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Yeo   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 01.10.2012 14:33
Diesen Samstag, also am 6.10. geb ich ´nen Manga-Workshop in der Buchhandlung OSIANDER in Reutlingen. 14 bis 16 Uhr.
Is gratis und ihr könnt alle vorbei kommen, wenn ihr Bock habt. Wenn ihr mögt, könnt ihr auf Nummer Sicher gehen und euch hier schon mal anmelden. Keine Angst, da gibt´s keine Staubsauger oder so.

Alternativ hab ich dazu noch ´n Animexx-Event angelegt:

Themen sind recht frei. Ich werd euch auch nach euren Wünschen fragen. Also wenn euch was ganz brennend interessiert, dann nur raus damit. Ihr könnt auch hier in die Kommentare schon was reinschreiben.
Viele interessiert´s ja z.B., wie´s bei so ´nem Verlag aussieht. Wie man da landet und wie das dann läuft, wenn man an ´nem Taschenbuch arbeitet. Andre interessierensich mehr für so Themen wie Motivation, eine längere Geschichte zu zeichnen oder die Suche nach Ideen und guten Figuren, Settings usw.

Bin mal gespannt, was da am Samstag bei rauskommt!
Struwwelpeter: Die Rückkehr

Alkoholmarker, Computer koloriert


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-26T18:03:10+00:00 26.03.2024 19:03
Mephedrone, a synthetic stimulant, has gained notoriety in recreational drug circles. Its hydrochloride and hydrobromide forms are notable, each presenting distinct characteristics.

In terms of chemistry, the difference lies in the anion component. While mephedrone hydrochloride contains a chloride anion, mephedrone hydrobromide incorporates a bromide anion. This discrepancy influences their properties, particularly solubility and potency.

Solubility is a pivotal factor. Mephedrone https://mephedrone.com/versus/mephedrone-hydrochloride-vs-hydrobromide hydrochloride exhibits higher solubility in water compared to its hydrobromide counterpart. This attribute is significant in pharmaceutical formulations and illicit drug production, affecting the ease of synthesis and administration routes.

Potency is another differentiating factor. Mephedrone hydrochloride is often touted for its heightened potency compared to mephedrone hydrobromide. This variance underscores the importance of dosage considerations in medical applications and recreational use to avoid adverse effects.

In terms of pharmacological effects, both forms share similarities owing to mephedrone's mechanism of action as a monoamine reuptake inhibitor. However, subtle distinctions may arise due to variances in pharmacokinetics influenced by the different counterions.

Legally, the distinction between hydrochloride and hydrobromide forms may be pertinent. Regulations governing these substances might treat them differently based on their chemical compositions, potentially impacting their legal status and control measures.

Moreover, the choice between hydrochloride and hydrobromide forms in research and pharmaceutical applications may hinge on factors such as stability, bioavailability, and desired pharmacokinetic profiles.

Overall, while mephedrone hydrochloride and hydrobromide share a common chemical structure and pharmacological activity, their differences in solubility, potency, and legal considerations underscore the importance of discerning between the two forms in various contexts, from scientific research to law enforcement efforts aimed at mitigating their misuse.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-24T07:55:28+00:00 24.03.2024 08:55
Synthesis nitromethane involves a meticulous process integral to various industrial applications. Nitromethane, with its chemical formula CH3NO2, serves as a crucial precursor in the production of explosives, pharmaceuticals, and even rocket propellants. The synthesis of nitromethane primarily follows a two-step reaction route. Initially, methane undergoes a halogenation reaction, typically with chlorine or bromine, yielding methyl halides. Subsequently, the methyl halides react with nitric acid under carefully controlled conditions to yield nitromethane. This method ensures the efficient production of nitromethane on an industrial scale.

Nitroethane, on the other hand, presents another significant compound in organic synthesis. Like nitromethane, it finds utility in various industrial processes, including the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and pesticides. The synthesis of nitroethane often involves the reaction between ethane and nitric acid in the presence of a catalyst. The resulting nitroethane possesses diverse applications, particularly in the manufacturing of solvents and fuel additives.

In the realm of chemical synthesis nitromethane, precision and safety are paramount. The production of nitromethane and nitroethane demands adherence to strict protocols to ensure product quality and minimize hazards. Both compounds serve as essential building blocks in the synthesis of numerous organic compounds, underscoring their significance in industrial chemistry.

Industrial facilities engaged in the synthesis of nitromethane and nitroethane must adhere to stringent safety measures to mitigate potential risks associated with handling reactive chemicals. Moreover, continuous research and development efforts strive to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of these synthesis processes, aligning with broader goals of environmental responsibility and resource conservation.

In conclusion, the synthesis of nitromethane and nitroethane stands as pivotal processes in organic chemistry, facilitating the production of a myriad of essential compounds. Through meticulous control and adherence to safety standards, industrial operations can reliably produce these compounds to meet the demands of various sectors, ranging from pharmaceuticals to explosives. As technology advances, further refinements in synthesis methodologies promise to optimize efficiency and sustainability in chemical production.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-22T19:01:14+00:00 22.03.2024 20:01
BMK methyl glycidate, also known as methyl 3-oxo-2-phenylbutyrate, is a crucial precursor in the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals and illicit substances. Understanding its different forms—methyl, ethyl, and powder—is essential for those involved in chemical research and law enforcement agencies alike.

In its methyl form, BMK methyl glycidate is a liquid with a high boiling point, making it suitable for certain chemical processes. This form is commonly utilized in pharmaceutical manufacturing due to its stability and purity.

On the other hand, ethyl BMK methyl glycidate offers distinct properties. With a slightly different chemical structure, it provides flexibility in certain synthesis methods and applications. Researchers often prefer this form for specific reactions where its characteristics offer advantages.

Powdered BMK methyl glycidate, although less common, presents unique challenges and opportunities. Its solid state facilitates storage and transportation, making it convenient for certain operations. However, handling powdered substances requires caution due to potential hazards associated with dust inhalation.

Each form of BMK methyl glycidate has its advantages and considerations. Researchers must carefully evaluate which form best suits their needs based on the specific requirements of their experiments and projects. Factors such as solubility, reactivity, and safety concerns should guide the selection process.

Law enforcement agencies closely monitor the distribution and usage of BMK methyl glycidate due to its association with the illegal production of controlled substances like MDMA. Understanding the characteristics of each form aids in the detection and prevention of illicit activities involving this precursor.

In conclusion, BMK methyl glycidate exists in various forms—methyl, ethyl, and powder—each serving distinct purposes in chemical research and synthesis. Whether in pharmaceutical manufacturing or law enforcement efforts, comprehensive knowledge of these forms is indispensable for ensuring safe and responsible use within legal boundaries.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-20T19:20:51+00:00 20.03.2024 20:20
PMK oil synthesis from PMK (CAS 28578-16-7 wax form) on a large scale requires meticulous procedures and state-of-the-art facilities. The process begins with the procurement of PMK powder CAS 28578-16-7 from certified factories, ensuring the highest quality and purity standards. These factories adhere to stringent regulations to maintain consistency and reliability in their products.

Once obtained, the pmk powder cas 28578-16-7 factories undergoes a series of carefully controlled chemical reactions to convert it into PMK oil. This transformation involves precise temperature and pressure conditions to ensure optimal yields and purity. Specialized equipment and skilled chemists oversee every step of the synthesis process to guarantee the desired results.

Quality control is paramount throughout the synthesis process to eliminate impurities and contaminants. Advanced analytical techniques, such as chromatography and spectroscopy, are employed to monitor the composition and purity of the PMK oil at various stages of production. Any deviations from the specified criteria are promptly addressed to maintain product integrity.

Large-scale production of PMK oil demands efficient logistics and storage solutions to handle bulk quantities safely. Adequate facilities for handling hazardous materials are essential to minimize risks and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Strict adherence to safety protocols and environmental regulations is non-negotiable in the operation of PMK synthesis facilities.

Furthermore, continuous research and development efforts are essential to optimize the synthesis process and improve product quality. Collaborations with academic institutions and industry partners facilitate innovation and drive advancements in PMK oil production technology.

In conclusion, PMK oil synthesis from PMK powder CAS 28578-16-7 on a large scale requires a combination of expertise, precision, and adherence to stringent quality standards. With certified factories supplying high-quality PMK powder, meticulous synthesis processes, and robust quality control measures, the production of PMK oil meets the demands of various industries while upholding safety and regulatory compliance.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-19T18:57:14+00:00 19.03.2024 19:57
Exploring the chemical properties of Synthesis P2NP unveils a fascinating realm of organic chemistry. Synthesis P2NP, or Phenyl-2-nitropropene, is a pivotal intermediate in the synthesis of various organic compounds, particularly amphetamines. Its chemical structure, characterized by a phenyl ring attached to a nitropropene moiety, lends it versatile reactivity and intriguing properties.

The synthesis of P2NP typically involves the condensation of benzaldehyde with nitroethane in the presence of a suitable catalyst, followed by reduction to yield the desired product. This process showcases the importance of meticulous control over reaction conditions to ensure optimal yields and purity.

One notable aspect of Synthesis P2NP is its role as a precursor in the illicit production of methamphetamine. This unfortunate application underscores the significance of regulatory measures and ethical considerations in handling such compounds.

Chemically, Synthesis P2NP exhibits interesting characteristics. Its nitro group imparts both electron-withdrawing and steric effects, influencing its reactivity in subsequent transformations. Additionally, its aromatic ring confers stability and dictates its behavior in various reactions, including reductions, oxidations, and functional group interconversions.

Researchers delve into the intricacies of Synthesis P2NP's chemical behavior to unravel its potential applications beyond clandestine drug synthesis. Studies explore its reactivity with different nucleophiles, its behavior under various reaction conditions, and its potential as a building block in organic synthesis.

Furthermore, the structural motifs present in Synthesis P2NP inspire the design of novel organic molecules with tailored properties. By leveraging its unique reactivity patterns, chemists aim to develop innovative methodologies for the synthesis of complex organic molecules with applications in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and beyond.

Understanding the chemical properties of Synthesis P2NP requires a multidisciplinary approach encompassing organic synthesis, spectroscopy, and computational chemistry. Through collaborative efforts, scientists aim to elucidate its molecular interactions, reaction mechanisms, and structure-activity relationships, paving the way for advancements in chemical synthesis and drug discovery.

In conclusion, exploring the chemical properties of Synthesis P2NP unveils a captivating landscape of organic chemistry. Beyond its notorious association with illicit drug production, this compound embodies intriguing reactivity patterns and holds promise for diverse applications in both academic and industrial settings. As research in this field progresses, so too does our understanding of the intricate mechanisms governing organic reactions, propelling innovation and discovery in the realm of chemistry.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-18T07:03:09+00:00 18.03.2024 08:03
Exploring the Chemical Properties of Synthesis p2np

Synthesis p2np, or phenyl-2-nitropropene, stands as a pivotal compound in organic chemistry, recognized for its diverse applications and intriguing chemical properties. This compound, derived from the condensation of benzaldehyde and nitroethane, offers a fascinating avenue for research and practical utilization.

At its core, Synthesis p2np embodies a conjugated system, presenting aromaticity due to its benzene ring and exhibiting reactivity owing to the nitro group. This combination renders it a versatile intermediate in the synthesis of various organic compounds, including pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and agrochemicals.

One of the notable characteristics of Synthesis p2np lies in its susceptibility to reduction reactions. By employing reducing agents like tin and hydrochloric acid, the nitro group can be efficiently converted to an amine, yielding phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), a precursor in the synthesis of illicit drugs. This aspect underscores its significance in both legitimate chemical processes and illicit drug manufacturing, highlighting the dual nature of its applications.

Furthermore, the chemical reactivity of Synthesis p2np extends to its potential as a substrate in catalytic hydrogenation reactions. Through the use of catalysts such as palladium on carbon, the double bond within the molecule can be selectively hydrogenated, offering avenues for fine-tuning its chemical properties and enabling the synthesis of diverse derivatives.

Beyond its synthetic applications, Synthesis p2np also exhibits intriguing spectroscopic properties. Its UV-Vis spectrum displays characteristic absorption peaks, allowing for its identification and quantification in various reaction mixtures. Moreover, its ^1H NMR spectrum reveals distinct chemical shifts corresponding to different protons within the molecule, facilitating elucidation of its molecular structure and monitoring of reaction progress.

In conclusion, Synthesis p2np stands as a compound of significant interest in organic chemistry, owing to its versatile reactivity and broad range of applications. Its role as an intermediate in organic synthesis, coupled with its spectroscopic characteristics, underscores its importance in both academic research and industrial processes. By delving deeper into its chemical properties, researchers continue to unlock new insights and applications for this intriguing compound.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-14T17:37:32+00:00 14.03.2024 18:37
Synthesis flakka, also known as a-PVP, is a synthetic stimulant that has garnered significant attention due to its potent effects on the central nervous system. Chemically classified as a cathinone, a-PVP belongs to the pyrrolidinophenone class and shares structural similarities with other substances like MDPV and α-PHP.

Understanding the chemistry of a-PVP reveals its mechanism of action. It primarily functions as a reuptake inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters responsible for regulating mood, pleasure, and arousal. By blocking the reuptake of these neurotransmitters, a-PVP increases their levels in the brain, leading to intense euphoria, heightened alertness, and enhanced energy levels.

The effects of a-PVP are rapid and intense, often manifesting within minutes of ingestion. Users report a surge of energy accompanied by feelings of invincibility and increased sociability. However, these effects can quickly escalate to paranoia, agitation, and hallucinations, especially with prolonged or excessive use.

One of the defining characteristics of a-PVP is its propensity to induce "excited delirium," a state marked by extreme agitation, hyperthermia, and violent behavior. This condition can pose serious health risks, including cardiac complications, seizures, and even death.

The potency of a-PVP, coupled with its unpredictable effects, has led to its classification as a Schedule I controlled substance in many countries, indicating its high potential for abuse and lack of accepted medical use. Despite regulatory efforts, clandestine laboratories continue to produce a-PVP, often distributing it under various street names like "flakka" or "gravel."

The recreational use of a-PVP poses significant challenges for public health and law enforcement agencies. Its availability through online markets and underground networks makes it difficult to control, exacerbating the risks associated with its use.

In conclusion, a-PVP, or synthesis flakka, represents a potent synthetic stimulant with profound effects on the central nervous system. Its chemical properties and mechanism of action contribute to its intense stimulant effects, which can quickly escalate to dangerous levels. Understanding the chemistry and effects of a-PVP is crucial for addressing the challenges posed by its widespread use and mitigating its impact on public health and safety.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-13T17:48:20+00:00 13.03.2024 18:48
In the clandestine corners of the internet, where anonymity reigns supreme, lie some of the most intriguing and controversial platforms known as the Dark Web. As we delve into the year 2024, the allure of the hidden digital realm remains as strong as ever, with several notable contenders vying for the title of the Best Dark Web sites.

Among the top contenders is "Silk Road 2.0," a reincarnation of the infamous online marketplace that pioneered the sale of illicit goods. Despite its tumultuous history, Silk Road 2.0 continues to attract users seeking everything from controlled substances to counterfeit goods, leveraging the anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies and encryption.

Another standout in the realm of Dark https://deepweb.net/blog/newest/best-dark-web-sites-in-2024 Web excellence is "The Hidden Wiki." Serving as a hub of information for navigating the murky depths of the Dark Web, The Hidden Wiki is a go-to resource for users seeking access to a plethora of hidden services, from forums and marketplaces to privacy-enhancing tools and whistleblower platforms.

For those with a penchant for the macabre, "The Human Experiment" offers a chilling glimpse into the darker side of humanity. This enigmatic site purportedly hosts live-streamed events where individuals can participate in or observe disturbing experiments on unwilling subjects, pushing the boundaries of ethical and legal norms.

Rounding out the list of the Best Dark Web sites is "Dread." As a successor to the now-defunct Reddit community r/DarkNetMarkets, Dread has emerged as a resilient forum for discussions on everything from drug trade and cybercrime to privacy advocacy and digital security. Its decentralized architecture and commitment to free speech make it a haven for those seeking refuge from the prying eyes of authorities.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Dark Web, these sites represent the epitome of anonymity, controversy, and intrigue. While their legality and ethical implications may be subject to debate, there's no denying the allure of these digital enclaves for those willing to venture into the shadows of cyberspace. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the digital age, the Best Dark Web sites of 2024 stand as testament to the enduring appeal of the forbidden and the unknown.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-11T09:51:02+00:00 11.03.2024 10:51
The Dark Web, often shrouded in mystery, is a clandestine realm on the internet that operates beyond the conventional reach of search engines. The dark https://deepweb.net/blog/newest/what-is-the-dark-web-1 web is a segment of the World Wide Web intentionally hidden and inaccessible through standard web browsers. While the surface web comprises the content we interact with daily, the dark web is a hidden enclave known for its anonymity and encrypted nature.

The dark web is a digital space where users can navigate with a heightened sense of privacy, facilitated by specialized software like Tor. Tor, short for The Onion Router, is a crucial tool for accessing the dark web, ensuring users remain untraceable and their activities remain confidential. This anonymity has given rise to a myriad of activities that fall outside legal boundaries.

Within the dark web, users can find a marketplace for illicit goods and services. The dark web is a hub for the exchange of contraband, including drugs, firearms, and stolen personal information. Cryptocurrencies are often the preferred mode of payment, ensuring transactions remain discreet and untraceable.

The dark web is also notorious for hosting forums and communities that foster illegal activities. These forums serve as meeting grounds for hackers, cybercriminals, and individuals seeking to engage in nefarious endeavors. The dark web is a breeding ground for cyber threats, as hackers exchange tools, techniques, and vulnerabilities, posing a significant challenge to cybersecurity efforts.

Law enforcement agencies globally grapple with the challenges presented by the dark web. Its clandestine nature makes it an ideal haven for criminal activities to thrive, with law enforcement facing hurdles in tracking and apprehending perpetrators. The dark web is a complex ecosystem that demands innovative strategies to combat the evolving landscape of cybercrime.

Despite its association with illegal activities, the dark web is not solely a breeding ground for criminal enterprises. Whistleblowers, activists, and journalists also leverage its anonymity to communicate and share information without fear of reprisal. The dark web is a double-edged sword, providing refuge for those seeking to expose corruption or authoritarian regimes while simultaneously harboring criminal enterprises.

In conclusion, the dark web is a concealed dimension of the internet, characterized by anonymity, encryption, and a thriving underground economy. It serves as a platform for both illicit and noble endeavors, posing challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity and law enforcement. Understanding the intricacies of the dark web is essential in navigating the complexities of the digital age and addressing the evolving landscape of cyber threats.
Von:  corzikamla
2024-03-10T08:39:34+00:00 10.03.2024 09:39
In the realm of digital communication, the advent of one time notes has ushered in a new era of secure and ephemeral messaging. These self-destructing messages serve a singular purpose: to convey information discreetly with the guarantee that the content will vanish after a single viewing. As the name implies, one time notes are akin to digital post-its with an expiration date, offering a unique blend of privacy and impermanence.

The mechanism behind one time notes is fascinatingly straightforward. When a sender crafts a message and designates it as a one time note, they activate a digital countdown. Once the recipient opens the message, the timer initiates, ticking away towards the inevitable self-destruction of the content. This design not only adds an element of intrigue to the communication process but also ensures that the information shared remains exclusive to its intended audience.

One of the primary advantages of one time https://deepweb.net/blog/newest/can-one-time-note-be-read-by-another notes lies in their capacity to mitigate the risks associated with sensitive information. Whether it's confidential business details, private conversations, or even passwords, the one time note feature eliminates the concern of messages lingering in perpetuity. This ephemeral nature aligns with the growing emphasis on digital privacy and the demand for tools that empower users to control the lifespan of their digital communications.

In a world rife with data breaches and privacy concerns, the popularity of one time notes continues to rise. Individuals, corporations, and even government entities are increasingly turning to these self-destructing messages as a means of safeguarding their confidential exchanges. The allure lies not only in the secure transmission of information but also in the symbolic act of message autonomy—a digital whisper that vanishes into the digital ether.

The use cases for one time notes extend beyond personal conversations and corporate correspondences. Journalists navigating sensitive topics, activists coordinating events, and legal professionals exchanging privileged information find solace in the fleeting nature of one time notes. It's a modern solution to age-old concerns about data leaks, interception, and the unintended perpetuity of digital communication.

However, as with any technological advancement, the efficacy of one time notes is not immune to scrutiny. Skeptics raise questions about potential vulnerabilities and the ability of sophisticated entities to circumvent the intended self-destruction. While the concept of one time notes is rooted in enhancing privacy, users must remain vigilant and adhere to best practices to ensure the integrity of their confidential communications.

In the grand tapestry of digital communication, one time notes stand out as a beacon of discretion and impermanence. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the tools designed to safeguard our digital interactions. One time notes represent a noteworthy chapter in this ongoing narrative, offering users a unique blend of control, security, and the ephemeral beauty of a message that is here one moment and gone the next.