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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

My version of 'Born to Endless Night'


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“You want to do what?” Robert had gone very white and was staring at his son in barely concealed horror. Alec took a deep breath and counted silently to three before answering. His father took the news worse than he had hoped and yet better than he had feared. So far he had not shouted at him nor thrown him out of his Inquisitor’s office.

“We are going to adopt Henry”, he repeated slow and clear, “Please do not mistake me, I’m not here for your approval. Magnus and I debated it and the decision is set. All I’m asking is if you know how we have to proceed now. If you don’t, just say so and I won’t bother you again.”

Alec hated to see the disbelief in his father’s face and how he struggled for words, resented how it still affected himself. His stomach felt like he had swallowed rocks. He had come to Robert for legal advice on how he could get Henry acknowledged as part of his family, as his child. This was not about making him a Shadowhunter, which was impossible due to his warlock nature anyway, but there were social laws that were meant to ensure a living for orphaned children of Shadowhunters. If the past had taught Alec anything, it was how fragile life was. Not only his own but also Magnus’s seemingly immortal one.

“We are taking responsibility for him and this includes that we need to make certain preparations. In the worst case we may leave him an orphan before he is old enough to take care of himself. All I want is to make sure he has access to what was mine. You know there are rights the orphans of Shadowhunters have, if their parent dies on duty. All I ask for is safety for my son.” It had only been a few weeks but it felt thoroughly natural to Alec to call the warlock baby his son. “Will you say something or just continue to stare at me”, he demanded now and seemed to pull his father out of his shock.

Alec saw his father look down at his hands as if studying the lines, calluses and scars. He had a feeling it was more to avoid looking at him than a sudden interest in manicure. “Alexander would you explain to me why you want to do this? Why take responsibility for this warlock boy? The Dark War left so many of our own orphaned”, Robert asked quietly and still without looking up.

Alec took a slow breath and tried his best to remain rational and calm. “I know father. But most of them still have relatives and even if they don’t, they are welcome to the Institutes and other Shadowhunter families. They will find homes just like Jace found his home with us. Who is going to welcome Henry like this?” He refused to call him anything other than his name in front of his father, trying to state as clear as possible that he saw the boy as a person, a soul worth loving and protecting. “Besides it simply feels right. It feels right to hold him, care for him, sing him to sleep, see him smile. Seeing Magnus with him…” Alec stopped and bit down on his lip to stop the emotions dwelling up to high.

“So this is really about him? Did he…”

Alec’s hand shot up, palm flat in his father’s direction. “Stop it. This is nothing Magnus talked me into or persuaded me to do, he never did. Magnus is the one who gives me balance and confidence to be myself. If you can’t understand that I love him and Henry unconditionally, without the need for reason or explanation, there is nothing more I can say.” Robert looked as if he had slapped him but Alec did not care and held his gaze till the older man inclined his head towards him.

“Alexander, I’m afraid there is nothing I can do to help you. Not right now. Your case is unique, unprecedented as far as I know”, he started and Alec filed that under ‘not no’ with a short nod.

“Does that mean you will need time to read up on it or that I should search for assistance elsewhere?” Alec knew he was cornering his father but he felt he had not much other options, except going to the Silent Brothers.

The large man behind the desk shoved some papers from left to right and looked his son up and down. “I will see what I can find. It may be possible to draw some analogies from other incidents.”

Alec pressed his lips together upon the last word, cleared his throat and stood up. “Thank you for your time and effort. How long do you think it will take?”

Robert stood up as well and made his way to the door to show Alec out. “Give me a week at least. I will contact you when I was able to form an opinion that could be presented to Clave and Council”, he promised and reached out to haltingly place a broad hand on Alec’s shoulder, as he was about to leave. “Does your mother know?”

“Yes and so does Isabelle. We told them the day after we made our final decision”, Alec answered and looked him square in the eyes, am much darker version of his own. There had been at time when he had almost been afraid of his father, had craved his approval and acceptance but no longer. As he had said, he had found his balance with Magnus and mostly come to terms with Robert’s deeply rooted homophobia and animosity towards Downworlders. “If you are interested in meeting Henry, let me know.”

Robert let his hand sink to his side and after a moment’s hesitation, nodded. “Thank you. Get home safely.”


Magnus had waited for him outside the building, Henry in their new baby sling instead of the borrowed one, just the way Alec had first seen him with the baby. And just like then, Magnus looked just slightly anxious when Alec came over to them. “How’d it go? Did you give him a heart attack?”

Alec took a second to adjust the rainbow coloured hat Henry was wearing against the autumn chill, a gift from Clary after he had confined Jace into their decision. “Not exactly but it seemed like it for a moment. Before he went white as a vampire and looked at me like I betrayed the glorious name of Lightwood.”

Alec tried to sound calm so that he would not disturb Henry, who was very sensitive to the moods around him. That was the main reason Alec had asked Magnus to not come with him to the Inquisitor, besides that Robert was still visibly uncomfortable when confronted with his sons partnership. He made an effort to act neutral, Alec had to grant him that but it was not quite enough. “But he will see what he can find to support us, should we bring our request to Clave and Council. He asked for a week to do research on our case.”

Magnus nodded and reached for Alec’s hand to give it a quick reassuring press, a warm contrast to the chilly air. “Your family name is used to shame and betrayal, it will endure. Adopting a baby can’t be worse than turning into a giant demonic worm”, he was sure and smiled affectionately. “I think we can give the Inquisitor one week. In the meantime we can finish the work on Henry’s room and try to convince Maia’s pack that we don’t need a baby shower.”

Alec looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would we need a special shower for him”, he wanted to know and when he saw the flash of amusement in Magnus’s eyes immediately turned red in the cheeks. “Another mundane figure of speech”, he assumed and his boyfriend’s face broke into a grin. Alec sighed and shook his head, all these silly rituals still confused him.

“Exactly. The girls in the pack, first of all Marcy, came up with the idea and they say it’s their gift to me as a close friend to their alpha. It’s a party which friends normally throw for the expecting mother, decorating baby jumpers and giving presents and guessing the baby’s gender and names and so on”, Magnus explained and in contrast to claiming that they did not need this, Alec saw his eyes sparkle with pleasant anticipation. He tried to supress his own grin and knew he did not quite succeed.

“Sounds like an awful lot of glitter, sequins, drinks and music. And they would need to decorate the apartment, right?”

“Most likely. Horrible, isn’t it? They might even bring some of the pups.” Magnus was a much better actor than Alec and managed to sound almost disgusted but again, his eyes gave him away. At least to Alec who liked to think he had become quite well at reading Magnus, spotting the small gestures and hints.

“And you totally want to have a party, even more since it would be a party for Henry”, Alec concluded and Magnus face lit up like only his could, white teeth flashing and yellow-green eyes sparking in the autumn sun. Alec loved how it lend a golden shimmer to his dark skin.

“You think so? Well, you may be right but I see it as an obligation to our Downworld friends to celebrate the arrival of the future High Warlock of Brooklyn”, he claimed in an important tone and with a rather pompous gesture around Henry, much too impressive to be serious.

Alec could not help it any longer and broke out laughing. “Okay okay, I give up. We will let the pack throw a party for Henry”, he agreed and laughed again at the plain display of triumph on Magnus’s face. Even if he did not know how the werewolf pack had got the news so fast, it felt good that they considered Magnus a close friend and therefore wanted to welcome Henry in the Downworld community of New York. It felt even better because his own community was everything but supportive, sister and close friends aside.

“Excellent. I will let Maia know as soon as we get home.”


Three days later Alec was looking around their apartment, Henry on his lap and feeling quite out of place. He leaned over to Magnus. “Please tell me again why I agreed to this”, he whispered under his breath and eyed the tray with baby bottles that had been set down in front of them suspiciously. Marcy was explaining that they had to take sips out of each bottle of multi-coloured liquid and guess its contents. It was supposed to be the first in a series of games for two teams, one headed by Magnus and one by Alec.

“Because it’s Henry’s welcome party and is going to be fun”, Magnus answered and shot him a radiant smile. He was clearly enjoying himself already, even if this party was going to be rather tame compared to those normally taking place in their apartment, less alcohol and just a fraction of guests.

Alec vented a sigh and gave in, smiling away his apprehension of coming embarrassments. “And because you love it. Okay, let’s get this going. Marcy who should start?”

“Always the one asking. Here you go”, declared Magnus before the werewolf girl could answer and snatched one of the bottles off the tray to place it in Alec’s hand. The ruby coloured liquid in it looked harmless enough, some fruit juice or tea maybe.

Alec saw Jace hide his grin in Clary’s wild red curls as he lifted the bottle with its rubber nipple to his lips. Everyone seemed pretty amused so he closed his eyes to block out their grinning faces and took a careful swig. “Whoa, that’s sour”, he proclaimed and shook his head, making a face that caused his friends to chuckle and giggle. “Lime or lemon juice? With food colouring?”

“Lime. That’s the first point for team Alec”, confirmed Marcy and put a sparkling golden paper star on one side of an equally sparkling violet board under the cheers of his team, which included Clary, Simon and Maryse whereas Jace, Izzy and Maia had been put into Magnus’s crew. His mother looked a bit constrained but went along with the fun just fine. “Magnus, you’re next.”

Marcy handed the warlock a bottle with acid green opaque contents, which he eyed with a raised eyebrow. “You’re not trying to poison me, right”, he asked before looking at Alec and, with a wink that made the younger man blush, started suckling. His second brow joined her raised counterpart and he drained half the bottle before setting it down. “I’ll keep this, it’s delicious.” He smacked his lips. “Coconut milk, without a doubt”, he announced and thus earned the first point for his team.

“Congratulations”, Alec told him with a smirk and leaned to the side when Magnus put his arm around him, the bottle still in his hand. Their teammates were taking turns now and when he was watched Jace trying a dark blue drink and almost immediately gagging, he could not help but join the laughter.

Jace shot Clary an accusing glance before guessing. “You told them to give me Earl Grey tea, didn’t you?” Clary just smirked and grabbed his collar to pull him down for a quick kiss.

That seemed to appease Jace. “Fair enough.”

Alec watched their friends and family immerse themselves in the game, snuggled up to Magnus and letting Henry play with his fingers. His mother seemed to enjoy the party, even though she got grapefruit juice to try and had to endure her daughters mocking for not guessing it right.

In the end of the first game the score was nine to eleven to the benefit of Magnus’s team but during ‘Bobbing for Nibbles’, baby photo guessing and a rather disturbing round of ‘Name that Poo’ they were able to catch up thanks to Simon, who seemed to know every existing chocolate bar. Alec had to admit that he enjoyed the party but was still happy to skip decorating onesies with the glitter and sequins he had expected, to take care of some poo that was not made of melted chocolate.


“It’s a nice party, don’t you think?” He had found Henry liked to be talked or sung to when changing, it seemed to soothe him. “They all came to welcome you and Marcy organized it all. You know, I met her on the first date I had with your ayah”, Alec told the small boy and sniggered at the memory of this first embarrassing evening.

At a small rustling sound he turned his head, startled to see Maryse standing in the door. She looked around the brightly decorated room, her hands interlinked in front of her. “Mom, is everything ok?”

Maryse smiled and gave a short nod. “Yes, sure. I just wanted to thank you for the invitation”, she answered and came over to the changing table. Alec observed with some confusion how her face changed when she looked at Henry. The hard lines he so often saw around her lips and eyes seemed to vanish and turn into a small smile. “I didn’t see you with him yet, not in everyday situations.”

Alec pushed a strand of his hair back behind his ear and smirked, not really sure what to say. “We take turns looking after him. Magnus takes care when I’m at the Institute or out hunting and I do the same when he has assignments”, he explained, feeling a bit tense because his mother watched his every move around the baby. He was used to it during training but right now it was kind of unnerving. Promptly Henry started stirring and waving his arms while Alec tried to get his jumper back on, putting him at a loss in front of his mother. “Henry, please.”

“May I”, Maryse asked and held out her hand for the jumper and Alec gave it to her reluctantly, moving to the side so she could stand in front of Henry. “You were also kind of wriggly at his age. To take you up usually worked but it’s more difficult to get the shirt on with one hand.”

“It does not look difficult when you do it”, Alec had to admit after watching her dressing Henry completely. She reached up to smooth the boys hair gently and close the small buttons on his collar. “Thank you.”

Maryse, still holding the baby and allowing him to pull at the front of her blouse, smiled once more. “You are doing great, Alexander. Both of you, from what I saw. If you ever need my help let me know.”

Slowly Alec returned the smile, moved by this compliment, and held one hand out to her when she gave Henry back to him.  “Thank you, mom.  I know this is not exactly what you expected about having your first grandchild.”

She took his hand for a second and her words were just as warm as her fingers on his. “It doesn’t really matter what I expected, Alec. I see how happy you are and I’m proud of you.”

Alec had to swallow dry and could do nothing but nod, his throat tied with overwhelming relief.

Maryse carefully squeezed his hand before she let go and turned to the door. “I’ll go and see if there is still an onesie left to decorate.”


After all the guests had finally headed home and Henry was snuggled up in his usual nest, Magnus and Alec started unpacking the presents their friends had left. The pile of freshly decorated onesies, mostly glittering in various colours, was already spread out on the low table.

“I guess this is from Jace.” Magnus held up a small wooden sword that had a stuffed dragon impaled on it, a slightly confused expression on his face. “Why does it say ‘Not extinct enough’ on the tag?”

Alec took the toy from him and grinned. “We had an encounter with a dragon demon a few years ago after Jace claimed they were mostly extinct. We agreed that ‘mostly extinct’ was not extinct enough”, he explained and opened a square package, wrapped in silky paper. It was a book about childhood illnesses and had a card on top. “This is nice. ‘Do not call me every time he sneezes. Call me if it is serious. Love, Catarina’”, he read out and chuckled. “Something practical.”

Magnus made an amused noise and grabbed an envelope. “I may have pissed her off last week when he had this fever because his first tooth came through”, he assumed and ripped the envelope open with a glitter crusted finger, remains of the decoration session, which had resulted in a black playsuit with multi-coloured stars on it. “This is from Izzy and Simon. Looks like vouchers for free babysitting.”

“Babysitting, sure. More like them making out on our sofa while Henry sleeps”, Alec commented but smiled, taking another small, flat package from the table. He recognized the neat handwriting on the label and traced the delicate letters with a finger. Inside he found a CD with French lullabies. “This is from my mum. I know some of these songs.”

“I saw her following you to Henry’s room earlier”, Magnus said in a soft voice and moved closer to Alec. “Did something happen? You looked a bit baffled when you came back.”

Alec looked at the CD and smiled, remembering how she used to sing him to sleep after nightmares. “She told me she’s proud of me. And I think she grows fond of Henry. It semed…I don’t know…too good to be real?” He felt Magnus’s hand light and warm on his cheek and like always, he turned his head to enhance the contact.

“It’s real enough to me. I caught her watching you a couple of times today. Maryse was never easy to read but it’s clear she likes to see you as a daddy.”

His soft words made Alec feel all warm inside and he leaned to him for a gentle kiss. He had meant it to be a short one but soon found himself clinging to Magnus, unwilling to let their sweet play of lips end. He still tasted faintly of coconut and when he pulled Alec closer, glitter scrubbed off his fingers onto Alec’s skin. A little gasp escaped Magnus as Alec leaned in further, pressing him down to the cushions. He felt the warlock smile against his lips and was about to deepen their kiss, when a crackling, hissing sound cut through the quiet apartment.

“Oh gosh, not now”, Magnus protested and closed his arms around Alec, trying to preserve the contact.

“It’s a fire message, Magnus. If we ignore it, it will burn the floorboards. Again”, Alec whispered and stroked his cheek with the tip of his nose before getting up reluctantly.

The message, burning blue-green at the edges, was floating near the TV. Alec plucked it out of mid-air and blew gently at the single piece of paper to douse the flames so he could read it.

“So who’s bothering us at this hour”, Magnus demanded still lying on his back, only sitting up when Alec did not respond. He was still staring at the letter. “Alexander?”

“It’s from my father and Consul Penhallow”, Alec answered, surprised how thin his voice sounded. The tone of the letter was brusque but his contents seemed positive. “About Henry. They offer a special agreement, since our case seems not to be covered by the Law. They want to discuss it tomorrow.” Within seconds Magnus was at his side, gently turning his hand so he could read the message as well. Alec tried to read his expression and failed, unable to interpret Magnus’s frown. “What do you think?”

“I think they try to meet our request without involving the whole Clave. Perhaps with a kind of contract, only covering this very specific incident.” Magnus looked at him and smiled, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous pleasure. “The Inquisitor is bending the Law for you, Alexander.”

Alec nodded startled and folded the paper neatly in half to put it into the pocket of his jeans. “I hope it doesn’t backfire. Do you have time to come along with me tomorrow to see the Consul and father”, he asked, uneasy at the thought of going alone, but relaxed when Magnus simply pulled him into his arms and kissed him again.


“He doesn’t stop crying, no matter what I do.” Alec cradled Henry against his shoulder while walking up and down the corridor in front of the Consul’s office, apprehension knotting his insides into a hard ball. The cautious optimism his father’s message had lent him yesterday had evaporated like morning mist when they had arrived at the Gard to find a Council meeting in progress. He felt Magnus’s eyes on him, following his restless strides.

“Because you are tense as a wire, Alexander. Please calm down. We don’t even know yet if the meeting has anything to do with us. It could be anything”, he tried to soothe him and finally stepped in Alec’s way to place his slender hands firmly on his shoulders. His gold-green eyes were fixed on Alec and dark with concern. “Relax or let me take Henry, so I can at least comfort him since there seems to be nothing I can do to calm you.”

Henry started to struggle against his grip, trying to turn to Magnus and Alec gave in, carefully placing the weeping boy in the other man’s arms. “I’m sorry, I know you’re right. It’s just too remarkable to me to be a coincidence, don’t you think? I just don’t feel prepared to argue with the Council, not even a small one.” His words carried little enough weight even when he was speaking as the representative of the New York institute, he could only imagine it worse if he was supposed to present a request as personal as this.

Alec looked at Magnus, who was very softly wiping away the tears from Henry’s cheeks and kissing his ivory hair before returning his desperate gaze. Their son had stopped crying and just snuffled faintly, clutching the neckline of Magnus’s shirt with one tiny blue hand. “You are not alone. We are in this together, remember? I will stay by your side”, he promised and took Alec’s hand just as the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor, shortly followed by the unlike figures of Inquisitor Lightwood and Consul Penhallow.

First thing Alec noticed was that his father looked strained as he usually did when meeting him with Magnus. Second thing was that Jia Penhallow had an affectionate smile on her lips when she looked at Henry, which was somehow more irritating than Robert’s frown.

“Mr. Bane, Alec. I’m sorry we made you wait”, she greeted them and opened the door to her office, gesturing them inside. “The meeting took longer than expected but I think you will forgive us once you hear what we can offer.”

Alec felt nonplussed and sat down in the chair she indicated, shooting a quick glance to Magnus who seemed a little puzzled but curious. “So you debated our request without our attendance? That seems quite unfair”, the warlock commented, tilting his head to one side and carefully placing Henry on his lap.

Robert answered, standing next to the Consuls high backed chair. “We did not mean to but the topic was forced into the discussion.”

“To what conclusion?” Alec kept his eyes fixed on his father and managed to place his hands flat on the arms of the chair instead of clenching them into fists. As much as he had feared to speak in front of the Council, not even getting the opportunity to defend his request was worse.

Jia placed a slim leather file on the table and slid it over to them, still smiling. “We offer to meet your request, provided you agree to two conditions”, she started to explain when Alec reached for the file and opened it, revealing what looked like a contract, just as Magnus had suspected. She continued when he looked up again. “First, the baby will have no claim to the name of Lightwood, nor to any family heritage other than your personal possessions and fortune. Second, all support or orphan’s allowances he may receive are limited until he turns eighteen. After that he is considered an adult like any other Shadowhunter or Downworlder.”

Alec looked at her and his father in turn, unable to read Robert’s guarded expression. “But until he comes of age he will not be treated any different than Shadowhunter orphans”, he broached the subject again and sank back into his chair when the Consul nodded.

“Except for the first condition, due to the fact that he has no blood relation to you in any way”, she explained but Alec was already nodding in approval.

Relief washed over him like a warm wave and he extended one hand to Magnus, felt him take it and smiled. “I agree to the terms, Consul Penhallow. All I wanted was to make sure Henry is provided for in the worst case.”

“He will be as soon as you sign the agreement you are holding. The Inquisitor just added the final terms before we came to meet you. Our seal is already on it.” She offered him an elegant pen and turned to the last page of the file when Alec set it down on her table. Next to her curvy signature and the insignia of the Clave, Alec put his own name. Jia then took the file and placed it on the side of her table, most likely to be stored in the archive later. “We will send a copy to the Institute.”

“I’m very grateful. Thank you, Consul.” Alec looked at her and to his surprise she waved his gratitude away.

“The credit does not belong to me. And as much as I regret it, I have to dismiss you now”, she stated not unkindly and got up to show them out.

It took Alec a second to comply with this sudden request to leave and so he was the last one at the door, Magnus and Robert a few steps ahead of him. “Your father really swayed the Council”, he heard Jia whisper when he turned to say goodbye and she closed the door before he could reply.

Blinking at the dark, carved wood it took him a few moments until he understood the whole meaning of her words. He turned and saw Magnus with Henry waiting for him at the stairs, his father already halfway down the corridor behind him. Alec exchanged a short glance with Magnus when he passed him. “I’ll be there in a minute”, he promised and hurried after Robert as fast as he could without actually running.

He caught up with his father just as he arrived at his office, his hand extended to open the door. “Dad, wait”, he asked and saw the surprise in Robert’s eyes when he turned around. “I…I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for convincing them. I know you went out of your way for this. I really appreciate it.”

Robert shrugged, apparently uncertain what to answer. “I told you before, Alec, you are a much better man than I ever was. I don’t want to stand in your way to have the family you choose to have. The heart has its reasons that reason does not understand.” He fell silent and Alec met his eyes, smiling wholeheartedly.

“Thank you”, he said again and turned around to hurry back to Magnus and their son, so they could make their way home.


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (1)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  _Risa_
2015-03-23T16:14:39+00:00 23.03.2015 17:14
Hm, das dacht ich mir schon manchmal in den Büchern, dass Alec doch ab und etwas "ungerecht" zu seinen Eltern ist und du hast diese etwas schwierige Beziehung toll fortgesetzt, dass er etwas feindselig bei ihm ankommt.
Ich meine, man kann's nachvollziehen, warum es Robert mal innen Sessel setzt. XD Mal davon abgesehen, dass Alec etwas jung ist (na gut, bei shadowhunters wird man eh schneller erwachsen), kommt die Nachricht überraschend und dass er ihn doch hilft, ist halt seine eigene Form Zuneigung zu zeigen.

“May I”, Maryse asked and held out her hand for the jumper and Alec gave it to her reluctantly, moving to the side so she could stand in front of Henry. “You were also kind of wriggly at his age. To take you up usually worked but it’s more difficult to get the shirt on with one hand.”
“It does not look difficult when you do it”, Alec had to admit after watching her dressing Henry completely. She reached up to smooth the boys hair gently and close the small buttons on his collar. “Thank you.”
Maryse, still holding the baby and allowing him to pull at the front of her blouse, smiled once more. “You are doing great, Alexander. Both of you, from what I saw. If you ever need my help let me know.”
Slowly Alec returned the smile, moved by this compliment, and held one hand out to her when she gave Henry back to him. “Thank you, mom. I know this is not exactly what you expected about having your first grandchild.”
She took his hand for a second and her words were just as warm as her fingers on his. “It doesn’t really matter what I expected, Alec. I see how happy you are and I’m proud of you.”
Alec had to swallow dry and could do nothing but nod, his throat tied with overwhelming relief.
Maryse carefully squeezed his hand before she let go and turned to the door. “I’ll go and see if there is still an onesie left to decorate.”

Aww, wie gesagt, Maryse ist toll. Ich wusste es immer schon. :D

Robert shrugged, apparently uncertain what to answer. “I told you before, Alec, you are a much better man than I ever was. I don’t want to stand in your way to have the family you choose to have. The heart has its reasons that reason does not understand.” He fell silent and Alec met his eyes, smiling wholeheartedly.

LG Chari,
Antwort von:  Bibs
27.04.2015 09:13
Danke :)
Ich finde das Verhältnis von Robert und Alec wird ganz gut durch seine eigenen Worte beschrieben, ich glaube in CoHF. Die Sache mit den 'little papercuts', ich hab es grad nicht ganz parat.
Es ist schwierig, weil sie beide viel problematische, homophobe Verhaltensweisen internalisiert haben. Alec arbeitet sich da im laufe der Bücher durch, weil er mit Magnus zusammen sein will und mit sich selbst ins Reine kommen muss. Robert fängt damit glaube ich gegen Ende erst an, als ihm klar wird dass er sonst seine beiden andren Kinder auch noch verliert...so wie er seinen Parabatai verloren hat, weil er ihn nicht akzeptieren konnte. Trotzdem ist es hart, gegen Jahrzehnte der Sozialisierung anzugehen. Aber besser in kleinen Schritten als gar nicht :)
