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Homeward Bound


Chapter 10: Homeward Bound

They arrive the next day at Orb. After landing, they are met by a group of people. A blonde woman dressed in a blue and white uniform comes up to April, clasping her hand. “It’s good to see you again, April.” A young man comes up behind Cagalli, nodding a greeting to the group.

April smiles and nods, clasping the woman’s hand in return. “Good to see you too, Cagalli. I wish it were under better circumstances.”

Cagalli nods. “So do I. But it seems that peace never lasts long, does it?” April shakes her head. “Why don’t we go where we can talk and let they others get comfortable?” Cagalli asks, nodding towards the other crew members.

April nods. “I would like Saber to come with us though.” She says as she nods towards Saber. “He is an adviser to me on certain matters.”

Cagalli looks towards Saber and nods, then nods towards Athrun, “I want you in on this too, Athrun.”

“Saber, you come with us.” He nods and April turns to the rest of the group just as a young man, accompanied by a young woman with long pink hair walks up to the group, “So, the visitors have arrived?” the woman states.

“Yes.” Athrun states. “We have some things to discuss, would you and Kira mind showing our guests around?”

The woman smiles. “Not at all. We’d be glad to.” She turns towards the group. “Please, follow us.”

“You look familiar to me…but I can’t place you” Fireball states, speaking to the woman.

She smiles. “My name is Lacus Clyne.” She nods to the man beside her. “This is Kira Yamato.” Kira nods to the group.

Fireball thinks for a minute. “You’re a singer, aren’t you?”

Lacus nods. “I was. Now I help where I can to try and keep the peace.”

Fireball nods. “I think I remember hearing you at a few of the races I’ve been in…it’s been a while though.”

“Shall we go now?” Kira says.

Lacus nods. “Let’s go. We will show you to a place where you can rest, then go and find a place to sit and talk.” She and Kira lead the group off to their quarters.

Cagalli, April, Athrun, and Saber walk down to an office, and they all sit around a table.

“How is the project going? Did you get the other schematics I sent you?” April asks.

“Yes, I’ve had the scientists begin trying to incorporate some changes into the project. Athrun,” She nods to the soldier to her left, who nods to the group, “has suggested, such as making the Bismarck into four separate GUNDAM type units that can combine into either a ship, for transport, or as one large robot for extreme situations.”

“It sounds promising. Can we see it?” April asks.

“Well, you can see what it looks like so far. It’s not quite done yet, though it could be operational within the week.” Athrun says.

Cagalli nods in agreement. “We have our best people on this. It has allowed us to improve the GUNDAMS as well, so I am glad we have had a chance to work together on this project. I hope that maybe we can eventually attain peace for all of us.”

“We hope so too.” April states.

Cagalli nods and stands up, the others following suit. “This way, please.” She leads them through several corridors to what appears to be a dead end, then swipes a card in a crack in the wall. The wall slides open and she indicates for the group to follow her.

They enter a bunker type room where there several people in uniforms actively working. In the middle of the room are what appears to be a large ship and three GUNDAM type robots all hooked up to various computers.

“Impressive” Saber mutters to himself.

Cagalli nods. “This will be rather spectacular when it’s finished. I can’t wait to upgrade a few of our units with some of the changes we’ve done here.”

April nods. “They are quite impressive looking.”

Athrun and Cagalli take turns discussing the design process of the new unit, each giving their take on how they would change something as they went along to improve one thing or another. “Would you like to see a computer simulation of how they work?” Athrun asks.

April and Saber nod and Athrun leads them down into the bunker to an office type area. He sits down at a computer and begins typing rapidly. “Here we go.” He motions for them to come behind him to see the screen. “Each unit can be its own GUNDAM-type ship. They have their own weapons systems, and are piloted by one person. The largest unit is not a robot, but a support unit. It gathers information on enemy weapons and tries to figure the best mode of attack. It is also the navigational unit. If needed, the four ships can combine, like this” The screen shows the central unit becoming the head, arms and body, while two of the units form the legs, and one a rather large blaster type gun. “That is what we’ve dubbed as ‘battle phase’. Or, if you are just traveling between worlds, you can connect them like this” The screen first shows the separate units, then shows them combining to form what appears to be a normal transport ship. “We have dubbed this the ‘passive phase’.

“Rather impressive.” Saber says, obviously impressed. “It looks like a lot of good upgrades to this unit, April. I just hope things don’t get bad enough to have to use it.”

April nods. “So do I.” She turns to Athrun. “Thank you, Captain for showing us how the unit works and how it’s progressing. I have enjoyed working with your crew on this project.”

Athrun nods. “It has been an educational venture for us too, Ms. April. We have a lot of new information that will hopefully make our ships more maneuverable and hopefully save lives.”

Cagalli comes over to them. “We’ve been in here for quite some time. Should we go and check on your friends?”

April looks to Saber. “Do you want to leave now?”

“Why don’t you stay and rest for the night. That way, you are rested up in case of trouble on your way back to Calvary Command.” Cagalli offers. “We have more than enough room here, if you don’t mind barracks style housing.”

April laughs. “I’d feel at home then. I think I grew up in barracks my entire life.”

Saber smiles. “I suppose you make a point. The way this entire ordeal is, we should rest while we can.”

Athrun nods. “Then let’s go find the others.”

After some hunting, the group finds the rest of their crew and they all gather around talking until late. After everyone has discussed their lives, and similarities and difference, they eat, then head to their quarters. The next morning, they ready to depart for Calvary Command.

“Thank you, Cagalli for your hospitality. I hope our alliance is the beginning of a strong friendship between us.” April states as she takes the woman’s hand.

“As do I.” Cagalli says. “Do not hesitate to call us if you find yourselves in a bind. It was nice meeting everyone.”

Everyone nods and says their goodbyes, then they load up into their ships and take off for Calvary Command.

The Bismarck and GoLion crews arrive later at Calvary Command. They are met by Commander Eagle, Robin, and Josh.

“Colt!” Robin runs to him, wrapping her arms around him.

Colt leans into her and sighs relieved. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He turns to Josh, who is waiting quietly beside Robin. “You seem to have made out fairly well.”

Josh nods. “I hurt my arm when I was guiding some kids to the shelter. Something hit me. I’m not sure what. But I’m fine.”

Colt turns back to Robin, looking her over carefully. “Are you really okay?”

She nods. “I’ve got some bad bruises, but nothing too bad. I just have to move carefully.”

Colt nods satisfied and turns to the Commander, who is being thoroughly inspected by April. “Father, you should be resting. If the doctor says you have a mild concussion, then that means you need to take it easy!” She admonishes.

Colt and Fireball suppress the urge to laugh at the scene before them. Fireball shakes his head. “I may be sleeping alone for a few days.” He mumbles under his breath, getting a look of amusement from Colt.

After a few more minutes and introductions, the group moves inside to a meeting room and everyone sits down.

The Commander looks around the room then he begins, “We are into the clean up and rebuilding phases now. We found no other casualties, thankfully. We had a couple unaccounted for, but they were found alive. We still have a couple of people who are critically injured, but considering the amount of devastation, we are counting ourselves lucky.” He is met with several nods and he continues. “I have been notified by the English Federation Colonies that they wish to dedicate a memorial in honor of the victims of the ship that Senator Rider and others were on.” His gaze falls to Saber. “Those in charge of the ceremony would like for you to attend, if at all possible.”

Saber nods, closing his eyes for a moment, before looking up to meet the Commander’s gaze again. “Yes Sir.” He pauses, “When?”

“Two days from now.” The Commander replies. “That would mean you would need to leave tomorrow.” He adds.

Saber looks down in thought and sighs. “I know I have to go to this. I can take Steed and get there fairly quickly if I leave early tomorrow.” He answers quietly.

“I think all of the Bismarck crew should go. Your father was one of the biggest supporters of the project.” The Commander states as he looks to the other members of the crew. The others nod in agreement.

“We will all go with you, Saber.” Fireball says.

“I would however ask that you make one concession…” Commander Eagle adds. Everyone turns their attention back to him. “Leave the Bismarck here, in case we are attacked again. We have other Star Sheriffs that could fly it in the event of another attack. You did say that the ship had been updated, correct?”

Fireball nods. “Yes Sir. But how do you expect us to get there without our ship?” He asks.

“We have a few transport ships that are equipped with weapons in the event you are attacked.” He states. “My hope is that perhaps the GoLion crew could escort the ship to the colony.” He looks over to Keith and Fala who nod.

“We would gladly escort them, Sir.” Keith states. Fala nods her agreement.

The Commander nods. “Then let’s get your things unloaded from the Bismarck, and into the other ship.” He turns to the GoLion crew, “I can show you to some temporary quarters for the night. It’s not much right now, since we are in a bit of disarray.”

“It’s not a problem, Sir. We can manage almost anywhere.” Keith says.

Everyone is led to their quarters for the night and they gather after eating to talk about the upcoming journey in a common room. “So where are we staying once we get to the colony?” April asks.

“I figured everyone can stay at my family’s estate.” Saber replies quietly.

“Is there room for all of us there?” Fala asks.

Saber nods. “There’s more than enough room. My parents own a large estate.” He sighs. “I suppose it's my estate now.” He mutters to himself.

Fala comes over and places a hand on his shoulder. “At least you will have friends with you to support you. I know this will be hard, but perhaps after this, it will become easier.”

He nods slightly. “Thank you.” He mumbles quietly. “Sometimes I think the distance makes it easier to not think about…things.”

Fala nods. “I understand.” She goes and sits back down beside Keith.

“So, we leave after breakfast?” Fireball asks to no one in particular. Everyone nods. “Good. At least we have a plan.”

Colt looks over to Saber and asks quietly, “Would it be all right to take Robin and Josh with us to your place, Saber?”

Saber looks over and nods. “Yes it would be fine, Colt. I understand you wanting them closer to you right now. If something comes up, we can always leave them there temporarily. My family has people that live in and work to take care of the estate, since my parents were usually away a good portion of the time anyways. So they would be well cared for there.”

Colt nods. “Thank you.” He says quietly. He then stands up and heads towards the door. “I’m going to tell Robin and Josh to pack. We’ll be ready before breakfast.” Everyone nods. “Good night.” He heads out the door.

After Colt leaves, Fala turns to Saber, “That was nice of you to let them come, Saber.”

Saber shrugs. “If the situation were reversed, I think he would do the same. Besides, what I said is true. If there is more trouble here, they might be better off there than here.”

Fala nods. “You make a good point.”

Saber turns to Fireball, “I do plan to take Steed with us. I hope that will be all right.”

“Steed?” Keith asks.

“My mecha horse. I use it to get around when I don’t have a ship.” Saber answers.

“Now that I’d like to see.” Shorty says.

Fireball nods. “I don’t see where there would be a problem. He’s your horse.”

Saber nods. “I figured I should at least let you know.” He looks at the time. “It’s getting late. I think I will head to my quarters. I’ll see everyone at breakfast.” He stands up as others murmur good night, then leaves.

April sighs after the door closes. “I’m worried about him.” She says aloud to no one in particular. “He seems a bit more withdrawn.”

Fireball nods. “I thought he seemed a bit more…down. Maybe going home isn’t the best thing for him right now.”

“He has to go sometime, Fireball. He can’t just run away from it forever. I went to see him the other night and noticed a picture on his desk of him and Sincia. He seemed a bit more upset since then. I just hope this doesn’t overwhelm him. We need to be able to rely on him.” April says.

Keith nods. “I understand your concern, April, but I think after he’s home and gets through the ceremony and other formalities, maybe it will bring him some closure, and he will be able to move forward.”

“He’s been through a lot, and all of this is stressful enough without the emotional baggage he is dealing with on top of everything else. I thought he was doing well, all things considered.” Fala states.

“I suppose we shall see. I just don’t know what to expect. I’m not sure how I would feel if it were me going home for the first time after such a tragedy.” April says. “I wonder if he will go and see Sincia’s parents.” April thinks aloud.

“Who’s Sincia?” Fala asks.

“Oh, I guess you never knew her name…she was his fiancé, or was about to be when…” April replies.

“I see. I’m sure that would be really hard on him, and on her parents. Have they tried to contact him?” Fala says.

April shakes her head. “Not to my knowledge.” She looks at Fireball. “Have you heard of anyone trying to contact Saber?”

He shakes his head. “Not at all. I’m not sure what he could say to them if he did talk with them.”

“I just think we need to make a point of watching him, without it being too obvious. I don’t want to make things worse, but I saw how he seemed upset the other night, and I wanted to get him to talk more, but he just seemed to want to be alone.” She sighs, “He did promise that he would tell me if it got to be too much. I just hope that he’s telling me the truth.”

“I think he knows to be honest with us. He knows how much your father put on the line to get him to be able to work at all. I don’t think he would risk your father’s reputation, April.” Fireball says. “Although I know that you’re not really worried about how your father looks to the council right now. I know you’re just worried.”

April sighs. “I know I’m just over analyzing. I’d probably do it for you or Colt worse than I have for Saber.” She smirks. “I already know the two of you aren’t playing with a full deck.”

Fireball shakes his head. “Hey!” He feigns a hurt look and the others laugh. Soon he’s laughing too. He looks to the clock. “It’s really late. We had better try and get some rest while we can.” The others nod in agreement and they all head off to their rooms.

The next morning they all have breakfast and head off for the English Federation Colonies. Not much is said on the trip. They arrive without incident and are greeted by the dignitaries upon arrival. An older gentleman, presumably the leader of the group comes forward, greeting Saber, clasping his hand. “I am very sorry for your loss, Captain. We are grateful you are able to make it here. The ceremony will be held tomorrow at sunrise. Please get yourselves comfortable and meet us here in the morning. We have a van waiting for you to use to get around while you’re here.” The man nods to a lot not far from the landing area where a large van is waiting. “I think it should be sufficient to transport everyone. Let me know if you need anything else. I am Prime Minister Charles Collins.”

Saber shakes the man’s hand and nods. “We will, Sir. Thank You.” The Prime Minister releases his hand and turns back to the others behind him and they go off to conclude preparations. Saber turns to the group, “Shall we head to the estate then?” The others nod in agreement and they start towards the van. “I’m going to take Steed with us now.” He whistles and Steed comes out of the ship landing beside him.

“Now that is an awesome horse.” Shorty says astonished.

Saber turns to Fireball. “Can either you or April drive the van and follow me?”

Fireball nods. “I’ll drive.” They all load up and Saber mounts the horse and they leave towards his home.

About an hour later they arrive. An older gentleman with glasses comes out of the house and greets Saber as he dismounts. “Good to see you, Sir. I’m sorry that it is under such circumstances.”

Saber nods. “Good to see you too, Thomas. How’s Elaine doing?” Saber asks trying to sound upbeat and normal.

Thomas nods. “She’s doing well Sir. Thank you for your concern. We have kept everything in good order. We have rooms ready for you and your guests, as you requested. Dinner will be in a few hours. Probably close to six.” Saber nods, and Thomas signals to two younger boys to come out. “Take the luggage in for the guests and show them to their quarters.” The boys nod and start doing as directed, the others following the boys into their rooms. Thomas turns to Saber and says quietly. “I …I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about being in…” He pauses trying to think of how to say what he wants, “in your parent’s room, so I made sure your former room was in good order, Sir.”

“Thank you, Thomas.” He replies quietly. He turns and watches as the others head to see their rooms. “I suppose I should get my things into my room.” He sighs. “I’m going to take Steed out back, then I’ll be in.” Thomas nods and heads to gather more luggage to take in, and Saber heads around the back of the house with Steed, before going in and up to his room. When he arrives, he sees most of his things have already been place there, he starts going through his things when he hears a soft knock on his door. “Come in.”

An older woman appears in the doorway, she enters the room quietly, closing the door behind her. “How are you, Saber?” She asks quietly.

Saber nods slightly. “Hello, Elaine. I’m as well as can be expected, I suppose.” Elaine nods, watching him as he goes and sits on the foot of his bed and looks around. “How are you doing? Mother had said you had been sick or something recently.”

Elaine nods. “I’m better now, thank you.” She pauses, thinking.

Saber watches her curiously for a few minutes. “Something on your mind?”

Elaine shakes her head. “I was just trying to think of how to say something.” She sighs and pulls an envelope out of her apron, handing it to him carefully. “It’s from Sincia’s parents. It arrived yesterday. We’ve not opened it, since it’s addressed to you.”

He takes the envelope, looking at it carefully. He notices it’s dated a week before. Nervously, he turns the letter over to open it. Elaine turns for the door, and he looks up to her. “You don’t have to leave, Elaine.” He says quietly.

Elaine smiles. “You need time to yourself, Saber. Just call downstairs if you need me before supper.”

Saber nods and she leaves closing the door behind her, leaving him alone in the room. He turns his attention back to the letter in his hands. He slowly opens it and unfolds the letter. He looks down, noting her mother’s handwriting and begins reading:


Dearest Saber,

I can not begin to imagine how or what you are feeling right now. I have no idea of when or if you will ever receive this. I know that things may seem overwhelming and that you may feel that life is not worth living, but neither Sincia nor your parents would want you to feel that way. I am aware that your intentions were to marry our beautiful daughter. I regret that you will never get that chance. I know that you loved her and she you. She talked constantly of you and how proud she was of the job you were doing to protect our way of life. I know that your parents didn’t always agree with your choice of occupations, but she was glad that you held fast to your beliefs, and didn’t cave in just to please them. I am glad that she got to see you again before she was taken from our lives. At least I know she was happy and that she didn’t suffer. Things will get better with time. Your wounds will heal, as will ours. Just remember that the only thing she really wanted was for you to be happy. She was willing to leave here with you to do that. So the best way to honour her is continue living. Know that we love you like a son and we are here for you if you ever need anything. Thank you for coming into our lives.


Meredith March



Saber lays back on his bed, closing his eyes, the letter lying on his chest. He realizes he was crying, and didn’t even know it. Taking a deep breath he tries to relax again. He stays like that drifting slowly off to sleep. A few hours later, he is awakened by a knock at his door. He takes a deep breath and runs his hands over his face before sitting up and looking around. A second knock at the door jolts him back to reality. “Come in.” He folds the letter up, just as the door opens.

“Did I wake you?” April asks as she enters his room.

Saber nods slightly. “It’s all right. I need to get up. I didn’t mean to drift off anyways.”

April nods, studying him closely. “Are you okay, Saber?”

He shrugs. “I will be…eventually.” He says quietly, not meeting her gaze. “I suppose everyone is gathered down stairs and waiting for me?”

April smiles. “Yeah. We debated a bit before I was picked to come up here to check on you.”

Saber smiles weakly. “You got the short stick, eh?” He chuckles lightly. “I suppose I’d rather have you than Colt.” April laughs. “I’d almost be scared of what he’d do to wake me.”

April shakes her head and laughs. “No kidding. I’m sure he can be a bit…much. Although, I was going to just barge in if you didn’t answer after the second time I knocked.”

“Well, at least you would have only found me sleeping. I suppose we should get down there before they send a search party up for both of us.” Saber says dryly as he stands up, placing the letter on the writing desk along side of his bed.

April notices the letter, but says nothing, turning to go back out the door, “Come on.” She heads downstairs, Saber close behind her. Everyone looks up as they come down the stairs. “We’re back.” April states.

“I’m sorry. I fell asleep.” Saber says embarrassed.

Colt laughs. “At least you finally GOT some sleep, Saber.”

Saber nods and goes and sits down in a chair near the others. “Have you all had a chance to look around the grounds?” Several heads nod. “Good. Perhaps we can go out for a bit.” He looks at the clock. “Thomas said dinner wouldn’t be until six, so that gives us an hour or so.”

“Then let’s go. I’d like to look around a bit more.” Fala says as she stands up, the others slowly follow suit. They head out and explore the grounds, eventually having dinner and gather again in the common room after dinner to talk before slowly dispersing to bed.

The next morning, the group is up and dressed and they arrive at the location of the ceremony. Prime Minister Collins comes over to greet them. “I am glad you are all here. The ceremony will begin shortly.”

They stand around talking, a few other dignitaries come over to express condolences, before the ceremony begins. As everyone is getting into position, a woman slowly makes her way towards the group, stepping up behind Saber, she places her hand gently on his shoulder. “Hello, Saber. I'm glad you were able to make it.”

He turns and meets the woman's gaze, “Hello Meredith. It's good to see you.” He replies quietly. “How are you doing?”

She nods. “As good as I can expect. Some days are better than others, as I'm sure you know.” He nods. “When I saw you, I had to come over and see you.”

“I'm glad you did. I was not sure if you would welcome me or not, honestly.” Saber says quietly.

Meredith takes his hands, “Do not blame yourself for this and please don’t feel that we blame you. It is not your fault that this happened.” She pauses, “Sometimes fate is just cruel. All we can do is honor them by living. That is all I ask of you and of myself.” She leans over and kisses his cheek, then takes his hand. “Keep in touch with me, won't you?”

Saber leans over and kisses her cheek and nods, pulling her briefly into an embrace. “I will, as much as I am able.”

Meredith nods. “That is all I ask.” She pulls out of the embrace looking up to meet his face. “I'd better go back with the family. Take care of yourself.” She releases his hand, and turns heading back across the crowd.

Saber watches her leave, and sighs.

“Who was that, Saber?” April asks.

“Sincia's mother.” He says quietly.

“Oh.” April whispers. “She seemed glad to see you.” She says in a more normal tone.

Saber nods. “I think she was. To be honest, I wasn't sure how she would react to me being here...but she told me that we both need to move on. That if we stop living, then we aren't honoring their memories.” He pauses in thought before continuing, “I think she's right.”

Music begins and everyone turns their attention towards a stage that is set up at the head of the crowd as the ceremony begins.

A couple hours later, everyone arrives back at the Rider Estate.

“Well, it was a beautiful Ceremony, Saber.” Fala says as they gather in the sitting room.

Saber nods. “Yes, it was. But, I’m glad it’s over.” He says as he sits down into a chair. “I appreciate that all of you were willing to go along.”

April smiles at him. “It’s what friends do. I know if something happened to my Father, you would be there for me.” Saber nods. “Hopefully, we don’t have to test out that scenario.”

Fireball takes April’s hand. “We will do our best to prevent it.”

A few days pass peacefully. No news is looked at as good news by the group and everyone enjoys the break. They are all gathered together talking when Elaine enters the room to tell them that dinner is ready. They all get up and gather in the dining room, and begin eating after the dinner is presented. Elaine brings out dessert and she and Thomas take leave to eat their own meal. After dinner, everyone goes out to the back of the grounds, a few people take a horse and go exploring, Saber guiding them on Steed. April and Fireball sit around with Lance and Hothead, talking about plans for the upcoming days.

“I wish we could just stay here. It’s so relaxed.” Hothead says.

“You just like how well you’re being fed.” Lance quips, getting a glare from Hothead.

“I've not eaten this well since I left home.” he replies.

April laughs. “The food is great. I’m not used to eating so well.”

Fireball nods. “I agree. But then again being on the go so much, we don’t exactly have room to make anything like what we’ve eaten recently.”

“I wonder why Saber wanted to leave all of this behind and join up with Calvary Command?” April mused. “I’m not sure I would. I could see why he was considering moving back to be with Sincia though. All of this would have been theirs.”

A long silence ensues, “I’m not sure he would have been happy here though. I just can’t see him settling down and working behind a desk or something.” Fireball says to break the silence.

“Nor could I see him doing his Father’s job. He doesn’t have the patience for politics.” April states.

“He’s too…military minded for politics. Although, that might not be a bad combination to have.” Lance adds.

Suddenly, Saber comes racing back, followed by the others, looking rather serious. April looks up. “Is something wrong, Saber?”

He dismounts Steed and nods. “Calvary Command is under attack again. We need to leave as soon as possible.”

Colt helps Robin down from his horse and Josh comes up from out in the yard. “You two stay here. We have to go see if we can help.” Robin nods, tears forming. Colt kisses her lightly and turns to Josh. “Protect her.” He nods. He looks again to Robin. “I’ll be back as soon as I can be.”

She nods, blinking away the tears. “We’ll be here.”

The others are coming back out towards the group, bags in tow, Thomas and Elaine following along behind them. Saber looks to Thomas. “I leave them in your care. We will be back as soon as we are able.” Thomas nods.

Elaine hands a bag to Saber. “Be careful.”

He nods. “I will be.” He turns to the others as he mounts Steed, “Let’s go.” They all load up in the van and go to the hangar, piling into their ships and taking off.

“What happened, Saber?” Fireball asks once they’re in the air.

“Commander Eagle called my com-link. He tried yours, but said it didn’t connect. He said they are safe, for the moment, but that the ships could be back and that they need back up. There is a lot of damage, but since people were still evacuated to shelters, very few casualties.”

“So the Bismarck did its job then. I’m glad we left it for their protection.” Fireball says.

After a long pause Saber replies, “I’m reading through the report of the attack from Commander Eagle. The Bismarck and its crew were destroyed.”

“What?!” April, Colt, and Fireball scream at once.

“Saber, please tell me I heard you wrong.” Colt says.

“I’m afraid not, Colt.” He turns on the com-link. “Keith, come in.”

Keith appears on the screen. “I just read what you sent me. It’s not good.”

Saber shakes his head. “No it isn’t.”

“Saber, we need to go to Orb. Now.” April states firmly.

Saber looks her direction and nods. “Keith, we have to make a detour to Orb, can you head towards Calvary Command and assist them in any way you can?”

Keith nods. “Roger that. Be careful and call if you find trouble.”

“We will. Thank you. Bismarck out.” He closes the connection and turns to Fireball. “Set course for Orb.”

Fireball nods, punching in several keys. “Wouldn’t it just be faster to call them for help, instead of going there?”

“There is something we have to do there before we can get help.” April replies. “Trust us, please.”

Fireball starts to say something else, but stops himself and each person is left alone with their thoughts.

About an hour later, Saber opens up the com-link,” This is Captain Rider of the Bismarck crew calling Orb, come in.”

Athrun appears on the screen. “Captain Rider? Why aren’t you on the Bismarck? I’m reading that the ship you are on is a transport ship.”

Saber nods. “We left the Bismarck at Calvary Command. We were on my home colony when Calvary Command fell under attack.” Athrun nods. “The Bismarck was destroyed in the foray.”

Athrun looks shocked, then gaining his composure, looks serious. “What’s your ETA?”

Saber checks his computer, “Should be a half hour give or take.”

“We will be ready when you arrive. Orb out.” Athrun closes the connection.

Saber takes a deep breath, and looks to April, who is watching him closely. He nods that he is fine and looks to Fireball and Colt, both of whom are focused on their own thoughts. “We are entering Orb air space now.” He says as they descend and land.


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