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Cocoknight Daniel

Collab zwischen Sara und moi ^^


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Chapter 1

Title: Cocoknight Daniel

Summary: Our boys in the Middle-Ages

Disclaimer: We don't know any former member of Savage Garden, or anyone connected to them. This is FICTION. It never happened... (as far as we know...;) NO Harm is intended.

Pairing: D+D

Genre: Romance and LOTS of stupid ideas...

Rating: will get to R

Chapters: 1/3

A Snuggle Bunny and Love Ducky production

Cocoknight Daniel

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away - actually it was Australia, but don't tell, shhh - Sir Daniel the third Knight of 'alternative lifestyles', also known as 'Rainbow'-Knights, was travelling over the lands, followed by his faithful companion, Squire Ben.

It was a sunny spring day in the year of - insert middle-age year date here - flowers were blooming, birds chirping and the fluffy little white and black sheep were grassing peacefully on the fields, not knowing what awaited them...

Suddenly the peaceful scenery was disturbed, birds flying up from the trees, and the sheep stopped grassing, shying away from the old wooden fence, that separated the field from the dusty road.

The sound that had caused them such distress just came nearer and nearer, only rising and rising in volume, torturing the poor animals that couldn't escape.

'Still sleeping, handsome knight?

Awake! Awake! Take flight!

A bird in all its finery

warns us from the linden tree.

'I slept gently in your arm,

and now, sweetheart, you give the alarm;

but love must have its sorrow too,

what you command I'll quickly do.'

The sire then began to moan,

'You ride and leave me alone.

When will you ever return to me?

With you my joys and pleasures flee.'

And following this song, still mourning the loss of his beloved horse, Brunhilde (mind you, it was a stallion), our hero enters the scenery - by foot! - followed by Squire Ben, who walked behind his master, his fingers effectively blocking the slightly off key ballad of his Lord from reaching his ears.

The song ended and Daniel came to a halt, breathing in the fresh spring air, being amazed by the beauty of nature surrounding him, suddenly overtaken by the urge to share his feelings of joy with someone.

"A beautiful day, isn't it my dear squire?" Knight Daniel asked, gracefully walking over to the old wooden fence, leaning onto it, letting his eyes roam over the land, and the sheep of course. "How lucky one would be to have someone to share it with."

"Yes, my Lord." Ben gasped, beneath the weight of their small but heavy luggage he had been carrying on his shoulders. He dragged himself, and the luggage, over to where Daniel stood, and watched as the young knight now turned his attention to one poor sheep that had been a little too curious, coming within his reach.

He grabbed the sheep's head, looking deep into its fearful brown eyes.

"Is this the life of a knight? Travelling the land alone..."

Somewhere behind him Ben cleared his throat, which Daniel blissfully ignored.

"...saving beautiful maidens in need from Barbarians and monsters, but never finding peace for his seeking heart. Oh love, where are thou'?" he asked the poor sheep, which could only answer with an unknowing 'Baaa', looking helplessly at Ben.

"Uhm... My Lord," Ben said in a soft voice. "I don't think this sheep can return, or even understand, your affection."

"Oh," Daniel answered, looking down at the sheep, then at his squire, then back at the sheep before letting go of the animal, which fled back to its flock.

"As always, you're right my dear Ben," he said with a smile, dusting his hands off on his screaming violet travelling pants. He straightened up, glancing at the sun, happy that he only wore his light travelling armour - the latest fashion of course. He shadowed his eyes with a hand, gazing towards the horizon, spotting a city surrounded by a high rampart.

"Oh look, Ben, it seems Lady Luck has not left me completely. There's a town only a two hour walk from here!" Daniel exclaimed, bouncing off the fence and back onto the road.

"Two hours?!" Ben wailed, looking at the heavy luggage he had put down while Daniel had held his speech to the walking ball of black wool.

Daniel ignored him once more.

"Hopefully the tavern is good enough for a knight of my standards. I could use a hot bath, I haven't had one since yesterday..." he mumbled the last sentence to himself, not noticing as Ben made a face at the thought of bathing more then once a month. "And of course a soft bed for me to sleep in, and a hot meal and some wine," Daniel continued now switching back into 'speech'-mode.

"Of course," Ben rolled his eyes, having heard it all many times before. Ben shouldered their luggage again as Daniel raised one arm into the air, signalling that their walk could continue.


The city gates came in sight, just as the sun sank in the sky, painting everything in pink and orange light.

"Stop my faithful squire," Daniel ordered, Ben almost stumbling into him as his Lord stopped dead in his tracks. "We're going to make an appearance." Daniel turned around and smiled, raising one hand into the air once again, pointing at the sundown.

"Hoist the flag!"

"Yes Sire," Ben mumbled under his breath, pulling out a square piece of rainbow-colour fabric that was tied to a little stick.

They walked through the impressive gates, Ben holding the 'flag' high up into the air, Daniel leading with his nose in the air and his pink cape blowing behind him in the evening breeze.

Grabbing the first pretty male in sight and pulling him close (and if we say close, we mean CLOSE), he asked for the town's best tavern and the direction in which it lay. The poor individual tried to get away from Daniel, crossing his fingers to avoid evil while stuttering out the answer.

"Thank you, my good sire, I shall reward you greatly for sharing such important knowledge with me, a mere Rainbow-Knight." Daniel babbled while Ben stood patiently waiting, as always.

The man waved his arms in weak defence, trying his best to scramble away, gasping: "Oh no, that's not necessary, not at all!" He crawled away on all fours.

"Oh what friendly people in this town. I think I like it here," Daniel said, starting in the direction he had just been given, Ben following him, shaking his head.


They reached the town square and Ben kissed his Lord's back for the second time that day, when Daniel decided to stop again without warning.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" he all but screamed, pointing to the centre of the square. "A maiden in distress!"

Ben followed his gaze and looked closely before turning to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm, Sire, if I may remark on that statement: that is not a maiden. So this time your eyes must have been deceiving you..." he trailed off as he could see the fire burning in his Lords eyes.

"Not a maiden you say? Well, that's even better." Daniel raised his arm yet again, pointing up into the darkening sky. "Fear not, for this knight will come to your rescue," he screamed, startling everybody near him.

"Ben, the coconuts!"

"Yes Sire!" Ben was smiling now as he pulled out a coconut shell, split in half.

"A gallop please." Daniel requested as he positioned himself.

...And Ben began clapping a rhythm with the coconut shells, gallop like, as he followed his master who bounced across the square, towards his 'maiden' in need.

And that our dear readers, was how he had earned his second name: "Daniel, the 'Cocoknight'"...


"Stop this instant! I ORDER you!" Daniel shouted.

He heard the sound of the most beautiful voice raised in panic, but like music to his ears it was.

"No! Get that thing away from my precious butt!"

Fighting his way through a group of people, Daniel could finally get a closer look on the owner of that incredible voice. His heart skipped a beat as he felt it overflow with love for the poor, helpless 'maiden'.

But actually, as you may remember, it wasn't a maiden at all.

Daniels eyes fell upon a curtain of silky black hair that framed a face, painted in the colour of anger, saw blue eyes surrounded by long lashes, blue eyes that were brimming with rage, he saw delicate pale hands restrained by the pillory's hard wooden grasp, that also held a fine neck in place.

And then his eyes travelled even further down, coming to rest on the most perfect shaped backside he had ever seen in his entire life - and mind you, he had seen a lot - that caused another part of our knight's body to wake.

Daniel was ripped out of his dreams as a mean, straight looking guy stepped up behind the beauty bound beneath him, bringing a hot, glowing poker a little too near to the before mentioned backside.

Ripping his sword out of its sheath, Daniel jumped onto that little 'stage' that had been built up on the square.

"Stand back off or step up and fight like a real man you straight weakling!" he screamed challenging the man with the poker, placing himself between the poker and the backside. The man watched as Daniel waved the sword around in front of his eyes, wondering if he was ever going to strike something with that 'toothpick'.

Somewhere behind them, someone was suddenly strumming a lute, and a soft melody could be heard.

Daniel looked over his shoulder, smiling at his squire.

"Thank you, Ben."

And then he began to sing.


A few heartbeats later, the square was all but deserted, the only living souls left were, Daniel himself, his faithful squire Ben, and the beautiful stranger that couldn't flee. A beautiful stranger that was by now, quietly whimpering, begging Daniel to stop and spare his poor eardrums from anymore torture.

Daniel stopped his song and walked over to where the mean, straight looking man had left the hot poker. He picked it up, frowning, looking at the letters ...

"G - A - Y"

...he read aloud, before dropping it in disgust.

"How tacky," he mumbled and moved over to the beautiful stranger whose backside he'd just saved.

"Fear not, for this knight just saved you!" Daniel said proudly and stood before the captured beauty.

Eyes looked up to him, the anger still burning within the blue orbs.

"Oh really?" he pressed out between clenched teeth while waving his still bound hands. "Somehow I don't feel very safe."

"Hold on a second, I will free you in an instant. BEN!!" he addressed his squire.

"Yeah, yeah, coming..." was the slightly annoyed reply.

A few moments later, the stranger was frantically pulling up his pants while Daniel watched, open mouthed.

"What are you staring at?" the black haired beauty hissed at our gaping knight.

"Just at the beauty the Lord gifted you with. It would have been a shame to see those fine curves," he nodded towards Darren's backside. "branded by such a foul word... Not that there's anything with being ga-"

"You be silent!" the beauty screamed before turning on his heels and storming off.

"Wait my fair one, I will escort you home, for it will not be safe for you to wander these streets alone," he shouted before turning back to his squire Ben. "You bring our luggage to the tavern and make sure to have a warm meal and a bath ready when I return... which might be late," he added in a hopeful tone, with wiggling eyebrows.

"As you wish, Sire," Ben nodded.

With that Daniel turned around, finding that his beauty had already run off, but could still be seen not far down the street.

"Wait," he shouted. "I don't even know your name!"

That only made the black haired one quicken his steps and Daniel followed quickly gaining on him.




Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2004-12-17T18:19:14+00:00 17.12.2004 19:19
Hab ja schon sehnsüchtig auf dein versprochenes neues Werk gewartet und ich find's wie immer urkomisch! Allein die Vorstellung Dannyboy in grellfarbenen Klamotten und Strumpfhosen... Will auf jeden Fall wissen, wie's weitergeht, schreib also büdde büdde büdde büdde gaaaaaanz schnell weiter! Büdde!
Von: abgemeldet
2004-11-29T06:31:44+00:00 29.11.2004 07:31
hey!!!! ma kuuuuhl!!!! ^.^
warum hast'n mir schon wieder nix gsagt, dass du a neue story hochgladen hast!!! ;) die wiedermal perfekt! Vorallem der arme Darren XD ich möcht unbedigt wissen wie's wietergeht!!!
warum san da eigentlich noch keine Kommentare???
<.< >.> <.<
wahrscheinlich können die leute alle kein English... -.-

