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Autor:  _Kadaj_

Ich habe vorhin einen Test darüber gemacht, welcher Chara ich aus FF VII bin und was kam dabei raus?

Ich bin Sephiroth O.o? Bin ich denn sooo~ Böse XD?

Which Final Fantasy VII Character are you?

You scored as a Sephiroth!

You are Sephiroth. You're the biggest badass of them all, and you don't let anyone or anything stand between you and you're after. You have the motivation and the courage to take on anyone who challenges you, even the entire world. You never wear anything but black and your strengh, as well as your determination would come almost as a schock to most people.

Sephiroth                         -50%

Cloud                                -30%

Aerith                               -30%

Yuffie                                -20%

Cait Sith                           -20%

Tifa                                    -20%

Barret                               -20%

Red XIII                             -20%

Vincent                             -10%

Cid                                      -0%



Und ich habe noch einen Charatest gemacht, diesmal, welcher der Jenovasöhne ich bin.

Und ich bin Kadaj! *freu* Aber auch Yazoo (gleiche Punktewertung <.<')

Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz or Sephiroth? Which one are you of Advent Children?

You scored as Kadaj! You are the leader of your gang and the most emotional too. You feel imcomplete and search for jenova to be "complete" After all..it's what mother wants right?

Kadaj                                            -63%

Yazoo                                           -63%

Loz                                                -38%

Sephiroth                                    -25%


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