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°°~*~*...Breaking the Chains...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...One Day...
...I will break the Chains and All will vanish into Oblivion...
...I will strike down Those who used me with my own Hands...
...For Silent Waters indeed are Deep...
...In the End...
...I only have Myself to Trust...

°°~*~*...Another Path...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave


...Reaching for your Hand to Protect me from any Harm...
...What will happen if we walk down this Path...
...We are not allowed to be Together...
...Will we be able to change our Fate?...

°°~*~*...Predestined for each Other...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave


"The first time I saw you, you were trying to kill me." Megatron was speaking quite calmly, but his stare was unbearably intense. The Third in Command remained where he stood, startled and confused and not quite sure what was happening. He didn't have time to gather his wits, though, because Megatron was speaking again and required his full attention. "You failed, but so also did I fail to kill you. It was the first and only stalemate I ever experienced in the Kaon Gladiator pits. The moment I realized I could not defeat you was the moment I first understood that I could have an equal, that there could be others like me. That there could be a movement. Then, I believe, is when the Decepticon cause was truly born." 

Megatron apparently didn't need his input to continue. "You have served at my side since and have been nothing short of an exemplary soldier and officer. You are dedicated and you are useful. You have never wronged me." He paused, apparently considering what else should be said. Coming up with nothing, he gave a short nod. Megatron was known to be charismatic, and was certainly well-versed at public speaking, but this was not the sort of thing he was used to. "I request your permission to engage courtship," he finished, rather less grandly than he had probably been intending to."

°°~*~*...Endlich wieder neue Haare...* ~*~°°

Autor:  Soundwave

Ich hab mich endlich wieder dazu durchgerungen zum Friseur zu gehen XD
Die sind wieder dunkelblau *.*
Und ich hab mir Locken machen lassen, hatte noch nie welche davor^^
*ganz stolz ist*

°°~*~*...No Escape...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...I was foolish enough to think I could escape from your Grasp...
...But I was Wrong...
...You still got me Chained...

°°~*~*...Taste of You...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...I want to be your Mate...
...So let me Taste You...

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