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Silent Dill

Silent Dill
Silent Hill 2
SH2: Stehen, starren, staunen
SH2: Waiting for you...
SH2: I'm looking for my Mama.
SH2: At the Well
SH2: Is this thing broken?
SH2: Zum Kotzen
SH2: Saftladen
SH2: Angelas Messer
SH2: Do I look like your girlfriend?
SH2: Der wahre Horror
SH2: There was a hole.
SH2: Kranke Schwestern
SH2: Anyway, I'm glad you're alive.
SH2: Hands coming out of the wall
SH2: There is another hole.
SH2: Just put the gun to their head...
SH2: Mrnchthmrour...
SH2: MacSunderland
SH2: Anfallende Kostendeckung
SH2: Graveyard the 2nd
SH2: Vergessene Waffe
SH2: See, I'm real.
SH2: Toluca Lake
SH2: You're not my Mama.
SH2: It's hot in here.
SH2: I would never kill myself.
SH2: You forgot that videotape we made.
SH2: This whole area used to be a sacred place.
In your room
SH2: Born from a wish
What's going on with that wheelchair?
Silent Hill Origins
SH0: You're coming with me.
SH0: Inventur
SH0: Plastiklunge
SH0: Through the mirror
SH0: Inventarerweiterung
SH0: Kranke Schwestern 2
SH0: Kaufmann
SH0: I love the theatre.
SH0: Boots of Doom
SH0: They told me so.
SH0: Katana
SH0: Peeping Tom
SH0: There are many holes.
SH0: Weiße Zutat
SH0: Butcher
SH0: Butcher's Knife
SH0: Billard
SH0: Mad World
SH0: Schaufel
SH0: Why did you stand there for so long?
SH0: Flauros
SH0: Back to the Truck
SH0: Game Over
SH0: Merry Christmas!
Silent Hill 1
SH1: Wie alles begann...
SH1: First Words
SH1: Always be together
SH1: Nightmare
SH1: Vacation in Silent Hill
SH1: Lonesome Streets
SH1: Was ist das?
SH1: Red everywhere
SH1: What happened?
SH1: Like I've been run over by a truck.
SH1: Make sure who you are shooting at.
SH1: Speicherpunkt
SH1: What's going on with that radio?
SH1: Blutige Notiz
SH1: Hundehütte
SH1: Tonikum
SH1: Cat Door
SH1: Midwich Elementary School
SH1: Telefon
SH1: Maulwurfmonster
SH1: Stuhltanz