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Forever Love



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The next morning a depressed moan escaped from the General’s mouth when he emptied his office mail box. A huge sepia coloured letter made an announcement:

“ 1st Shinra Dance

Saturday, 20th of September, 9 am, Shinra Aula;

Company required. Please wear appropriate clothing.“

He shot death glares at the letter, knowing he had to go there as one of the highest military officials. Shinra Dance. What an idiocy! But what worried him most wasn’t that he would have to dance (he was certainly a good dancer) or that he would have to wear a tuxedo in which he would certainly look so good that all the Shinra ladies would stare at him – it was the two little words “Company required.” . He didn’t want to ask one of that stupid Shinra chicks to be his company and he didn’t have that much private contacts.

With that familiar knock on the door an odd idea came to his mind. Could he ask her???

The General had been argueing with himself about that idea for the entire afternoon while Gabrielle tried to get some system into his paperwork.

He couldn’t really ask her to accompany him to the dance, could he? What if somebody would recognize her? But on the other hand, there weren’t that many females to choose upon. Actually there were none except her. And he needed company. What a vicious circle! What embarrassed him most was that he, the famous General, would have to ask a small girl with cadet rank to do him a favour. He smiled a crooked smile. No way out, Sephiroth!

The evening arrived soon and with it Gabrielle had done almost all the rough work. She put on her jacket and was already about leaving, when she heard his voice calling her again.

“Cadet, please come to see me in my office.”

Had she done something wrong? Was he upset with her? She sighed and turned around once more, then walked into his private office room, where he already had taken a seat in the large leather chair.

She saluted.

The tall silver haired man stood up, with the hope not to show how nervous he actually was.

“Gabrielle, I have a request. Not for you as a cadet but for you as a woman.”

Gabrielle blushed instantly hearing those words. He could not have been serious!!!

The General saw her blushing and noticed that his words could easily be understood wrong.

He laughed.

”No, not what you think, silly!”

He handed her the invitation to the dance and saw her blushing even more, ashamned for what came to her mind before.

“You really want me to accompany you to this dance? But I’m a cadet, Sir!”

“But no one knows you are female, so no one will think you are a cadet. It’s easy. And honestly, I don’t wanna ask one of those blonde Shinras. So, what’s your answer?”

His face was very serious now. Concerned.

“General, I would love to be your company, but I….well, I do not have a dress. I am sorry.”

She would love to be his company? He was stunned by her choice of words. But after all he had to supress a huge grin.

“If that’s the only problem, nevermind, I’ll take care of that.”


“What’s your size?”

“Um…..XS to S, Sir.”

“You may leave now, Cadet.”, he said slowly.

She nodded and walked away, looking even more confused than usual in his presence.

He stayed in his seat. Where on hell should he get a dress for her without being recognized? He had acted without thinking over it again. That had never happened before he met that girl. But promise is promise, even for the most famous warrior around.

So he got his notebook out, searching for the number of his private tailor. (One of the boni life as General for Shinra had.)

Life went on as usual, neither Sephiroth nor Gabrielle mentioned the dance anymore until the very afternoon before.

“You may leave earlier today, cadet. I had been informed that you received a paket today.” He told the girl, who was buried under paperwork and furiously typing data into the computer, with a sincere grin on his face.

She looked up and gave him a surprised look, then nodded and was gone.

Unwrapping the box in her room she found a dress and a note saying “Pick you up at 8.30 pm in front of the cafeteria. Please make sure not to be seen before.”

It was exactly 8.30 pm when a black limousine arrived at the cafeteria and a red haired women in a long coat entered it.

The General’s eyes grew wide when he saw her. She had managed to tame her hair and had put on a bit make up which underlined the depth of her green eyes. She looked older than she was. Mature. He was almost even more speechless when she took off that long coat and he was able to see the dress he ordered for her for the first time.

“Is something wrong, General?”, she asked know with a concerned expression on her face. He must have been staring. This was embarrassing. He immediately gained control back and answered.

“No, nothing is wrong. You look beautiful today, Gabrielle.”

He hoped that would sound gentleman-like. And he only wished he would have told the tailor to make a long dress in satin or chiffon, but not a black velvet mini dress. No doubt it fittet her perfectly and no doubt it looked elegant as it was required for the dance but he slightly doubted he could concentrate this evening. And he was cursing himself for even thinking about thinking of that. What was happening to him? Why was he always so easily confused when he was around her? And why did he even seem to enjoy it?

“Thanks, Sir. You look gorgeous yourself, if I may say.”, she replied and a soft blush made her face even milder. He grinned. Yes, he did look gorgeous. It wasn’t arrogant to say that, because it was just true. His long silver hair was cascading down, ending playfully at his hips and the black tuxedo he wore stressed his trained, elegant body even more. He knew perfectly well that as soon as they entered the hall most of the females would gaze and blush, keeping an eye on him the entire evening.

“Poor Gabrielle. They will death-glare her for being my companion tonight.”, he thought a bit amused when the limousine finally reached the Shinra building where a red carpet was waiting for their arrival.

“Are you ready to go?”

She answered with a shy nod and Sephiroth helped her out of the car.

As expected everyone stared at him and Gabrielle immediately. Why had it to be the same everytime? He laid his arm around her waist which made her stiffen a bit and then they walked into the great hall.

The Shinra building had been specially decorated for this occasion.. Chandeliers gave a soft light, the usually grey desks everywhere were now bars, which had been decorated with some burgundy fabric and everyone was dressed very elegantly. Some music was playing in the background and champagne was drunk. The General made his round greeting all the officials and Gabrielle stood shyly by his side, being introduced to everyone as simply as “Gabrielle”. Nobody asked in which kind of relationship she and the General were because it was common knowledge that Sephiroth wasn’t too fond of private questions.

Eventually they sat down and Gabrielled suspiciously eyes her glass of champagne until she saw the General’s grin.

“First time you drink that stuff?”, he asked quietly.

She nodded.

“I know it tastes strange, but well, it’s official. Just try to avoid too much of it, ok?”

Again a nod.

After the introductory speech of President Shinra the band began playing and soon the dancefloor was crowed with pairs. Sephiroth noticed Gabrielle gazing at them in a longing but desperate way.

Again, to his surprise, she noticed his staring and began to explain..

“I loved dancing when I was younger and at home. But I haven’t been dancing for years now.” With a little sigh she started gazing again.

Was this an offer to invite her to dance with him? He hadn’t much contact with women but out of the few things he knew about them, the fact that women do always speak in riddles, was the brightest one. So should he ask her? He knew he could dance perfectly well, so that wouldn’t be a problem. He was almost ready to ask when he heard another familiar voice, now speaking to Gabrielle. Immediately his eyes looked at the man.

“Dearest Gabrielle, would you give me the honor of a dance?”, The junior President, Rufus, asked with a smirk on his face. Gabrielle stared at him, perfectly knowing who this was and with a slight blush she shyly nodded.

“General Sephiroth, I hope you don’t mind if I kidnap your gorgeous company for a dance?”

He did mind. But he knew he couldn’t refuse. He nodded in agreement and when Rufus left with her he shot death glares at his back until her realized what he was doing. His eyes turned towards the glass of champagne and a small inner voice grinned at him.

“Are you jealous, oh great, cold Sephiroth?”

“Oh, shut up!”, he told that voice and his gaze wandered to the dancefloor where she was elegantly sliding to the music, leaving Rufus looking like a young boy at his first dancing lessons. He grinned.

While Gabrielle was dancing some other Shinras came to the General, sitting down a bit, making some smalltalk. It was not the most pleasant thing to do but it was good to have someone to talk to, so he could avoid staring at the girl in the ways too sexy dress all the time. Never in his life had he thought she would look that female as he only had seen her in the male cadet uniform, supressing what could have shown her gender.

But eventually he realized that the dance was long over but Gabrielle had not come back. A bit concerned he looked around, hopeing to see her in the crowd but he couldn’t. Where had she gone?

He got from his seat and went searching for her. When he had walked around the hall once without any sign of her he headed towards the toilets, though it was not the place he tought she would be. Even a woman wouldn’t need an hour, would she?

He went down the stairs as he heard a familiar voice. But the tone wasn’t familiar.

It sounded scratchy, feared and furious at the same time.

“Get ya dirty hand off of me!”

Gabrielle?! She must be in danger. Sephiroth could feel the blood rushing through his veins faster immediately and his eyes got a dangerous glance as he rushed farther, around the corner where the lighhts didn’t reach to.

“Let me go!Now!”

He could hear the painful cry of a man who had just get kicked with high heels.

Then a slashing sound and a whimper.

“Bitch, that hurt!”

There they were. Gabrielle was pressed against the wall, looking scared and a fat man was pushing himself against her. Anger rushed through Sephiroth.

A hand grabbed the man’s shoulder and with a cracking sound he was pulled back, violently slammed against the next wall, now facing the catlike eyes of the General.

“How could you even dare to look at her!”

A fist, a face, a cry.

“I should kill you right here.”


A limb body on the ground.

Sephiroth turned around where Gabrielle still stood there pinned against the wall.

Her face was even paler than usual and her breathing was too fast and irregular. His look mildered again as he turned to her, carefully touching her shoulders and pulling her towards him in a soft embrace.

“Everything is alright, Gabrielle. I am sure he won’t try again, that fool.”

He shot a last death glare at the whimpering man on the ground and almost had to grin a bit amused when he saw where her high heel had hit him. There was a hole in his pants where it really does hurt.

“Thank you, Sephiroth.” , she mumbled weakly and her head lay on his shoulder.

“No need to thank me. I just hope you’re alright.”

He softly stopped their embrace and smiled.

“And now we really should leave this scenery, don’t you think?”

She nodded.


“Would you give me a dance?”

Her eyes, which were filled with tears before immedialty began to sparkle and a smile conquered her face again.

“I would love to dance with you! Just give me a minute to refresh myself!”

So he stood there waiting for her to return, while his thoughts wandered back to what happened. He had never been in such a rage before. He only wanted to protect her in that very moment. He wanted nobody else to touch that precious soul. What was happening to him? Sure, he would have saved her anyways but the emotions flaming inside him were so unusual, almost frightening in there intenstity. Never before had he experienced anything like that.

She soon was at his side again and hey went for the dancefloor. And they almost had it for their own as most people stopped what they were doing to gaze at the the two, who were flying over the floor to the soft tunes of the music, gaining jealous looks from males as well as females.

Back in the limousine again, on their way home, Sephiroth noticed that this must have been an exhausting evening for the girl. Well, considering that she was death-glared by all the women and had almost been raped, it was only natural that a small yawn was visible.

“Thanks for your company, Gabrielle!”, he said softly.

She blushed a bit.

“I have to thank you. I still cannot believe you took me with you and even danced with me! Me, the silly little cadet girl!”

She gave him a gorgeous smile.

He couldn’t stop him from gently brushing over her hair.

“You’re not silly, young lady.”

But Gabrielle didn’ hear those words. She had fallen asleep in a second and her head sunk down on his shoulder. Cute.

But…wait…how should he get her to her room without being recognized? Wouldn’t it be very suspicious if the famous General carried a girl in a short dancing dress in one of the cadets’ room? Impossible. That would kill her. Or get her fired. But he couldn’t take her with him!!!


When they arrived again in front of the General’s apartement Gabrielle’s head was still resting on his shoulder. The vicious circle had caught him again. As even the chaffeur should not know her real identity he had to take part in this dilema. Not that he didn’t want her to stay, that wasn’t it, as actually he heard an inner voice craving for her company, but he was aware of the problems which would occur when

1. a female was seen in his apartement

2. someone realized she was a cadet

3. he would have to stare at that dress the entire night

4. he would have to admit his feelings to himself

5. she woke up next morning with a shock.

“There’s no other way out!”, he told himself as he lifted her up and carried her to the door, trying to hold her save while searching the keys in his pocket, praying no one would see him.

He was lucky and the same moment the door opened he slipped in, quietly closing it after him as he didn’t want to wake the beautiful girl sleeping in his arms. When has been the last time someone had been so close? Was there a last time?

He could help but roll his eyes at himself.

Carefully he carried her into his bedroom and laid her down on his large bed and almost blushed when he removed the high heels on her feet as he was quite sure they weren’t comfortable, especially not during sleep. A quiet sigh escaped his mouth when he noticed that she would have to sleep in that gorgeous dress. He wouldn’t dare to take it off. (He was no pervet and this would have been a contradiction to his gentleman education.)

Sephiroth pulled the blanket over her small body, listening to her regular breathing, losing himself in that view. Her hair laid playfully around her face, which looked so peaceful, almost angelic.

“Stop it, Sephiroth, before it’s too late”, he told himself again and again but his heart defeated his mind as he couldn’t stop himself from breathing a light kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

“Sleep well, Gabrielle.”

Next morning. He had only slept for something like two hours, because he was always aware of her lying just one room away. And another thought had bothered him. How, hell, should he get her out again. He couldn’t let her out in that dress and as a girl, because she would have to go the her room at cadet quarters – unseen. But how?

He had had an idea and now he was kneeling in front of his dresser and throwing sweater after sweater, pants after pants out of it. The floor already was in a mess.

“Sephiroth? Everything alright?”

A soft, mild and sleeply voice said behind him. He turned around to see Gabrielle stand there, wrapped in the blanket, staring at the mess he created with a concerned grin on her face.

Finally he found what he had been looking for. His old cadet uniform. Sure it would be some sizes to large, but at least it would hide that she is female and he was almost sure nobody would notice on the way to her room. He stood up and handed her the uniform, only to gain a confused look. She was still so half asleep that he almost had to laugh out loud.

“You need to get to your classes. But I would suggest not going in that dress.”, he smiled.

“Some breakfast?”

“If I may use your shower before I’d really like a breakfast, thanks.”

He nodded and pointed out where is bathroom was, though he knew she knew it, because she had been helping him here so often.

While he was making coffee he could hear the shower running and Gabrielle’s light humming. His mind was drifting apart.

SEPHIROTH, BEHAVE YOURSELF! He told himself. With a little sigh over his own thoughts he didn’t like to admit to himself, he opened the door of the refrigerator and took out a plate of fresh and bright red strawberries. It wasn’t much a breakfast but usually he only drank coffee. He took another look in a sideboard and found a bottle of chocolate syrup.

If that fits together? Worth a try.

“Sephiroth?” They both sat on his small kitchentable and Gabrielle was happily eating the strawberries with loads of chocolate.

He looked up.

“Thank you for the last evening. Thanks for saving me. And well…I apologize for making all this trouble, I shouldn’t have fallen asleep!” She bowed her head.

“It’s alright. It wasn’t that much trouble. Hey, and my old uniform doesn’t fit that bad!” He smirked, making this little joke in order not to have to admit that he himself hadn’t had the slightest problem with her sleeping in his bed. And she looked cute in that too large uniform. But also so tiny that he almost had the urge to embrace her and never let her go, so that nobody could hurt her.

Now she was blushing and shyly eating another strawberry. He couldn’t take his eyes away. Why was this girl so fascinating? And why did he kiss her in her sleep? Why, why , why?

“You look like your worlds away in your thoughts, General.”

Now this time he felt his cheeks flushing a bit pink.

“It’s nothing.” Nothing…haha…don’t fool yourself. You know it’s more. But you can never tell her. She is a cadet. She is young. You are a General. You have no emotions. At least towards the outside.

She smiled her warm smile again then stood up and streched herself.

“Your bed is much more comfortable than those for the cadets!”, she stated, grinning. But as she wanted to take a step forward she stumbled. Too large clothing. Balance? Not exisiting! With a high “Wooo!”, she fell!

When he opened his eyes again he found himself on the floor, having been knocked off his chair. Gabrielle was lying on him, fumbling with the clothing, blushing to death, apologizing and cursing at the same time.

“I am sorry, General! I……I……..!”

He grinned and right in this moment, when her green eyes and her red cheeks were right above his face, he couldn’t hold himself back. He threw his arms around her, embracing her closely, switching positions, pinning her on the floor.

“It’s alright, Gabrielle. “


Her eyes widened in a millisecond as she realized where she was.


He slowly bowed his head, his silver hair was coming down in cascades, playfully touching her cheeks.

“Please forgive me, Gabrielle.”

Then his lips gently touched hers. Feeling the warmth he closed his eyes. He could feel her stiffen a bit, but not in anger or fear. Her heartbeat was accelerating, as was his.

The soft touch of their lips broke the shell around him.

He held her fragile body tight in his embrace.

Then he slowly broke the kiss again. Slowly his mind was awakening again.


He opened his arms again and got up. His face was burning.


When the man turned around again he saw her standing there with tears in her eyes. Had he hurt her?

But a smile broke those tears.

“I am still dreaming, am I not, General?”

She dreamt of him? Did that mean she actually enjoyed it? But he had lost his control!

“Then I might be dreaming, too. Gabrielle, I…I guess I have to apologize…I didn’t want to startle you.”

The girl shook her head.

“It is actually the best dream ever.”

Was this her OK? Was he that lucky?

“Sephiroth?”, her voice was suddenly quiet and shy. “Shall I forget about what just happened?”

I will never be able to forget…never forget that feeling…never.

“Gabrielle…I, well, I don’t want to forget it. I don’t want you to forget it unless you regret it.”

He noticed that his voice was more quiet and more soft than usual. That it was almost breaking. What was happening to him?

“Regret? No. I will treasure this moment in my heart. Being close to you…that is what I was forever dreaming of. It will break my heart. It will hurt. But I could never regret. Because I love you, Sephiroth. I have and I always will.”

Love. What was love? Was it was he had been feeling lately? NO, he couldn’t love. He never learned to love so there was no way that he fell for that girl. But why, why was his heart beating so fast? Why did he want to touch her so badly?

No, this mustn’t happen.

“Gabrielle. Please leave me alone.”

“Sephiroth?” He could hear her voice crack. God, how it hurt.

“Please. Go.”

“But…” A silent sob broke the silence.

What was he doing? Her heels were clacking on the floor. Close to the door. Alone. Love?

Could he just let her go? His heart was acheing. Her green eyes, tears of sadness. Her warm smile. Home. Her love. Salvation.

“Gabrielle!” He rushed to the entrance. Please, make her wait!

She was standing there, tears were running down her face, heartbroken, hurt. He stopped right behind her and,after some time of hesitating, he softly touched her shoulder.

“Please forgive me.”

The girl turned around and those green sad eyes stared into his.

“Stay with me. I was wrong. I don’t want you to leave. Forgive me.”

For a moment she kept staring into his eyes, then suddenly he felt her warpping her arms tightly around him, heard her sobbing and with a stone of relief falling off his heart he replied to this embrace. She was here. With him.

He bend down and buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent. They stood there for some time, both in a tight embrace, almost like a sculpture never moving again.


“Hm?”, Sephiroth couldn’t do more then mumble.

“I will miss my classes!I have to go!”

Gabrielle broke the embrace and with a “See you later General!” she rushed out of the door and was gone.

There he stood, completely surprised by her sudden reaction, still in the position of the hug. The he had to smirk and rolled eyes at himself. He had really forgotten where he was and who he was supposed to be. Only with her being near him. He sighed and went into his bedroom. He still had one hour left until his duty would start. He collapsed on the bed only to smell her sweet scent again. He closed his eyes and his mind began drifting. She appeared in front of his inner eyes, laughing, giving him that special warm smile, her green eyes sparkling and her tiny body far too sweet in her cadet’s dress. How should he behave seeing her again? Could he kiss her? Or hug her? He was aware that this had to stay unknown from Shinra and all others from the military. So they could never show up officially. But they already were spending their afternoons together. But now…he had this urge to hold her tight and to touch her. And he knew it would be torture to stay away. But he had to.

Nevertheless he wanted this day to become even more special as it already was. He was in love. He never thought he could be. And he wanted to see her all happy.

But how could he do that? He might be a great warrior but he certainly knew nothing about dates and spending time together with a beloved.


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