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Es verfolgt mich... (Ruki)
Hilfe, ich werde von einem Ruki verfolgt o_O° Ehrlich @@!
what gazette member are u?

ruki!you are the vocal with the amazing talented voice
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Which member of The Gazette is most likely your match?

Ruki is your match! Ruki was born on February 1, 1982 and is the awesome lead singer. His favorite colors are Gold, purple, red, black, and silver. He hates Green peppers and beans. His favorit4e animal is the Dog (chihuahua)and the Cat. He likes you because you're pure, smart, gentle, kind, and outgoing. You two would most likely be found shopping together. ^_^
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which member of the gazettE would save your life

wow you would have ruki save your life {me....jealous}
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The GazettE~In the GazettE, who would love you?

Ruki!! Ruki will love you!!^^Your a cute Girl and thats why Ruki loves you!! You make him Smile eveyday and you make his day up!! Your not a worhtless girl so keep it up!!^^bRuki is also very vilont but don't worry Ruki will never hurt you! Remember always be there for him!!^^Hope you liked it!!Please Rate or/& Message!!^^
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Ich schwöre, dass ich nicht geschummelt hab um diese Ergebnisse zu kriegen x_X
06.03.2008 21:31 Verlinken

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