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A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

What’cha Watching Wednesday #10.1 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Criminal Minds (TV-Serie), Constantine, Agent Carter, Constantine, Criminal Minds, Daredevil, Elementary, Lucifer, Misfits, Review, Sense8, Serien

Autor:  konpaku

As I told you, am I trying to get a proper schedule for this thing.
Lately I was more into watching then writing so a lot of stuff has piled up since the last time I did this, but as it is quite a lot I’ve decided to make this the update #10.1 and put some of the stuff – mostly the movies I’ve seen – into the separate post that might or might not be published next week.

WWWWhat is this about?

Every fourth Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the month while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.

Let’s start

Supernatural – Changing Channels, The Real Ghost Busters and Slumber Party


Heroes Reborn

When they announced that there would be another dive into the world of Heroes I was both thrilled and suspicious. The latter was heightened when it was clearer and clearer that a lot of the old cast would not return. Still, I wanted to give it a try and checked it out after missing the initial air date…

Let’s say I kind of understand why [...]

Agent Carter – Season 2*

Where the first Season of this show was incredible, this one had a few very frustrating additions.
The last few episodes of the previous Season dealt with Peggy‘s feelings for Steve Rogers and how she finally let go of him, but that is no excuse to plunge her into a love triangle…though she doesn’t really notice this herself until it’s pointed out to her towards the end of the Season.
But the audiences sees it all [...]

Galavant – Season 2*

As I happened to finish Season 1, when Season 2 was just waiting around the corner it was easy for me to continue with this glorious piece of entertainment. It’s just so much fun…

The narration this time around was a bit weird though. It dragged on until the last few episodes where then suddenly everything happened at once.
Still, it offered a chance for some much needed character development, even though the focus was turned away from the actual titular character unto the former “villain” King Richard, which I don’t mind, as he is way more fun than Galavant anyway. :D

I’m not quite sure about [...]

Elementary – Season 4

This Season was a bit strange.
After the quite spectacular – for Elementary – finale it seemed like this one [...]

Undateable – Season 3, Episode 10-13

For some reason did I think that Undateable was already over in December, but apparently it wasn’t and still had some episodes left, even if SaJaehwa had to tell me that.

I stand by my earlier claim that this is simply is a fun concept show and I wouldn’t mind it being picked up for another Season.

Sense 8/Orange is the new Black – different episodes

Since we decided to now get a proper Netflix account I re-watched a couple of episodes of these two shows that I previously had only seen with missing subtitles. It’s great to now have the possibility to do so.

Daredevil – Season 2

Speaking of Netflix: Of course did I also watch the new Season of Daredevil…

Like Agent Carter this Season wasn’t as good as its predecessor, but it was still well made.

The inclusion of The Punisher made for an interesting addition to the cast and storyline, while Electra seemed a bit out of place, to top that off with all the other stuff going on it just felt like too many topics mashed into too few episodes.

Matt‘s character development was [...]

Eastwick/The Class – Season 1

As I said did I enjoy The Punisher’s portrayal quite a bit, so I looked up Jon Bernthals other acting jobs. Which in turn brought me to the two one Season-series Eastwick (based on the novel The Witches of Eastwick) and The Class (basically a prolonged class reunion sitcom). In both series he was not at all like Frank Castle, he was pretty much the jock that didn’t want to grow up from High School.

The series themselves were [...]

Moone Boy – Season 1-3

I’m not sure how I discovered this one, but it’s really funny.
I knew (and liked) Chris O’Dowd from(/in) the IT-Crowd, so I couldn’t help myself checking it out as the series sounded fun.
The story is set in [...]

Lucifer – Season 1

Somehow I got my hands on the trailer for this series and as soon as the Pilot aired I couldn’t help myself but to watch it three times.
It was just that good.
Unfortunately could the Season [...]

But it did make me do two things:

#1 I started reading the Sandman comics (currently at Chapter 41, which means I’m done with Fables and Reflections and A Game of You)

#2 I watched


I do consider myself a Marvel-person and don’t really have that much connection to DC except an occasional watch of a movie or episode, so I was quite surprised to find a character like John Constantine amongst their roster.
It’s been years since I watched the Constantine-movie with Keanu Reeves, so I had pretty much a clean slate again in regards to the character.
Not that Matt Ryans portrayal of the character had anything in common of what little I remembered from the movie.

His Constantine was [...]

=> Constatine/Arrow Cross-Over episode (Haunted)
=> Torchwood episode Meat

Criminal Minds: Red Team/Criminal Minds (The Fight)

Another thing I watched was the Criminal Minds spin-off Red Team, with Ryan as one of the major side characters. It was an interesting twist to the cases and procedures I knew from the “mother show”, but [...]

Misfits – Season 1-5

As I said did we get a proper Netflix account so I had the chance to watch the five Seasons of Misfits. I had heard good things about it from Black Kat, but never got around to watch it.

It started off as a quite interesting twist on the whole “accidental superpowers” thing and I really liked that the powers reflected the different personalities of the characters, but it drifted off into banality and who-is-shagging-whom, climaxing with a guy that could [...]

Different movies

The different movies I’ve seen will be covered in a separate post.

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue reading: What’cha Watching Wednesday #10.1

What’cha Watching Wednesday #10.1 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Criminal Minds (TV-Serie), Constantine, Agent Carter, Constantine, Criminal Minds, Daredevil, Elementary, Lucifer, Misfits, Review, Sense8, Serien

Autor:  konpaku

As I told you, am I trying to get a proper schedule for this thing.
Lately I was more into watching then writing so a lot of stuff has piled up since the last time I did this, but as it is quite a lot I’ve decided to make this the update #10.1 and put some of the stuff – mostly the movies I’ve seen – into the separate post that might or might not be published next week.

WWWWhat is this about?

Every fourth Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the month while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.

Let’s start

Supernatural – Changing Channels, The Real Ghost Busters and Slumber Party


Heroes Reborn

When they announced that there would be another dive into the world of Heroes I was both thrilled and suspicious. The latter was heightened when it was clearer and clearer that a lot of the old cast would not return. Still, I wanted to give it a try and checked it out after missing the initial air date…

Let’s say I kind of understand why [...]

Agent Carter – Season 2*

Where the first Season of this show was incredible, this one had a few very frustrating additions.
The last few episodes of the previous Season dealt with Peggy‘s feelings for Steve Rogers and how she finally let go of him, but that is no excuse to plunge her into a love triangle…though she doesn’t really notice this herself until it’s pointed out to her towards the end of the Season.
But the audiences sees it all [...]

Galavant – Season 2*

As I happened to finish Season 1, when Season 2 was just waiting around the corner it was easy for me to continue with this glorious piece of entertainment. It’s just so much fun…

The narration this time around was a bit weird though. It dragged on until the last few episodes where then suddenly everything happened at once.
Still, it offered a chance for some much needed character development, even though the focus was turned away from the actual titular character unto the former “villain” King Richard, which I don’t mind, as he is way more fun than Galavant anyway. :D

I’m not quite sure about [...]

Elementary – Season 4

This Season was a bit strange.
After the quite spectacular – for Elementary – finale it seemed like this one [...]

Undateable – Season 3, Episode 10-13

For some reason did I think that Undateable was already over in December, but apparently it wasn’t and still had some episodes left, even if SaJaehwa had to tell me that.

I stand by my earlier claim that this is simply is a fun concept show and I wouldn’t mind it being picked up for another Season.

Sense 8/Orange is the new Black – different episodes

Since we decided to now get a proper Netflix account I re-watched a couple of episodes of these two shows that I previously had only seen with missing subtitles. It’s great to now have the possibility to do so.

Daredevil – Season 2

Speaking of Netflix: Of course did I also watch the new Season of Daredevil…

Like Agent Carter this Season wasn’t as good as its predecessor, but it was still well made.

The inclusion of The Punisher made for an interesting addition to the cast and storyline, while Electra seemed a bit out of place, to top that off with all the other stuff going on it just felt like too many topics mashed into too few episodes.

Matt‘s character development was [...]

Eastwick/The Class – Season 1

As I said did I enjoy The Punisher’s portrayal quite a bit, so I looked up Jon Bernthals other acting jobs. Which in turn brought me to the two one Season-series Eastwick (based on the novel The Witches of Eastwick) and The Class (basically a prolonged class reunion sitcom). In both series he was not at all like Frank Castle, he was pretty much the jock that didn’t want to grow up from High School.

The series themselves were [...]

Moone Boy – Season 1-3

I’m not sure how I discovered this one, but it’s really funny.
I knew (and liked) Chris O’Dowd from(/in) the IT-Crowd, so I couldn’t help myself checking it out as the series sounded fun.
The story is set in [...]

Lucifer – Season 1

Somehow I got my hands on the trailer for this series and as soon as the Pilot aired I couldn’t help myself but to watch it three times.
It was just that good.
Unfortunately could the Season [...]

But it did make me do two things:

#1 I started reading the Sandman comics (currently at Chapter 41, which means I’m done with Fables and Reflections and A Game of You)

#2 I watched


I do consider myself a Marvel-person and don’t really have that much connection to DC except an occasional watch of a movie or episode, so I was quite surprised to find a character like John Constantine amongst their roster.
It’s been years since I watched the Constantine-movie with Keanu Reeves, so I had pretty much a clean slate again in regards to the character.
Not that Matt Ryans portrayal of the character had anything in common of what little I remembered from the movie.

His Constantine was [...]

=> Constatine/Arrow Cross-Over episode (Haunted)
=> Torchwood episode Meat

Criminal Minds: Red Team/Criminal Minds (The Fight)

Another thing I watched was the Criminal Minds spin-off Red Team, with Ryan as one of the major side characters. It was an interesting twist to the cases and procedures I knew from the “mother show”, but [...]

Misfits – Season 1-5

As I said did we get a proper Netflix account so I had the chance to watch the five Seasons of Misfits. I had heard good things about it from Black Kat, but never got around to watch it.

It started off as a quite interesting twist on the whole “accidental superpowers” thing and I really liked that the powers reflected the different personalities of the characters, but it drifted off into banality and who-is-shagging-whom, climaxing with a guy that could [...]

Different movies

The different movies I’ve seen will be covered in a separate post.

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue reading: What’cha Watching Wednesday #10.1