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A new friend

50stories Challenge with TeruxHisa ~ Pairing


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part I

Title: A new friend

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 25. Vacation

Rating: PG (because of one "F"-word ^^°)

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make (of course!).

Comments: Quite short again...but since it's only one part I (part II will follow in 48. Travel) I think it suits. ^^ So Teru and Takky are 16 here...Hisashi and Jiro 15. Next time some other Jmusicians(other than Glay) will appear. XDD~

-->Constructive criticism is wanted and also needed.<--


A new friend [/]


Teru had just turned sixteen a few weeks before and now it was his first time going on vacation without his parents. It was such an exciting feeling and he enjoyed it pretty much. Whistling he was trying to find out which clothes he should put into his dark blue bag as he heard the phone ringing upstairs. After a few seconds passing by his mother entered his room and gave it to him.

"I think it's one of your friends. Kubo-san or something like that." She said with a little smile and then closed the door behind her to go down and wash the dishes.

"Takky? It's you?!"

"Yeah, you bet!"

Takuro chuckled.

"So...tomorrow it's our day! Are you nervous? I'm not. Oh yeah, and I made a new friend a few days before. When I told him we're going to have our own vacation-trip this year he wanted to join us. Do you mind?"

"Honestly...I'm really excited. What kind of people is your new friend? Are you sure he won't get us into trouble or something like that? I mean...this just reminds me of one of your last new "friends"."

Once Takky made a "friend" they nearly were arrested by the police cause he was some kind of drug dealer.

They were lucky Takuro was just so good with words.

"Arr, do you have to remind me of that? Things like this can happen to everyone. No, no...this one is far away from that. He's handsome and even seemed to be a little bit shy, but friendly all the time. You'll like him for sure!" His friend exclaimed enthusiastically.

Who was he to say no?

"Okay, Takky. So we'll meet at 9.15 am tomorrow at central station, platform 31, right?"

"Right! And don't you dare to be late, ne! Otherwise I'll tell your parents I'll have to pick you up next time we are going to go somewhere...and I know you don't want that. See ya!"

The taller boy laughed at his threat.

"I won't! Ja ne." Teru just said and finished the call.

'Sometimes he's just annoying.'


The next morning started out quite nice until Teru woke up. Obviously he hadn't heard his alarm clock.

"Fuck!" He yelled and got up.

Thanks to his mom he didn't oversleep too much but it was very close. He rushed into the shower and got ready as fast as he was able to but if he have had to go by bus he wouldn't arrive in time.

Teru was nearly freaking out as his dad offered to bring him there by car, thank goddess!

On his way he wondered how Takky-kuns new acquaintance would be.

They reached the central station exactly three minutes later as he should have been there. Until Teru arrived at the right platform it was nearly half past nine.

Sweating and out of breath he discovered a eccentric waving Takuro and rushed over there.

"Teru! It's always the same. Hurry up, the train is setting off every second!"

"Aww...sorry, ne! It's my alarm clock's fault." He apologized and laughed embarrassingly while his friend helped the smaller boy to get his luggage inside the train.

And just like that their journey started.


part II

Title: A new friend (part II)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 48. Travel

Rating: G

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make (still don't own them...damn!).

Comments: Ah~ first I thought this story will end with 35. Beach...but now there are some ideas coming up and it seems like to become a little bit more. ^^° Anyway...I hope you'll enjoy this one.

-->Constructive criticism is wanted and also needed.<--


A new friend (part II)

"Hi, Jiro! What's up?" Teru asked while sitting down in front of the person he assumed to be Takky's new friend.

'Hm...yes, handsome is definitely right.'

Takuro sat down next to the stranger and was about to introduce him to Teru but Jiro was faster.

"Ohayo, Teru! You asking -me- what's up? It's you almost missing the train."

Jiro replied a little bit grumbling, but grinning anyway.

"Ah, you know my brother, Yuana, over there? He's joining us too. My parents wanted to have some time of their own..haha. You can imagine why, ne?" He just smirked and pointed at another couple of seats where Juana was situated.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop it! Hi, Yuana!"

"Hi, just ignore ni-sans dumb comments!"

Juana said, a little bit embarrassed.

He nodded while his view wandered over to Takuro and finally the taller boy was able to do what he wanted long before.

"Teru, this is Hisashi. Hisashi, Teru."

"Hi, a friend of Takky is also mine! Hope you'll enjoy the trip."

Teru gave him a smile and Hisashi smiled back, his eyes turning into little slits.

"H-hi. Nice t-to meet you!"

The boy in front of him said, his cheeks turning a little bit red.

'What did Takky say about him being shy...'

"So, Takky...how long are we going to sit here?"

"Hm...let me have a look."

He searched within his bag pack some time and then discovered a piece of paper.

"Here it says three hours and fourteen minutes."

That made Teru stretching himself.

"Owwar...so maybe I can sleep some time, can I?"

He yawned again and looked around, a questioning expression on his face.

"I think so. But I won't wake you up then."

Jiro smacked him jokingly and chuckled again.


Hisa began and made the other four to focus their attention on him. He flushed but went on.

"...can wake you up."

"Okay! Then it's your responsibility. Thank you!" Teru exclaimed, shaking Hisashi's hand frankly. That made Hisa just growing more red but Teru didn't seem to notice.

He let go of the other's hands and plopped down at his seat, snoring after a few minutes. The other four blinked curiously. 'How can anyone fall asleep as fast as he did?' Was the question could be seen within all their faces.

"Sometimes...he just scares me." Jiro spoke out what he was thinking and Takuro just nodded at that comment.

"So what do we do? Shall we play some poker?" Takky suggested and everyone agreed.

"Ah, maybe we should sit down at Juanas', don't you think so?"

So they got over there to start their poker game while Teru was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of some "yammi" food.


Footsteps could be heard from somewhere as the four boys were in the middle of their poker game, making noise like almost no one else in this train.

"Aw...I lost again! That's not fair, ni-san! You're cheating!"

Jiro was insulted by his furious brother.

"Hahaha~ nono! I did not. It's just you not being able to loose a game."

Jiro laughed and crossed his arms above his chest for what was coming next.

But Takuro jumped in there and tried to calm him down.

"Yuana...people are looking. Please...!"

"NonoNO! I saw it. Ni-san did let one of his cards falling down between our seats. I saw it, damn! Believe me!!"

Tears were approaching within his eyes and he clenched his fists angrily.

Hisashi was just staring at them, a little afraid they would really start a fight.

Right then the human whom these footsteps belonged to, stopped in front of them and put his hands on his hips. It was...another guy with black hair.

"Hey guys! You're playing cards? Cool...may my friends and I join you? It's quite boring right now. Oh yeah, and just call me Hyde!"

He offered his hand to Takuro who took it right away, being relieved because of Hyde was able to "disarm" this heated situation.

"Okay! It'll be more fun. Where are your friends right now? Maybe we should walk over there so that Teru can enjoy his sleep over there. What do you think?"

No one said anything against so they followed Hyde into the next wagon, leaving a snoring Teru behind.

"Hey! I'm back...and found some fun-eh guys who had cards with them."

Hyde boomed and smile like he has done something extremely important.

"So...let's just introduce and then starto~! Okay right next to the window it's Tetsu." The boy started.

"Hi there." Tetsu exclaimed with a smile.

"And in front of him it's Ken." He went on.

"Yo!" Was the only thing they got from him.

"And last but not least Yukihiro."

"Nice to meet ya!"

"Okay, this guys are...oh, I forgot to ask for your names. haha."

Takuro felt himself to have to introduce them so he did.

"My name is Takuro, this blond haired over there is Jiro and his brother Yuana. And this is Hisashi."

"Great! Let's just start."

Hyde said gleefully and just like that a funny and pretty much louder card session began.

part III

Title: A new friend (part III)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 34. Music

Rating: G

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make. (How can anyone even imagine someone getting money for writing crap like this?)

Comments: It's much longer than I wanted to and it took me too much time. *breathes out relieved* But I finally managed to end this captor. My neck is hurting. >_< Ouch! Oh, and the Psycho le Cemu guys are appearing...XDDD~


A new friend part III

Dreaming of some delicious food makes everyone hungry after a while and so it did make Teru. A loud borborygmus could be heard through the wagon where Teru was situated and after a while his hunger was quite uncomfortable so he woke up, holding his belly.


There it was again.

You and I know the only thing you can do if you're hungry is to get you some food, ne? So Teruhiko did, although he had no idea where the buffet-car should be. Of course he chose the wrong direction.

After crossing a few wagons without finding anything he was about to return when hearing some singing not far away. It sounded very bouncy and catchy as well. As curious as Teru is he followed the music till he reached the compartment where the sound was coming out and saw a little group in school wear. Everyone of them was wearing a different coloured one: Blue, white, green, pink/yellow and quite blinding orange. Two of them holding guitars in their hands.

'Strange, they seem to be at same school but different colours and even different styles.' He thought by himself and shook his head in disbelieve.

Suddenly one of the colourful people in there recognized Teru standing outside and opened the door.

"Hi! Who are you? Do you want to join us?" Said the one with a very bright smile, blond hair and blue clothing.

"Ah..." Teru was just too surprised to say anything else.

"Just come in! No need for shyness!" The blonde exclaimed quite bouncy and dragged him inside their compartment.

Finally Teru's voice seemed to return.

"I'm Teruhiko and I'm not shy. I was just curious. Your music sounds pretty good."

"Oh, you really think so? That's great. I planned to form a band with these four other guys over there. I really appreciate you for saying this." A long haired blonde with white school wear said and stood to shake Teru's hands. He seemed to be kind of leader within their group.

"Oh, how impolite of me. Hey all, let's do our introduce theme!"

The white clothed boomed and started. You'll never believe what came next.

"Yura-sama desuuu~!" He yelled, making some parapara-moves although it was not much space there and nearly stumbling on an others foot.

The other four almost visibly sweat-dropped. He sat down and looked at them expectantly.

The green one was about to follow Yura's example but being dragged back into his seat by the pink/yellow girl he just couldn't.

"Forget it Yura! That's dumb. Ignore the freak over there! I'm Aya and this is seek." The "girl" said in a frightening deep voice which let Teru shudder a little bit. So it was a boy in the end. He wasn't able to trust his eyes and stared at him for a while.

"Yeah, Yura! Don't behave like you're our leader or something like this because you're not."

Lida grumbled and shot Yura a glare.

"But I thought..." Yura started only to be interrupted again.

"Lida desu!" He said and gave Teru a friendly twinkle.

"I..." Yura tried but it was no use. It seemed to him as the others were just ignoring him and that made him quite angry.

"Hello! My name is Daishi. Nice to meet you."

The short haired blonde flashed the peace sign and then looked like having an idea.

"Ah, Teruhiko...do you sing too?"

"Eh? Ehm...I never really tried. I don't think..."

"Na, just try it and sing with us."

Teru was confronted with Daishis puppy dog-looking-like eyes.

"Please! I promise it to be fun! Here you are."

A piece of paper printed with lyrics was handed to him and right after that Yura made a countdown, clapping the rhythm after ending. Teru listened and when the refrain started for the second time he joined.


"Won again." Ken said in a cool and kinda smoky voice.

"And I'm second." Jiro exclaimed, grinning bright.

"Man! It's getting quite boring. Why do you always have to win, Ken?" Tetsu grumbled and threw down his cards.

"I think we should just change the game." Takuro suggested.

"Yeah, what do you have in your mind? How about rommè?" Hyde proposed. Some of the others nodded at that.

By accident Takuro got a look at his watch and realized there was not much time left.

"Ah, so late already! Guys, I'm sorry but we have to go now. Within 15 minutes we have to get off here. By the way, where are you going to?"

"We've still one hour left. It's a pity you have to go." Hyde pouted and stood.

"It was really fun! Wait, we should change numbers. Good idea, ne?" Hyde smiled and pulled out his mobile phone. After the exchange Takuro, Jiro, Yuana and Hisashi hurried back to their seats to...realize that Teru wasn't there.

"Maybe...he's gone to the toilet?" Hisashi suggested, finally becoming more self confidend.

"Slow but sure I'm -really- getting pissed! It's only eight minutes due to my watch and he's not here!"

Jiro let out his frustration about his friend and started to get his luggage together.

"Don't judge him so hard. I'll..." He started but was interrupted by Hisashi.

"I'll look for him." He only said and fortunately chose the right direction.


Due to Hisashis' smartness it didn't take him long to find Teru. Another thing was how stunned he was as he heard him singing with a bunch of people. And he did really good at that! Hisashi was quite impressed but then remembered they had no time and opened the door to the compartment.

"Teru!" He yelled, never expected himself to do so.

Six heads turned and Hisashi blushed like mad.

"Who are you?" Daishi asked curiously, pointing at Hisa.

"Oh, Hisashi! I found this guys singing and it sounded quite well. They wanted me to join them and..."

Teru explained.

"But you have to come with me!" The other said and grabbed his hand. "Next stop is where we have to get off the train." Teru was more than slightly surprised at Hisashi's temper right now and also he grabbed his hand like that. One brow of his bent but then he smiled. It felt good.

"Humum~, we didn't do anything to your precious boyfriend." Aya snarled and smirked at the widening eyes of Hisashi when realizing Aya not being a girl at all and the surprising comment he made.


"Man, Aya! Do you always have to be like this?" seek slapped the others back of the head.

"seek, you have to admit..."

When Hisashi came in to get Teruhiko back Lida was smart to look at their itinerary and what he read there made him quite nervous.

"People, we have to leave the train next station too! So put your things together!" He yelled and jumped up. "Hurry up!"

"Oh my god, ohhhh my gooood! We're not gonna make it!" Yura freaked but was knocked out by Aya right away.

"Let's just get outta here. I already got everything of mine. Can someone help me with this little fellow here?"

"I'll!" seek offered his help.

"Thanks, honey!" With that seek was kissed at the top of his nose.

"We are getting our luggage too. Maybe we can meet at the platform later?" Teru asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice! See ya later." Daishi waved as the two were rushing out the cabin straight to Takuro and the others.


Shortly before they arrived Hisashi let go of Teru's hand without a saying anything.

Breathing quite much they reached their destination to meet the angry face of Takuro, who had put his hands on his hips, and the almost furious one of Jiro.

The tallest boy of them was about to let out his angriness as the railway guard announced the next stop.

So instead the five grabbed their luggage and walked over to the door.

part IV

Title: A new friend (part IV)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 1. Accident

Rating: PG

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make.(And to be honest I don't want to own them...I would be glad to be able to talk to them every in a while. ^^)

Comments: I had to change Attraction into Accident because I think it doesn't fit anymore. This captor is a quite sad one...I suggest to listen to "Zenkei iro kusari" from Rentrer en Soi after Hisashi running off because I did. T__T I never thought this story continuing like this. Sure I had kinda plot in my mind but that...why do characters always have to develop on their own? They crashed most of my plans. \(>.<)/ HELP! *laughes*

Other people: Psycho le Cemu


A new friend (part IV)

Jiro and his brother were the first to jump out of the train, Takuro following right after them. When Teru finally has pulled his bag onto the platform he recognized Hisashi having problems with his luggage too. He saw him struggling hard and at once began to walk over there in order to help him.

Suddenly the younger boy's bag slipped through the entrance of the train and Hisashi was about to make contact with the floor when Teru, being faster then any time else, rushed there and caught Hisashi at the eleventh hour.

'How light he is.' Teru thought smiling.

But there wasn't only Hisashi. The bag came right after him and knocked both of them down as if they were only two boards out of wood. As it happens their lips met a few seconds but were separated immediately after the bag slid down next to them.

"Ouch!" The older boy said finally, whimpering a little bit and looked up only to meet a bewildered Hisashi who grew red and more red the longer they laid there. I would assume he was just to stunned to do anything else than staring right back into Teru's dark brown eyes.

A few minutes nothing happened but them looking at each other, then Teru squirmed beneath Hisashi because it was really going to hurt lying on the anything else than smooth platform.

"Ehm...Hisashi, I..." He started, a slight blush hitting his cheeks too.

All of a sudden a shadow of someone covered them.

"Oh, how cuuuute! Hey, guys! Look over here! Aren't they kawai?" A penetrating voice could be heard all over the station and I think you can imagine whom it belongs to.

Yura was waving excited to get his friends attention. And he succeeded. He also succeeded to make all the people there looking over.

Then it was when Hisashi "woke up" and quickly stood up, still as red as a tomato.

"I-I...sorry!" Were the only words Hisashi said before he ran off.

"Hisashi?!" Teru yelled, a puzzled expression on his face and stood too. He did what the first thought told him to do: Run after him.

"Oh, why are you two running awa~y? Yura asked and almost everyone wanted to slap him for that.

Aya was the first one approaching next to Yura, putting his hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Great job, you dumbass! You ruined everything...like ever." Yura was insulted by him.

"But...they -were- cute! I just..." Aya thought about knocking him out once again but instead just gave him a deathglare. Too many witnesses.

"Oh, shut up! Sure it was cute but you should think first." Lida said resigned.

"Let's just leave him here." Aya suggested but was waved off by Daishi.

"Nono, we're not gonna do that. How can you even think about that?"

The pink haired shrugged. "So he can made a fool of himself instead of others."

His comment was ignored as the others walked off, only seek grabbing Ayas hand.

The "girl" smiled at him and they followed hand in hand.

Takuro just couldn't believe what has happened nor could Jiro.

"Did you see what I saw?"

"And...who were these strange folks over there?" Jiro asked, his question full of disbelieve.

Takuro just shrugged but Yuana seemed to have an idea.

"Maybe from circus?" He chuckled at his lame joke but no one laughed.

"Now...who's going to find our couple? Shall I?" His older brother snickered.

"I'll search for them too. Then we'll try to find them while Yuana is going to take care of our bags and so on. Agree?"

The two boys nodded and Jiro as well as Takuro darted off.


It was quite hard not to lose Hisashi. God, was he fast! He should join the sports team at school. Fortunately the younger boy didn't know where to run so in the end he just slipped into the toilet and locked himself in one of the cabins there.

'What has just happened?' He was pretty much confused about his feelings right now and he just couldn't calm down nor think in straight tracks. So he hunched down, putting his arms around his knees. That didn't seem to help either. Hisashi wasn't able to understand why he was feeling like he did. Shaking his head he tried to get rid of the uncomfortable(in his opinion) thoughts crossing his mind.

"Stop!" He whispered to himself as someone entered the lavatory.

Hisashi held his breath when the person neared his cabin and then stopped right in front of.

Teru cleared his throat.

"Hisashi? You're in there?" He asked softly. Of course he was also pondering about what has occurred before but didn't seem to think too much about it. 'All in all nothing happened.' He tried to persuade himself but failed. 'Don't be silly!' The older boy scolded himself.

The other didn't answer. 'I don't want to see him right now...' 'I don't want to...' 'I mustn't...' As pictures of the past seemed to surround him he began to whimper quietly what told Teru it was really Hisashi.

"I know you're in there. Hisashi..." Teru stopped for a moment to think about what to say next.

"...please unlock the door. The others aren't here. And...we have to check in at our hotel."

This made Hisashi to pull his knees closer. He thought hard about what would be the best to do. Within his head there was still chaos.

'Everyone saw it. What will the others think. Will it happen again?'

A very long time he said nothing. Teru also didn't move. Only the steady breathing of him could be heard. Miraculously all the time no humans entered the toilet.

"Let's...let's just forget about it. Okay?" Teru broke the silence which was about to overwhelm them. Maybe this would make Hisashi to leave there although he -really- didn't -want- to forget about it.

"Please." His voice sounded quite desperately.

Again a long silence.

Finally someone unlocking the door could be heard and Teru let out his breath relieved. He put on his optimistic smile(as far as he was able to) and took a step back.

Slowly the door opened and an almost fearful looking Hisashi stepped out to meet the other's catchy smile, only to blush again.

"Sorry..." He said and forced a smile to banish all other feelings could be seen there.

The older boy offered him a hand but he ignored it and walked past him to check his appearance in the mirror behind. 'I won't let it get to me once again. NeverEver!'

"Let's just go back to the others." Hisashi heard himself saying and it sounded very cold to him.

'So that's the way he chose.' Teru realized, trying to hold back the sadness which was about to show up in his face.

Suddenly the door opened and Jiro entered the room with a loud "Here you were hiding?!" and chuckled.

"What a bad mood in here! If you don't follow me right now I'll drag you back!" Jiro threatened jokingly, chuckling again. After he got a look into their faces he stopped right away, coughing a little bit.

"Guys! Let's go!" He commanded and both followed.

part V

Title: A new friend (part V)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 35. Ocean

Rating: PG

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make.(And to be honest I don't want to own them...I would be glad to be able to talk to them every in a while...and maybe singing for me. XDDD~)

Comments: Ehm...yeah, it's like I said before: They are mostly not doing what I want them to do. ^^° And I'm not like forcing them into something so the story went on like down there. I hope there are not too many dumb mistakes in there. Sorry in advance but if no one corrects me I'm not able to get better. That's the way it is. ^.^

Other persons: Psycho le Cemu


A new friend (part V)

No one of them said anything during their walk. Hisashi worked hard on not trying to look at Teru, who seemed to watch at him out of his eye's corner every now and then.

"Ah, there's Takky!" Jiro pointed at their friend and finally cut the oppressive silence.'God! If they are going on like this they'll drive me crazy!' Jiro has always been a quite optimistic and "good mood" person who couldn't bear if some people don't say what depresses them. 'Talk about it, goddamn!' He thought and made a face. But he also learned that they have to find out by themselves what to do. The past showed him most persons do not accept well meant suggestions of their friends and even their family. Sometimes they even insulted him although he only wanted to help!

"I found them! Let's just pick up my brother and then finally check in." The smaller blonde said and you could exactly hear his annoyance. "They didn't take it well." Jiro added so that only Takuro could understand. The taller boy took a look past him."I see."


It was late afternoon the teenagers arrived at their middle class hotel. Their mood hadn't changed much although Yuana had tried several times to make them laugh or just smile. But there was no use. After a while he resigned and kept still.

It was a sorry sight to see them walk in there:

Jiro grumbling to himself.

Takuro quite unsure what to do but trying to keep professionally.

Yuana kind of depressed his best jokes didn't succeed.

Teru and Hisashi not talking at all, trying not to show their real emotions.

I wonder what crossed the mind of the woman at the reception when she saw the group in front of her. I could swear I discovered pity on her features.

"We reserved two rooms on Kubo for 14 days." Takuro told the female.

"Let me have a look. Ah here...Oh. A moment please." Something seemed to be not like it should be for the expression on the woman's face grew more confused the longer she looked at the PCs' screen.

"I'm sorry but something went wrong so I can only offer you two double rooms and one single room. Of course you won't have to pay more. I'm really sorry. That won't happen again." She apologized, bowed and handed him their keys. "It's room 56, 57 and 60, second floor, left.You must be back until 11 pm or otherwise call here and let us know if it's getting later. Arigato gozaimasu for choosing L'arc en Ciel hotel group. Have a nice day."

"Well, it looks like we have no choice." The tall boy turned to face the others. "What do we do? Any proposals? Who sleeps where?"

Everyone thought about it, occasionally looking at each other.

"I'll take the single room." Hisashi declared and it sounds definitely so no one dared to say anything against.

"So I think Yuana and I'll take a double room, ne?"

Yuana agreed at his brothers' statement.

"Well, you decided." And with that Takuro walked over to the elevator.'It can't get worse.' That's a thing you never should say or think because it's always getting worse then. You'll see.


Teru threw his bag on his bed and then himself, putting one arm above his eyes. His thoughts were still cruising around what has happened before. Did he do anything wrong? Was it his fault? He only wanted to help and see what it turns out!

"Takky, I'm damn hungry." He stated, sounding powerless.

The other was clearing off his suitcase but stopped when Teru finally spoke, eyeing his friend warily. "I'll just finish here. Then let's meet the others and look for the dining room." He smiled a little bit.

"I'm alright with that." Teru agreed sleepy and closed his eyes for a moment. 'How can such a little event make me feeling down like that? I don't even really know him, for chrissake!'


Hisashi was standing in front of the mirror in his room and had been staring at himself for almost ten minutes by now, the lights switched off. He just couldn't stop thinking. Everything he tried (listening to music, thinking of funny things, watching TV) wasn't able to do so. He'd just given up and let the memories catching him. At the beginning there were just short scenes flashing by but after a while they seem to surround and swallow him. It just felt like falling down a never ending pitch black tunnel.

His breath became faster and he had to rest his hands upon the wash basin, closing his eyes slowly. This room was driving him crazy so he opened them and decided to leave in order to find a place to calm down. Hisashi grabbed his key and rushed out, the door closed behind him. Then there was only a dark room, the moon touching the empty bed. Silence.


"Arrrgh! Stooop it, oni-san! I can't stand it anymore." Yuana wailed and covered his ears. All the time since they entered the room his brother has complained about Teru and Hisashi being oh so silly and...he just didn't know what other words escaped Jiro's mouth because it were so much and he just didn't stop. He went on and on and on. By now Yuana had an headache. Fortunately someone knocked at their door what made Jiro to pause. Facilitated he opened to led in Takuro and Teru.

"We're going to eat something down there. Do you want to join us?" The two brothers were asked by Takuro.

"Oh, yes. I`m nearly starving right now.What's about you, ni-san?"

Jiro looked still quite angry but answered anyway, forcing a little smile onto his features. "Yeah, I'm damn hungry too. I hope I'll be able to swallow anything when there's a mood like before."

Although this was directed to Teru he didn't seem to notice.

"Does anyone have a clue where the dining room is?"

Jiro shrugged.

"I think I saw a sign in the first floor. Let's look there first." Yuana exclaimed proudly and opened the door.


The sun has almost disappeared and it was getting darker by every minute passing by.

"Oi, nice to meet you again and I want to apolo..." Yura nearly yelled as he suddenly discovered Hisashi walking towards him on the sidewalk. The other boy just ignored him and hurried up a little bit."Wait! I'm sorry, I said!" But Hisashi was already too far away because he started to run.

You surely want to know why Yura was out there alone, don't you? It's quite simple: He lost a bet. Aya started it in order to keep Yura still but you all know Yura. He just can't. He was meant to not say anything for the whole trip to their hotel. Five minutes it seemed to work, five wonderful relaxing minutes and then Yuras' self control was crashed by a little sweet shop they passed while sitting in the bus. "Ohhh...have you seen? We have to have a look in there. It looks sooo nice! Awww..." He went on like this all the way, killing the other's nerves step by step, especially Aya's and Lida's. By the time the five guys reached their destination Aya's blood was literally boiling and Lida was about to kill him. It got worse when seek, Aya and Yura entered their room. Of course Yura was the first to declare the best bed to be his.

That was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"That's enough! Leave here and don't dare to come back before the sun has set!" Aya exploded. I tell you, his eyes were pure fire!Yura was grabbed by him and thrown out, the door slamming right after him. After getting bored walking around in the hotel he decided to go for a walk and here we are.


"Hisashi's room was 60, ne?" Takuro asked as the four walked through the floor to pick him up.

"Yes, it is." Teru could be heard, his voice showing the growing insecurity as they neared the room.

As they stood in front of it Takuro knocked slightly.


He knocked again, this time quite louder.


"Maybe he just don't want to see us right now." Teru suggested and tried to hide his sadness but didn't do well.

"Hisashi, we're going to eat something down in the dining room. Join us if you want. See you later if not." Takuro said just loud enough Hisashi would have been able to hear if he had been there. "Now let's finally eat something." So they left to appease their hunger after all of this. Yuana had been right.After they had finished they were about to enter the elevator again when Teru, who had said almost nothing during the meal, said he wanted some time of his own. Takuro just nodded.

So he walked out of the hotel to clear his mind. The sun has set and the moon shone quite bright as he looked up. Suddenly he crashed into someone and fell down backwards.

"Itaii~" He pressed out, winked and eventually looked up to find out who caused this. 'The strange blonde...Yura I think. He made things went wrong.' A pretty much disgusted expression reclaimed his face and he stood. "It's you!" Teru snapped at him, causing Yura to take a step back.

"I'm really sorry! Really, I am! I said to your friend not long ago too. I wasn't thinking back then." He took another step back.

"Wait! What did you just say? Not long time ago? When did you meet him?" Teru asked him worried.

"Oh, I don't know exactly but it seems to me to be around ten minutes ago. I was walking on my way and watching the lovely landscape..."

"Just get to the damn point!" Teruhiko grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Ah, yes yes! I wanted to apologize but he just ignored me and ran away." Yura pouted.

"Let me tell you something: You deserved it! Tell me which direction he chose!" Slowly he got impatient. Yura only pointed there too intimidated to say anything and Teru darted off.

"I really fucked up." Yura said to himself and sighed.


After a few minutes of running where Teru supposed Hisashi to be, he realized he must be pretty close to the ocean because waves going up and down the beach could be heard. 'Maybe he's gone there.' Teru thought.

A few steps later he saw the sea, the sparkling waves which reflected the moonlight and bathed the whole seaside in a soft light. The mild wind touching his face, cooling his mind and the wonderful sea air. It was just unbelievable peaceful.

Suddenly he spotted a slender, dark figure standing near the water, embracing itsself. 'Hisashi?' Was Teru's first idea and he quietly began to wander over there.

part VI

Title: A new friend (part VI)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 20. Fear

Rating: PG-13 (???)

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make! I don't own them but they own my heart! (*_*)

Comments: Long time no see, ne? XD~ My vacation is over so now I have to write my fictions after 6 pm or if there's nothing to do, at my workplace. ^^° As you can imagine next parts maybe will take longer than before. Sorry in advance. BTW: Plz correct my mistakes! I'm thankful to any helpful advice. ^__^

Other persons: Psycho le Cemu


A new friend (part VI)

A few steps away Teru stopped. Hisashi didn't show the slightest sign he recognized something, his gaze still watching the waves. Teru's eyes wandered down the other's body to the feet and he noticed the shoes were taken off. For a while he just watched the water engulfing the other's feet every time it came back but then he encouraged himself.

"Hisashi...?" He asked softly and waited for a response. But none came.

It seemed like the boy in front of him hadn't heard, for no reaction was shown. A few minutes of waiting...but there was still nothing other than the sea murmuring, he tried once more and this time a little louder. "Hisashi, I..."

Suddenly the other almost jumped and turned around, his eyes wide in shock but as he realized who was the "intruder" they decreased. "It's you...!" And with that he reclaimed his former position, crossing his arms and looking at the ocean again. "So...I can imagine why you are here....but how did you know?" The boy in front of Teru asked curiously and kind of confused.

"I met that Yura-fellow after leaving our hotel and he told me he saw you running this direction...I was kinda worried and lucky to discover you here." Teru replied while putting his hands into his pockets. "What made you running out here without saying anybody? I-we were worried about you!"

"It's just...some parts of today made me remember...things I don't want to." Hisashi shuddered as some pictures of his past flashed by and closed his eyes for a moment, just listening to the calming sound surrounding them. Teru eyed him warily before asking the question everyone wants to ask right now:

"What...what happened back then?" Teru held his breath, excited how the other boy would react.


As Yura turned around the corner at the third floor of their hotel he stopped in his tracks as he saw Aya and seek, their ears pressed at someones door, chuckling every once in a while. It was obvious what they were doing there. As he neared the two he noticed it was Lida and Daishi's room. 'What can be such interesting?' He thought by himself and stopped behind Aya and seek.

"What's up?" The blonde asked, grinning quite bright.

"Aaagh!" Aya squeaked and nearly fell over in shock. seek instead seemed to stiffening suddenly and turned looking like a tomato. To be honest it matched quite well his green pajama.


Daishi paused his actions for a moment and listened carefully. "Did you hear something?" He whispered and looked over at the door.

Lida turned his lover's head back to look into his eyes. "No, I don't. Let's just go on. I want your full attention, dear!" With that he reclaimed his lips.


"Silly, man! What if they heard? What a damn timing, Yura!" Aya was almost whispering and had slight pink cheeks too, oh and was that sweat on his forehead?

"But, what are they doing that cou..." Yura wanted to know but faster than he knew it could happen his mouth was covered by Aya's hand.

"Shhh, hope they didn't hear." The boy said near Yura's ear, now really whispering. "Do you have ears or not? They are making out!!!" The pink haired grumbled almost under his breath. The blonde concentrated and really could hear two persons moaning. Yura's eyes widened but then he clasped his hands in glee. "Oh, hauw swchhh~umpf" There was no use since Aya just covered the other's mouth more harshly and stomped at his foot. "What did I just say?" The smaller one hissed and glared at him. "Join us or leave us alone but whatever you do: Shut up! You don't want to know what will happen if not." The threat was clear so Yura dared not to say anything against when Aya moved away his hand. So the three proceeded in listening Lida's and Daishi's making out session and maybe(surely!) wetting their pants as they did.


"I knew you would ask. I'm not sure...I'm afraid of what you'll think of me if I tell you and if you'll do the same another friend did when I told him." Hisashi looked back, directly into Teru's eyes, his own shimmering a little bit. Since back then he was quite uncertain and careful whom he told what. His past were things he didn't talk of too many times, to be honest he did only one time.

Teru just smiled his catchy smile and gave him a wink. "Don't be afraid of what others will say. I can't promise you not to react like you don't want me to because by now I don't know anything but...I can promise you there's nothing to be afraid of." He never let any of his friends down nor any people he worried about and won't start it right now.

Hisashi eyed him a few minutes, inside him fighting two feeling against each other, but then the trusty ones won. He showed a little bit of a smile and let out his breath before starting.

"I was fourteen then..."


"Jiro?" A knocking sound could be heard. This time the older of the two brothers opened the door a questioning look within his eyes.

"Takky? Why are you here? It's half past eleven and I'm really tired although I don't know why. Maybe it's the air or whatever." He yawned openly and twitched his sleeping clothes in a cute way.

"I thought Teru to be here but obviously he isn't. He still didn't return. His mobile phone is in our room and I don't think he has money with him. As you heard they close the hotel at eleven o'clock. I'm just kinda worried, you see."

"So what should we do about that? Go and search him? We don't even know where he is. I understand your worries, I'm worried too now I know 'bout it...but it seems to me like we can't do anything and...I believe he'll manage it...somehow." Jiro put an hand on the shoulder of his friend.

"He's old enough to take care of himself, damn!" Jiro added and let go of Takuro who nodded slightly

part VII

Title: A new friend (part VI)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 2. Alcohol

Rating: PG-13 (???)

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make!

Comments: Surprised to see me? Yes? I'm too! XD~ I had some time at work today so I was able to write the next part which turned out to be not the same I thought it would be. I wonder how long this story will be at the end...to be honest I have no idea by now. ^^°° And again: Plz correct my mistakes! I'm thankful to any helpful advice. ^__^

Other persons: Psycho le Cemu, Gackt (also known as Mr. G XD~)


A new friend (part VII)


"...and was still very shy. I don't know why it's different by now" He shrugged and then went on.

"No one really seemed to care about me. I had no friends until he came along. He just looked at me a few seconds and then asked if I want to be friends with him. I was startled I have to admit but I got the impression of him being a nice person and he was handsome too. He treated me very well, introduced me to his friends and made me feel I'm not alone anymore. We did homework together, played Playstation and went out to disco sometimes. He even tried to get me a girlfriend but I never felt like calling them although I got quite a lot of numbers. I figured he was kind of a playboy due to the amount of girlfriends he had but I didn't mind too much as long as I could be with him for some time. After a while I realized why I felt like I did...I admired him for being like he was for a long time but at that time it wasn't just that. I think I kinda fell in love with him. That made things worse." Hisashi paused and looked at Teru as expecting him to laugh at him or being disgusted and walk away, but Teru didn't. He just looked back.

"So...what happened next?" He only wanted to know and stepped closer to Hisashi. "Please tell me." Teru added and gave him an encouraging smile, his eyes still filled with concern and another thing Hisashi just could not place. So he straightened himself for what was coming next and continued.

"One day he was very drunk when we walked back from disco in the evening and he was jabbering about something I could hardly understand. I had to half carry him so I was a little bit distracted of us being so close. When we reached his home I had to pull his key out of his tight pants what caused a little reaction within them. To this he pulled me closer as I was about to unlock the door. Maybe I should mention he was living on his own and was older than me. Finally I finished and dragged him over to his couch cause I couldn't carry him one second longer. As I laid him down he suddenly grabbed my neck and kissed me." He stopped again and blushed. A look at Teru told him he had nothing to be afraid of for Teru nodding at him to go on.

"A-and I kissed back. I really enjoyed it although he maybe thought I was some girl. He went on and brought me closer to himself and so on. And for a few minutes everything seemed wonderful, like a dream...until his hand opened my pants and touched not what he usually is meant to touch. As he realized what it has to be, he threw me off of him so I fell next to the couch and stood up, his eyes flashing dangerously. But then he nearly collapsed because of the high amount of alcohol he drank before so I helped him to sit down. Right after he settled there he harshly pushed me away again. I nearly stumbled over his little table which was in front of his sofa. He grumbled something sounding quite very much like "How dare you, asshole!". I stared at him in shock, not able to say anything and then ran off. This night I didn't get any sleep at all. I fucked up and was afraid of what he was going to do or say. Just a little hope I had was he won't remember but as you can imagine fate wasn't that kind."

"Looking really down I showed up at school the next day, my view blurry but I kept my smile in place although I felt like it didn't look very convincing. My mood became worse when I saw him for the first time of that day. He first glared and then just ignored me, walking by as he never had known me. It also looked like all other pupils were staring at me but at this time it was just my imagination. What took place after school I never expected."

"Right then they were -really- staring at me and muttering could be heard everywhere I walked by. I ducked my head and hurried up. 'Just get outta here!' Was what I thought when I crashed into someone and stumbled back. I looked up immediately and was about to apologize but stopped right away. "Hey, gay-freak! You pissed off one of my friends." The other boy smirked and leaned forward so only I could hear what he said. "You gonna pay for that, be sure!" They brought me into some storeroom and then...." Hisashi had to breath in and out a few times but couldn't bring himself to go on. Once again he looked back at Teru, uncertainty all over his face. He trembled a little bit and his bottom lip began to quaver. "I-I don't think I can go on." He whispered and put his gaze down.

Teru watched him sadly and closed the space between them, putting a hand on Hisashi's shoulder to turn him around and hugged him. "You don't have to if you can't." He tried to soothe the other boy. At first Hisashi was kind of surprised Teru doing a thing like this but after a few seconds he hugged him back and leaned his head against the other's chest, signing as he did.


"It seems like they have finished." Aya murmured as the moans subsided and they didn't hear anything for a while. The others nodded at that.

Right then a big shadow covered the three of them but they didn't notice until the person the shadow belonged to chose to speak.

"May I ask what are you doing here?" A frightening deep voice said, making them screaming out as turning around within a second. "You better have a good answer to that because I'm the hotel director and we promise our guests privacy." The big man said and waited for them to reply, one brow furrowed.

Aya was the first to cool down and smart enough to think of an answer while reading the name tag at the man's suit. "Mr. Gackt, we-we just wanted to visit our friends and it seems they wanted to play a trick on us by not letting us in. So we had to check if that was the case or not." His mistake was to blush a little bit for the director didn't buy it.

"I want you to leave this place and return to your rooms now. I don't tolerate people who are not paying attention to other's privacy." Gackt said strictly.

Seek pulled on Aya's sleeve and whispered: "I'm scared, let's go." The pink haired grabbed the others hand. "We will do so, Mr. Gackt." He said stiffly and began to walk away. After a few steps Aya took a look back and saw Yura still staring at the big man who just started back and was that admiration in Yura's eyes? So he rushed back, grabbed Yura too and was about to dart off as the door opened. A sleepy Daishi, rubbing his eyes, appeared.

"What's going on here?"

part VIII

Title: A new friend (part VIII)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 6. Attraction

Rating: PG-13 (???)

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make! (Let's keep it realistic, guys! No one would pay for this.)

Comments: As you can see I had some time today too! XD~ But this chapter is kinda crappy and much too short. >_< I don't like it much. *breathes out* Sorry! T__T And again: Plz correct my mistakes! I'm thankful to any helpful advice. ^__^

Other persons: Psycho le Cemu, Gackt (also known as Mr. G XD~)


A new friend (part VIII)


For a long time they stood there like this, just holding each other. The moonlight bathed them so it seems like they were glowing a little bit. Only the sound of the waves could be heard. 'It must happened something very bad. I don't even want to think about what it could be. But why did he open up that much? I never thought he would.' Teru narrowed his eyes and looked down at the other, pondering about what to do next. He didn't recognize the silent tears streaming down the other's face until Hisashi looked up at him. At that Teru's eyes widened.

"Don't cry, Hisashi!" Teru said and there was an uncomfortable feeling inside him, he didn't know he could have. Sure, he always can't bear it to see other people cry but this time something was different. He had no idea what to do and it seemed to hurt himself watching Hisashi being sad like this. 'But why?' He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts which showed up. 'That's impossible!'

"I don't want to cry." The other boy sniffed and looked down embarrassed. This time he didn't cry only because of this past events. There was another reason and it felt good to know Teru wouldn't hate him or something like this. He felt warm and protected in this embracement, wishing he could feel like this forever. All too soon Teru let go of him and pushed him away but then kept his hands at the others shoulders to look straight into his eyes and smiled. First Hisashi was shocked but then he saw the others smile and blushed. By now he really liked Terus smile.

"I won't let you down, I promise." At that Hisashi could not help but smile a little bit what made Teru's grin become even brighter. That's what he always wanted: To make other people happy even if it's only for a few moments. That's what makes him happy and paradoxically this time it made him more happy than ever before so he felt like hugging Hisashi again in a more passionate way.


"I think you're right." Takuro signed. "Well sleep, Jiro." With that he made his way back to his and Teru's room and plopped down at his bed. There was nothing he could do so he got off all his clothes but his shorts and put the blanket over himself. After a while he was snoring peacefully.

Jiro closed the door with a "You too!" and went back to lay down, yawning three times. "Good night, ni-chan." He muttered before he drifted off to sleep.

Yuana was already dreaming of the beach they were supposed to go to the following day.


This time Aya was too surprised to think of a good answer and just stared at Daishi in shock, his cheeks becoming red pretty fast. On the one hand he just couldn't tell Daishi what he told the hotel director before. On the other hand another excuse wouldn't do it either. This damn Gackt was still there what made it impossible to save the day.

Then Yura tried to help out there. "Hi, Daishi! Nice to hear you and Lida are such~aahhh!" He cried out when the pink haired stomped on his foot again. "Be quiet, goddamn! Aya hissed through gritted teeth. "You're just making things worse!"

"Aya, Yura...and Seek?" What are you doing here...and who is this man over there?" Daishi asked, still very sleepy.

"May I introduce myself, Mr.? I'm Gackt, Camui Gackt, the hotel director. I wanted to have a talk with this people who you obviously know." He gave the other three a knowing look. "You don't have to worry. I'll handle this." Gackt smiled at Daishi in a persuading way.

"Ah.." He yawned cutely. "...guys, I'm just too tired for this right now. See ya tomorrow." Without thinking much about it the blonde went back into his room and closed the door quietly, not to wake up Lida. "Strange." Was what he thought before he shut his eyes.

part IX

Title: A new friend (part IX)

Author: visual_freak

Theme: 14. Cold

Rating: PG-13 (???)

Pairing: TeruxHisa

Disclaimer: Not my boys...no money to make! (Show me a human who would pay for crappy stories like this one!)

Comments: Due to the fact it's saturday I was able to write something again. This part is dedicated to Momo-san who is always a source of inspiration to me. She also always motivates me to go on. Thank you! *hugs* It's nice to know that there are people out there who read my crap however. THX! Not as short as the last one! I'm relieved. ^_^°

And again: Plz correct my mistakes! I'm thankful to any helpful advice. ^__^

Other persons: Psycho le Cemu, Gackt (also known as Mr. G XD~)


A new friend (part IX)


'Why is he so nice?' Hisashi thought but then returned the embrace. Due to the fact it was almost 12 o' clock it got quite could what made him shivering as another gust of wind came up.

"You're could?" Teru asked and looked down at Hisashi who nodded kind of embarrassed. "Hmm...use this." Teru let go of him. "It's not much but better than nothing, ne? " Teru offered and got off his T-Shirt.

"But what about you?" The other boy asked worried. "You'll catch a cold! I can't..." He was not able to say more because Teru already pulled his shirt over the protesting Hisashi. Afterwards he just blinked a few times and was not able to hide the puzzled expression on his face. "But..." The smaller boy started again and was stopped by the sight of Teru not wearing anything but his trousers. Again he blushed pretty much and put his gaze down. The other boy didn't seem to notice.

"You look funny. You're definitely too thin for this." A shirtless Teru snickered. "I think it's best we return to our hotel now, don't you think so?" Teru suggested. A hand was offered to Hisashi and he gently took it while smiling his cute smile. So they made their way to the hotel through the dark night, never let go of the other.


At that the four persons at the hallway almost visibly sweat-dropped. 'That was close.' Aya sighed and saw the others must have thought the same due to their look. There was only one problem left: Mr. Gackt over there. 'What kind of name was Gackt anyway?' It sounded quite dumb to him. 'If I were you I would change my name or leave it at Mr. G. or something like that.' The pink haired thought and looked over.

"As I said before: I want you to return to your rooms. If there'll be only one other occurrence like this I'll ensure you'll leave the hotel no matter what. Was that clear enough?" The hotel director's strict but also cool voice could be heard.

Seek jerked at that, looking quite frightened and pulled at Ayas sleeve. "Ayaa~" He whispered and ducked his head. Yura again only stared at Gackt, not able to move. "Sometimes it really seems like I'm surrounded by idiots and cowards!" Aya grumbled under his breath and turned, again dragging Yura with him.

"I'll keep an eye on you." Mr. Gackt added. He watched them until they turned around the corner and then grinned. "They really bought it." He had to hold back a laugh at that. Sometimes it's just fun to play the bad guy. With that he went back to the elevator.


When Hisashi and Teru reached their hotel the door was locked and nearly all lights were switched off. "Shit! It's after twelve." Teru swore and searched within his pants' pockets for his mobile phone and then for some money. As you can imagine he found none of both. He laughed nervously.

"I-I forgot my mobile and...my money too. Do you have any idea how to get in there?" Hisashi was asked. He also checked his pockets but there was nothing more there than a few Yen which would never be enough to call anyone. He sighed and shook his head. "Sorry..."

"Aw, no sorry! " Teru said and smiled.

"But all in all it was my fault." The other boy replied stubbornly.

"Nono, it's not. I was the fool to run after you in the end. But I don't regret it." He grinned but then looked thoughtful suddenly. "Now the question is: What do we do?" Hisashi shrugged at that. He had no idea. Without money you almost always have no chance in this world.

"Hm...maybe they have some security men who have a look here every once in a while. I think it's best we sit down here at the entrance." Teru suggested. The other could not think of anything better right now so he just nodded and sat down, leaning back at the door. The shirtless did the same and sat down next to Hisashi. Being so close to the other boy he noticed his goose bumps.

"You're freezing again." A soft voice said as a hand was put on the others shoulder and Teru came closer to Hisashi to keep him warm."That's all I can do." He explained and a slight red tinged his cheeks as the boy looked at him.

"And what about you? I want you to take your shirt back." Hisashi was about to take the shirt off when Teru stopped him by grabbing his hands which caused a quite questionable position. Both of them blushed.

"You're the slender one here. I won't take it back so leave it on." His voice was kind of strict so the younger one didn't dare to move on. Teru let go of Hisashi's hands and reclaimed his former position a bit worried about what had happened and his confusing feelings he had now. He leaned back and looked up at the sparkling stars there. 'What is happening to me?' He thought.

Both kept silent after that, thinking about what's going on. After a while Hisashi got really tired and rested his head on the others' shoulder what made Teru smile although he didn't exactly know why such a thing should cause something like this. It took not very long until the smaller one drifted off to sleep. You know, if someone's sleeping next to you, one's getting tired too very soon. So not much time passed by the two were peacefully sleeping there. You should have seen them: Teru's arms entwining Hisashi. Hisashi's head on Terus' shoulder and Teru's head resting on Hisashis'.


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