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Unrequited Love



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Chapter 2

The next day, Dustfinger was woken by a soft voice calling his name. At first he had thought it was the voice of Roxanne, and that everything that had happened was just a bad dream. But as he opened his eyes, it was Sarah that was leaning over his bed, softly shaking him.

“Good Morning.” she said, as he opened his eyes, looking at her a little confused and still sleepy. Sarah had pulled her hair to a loose ponytail, making her look a little more serious then yesterday. She was wearing a white sweater and a pair of blue jeans. All in all a very beautiful and natural woman.

“Good Morning.” he answered, rubbing his eyes a little so he could see clearer. “What time is it?”

“10 a.m.” she answered, walking to the window and opening it. “The weather is a lot better today. Sunny and warm. Do you like the sun?”

Dustfinger starred at her for a few seconds, and the expression on his face was clearly asking: Why the hell do you want to know?

“I guess...” he answered. “Anything is better then rain.” It was the truth. The Rain made it impossible for him to play with the fire, his most favorite thing in this story and in the story he came from. Without the fire, he was nothing.

Sarah laughed, and then said “Well, I gotta go to work know. I left you some breakfast in the kitchen. Please feel free to use anything.”

Somehow, Sarah made him feel like a little child. Maybe because she was taking care of him like he was one, or maybe because he had the feeling that she didn’t take him very serious some times. Or maybe he was just still half asleep.

So all he did in response was nod, and she walked out of the room. He could here her grab keys, and then how she closed the door.

Silence fell over the house, making Dustfinger feel a little out of place. Whenever he was traveling and working, it was always loud. And when he was at Silvertounge’s Place, it too was always loud. In the silence, he felt lost.

So he quickly got up, realizing that he still had the clothes of Sarah’s Ex-boyfriend on. Where were his clothes?

It only took a few minutes for him to discover that they were laying next to his bed on a chair, neatly folded. By the look of them, Sarah had probably washed and ironed them.

Somehow he felt bad now. She had done so much for him, and he hadn’t done anything in return. He would have to make it up to her.

After a quick shower he slipped back into his clothes, and walked down into the kitchen were he ate the breakfast that Sarah had mad him.

‘Almost as if we were married’ he thought, but then shook his head. He and Sarah weren’t married, and as much as she reminded him of his wife, she wasn’t Roxanne. Maybe she was the Roxanne of this story. But she wasn’t his Roxanne.

After cleaning up the plate he grabbed his coat and walked back to the house the had left last night. After all there was still a wall that had to be fixed.

While he was walking he thought about how he should act. Maybe he should just act normal, as if nothing had happened. Maybe apologize to Meggie and Resa, and then just let it be. He couldn’t undo it anyway. No use to brood about it all day.

As he arrived at the house, he rung the doorbell, and it was soon opened. Resa looked at him, with a shy smile on her face. Dustfinger wondered if she was still scared.

“Hey. I came to fix the wall.” was all he said, and Resa let him in. He walked to the wall he had damaged yesterday, and nodded slightly. “I think I can do this.” Again Resa just nodded.

So, Dustfinger started fixing the wall. He had a lot of practice, and luckily Silvertounge had everything he needed in his basement. He hadn’t burnt the wall bad, so the damage was cursory.

He was just finishing it up as he heard a very familiar voice call his name.

“Dustfinger?” Farid asked, and looked at him. He still seemed insecure, as if he wasn’t completely sure that he had calmed down.

“Yes, Farid?” Dustfinger asked, looking at the boy. Again, he was captured by the unique beauty of the boy. The dark skin, the big eyes, the long eyelashes... Farid seemed more like a prince then a thief. The author had clearly messed up the story.

“Are you... how are you feeling?” Farid asked, walking towards him, and taking a look at the wall. It looked like he was checking if the wall looked the way it did before, but Dustfinger knew that this wasn’t Farid’s intention. He just wanted to be close Dustfinger.

The blond man knew that Farid loved him, loved him a lot... but not in the way that he loved Farid. For the boy he was more like a father then anything else. In the past, when he and Farid had traveled together, whenever Farid was scared he had cuddled up to Dustfinger, searching comfort and security. Or every time when the fire hat bit him, Farid had sat next to him, staring at the wound as if trying to heal it with magic. The boy cared for him a lot. And it pained Dustfinger, that he didn’t care about him in the same way as he cared about Farid.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I was so upset yesterday.” Dustfinger replied, looking at the boy with an almost sorrowful expression on his face. Farid was so near and so far at the same time. He could smell the boys scent, feel the warmth of his body close to his. It was torture.

Farid looked up, straight into his face. He always had the feeling the boy was trying to read his mind when he starred at him like that, with a searching expression on his face. Luckily, he couldn’t find out what Dustfinger thought. It would probably send him into shock.

Then, without a warning, Farid hugged him. Surprised, Dustfinger just stood there a few seconds. Finally realizing, he laid his arms around Farid and pulled him into a tight embrace.

Dustfinger cherished these rare moments when he could be close to Farid like this. They didn’t hug often, because Farid knew that Dustfinger didn’t like hugs. In the beginning Dustfinger really hadn’t liked hugs, but now every hug of the boy made him feel like he was in heaven.

But he always waited for Farid to hug him. He had to. He couldn’t allow himself to touch the boy, because once he started, he wasn’t sure if he could stop. He had to keep his self-control, and by not touching him, he did.

Farid’s hands were on his back, gripping his shirt. Why was he holding on so hard? Why was he pressing his face to Dustfinger’s chest? Something was wrong with the boy. But he couldn’t bring himself to ask. Because if he did, Farid might let go. And that was the last thing he wanted to happen. He wanted to hold Farid in his arms forever, and never let him go. He was an egoist, and he should be ashamed of himself, he knew it. But he couldn’t make himself ask. He just couldn’t.

Was it Farid’s heart or his own that was pounding so loudly that he could hear it? Dustfinger looked down at the boy. He had hidden his face , and all he could see was the long dark hair.

Slowly he lowered his head to the boys head, and planted a soft kiss on his hair. Eagerly he breathed in the sweet scent of the boy, burning it into his memory so he would never forget it. Not that he would ever be able to. But he had to enjoy this moment to the fullest, get everything out of it that he could. Who knew when he would be this close to Farid again?

Softly he stroked the boys hair, watching as he pressed himself up against him even harder. Never had Farid done anything like this, and Dustfinger was worried.

Finally he took a deep breath and then asked “Farid, is everything okay? Are you feeling sick?”

Farid just shook his head, still holding on to Dustfinger as if his life depended on it. Something was very, very wrong.

Softly Dustfinger stroked his back, just comforting him. He had never been good at comforting people and most of the time he ran away from people who needed it. But for Farid, he wanted to give his best.

The boy stood there for few minutes, just holding on to him, and then slowly moved out of the embrace.

“I’m sorry...” he muttered, not looking at the taller mans face. “I...” he stopped, and then just shook his head.

“What is it?” Dustfinger asked, his voice low and soothing. “You know you can always talk to me.”

Farid looked up at the man, sighted, and then mumbled “It’s just that I miss you a lot.”

Dustfinger looked down at him, and swallowed. It was too much.

Slowly, Dustfinger pulled Farid back to his chest, bent down to his ear and softly whispered “I miss you too...”

He could feel the boy shudder in his arms, and his heart started beating faster. He knew this was wrong, he knew he had to stop... but it felt so good, so right to have the boy so close. How could he ever let him go now, that he had said something so sweet, something that made his thoughts turn to smoke in his head?

Farid didn’t struggle, didn’t try to get away, but Dustfinger wasn’t surprised. He trusted him. Why would he push him away?

After a few seconds Dustfinger loosened his grip on the boy, but didn’t let him go either. He just pushed him away far enough so he could look into his face, and still hold him in an embrace.

Such a perfect face. Such beautiful, shining eyes. Such bewitching lips. Often Dustfinger had imagined how it would feel to kiss these perfect lips. Soft and warm he imagined them. Now, he wanted to find out if he was right.

The voice in his head screamed that he should stop, that he was insane even to think about kissing the boy right there were everybody could see. But Dustfinger didn’t care about rationality and what was right. The boy was worth any sin there was.

The confusion in the eyes of Farid was cute, sweet, making Dustfinger want to kiss him even more. Everything about the boy made him want to kiss him. He was totally and completely lost in him.

He lowered his face, inch by inch, slowly coming closer to the boys face, who’s eyes started to widen. Was he finally understanding what Dustfinger was about to do? He was only a few inches away from Farid now, the boy still didn’t move. Maybe he wanted it to? The thought crossed Dustfingers mind and was quickly gone.

No way Farid wanted to kiss him too. No way the boy was in love with him as insanely as Dustfinger was with him. He knew it. But even this didn’t make him stop.

He was close, so close to the person he loved, so close to finally kissing him, finally getting what he wanted most in this whole world. Only a little closer and he would make him his....!

“Dustfinger? Farid?” Dustfinger was startled by the voice that was calling them. Meggie.

Immediately he let go of the boy, jumped back, and starred at him with shock. The boy starred back with a similar expression, blinking twice.

Dustfinger could have shot himself right there and then. How could he be so stupid, so foolish?! WHY had he let himself loose control like a stupid, horny teenager? Had he gone mad? Had the loneliness made him insane?! There was no way that Farid would ever want to be in a room with him after this ever again.

Both of them didn’t move, didn’t speak. Neither of them dared to say the first word. Luckily they didn’t have to.

Meggie walked into the room, looked at both of them and then laughed “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Is something wrong?” She walked over to Farid, gave him a kiss and then looked at him.

“No, everything’s okay.” Dustfinger answered quickly. From all the people he didn’t want to know, Meggie was one of the Top 3. “Sorry we didn’t answer. What’s up?”

Meggie looked at Dustfinger and then smiled “Oh, Mo just wanted to know what you guy’s wanted to eat. He want’s to barbecue and bought ton’s of stuff to eat. All you’ve got to do is pick something.”

Dustfinger nodded, forcing himself to smile and said “Okay. So, where is the food so we can pick?”

“It’s already in the garden with Mo. Come on, I’ll bring you guys there.” she took Farid’s hand, who finally was looking close to normal again, and pulled him towards the garden.

Dustfinger stayed behind a few seconds, starring at the boys back. He could hear Meggie talk to him, and Farid responded as if nothing had happened.

It took Dustfinger minutes until he was ready to follow them. He had to force himself to stay on his feet, smile, and make it seem like nothing was wrong. He couldn’t let anybody know how he felt or what had happened. If he did, he would loose them, every single one, he was sure of that. And he would never be able to see Farid again.

So as he got to the garden, he started talking to Silvertounge, avoiding every contact with Farid. It was the only way not to burst out in tears over his own stupidity.

Only a few minutes later Sara joined them, and started talking to him. But Dustfinger wasn’t in the mood for small talk. He wasn’t in the mood for anything. And there was a valued reason.

Never had he felt so stupid and horrible before in his whole life.


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Von: abgemeldet
2009-05-09T23:18:57+00:00 10.05.2009 01:18
this is fucking beautiful - I totally shared DFs disappointement when Meggie came in : (
