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Sooner or later you reach a certain point... Important

Autor:  Velineyvra

...and then you realize that you don't worry anymore. That, even though you haven't moved on, gotten over it, left things behind, something has changed. The pieces has gone back to where they're supposed to be, making sense. Sooner or later you'll find that you can smile again, shyly, perhaps, but a smile. Sooner or later you'll feel courageous, and you'll stop hiding your true colours. You know what you want.

One day you'll smile to the world and say: This is me, and I'm not afraid to show it.

That day was yesterday.

It's been two years now. Important

Autor:  Velineyvra

(My first post got eaten by the Internet...)

I was going to write 'anniversary', but that sounded way too happy.

Today it's been two years since Robert Jordan died. It doesn't feel like it's been so long, yet it has. I love his books, almost to the point of obsession. It goes so far I won't even say a certain name out loud, as it supposedly will bring evil on to you.

Despite not knowing him, I miss him a lot. A new book is coming October 27., but I still feel it's not quite right. His world lives on, and I know he'd want that, but he should have been there. After all, this guy changed my life. I'm close to people I'd never know today if it wasn't for him. Some I know in person, some only through correspondance (but that makes it no less important) Weird though, some of them doesn't know this. I mean, I owe him so much. I don't know where I'd been today without them.

Finally ('cause I'm watching the Mentalist now), here's a link to an excellent site, in case someone's interested: http://13depository.blogspot.com/2009/09/two-years-on-from-september-16th-2007.html

Handicap? HANDICAP? Come on. Important, In the news

Autor:  Velineyvra

In Norway, there is this woman, Ms. Monsen, who has gotten a prize, Fritt Ord. Means free word, but that's beside the point.

She has managed to claim that children of lesbian women will grow up having mental handicaps because of the lack of a father, and because lesbian women don't like men. At all. In fact, they are just like cows for them. Come on. Mental handicaps for lacking a father? Now, tell me, how many children live only with their mother? Single mothers are common, really common. And then, in the end of her interview, she says that she does not fear insulting any children of lesbian partners, because surely they all agree with her, and hate their mothers for not having a father! (OK, perhaps I'm exaggerating, but that's how I interpreted it) I think not.

If I had grown up with only my mother, reading this would have made me very sad. You know, people turn out all right even if their father dies before they're born, or leaves them. They're not mentally handicapped. And what difference does having two mothers instead of one have? They will look after the children and raise them in a good way, just as any other people.

Secondly, all my expericence says that even if you're a homosexual, you don't hate the opposite sex. Perhaps you just don't find them attractive, but hate? That's taking it way too far.

No, I support that homosexuals can adopt and have children, and marry, and do whatever all heterosexuals can do. Am I a little obsessive when it comes to this? Yes, I know I am, but you don't say anything - ANYTHING - that might insult people I care about without getting a reply.


EDIT: I forgot. She also says that homosexual cannot create a family, because no matter what they do, the children will never be theirs, it's just pretending. They don't bring the society forwards.  Have you heard of a little something called ADOPTION? You feel that is wrong to, I'm sure.  And what's the deal with bringing society forwards? To me, it sound like bullshit. A lot of it.

"We don't fear the Internet", yeah right. Everything and nothing, Important, In the news

Autor:  Velineyvra

Recent news: Chinese government has banned youtube. Apparently, they got themselves a nasty shock, finding pictures of monks from Tibet being treated badly. "Goodness! People may feel sorry them! Ban it! Quickly, before it's too late!" And then, afterwards, some spokesperson manages to say: "Of course we don't fear the Internet! We only fear the truth. And what the people might do if we don't control their every movement."

Seriously. Someone has issues. I'm so glad I'm not living there, 'cause I like expressing my opinions. It's not as if it's only youtube. I'm still mad that google gave in and censored their searching engine.

Expressing opinions is a human right! Let me, and all others, speak freely without fear. This is not the way ot make a proper society. Let's stop hiding the truth, and be open. Make a better world!

It's not an insult, people! Important

Autor:  Velineyvra

"Oh, did you see that? It was so gay!"

"It's the gayest thing I've ever seen!"

"He acts so gay!"

Ahem. Excuse me? Why on Earth do people think that "gay" is an insult, a swearing word or a negative adjective? Why do some people put it in the same cathgory as "stupid", "hell" and so on?!

Listen. This. Is. NOT. An. Insult. It's a word used on people who're not interested in the opposite gender, to put it very gently for the easily offended. If you think it's an insult, perhaps you should sit down and think a little.

There are many people in this world who think of themselves as gay. You think they like hearing you talk like that? You think they enjoy being swearing words? I hope for your sake that you don't. (Not to mention that it's an old English word meaning something very close to happy. Now, that makes the sentences above awesome!)

There is absolutely nothing in the word "gay" that makes it a swearing word. Nothing!

Please. Show that you're capable of being rational beings, and keep your mouth shut. It's not a negative word, if anything, it should be a positive one. And if I hear you talking like that, you're going to find out exactly how I normally react when something annoys me as much as this. Don't be a bunch of idiots with the emotional range of a teaspoon. (Yay, HP reference!)