ein zwietes Kapitel nie geplant O-o

da isses aber nun XD

Ich bitte darum Tempus-Fehler geflissentlich zu ignorieren.

Und auhc wenn diese Fic auf Englisch geschrieben wurde, dürft ihr auch gerne auf Deutshc kommentieren ^^

und vielen vielen dank misha_hiroshima für den Kommentar, hat mich sehr gefreut, dass hier jemand trotz der Sprach-Wahl gelesen und mir nen Kommi dagelassen hat :3 (hoffe du kriegst das auch zu sehn O-o)


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  IwaizumiHajime
2007-12-14T13:58:03+00:00 14.12.2007 14:58
das war so traurig*heul*
Von:  misha_hiroshima
2006-07-20T16:40:40+00:00 20.07.2006 18:40
oh *snief* eine midmung ;x; *gerührt desu*
ehrlich gesagt isses mir im vorbei gucken aufgefallen das du ein 2. Kappi draußen hast...aber es ist genau so genail wie das erste T^T!!!
Naruto~ 8>x<8!!!!! *heul* wie kannst du nur gehen T-T?!
naja hoffe du veröffentlichst noch mehr FF's die ich lesen kann X3
byby udn hdlgdl Misha
