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Interaktives Mem: Film-Zitate (nur noch 7) Meme (Sachthema), Film, mem

Autor:  DavidB
...geklaut von MissSpringfield hier.

1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to imdb.com to find quotes from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb functions.
5. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly and put who guessed it and the movie.
6. Those who guess correctly have to do the MEME next.

Also los! Reihenfolge ist wurscht!
Zitat 1
"October is inventory time, so right now, Statler Toyota is making the best deals of the year on all 1985 model Toyotas. You won't find a better car at a better price with better service anywhere in Hill Valley...", gewusst von Leo
Zurück in die Zukunft

Zitat 2

"It's really good seeing you, Benjamin. You haven't been into Shakey's for so long."
"Well, I've been real busy."

Zitat 3
"It looks awful."
"That's because it's on you, dear."
, kombiniert von Starscourge


Zitat 4
"How many times do I have to kill you, boy?", erraten von Starscourge

Zitat 5
"Heh, me lead you? Lady look at me, I don't even know where the hell I am half the time!", gelöst von Squirrel_of_Doom

Zitat 6
"I saw an adult film ones. My father has 'em. He hides them in a box labeled poison."

Zitat 7
"I'm loyal to you, Master, I am your slave, I didn't betray you! Oh, no, don't! Don't kill me! Let me live, please! Punish me, torture me, but let me live! I can't die with all those lives on my conscience! All that blood on my hands!"

Zitat 8
"We shall drink to our partnership. Do you like gin? It is my only weakness."

Zitat 9
"That's the one who busted up my trailer!"
"I bet you he's their leader!"

Zitat 10
"I ask for nothing!"
"And you shall receive it, IN ABUNDANCE!"
, gewusst von WonderWoman
Rocky Horror Picture Show

Zitat 11
"Scientists have always been pawns of the military."

Zitat 12
"They had no honor in life. They have none now in death.", gelöst von Starscourge
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs

Zitat 13
"Uh, Mr. President... You're on the floor."
"No shit?"

Zitat 14
"Careful, careful, every one of them's got a mother.", geknackt von  Lakonnia
Batman hält die Welt in Atem

Zitat 15
...hier fand ich kein Zitat auf IMDB. Es wäre der alte Fernsehfilm The Spirit gewesen...

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Datum: 19.10.2011 10:22
> 14: Der Blockbuster "Batman hält die Welt in Atem", wenn ich mich jetzt nicht ganz täusche
Richtig! ^^
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