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Sometime jealousy is good



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I have a problem...

Disclaimer:I don’t own One Piece

This story takes place after Thriller Park. Spoiler: Brook has joined the crew.

Sometime jealousy is good

I have a problem

Thousand Sunny was in Olino Island’s harbor. This was the first island they arrived to after Thriller Park. They had had to pass two islands to reach the Mermaid Islands. It was midday and the weather was perfect; the sky was cloudless and the sun was shining. A properly expected wind was blowing on the harbor, and it was perfect for sailing. The Mugiwaras wanted to sail on, but one thing disturbed them – one of their crew members was missing… a very important one.

“Where is that idiot rubber head?” Sanji leaned against the wall beside the kitchen door. He was smoking, and was obviously angered by Luffy’s no-show. It was Luffy’s fault that Nami was nervous. Thanks to Luffy’s disappearance, when Sanji would flirt with Nami, she whacked him on the head in disdain.

“What can you hope from a man who has a rubber brain?” Nami walked like flitting, nervous bird, around on the grass floored deck. “I told him that he has to come back straight after he’s done with his tasks. How hard is that to understand?”

“Kokaishi-san. Try to calm down. He is coming.” Spoke Robin, who was only a pair of footsteps from the agitated Nami, reading.

“How can I calm down? We only ever have problems with that rubber brain. When he comes back, I’m going to kill him! Damn you, Luffy!”

At the same time in the town

Luffy was standing in the middle of the street with a desperate expression. He had two huge bags in either hand. There was food in the bags, and he hadn’t eaten the food, for a good reason, he supposed. People of the town were walking past him, and some were watching him with a curious face. They didn’t understand why he was simply standing there. This was really weird. The worst thing was that some of them recognized him, and they tried to get away from him.

Luffy didn’t notice anything around him, and he didn’t move around, standing there, still. The reason was simple. He had forgotten what he had to do. That’s why he was so desperate. Then he looked to his bags, and thought over everything Nami had said to him. He had bought the food, and he remembered that he shouldn’t eat it. Any of it. But that was the only thing that he remembered. He had a feeling that he had to do something more, another task. He didn’t dare to go back to the ship because he was scared of Nami. Nami will kill him when he comes back without doing exactly everything she asked of him.


“Luffy, do you see?” Nami tied a white towel around Luffy’s left hand, “This should remind you that you have to buy the food which is written on the list. The list is in you pocket, don’t lose it! Do you got it?” Nami stood up and watched Luffy with a serious expression, trying to intimidate him. She had to deal with Luffy for an hour so that he would be prepared to go into the city and do this. This was extremely silly, but he needed to have it done this way.

Luffy nodded to Nami’s question, although his thoughts were by the meat he had to buy.

“So, this red towel around your right hand has another meaning. This should remember you that you have come straight back to the ship after the shopping. And when I say straight, I mean straight! No joking around, is that clear?! You have a high bounty. This attracts attention. That’s why you have to do the shopping fast. You want to go to the New World?” Nami concocted an angry face. Luffy made her nervous. Luffy only nodded, because he was scared of her antics. If he were to mess it up, she’d take his meat away, she had threatened.

“Good.” Nami sighed. She was sure that Luffy didn’t understand the seriousness of it.

“Wouldn’t it be easier to send someone else?” Asked Zoro. He was trying to sleep, but Nami’s yelling and scolding kept him awake. He wasn’t that far away, possibly a few meters away.

“He has to go. You know that. So were the rules. He lost and a man has to keep his word. Isn’t it so, Luffy?”

“Yes, Nami.” Luffy knew now that it wasn’t a good idea to argue with Nami. Furthermore he didn’t see why he should argue.

“It was his own fault.” Shrugged Nami.

“You didn’t explain the rules to him.” Mumbled Zoro.

“But he wanted that.” Nami put her hands on her hips.

“Yo-ho-ho-ho. Our captain didn’t understand the game.” This was the skeleton Brook, who was by the railing and was watching it all. “Let’s sing a sung about it!” Brook took his violin out, and was readying himself to play.

“Yes, sing, Brook!” yelled Luffy enthusiastically.

“NO, singing!” yelled Nami angrily, and so both were struck back into silence. “Luffy, you won the running competition and said that the winner is going to do the shopping by the next island. It’s your fault that you made such stupid rules. I wanted to change them, but no...”

“How can someone be so stupid.” Muttered Zoro, “Luffy, usually the losers have to take the punishment, not the winners.”

“I am the best in games.” Said Luffy with a shining face, not understanding what he had done, and not listening to Zoro.

Nami sweatdropped and gave up. This had no sense. “Just go.” Nami sighed. She walked away, and shook her head. She knew that Luffy could be smart and grown up, but then, usually, he was extremely childish. She had even towels to tie things around his wrists so that he wouldn’t forget. Now, she could only hope that Luffy would make it.

Nami walked to the kitchen as Luffy made his way to land. On her way to the kitchen, Nami had to pass Brook, who was playing a violin. Suddenly he stopped.

“Miss Nami, can I see your panties?”

As Luffy was heading towards the town, he suddenly heard a huge bang from the ship, followed by Nami’s yelling. Luffy tried to not to let that disturb him. He was only thinking about his mission, and food.

End of the Flashback

Luffy didn’t remember the entire story of what happened on the ship, but he remembered now why he had the red towel. The shopping was done and now he had only to follow the next task. Luffy’s mood took a turn for happy. Now he had only to get back to the ship with no trouble. Nami would kill him if he came back with a Marine behind his back. That’s why he began to walk slowly. The people around him were nervous, and it was the right time to go away before someone alerts the Marines.

Luffy walked down the street instead of ran; the main purpose was to avoid trouble. That had succeeded so far, but destiny apparently had other plans set out ahead of him. Luffy walked and looked about. Suddenly he saw so many interesting things around. Where were they before? thought Luffy. He saw a cat playing with a ball. But the cat wasn’t a usual cat. It had violet stripes. Luffy was so curious and wanted see where the cat was going and wanted so much to follow it. But no! The worst thing came after he continued on his walk. He saw a barbecue. The people there invited him, too, because they were scared of him and thought if they treated Luffy well, he wouldn’t attack them. Luffy ground his teeth and walked on. Luffy pulled himself together. He repeated the thought that Nami would be angry.

Luckily, after some hard conquests, Luffy was able to walk on without stopping. He soon reached to harbour. Now he only had to find the Sunny and he would be back. The end wasn’t far and then he could eat the meat. He was sure that the worst part was over. But then he stopped. Now Luffy had made it into a point where he couldn’t ignore it any more and walk on.

Luffy saw something by the harbour and it was a devastating downfall to his attention span. He saw a girl sitting on the dock, and he could hear that she was crying. Luffy was in a real dilemma; go to the girl and cheer her up, or continue on. Nami’s task was that he had to come back straight. But he couldn’t leave the girl just there. It was against his policy and beliefs. He was just too good-natured. It was hard to see a person in trouble. So he decided to go to that girl, because Nami didn’t have to know about it, anyway.

So Luffy walked to that girl who didn’t notice Luffy until he was standing next to her and was bowing to her. Luffy let the bags fell on the ground and that scared her. The girl stopped to cry and watched to him. Then she turned her face away and watched sea. She was acting like everything was alright. It seemed like she wasn’t afraid of Luffy, but maybe she didn’t recognize him.

“What’s wrong?” Luffy tried to look the girl’s face, although she tried to turn her head away.

”Nothing.” Answered the girl, and she then tried to avoid Luffy’s stare. She wanted her peace.

“But you are crying.” Luffy didn’t quit and sat next to her. “You can tell me, maybe I can help you.” Said Luffy with a calm face and the girl dared to look to him.

“I am Mina.” The girl sighed as she realized that Luffy wasn’t going to leave her alone.

“I’m Luffy. I can help you!”

“Actually, I do have a problem.”

“An hour has passed. An hour!” Nami walked nervously around on the deck. She was ready to slaughter Luffy when he returned. But still, she could not see him. She originally gave him only an hour and a half, no more. This wasn’t a good sign. The shopping couldn’t take so long, he was a man.

“Nami-san, should I make a tea which would calm you down?” Inquired Sanji, who was still by the kitchen door.

“Leave me alone!” She snapped. Everyone who had dared to be near her felt her anger, especially Sanji. Nami had even snapped to Robin, who asked why Nami so worried, as Luffy could take care of himself. Now she was only reading and staying quiet.

“Okay Nami-san. I am going to make you a tea!” Sanji’s eyes turned into heart, although Nami yelled at him.

Nami walked nervously on. Zoro went up to the mast’s house to sleep. But Nami’s voice was so loud that he heard that. Normally it wouldn’t disturb him. But actually he wanted to see what Nami was going to do with Luffy when he would come back. That’s way was he looking for Luffy.

“Why do we have such an idiot for a captain!” Nami was now standing, hands on her hips. Maybe Robin was right, and she worried over nothing. No, that wasn’t possible, Nami was sure. She had been a long time in this crew and she knew how many stupid things the boys were able to do.

“Nami. I see Luffy coming.” Shoots Zoro from the mast.

“Really?!” Nami’s eyes started to shine. She was so surprised that Luffy managed it. She hadn’t expected that. Nami was already prepared to escape. Maybe he wasn’t as stupid as she thought.

“But not alone.” added Zoro.

“What?!” Nami’s hope was destroyed. She ran to the railing to see it by herself if Zoro was right. Nami was now regretting that she hoped too early.

When she reached the railing she looked to the left and to the right. Then she found him. She sighed. A stone fell from her heart. It wasn’t the Marine with Luffy, it was only a girl. But still, Luffy hadn’t listened to her. “Damn it, Luffy! I told you to come straight back!” Nami didn’t care that the girl heard it, too. She just needed to yell at him.

“NAMI!” yelled Luffy with a happy face. That didn’t soften Nami. She made a threatening face, but left the railing, walked to the mast, and waited for Luffy.

The others had stopped their doings and come to the deck too, because they heard that Luffy was back. That was a wonder! Only Sanji stayed in the kitchen, because the tea for Nami wasn’t ready. Zoro climbed down, too. Even he didn’t believe that Luffy was back. But he had noticed that Luffy had forgotten something, and Nami’s reaction... it’d be priceless.

“Yo-ho-ho. He came back, alive.” Brook watched curiously, leaning against the railing.

“The captain isn’t so useless.” Laughed Franky.

At the same time, Luffy climbed to the deck and helped the girl up, too. Luffy had brought Mina with him, Mina looking at the flag on the mast first. She didn’t react as the others hade. She even smiled.

Robin, who was next to Zoro, smirked.

“You noticed it too, didn’t you?” asked Zoro.

“Yes, I did Kenshi-san. Kokaishi-san is going to be mad.”

“This is going to be funny.” Zoro smirked.

“Mina. These are my nakama.” Luffy showed to his crew, who all offered questioning and curious expressions. The only one who was not as the others was Nami, who’s forehead had a vein popped out.

“Luffy!” sounded Nami’s voice. “What didn’t you understand by the sentence ‘Come straight back’? And where the hell are the bags?!”

At the same time, Sanji opened the kitchen door and walked with Nami’s tea out.

“Nami-san, your tea….” Sanji got a shock seeing the girl, and Nami’s tea fell down. “MELLORINE!”

How was it? I hope you liked it. Don't forget do review ;D

A special thanks to Macabre Love.

This will be a funny game.

Disclaimer:I don’t own One Piece.

This story takes place after Thriller Park. Spoiler: Brook has joined the crew.

Chapter Two

This will be a funny game.

Sanji was standing stock-still by the kitchen. The tea was flowing onto the ground, and the splinters of the tea cup were lying on the ground, too. But Sanji wasn’t interested in it. In another situation he would have got totally mad. No one was allowed to break, or waste something. But at the moment, after shouting mellorine, he was staring the girl who was by the others. Sanji got his usual shock by seeing her. The others didn’t notice it, because they were used to it. It was normal for Sanji. Furthermore, Nami had turned her attention to Luffy.

Sanji didn’t notice it at all what was happing by the others. He was totally in his thoughts.

Sanji’s thoughts

I am in heaven, or an angel has landed on our ship. She is so wonderful! I don’t know who she is, but she is perfect. She had everything that a dream woman should have, and like I have dreamed about. What a figure! The long legs which seemed so unending are wondrous. Furthermore, the hourglass form made her more perfect. And then the slender arms and elegant fingers which were now by her light pink lips. The lips fit perfectly with her light skin colour. Her face is so thoughtful, but still, it seems so beautiful that only a painter could have done it, because such a beauty couldn’t exist in nature. Her eyes are turquoise, when I see correctly. Her blond, long hair, which reached to half her back, was shining in the sun.

I thank god that he made her wear such clothes, because that made it all even better. I could admire her long legs thanks to that black mini shirt. Oh, and the shirt! It gave a beautiful view. Oh my god, this is wonderful. I think I am in love.

She is a little bit taller than Nami-san. When comparing with Nami, she has a bit more sweet child-likeness. At the same time she seemed as elegant as Robin-chan.

She must be a miracle. I am a lucky fellow. Mellorine!

Nami there, too, when Sanji was still standing in a trance, handling her problematic child – at least, it seemed so.

“Sorry, Nami I forgot.” Said Luffy, laughing nervously, and scratching his head.

“You forgot?!” Nami walked angrily towards Luffy. Zoro was smirking, because it was fun to watch how someone else got the trouble. “Do you know how much you owe me, now?! Seriously. You are going to die! ” Nami wanted to hit Luffy, but someone else attracted her attention.

“Oh, my God! I am on the Mugiwara’s ship! How stupid of me. Of course, you are Monkey D. Luffy. I was too confused because of my things to notice it.” Mina forgot now totally why she was here, because she noticed that she was on that ship. She turned to Luffy, and smiled at him.

“You don’t have to fear us. We aren’t bad pirates.” Said Chopper, who wasn’t afraid of Mina.

“Fear? Why should I fear you?” Mina turned to Chopper and her face began to shine. “Cotton Candy Lover Chopper!” called she, suddenly, and sat fast in front of Chopper. Then she hugged him. “You are even softer, and sweeter, than on the picture!”

“Leave me alone!” Chopper began to struggle, because he didn’t want to be in her lap. He struggled free, and hid himself behind Zoro’s leg. “I am not sweet!” Chopper shouted angrily, but made his joy dance.

“As I have heard. You don’t like cuddling.” Mina smiled to Chopper, and it made Chopper dance even more. Mina moved her eyes up from Chopper, and reached Zoro’s face. She was up within a second, and grabbed Zoro’s arm.

“Roronoa Zoro. Wow! I am on the same ship with the sexiest, and with the future’s best swordsman!” Zoro couldn’t believe what he had heard. He felt that his cheeks warm up. Nami got a shock, because of it. She didn’t believe that Mina was so brave. Robin began to laugh, and the others didn’t get it what she had said.

“Our Kenshi-san has a fan.” Said Robin

“Urusai, woman!” It was enough embarrassing for him.

“Hehee. Zoro is sweating.” Began then Luffy to laugh, which made the situation even worse.

“Hey! I am not a fan. Or am I?” joked Mina. “When I am a fan, then I am not only a fan of Zoro-kun. I admire you all.” Mina let go of Zoro, and began to walk. “I am a fan of you, Usopp-kun.” She walked on, “Of you, Nami. And, of course, of Robin, Chopper-kun, Luffy-kun, and now Franky-kun, too.” Mina walked all them pass.

Suddenly she stopped, and her face turned pale. The reason was Brook.

“Yo-ho-ho. Little Lady. Can I see your panties?” Brook bowed. Mina got a serious shock. She didn’t except a talking skeleton on the ship.

“Brook! Leave her alone. You are a scaring her!” Nami walked to Mina. “Are you okay?”

“W..ho..i..s….t.hi..s?” Mina hardly was able to speak.

“This is Brook. Our new nakama. He is a musician. A long story why he a skeleton is, but he has devil powers.”

“A new nakama?” Mina was again able to speak. “Brook, then I am a fan of you, too!” Mina said it with smile again. The others sweat dropped. They didn’t believe what they heard.

“Nice to meet you little lady. Can I see your panties, now? “Brook tried to bow again but this time so low that he could watch under her skirt.

“Never!” Mina hit Brook with her hand so that he could do it, but it was a joke for her.

Nami shook her head. She didn’t believe that Luffy had brought such a girl to the ship.

“Finally, I see you all in real life. I know that I am acting weird, but I am so happy. Okay, I know that the fact that I am a fan of pirates is not normal, too. But I like you all so much. I have head so much about you. For example, I have heard that Chopper doesn’t like cuddling. I have also heard that you are not evil, as the other pirates. Hey! Now I remember that I haven’t seen Black Leg Sanji. Where is he?”

When Sanji heard his name, he woke immediately from his trance. He was by Mina with super-high-speed, and kneeled in front of her. He had taken a rose from somewhere.

“I know that the rose isn’t as beautiful as you, but this is a symbol of my love.” Sanji stretched his hand with the rose out, and his eyes turned into hearts.

“How sweet of you!” Mina took the rose. Sanji wanted to die because of the joy.

“Arigato.” Mina bowed to Sanji, and gave him a kiss. Sanji fell down because of it, and began to mumble something.

“I always wanted to see how you would react!” Mina began to laugh.

Oh my god, she is crazy!, thought Nami. She made her angry, and wanted some normality. That’s why she wanted to get to know what her problem is. Then they would know if they would help her, or not.

“Like you had mentioned, you said that you had a problem. What was it?” Mina turned to Nami after her question.

“Actually, you are my last chance. I had explained it to Luffy-kun already.”

Luffy-kun?!, thought Nami. She got a little bit angrier when she heard it, without knowing why.

“I was on a trip to the over next island, Mikano. I made a stop here. I was travelling with a passenger ship. The trip was exhausting, because I am going to the beginning of the Grand Line. When I finally could sleep in a hotel, I was stupid, I overslept, and missed the ship. Now I will never be in right time on Mikano for the wedding.” By the word wedding, Sanji almost got a heart attack. “My sister is having her wedding in three days.”

A big stone fell from Sanji’s heart. Thank God, it was only her sister’s wedding.

“Luffy-kun was so kind, and he allowed me to take with you, because you are on the same way.” Added Mina.

“Ooh, he knows that we are on the same way.” Said Nami irritably.

“If you don’t agree, that’s fine, too. I still have some money left that my sister sent me to get there. Her future husband is rich.” Mina smirked a little, because she suspected a reaction from Nami.

“You can trust us!” said Nami suddenly with a happier face, and her eyes turned into belis. “We will take you with us. Do you think we will get compensation?”

“NAMI!” the others yelled at her, expect Robin.

“What? Three days costs, too. Food, water.” Nami made an innocent face.

“The money is not the problem.” Said Mina. She was smiling slyly. She knew that Nami would react so.

“Decided. You are coming with us. Sanji-kun, make the dinner ready.” Nami walked to the kitchen.

“Yes, Nami-san! Mina-san, do you want something special?” Sanji danced around, but Mina wasn’t listening to him, she was following Nami. Sanji didn’t let that disturb him, and followed them, too. Everybody, expect Zoro, and Robin, went to the kitchen.

Zoro decided to train before dinner. He didn’t care what was happening on the ship so long he could train, sleep, and eat. Although he had to confess that he was interested a little bit in her.

Robin was curious and wanted to know who that girl was. But at the moment she had other things to do. For the moment, she sat on her chair, and took her book, but she wasn’t planning to read.

“She is an interesting girl.” Said Robin, before Zoro was too far to hear her.

Zoro hated when Robin was talking with him when she was reading.

“She is a little bit crazy, I have to say.” Zoro stopped.

“Are we so speaking about your fan?” Robin punctuated the word fan.

“Urusai! This is not funny!” Zoro raised his voice. This made it all even worse. Robin liked to tease him. And lately, she was doing it more.


Last week, Zoro was by the whee,l and was keeping watch. It was raining. Although he had a cape, he got wet, and he wasn’t at all lucky. The others were in their warm beds, and this made it even worse.

All in all, it was boring, and uncomfortable. But then, the door from the kitchen opened. It was Robin who came from the kitchen. She was walking to Zoro, having two cups of coffee in her hands. This surprised Zoro. It was night, she should be asleep, and she was without a cape or coat. Zoro decided to yell at her when she would be by him, because she would catch cold. But Robin didn’t let him speak.

“Kenshi-san, isn’t the rain beautiful?” Robin handed the cup to Zoro. Zoro took it, but for him it seemed very weird. ‘Rain, beautiful?’

“What are you doing here? You are going to catch cold!” snapped Zoro to her.

“The rain isn’t disturbing me.” Robin watched the dark sea. Raindrops rolled over her face. But then she turned her head to Zoro. “Are you worrying about me?”

“When that love-cook hears that you caught cold, because I didn’t force you to go inside, he would be angry, and then he would want to beat me, even when he wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“But why aren’t you in the house of the mast?” Robin was right. He could be in the house, and then he wouldn’t have got wet. But he didn’t know why he was here.

“It is none of your business.” He snapped, again.

“Kenshi-san.” Robin smiled, “Our captain would beat me if I didn’t force you to go in.” Robin joked. Of course, she wouldn’t get trouble. “Don’t sleep here, and go to the house.” Robin walked back to the kitchen.

Zoro looked after her, and shook his head. “Are you worrying about me?” Zoro used Robin’s tactic. Robin stopped by the door, looked to Zoro, smiled slyly, and closed the door.

Zoro sighed. He didn’t understand her anymore.

End of the Flashback

Zoro was lost in his thoughts, and didn’t listen to Robin.

“Kenshi-san, are you listening to me?”

“What?!” Zoro woke from his thoughts.

“I asked you what you are thinking about her. Do you trust her?”

You are the right one to ask that, thought Zoro. “Why not?” he asked then.

“You have some problems to trust people.”

“Not with everyone.” Zoro got angry because of the hint. He walked away, not listening to Robin any more.


Nami was sitting opposite to Mina in the kitchen at the time. Mina was explaining to Chopper, Usopp, Franky, Brook, and Luffy what she had gone through when she was on the trip. Sanji was listening, too, while making the food. Nami didn’t listen, because it was boring for her.

Nami was watching Luffy without understanding how he was able to listen to Mina. Luffy was so patient, and listened on. Usually, he would have yelled for meat, but he hadn’t done it, yet. Nami felt some jealousy that Mina was able to capture Luffy with her story.

“….and then we reached Alabasta.” This sentence attracted Nami’s attention. Now she decided to listen to her story. Maybe she had heard something about Vivi, although it was not likely. “I had the honor to meet with the princess.”

“Vivi? How is she?” Nami burst out. She forgot that other people shouldn’t know that they were friends with a princess.

“You know her?” asked Mina.

Nami wanted to bite on her tongue. Vivi would get problems when it would come out that they were friends.

“Of course we know Vivi!” We save…” Luffy couldn’t end his sentence because Nami hit him with a fist.

“You are a baka!” Nami sat back. Now she had to lie again. “I didn’t mean the princess. I meant another Vivi.”

“I don’t believe you. You are lying.” Mina looked peacefully.

“NANI?” Nami didn’t believe what she heard. Someone dared to say it to her.

“I know that you know her. I am not stupid. Vivi told me about you and your reaction betrayed you.”

“Really?” Nami felt how a vein popped out.

“You don’t have to fear. I am not going to tell it anybody. Vivi is too nice for it. I had an honor to meet with her, because my sister’s future husband is a relative of her’s.

“How is Vivi?” asked Sanji.

“She is good. She is learning under her father’s hand. And Alabasta is fine, too. Of course, she didn’t tell me about you right away. My trip ship stopped by the island for a week. You know, it’s a warm country, perfect for relaxing. And then when king Cobra heard that a future relative was on the island, they invited me to the castle. So I spent a week with Vivi. A day before I had to go, I told her that I admire pirates. I told her which crew I admire, yours, and then she reacted weird. After that Vivi, tried to act normally, but I understood what was going on. The stories that I had heard were true. You saved Alabasta. When I forced her, then she told me everything.” Mina smiled.

“Vivi-chan is alright. I am so happy!” Sanji was dancing.

“Oh, I forgot. I don’t know if you know already, but this is so sweet! Vivi and Kohza are a sweet pair!” Sanji stopped dancing and fell on the floor, again. Nami began to laugh.

“I know it!” called Nami

“Yo-ho-ho. Now you have ignored us enough.”

“The skeleton is right. Who is Vivi?” added Franky who didn’t know what they were talking about.

Sanji got up from the floor, mad. “Someone is going to explain to you later. Someone has to get that baka swordsman here for the dinner.

“I will do it. I want to be useful.” Mina got up.

“Mina-san. You don’t have to go. Usopp can go.” Said Sanji. After that Usopp got a disease; I-Can’t-Go.

“No, I will go.” Mina walked out from the kitchen.

When Mina was out from the kitchen, and had walked pair footsteps, she saw Robin reading a book, and Zoro training by the wheel.

“Robin-san, Zoro-kun the dinner is ready.” Said she so that Zoro could hear it.

“Arigato Mina-san.” Said Robin and shoot her book. “We are coming.” Mina smiled and went to the kitchen.

By that time Zoro had put his shirt on and was walking to the stairs. Robin stood up too, and was on her way to the kitchen.

“Mina? You said her real name. You don’t say our real names, but you say hers?” asked Zoro, when he was behind Robin.

“By the way, you are the only one by whom I use the nickname. I almost forgot, I even trust her.” Robin smiled to Zoro.

“Are you hinting that you don’t trust me? So what, I don’t care.” Zoro said it very abhorrently.

“Then it is alright.” Robin walked in the kitchen.


The dinner was over. Nami had explained to Brook and Franky who Vivi was. Mina was then talking the remaining time. Nami didn’t find it interesting, again. But Luffy was listening to it, which annoyed Nami. Nami wasn’t the only one who didn’t listening to Mina. Zoro didn’t listen, and Robin was making a face, too, like something else was bothering her.

Zoro had been quiet the entire dinner, and by the news that Kohza, and Vivi, were together, answered he only with a mhm. Nami had wanted a better reaction. She noticed that Zoro was a little bit different today. Nami didn’t know that Zoro was angry because of Robin’s words.

Zoro tried to avoid Robin the entire dinner. But instead of it, he was staring her, and when their eyes met, he turned his head away, angrily. He didn’t believe that such saying would influence him. Oh, she doesn’t trust me? It doesn’t matter me, thought Zoro. Zoro was thinking, and forgot that was he still starring Robin.

“Zoro? Are you now sleeping with opened eyes, or are you watching Robin?” asked Nami. Although Mina was talking, she shut up, because she also noticed that Zoro was staring Robin.

“What?” Zoro woke from his thoughts.

“You are gaping at Robin.” Added Nami.

“I am not!” snapped Zoro to Nami.

“Marimo, leave Robin-chan alone!”

“Go to hell!” Zoro took his bottle of sake, and drank so that nobody could speak with him.

Mina found that funny, because she saw that Zoro’s cheeks were red. She wanted to laugh, but was tired. She was yawing, and got up.

“I am so tired. I had a long day. Nami, could you lend me some clothes? My coffer is on the passenger ship.”

“Okay. I will go to sleep, too.” Nami got up. She didn’t like the thought that Mina was wearing her clothes, but she couldn’t do anything against it. So she walked Mina out from the kitchen.

“Sanji, can you give me the coffee thermos?” Robin said Sanji’s real name to tease Zoro.

“Yes, Robin-swan!” Sanji brought the thermos. He was happy that Robin used his real name.

“I will go now.” Robin got up. It was her turn to keep watch.

So only men remained in the kitchen. Luffy and Usopp were fooling around. That’s why Zoro wanted to leave the kitchen, and go sleeping. Actually, it was unusual that Sanji let them be here so long. Normally he would force them out from the kitchen. But before Zoro could stand up, Sanji began to speak. So he had to listen.

“Mina is so beautiful. Like an angle from the sky.”

“Yo-ho-ho. I want to see her panties.”

“Brook, you are a pervert!” shouted Sanji.

“I agree with Sanji. She is extremely beautiful.” Sanji looked to Usopp who said it.

“I thought that a girl is waiting for you in your hometown.”

“She is, but I can watch other women, too. I will not do anything. Oh wait! How the hell do you know that?!” Usopp forgot himself, speaking.

“Nami-san told.” Answered Sanji with a grin.

“Yes, she has something else to say about it, too.” Said Franky before Usopp could say something to Sanji.

“YOU ARE TOO OLD FOR HER!” Usopp and Sanji yelled together.

“I don’t understand what you are speaking.” Chopper tapped Usopp.

“You don’t have to. You are a reindeer. Sorry, but you don’t understand human feelings.” Usopp tried to explain it to Chopper, so he wouldn’t get offended.

“I don’t understand it, either.” Luffy looked around with stupid face.

“But you should.” Usopp sweatdropped.

“I don’t get it. Nami is as beautiful as Mina.”

Zoro almost fell from his chair. Everyone watched Luffy, disturbed.

“What?” Luffy didn’t get it.

“He doesn’t understand what he said. It is the only explanation for it.” Sanji smirked over Luffy’s foulness. “What do you think about her Marimo? You have been so quiet. Not that I am worried about you.”

“Why should I tell you?” Zoro was in no mood to go with their foulness.

“What do you think about you fan, you baka. Even you are thinking something about her; even Luffy can see that she is beautiful.”

“I am not going to tell you anything.” Mumbled Zoro

“Come on. You definitely like that you have a fan. You have to confess that she is beautiful. I believe that there is a little bit space in your brain for women.” Sanji teased Zoro on purpose.

“I am not as stupid as you, and let myself get influence by a woman. She is not going to control me with her beauty.”

“Oi. What did I hear? But hey, it doesn’t matter. You wouldn’t have a chance, anyway.” Said Sanji with a grin. He was planning something.

“And you are so successful. We all see it.” Zoro joked. But Sanji didn’t care. His plan was working.

“Let’s make a bet. I will be the one whom she would miss the most.”

“Oi, our cook is so sure.” Said Franky, “I will take part in it.”

“Okay. We will make a bet, with all of you. The winner is the one whom Mina will miss the most when she is leaving us. I will ask her a few days after she leaves.” Sanji was 100 sure that he would win. That’s why he had made this bet up, and he wanted Zoro to lose.

“I am not taking part of our idiot game.” Zoro got up, and wanted to go away.

“The loser is a slave for a week for the winner. Everyone who is in this room now will take part automatically. Or is someone here a coward?” Sanji was sure that Zoro would take part because of his pride.

“You are not going to win, Ero-Kokku.”


Robin was sitting in the house of the mast. She had just concentrated so that she could use her devil powers. Now she didn’t need her devil powers, and let her hearing disappear from the kitchen. She had heard it all, what the boys had talked in the kitchen.

This is going to be a funny game…


One day can change a lot

Chapter 3

One day can change a lot

Sanji was making the breakfast, while Luffy was whining in the kitchen, because he wanted food so badly. The others in the kitchen had to stand it out. The only one who wasn’t in the kitchen was Mina. Nami let her sleep. When she was sleeping, Nami didn’t have to listen to her stories. The only positive thing today.

Despite that, that didn’t last long; Mina came to the kitchen eventually. She seemed so rested and her face shined when she smiled. She had borrowed Nami’s clothes, Nami noticed. She didn’t like it at all. But she couldn’t do anything against it. Mina was able to ruin Nami’s mood only with her being there, but Luffy seemed not to be upset any more. He even stopped whining.

“Good morning, Luffy-kun.” Mina sat next to Luffy. She smiled to him. Luffy wanted to reply, but Nami cut in.

“Luffy-kun? When has that happened?!” Nami said it without thinking.

“She says Zoro-kun too.” Said Robin calmly, not raising her head from the book. Zoro gave Robin an angry glance.

“But I call all boys with a –kun.” Said Mina innocently. She didn’t understand why Nami had reacted in such a way.

“I don’t care.” Snapped Nami. This was embarrassing for her, that she had said it so loud, and in front of everyone. “Sanji, where is the food!?”

“Yes, Nami-san!” Sanji was already running with food to her.

The breakfast went on. It wasn’t routine this time, unusual. Nami noticed that the boys were acting weird. They were polite. Franky was handing food to Mina, Brook played to her on the violin. Usopp tried to make her laugh with his stories. Sanji acted quiet, a strange sign. He tried to attract Mina’s attention in different ways. Even Luffy didn’t rob food from her, and tried not to speak with full mouth. The only one who acted normal was Zoro. He ate calmly, only glancing to Robin sometimes, but Nami found that normal, anyway.

When the breakfast had ended, Nami said that they would reach the next island in a few hours. The island’s name was Hauta. Nami had read from the newspaper that there was a fair and she was even agreed to go there. Of course, they only have to be prudent with money.

They had to wait only a few hours, and find activities for themselves. Sanji made it clear that it was Zoro’s turn to do the dishes, and clean up. Of course, Zoro wasn’t happy about it. Sanji made it even worse when he said that he can now use the time to be with Mina. Zoro went to the plates with a growl. The others left the from the kitchen, and Sanji wanted to call Mina, but she stopped before it.

“I feel so useless. Can I help someone? Please, I want to be useful.” Said Mina. Sanji wanted to say that she could come with him, but someone was faster than he.

“You could help me with the dishes.” Mumbled Zoro from the sink.

“Gladly.” Mina went to Zoro.

Sanji stood by the door with a smirk. This was Zoro’s answer to his last night’s question. Sanji left the kitchen confidently because he didn’t see in Zoro a competitor.

When Sanji left, Zoro began to wash the plates and Mina dried the plates. At the beginning, Mina was quiet, but she couldn’t be for long.

“You know, you are special pirates. Do you know how the folk calls you?”

“No.” Zoro wasn’t in a mood to talk.

“The crew of dreamers.” Mina smiled, “Definitely because of Luffy-kun. He is always yelling that he will be the next pirate king; it doesn’t matter where he is. But the dreams from you and the others has reached the folks, too.”

“I don’t care what they think about us.” Said Zoro, a little irritably.

“I know.” Mina’s voice was still happy, which surprised Zoro, because he had snapped at her.

“One thing has always interested me. Why do you follow Luffy-kun? As I have heard, he isn’t the smartest. You are a lone wolf, so why should you follow him?”

“Where do you get your information?” Zoro stopped washing, and wondered why Mina knew him better than the folks.

“I have heard it all. You were a lone wolf because you were a pirate hunter.”

“I don’t know why we follow him.” Zoro decide to answer to Mina’s question, “Luffy is different. He has something I can’t explain it.”

“So I thought. When people see him for the first time, they think that he is still a kid. But I know that he is special.” By that sentence Zoro let the plate fall into water, and it splashed water into Mina’s shirt. “Hey, don’t do it! These are Nami’s clothes.” Mina looked her white top.

“You are going to pay for it!” Said Mina with a smirk, putting her hand into the water, and splashing the water into Zoro’s face. She started to laugh, of course. Zoro tried to stand as calm as he could, and tried not to lose his self-control. “You look like a wet poodle.” Zoro wanted to snap her in half, but he remembered the bet, and laughed along with Mina, on purpose.

At the same time, Nami and Robin were near the kitchen door. Robin was sitting in her chair and was reading. Nami was standing by the railing. Suddenly Nami heard a laughing from the kitchen.

“Is this our swordsman there?” asked Nami. She didn’t believe that it was Zoro’s voice.

“Kenshi-san, and Mina-san, are there.” Said Robin.

“The girl has won Zoro over, too. I think I am sick,” whined Nami, who thought that Mina was playing with the boys.

“Kenshi-san seems to like it.” Said Robin coldly.

“Robin! Stop with the cold comments. They aren’t funny!”

Luckily, Nami got that out before Mina came from the kitchen. When Mina saw Nami, she stopped.

“Zoro-kun made me wet. I am sorry. These were your clothes.”

Nami smirked to Mina’s sentence. She thought about something else, too.

“I will raise Zoro’s debt.” Mina smiled, and went to her room leaving Nami and Robin alone.

“Kenshi-san made her wet.” Smirked Robin.

“Robin, leave it! I don’t want to think about it!”


Mina was on her way to her room. Half way there, she met Franky, who was on the way to the deck. Then, Mina remembered that she wanted to speak with him.

“Franky, I wanted to speak with you.” Mina smiled.

“Really?” Franky saw his opportunity.

”Yes, I wanted you to explain to me the dock system of Sunny. But, before that, I have to change my clothes. Would you wait here?” told Mina

“Of course.” Franky was happier.

“Arigato Franky-kun.” With the words Mina spoke, before she disappeared into her room.


After the dishes were done, Zoro went to the mast to sleep, or, at least, he planned to. His plan didn’t succeed, and the two reasons were Mina, and Robin. They both were on the upper deck. Robin was reading, and Mina was speaking with Franky. He would be disturbed by the thought that only Robin had given him a nickname, and disturbed by Mina. It didn’t disturb him since she had never said it to his face. He knew she did this on purpose, toying with him.

Disturbed by Mina, because of the stupid bet. He didn’t want to take part in it, but he didn’t want to lose, too. The worse part was that he thought that Mina was playing with them, at least, it seemed so. He wasn’t sure if Mina knew it or not, but she was able to manipulate. Still… she seemed innocent to it.

Since Zoro couldn’t sleep, he decided to listen what Franky, and Mina, were talking about.

“Don’t you wear jeans so that Brook doesn’t ask do see your panties?” asked Mina with an innocent face. Robin started laugh quietly. Zoro got a shock when he heard it. Did she really ask that?!, thought Zoro. It was worse for Franky, who’s face red turned.

“Of course not!” Yelled Franky, “Wearing jeans is against my rules!”

“Oh. I was thinking that something was wrong with you.” Mina’s word made it even worse, “I am lucky that it isn’t so.”

Luckily, Nami saved Franky from the embarrassing moment when she came from the kitchen. She didn’t understood what had happened, but she felt that something was wrong.

“I wanted to tell you we were in the harbor. You probably didn’t notice, because no one told me!” raised Nami her voice.

“Really!?” Mina looked to the sea and saw the island. The harbor was big, and decked indefinitely because of the fair. “Ooh, fairs are so great!” shouted Mina childishly.

They noticed they could buy guards for ships… even pirate ships. Thanks to that, everyone was able to come to the fair. For Nami, it seemed weird. But she thought that nobody would steal their ship, because the people recognized them.

So, they walked through the town, to the meadow where the fair was. Nami gave everyone money, with high interest. When they reached the meadow, Nami wanted to explain where they will meet, but then she noticed that the boys were all gone.

“This is impossible!” yelled Nami.

“They are there.” Mina pointed to a kennel, and a high post was next to it.

Nami sighed, and they walked to the kennel. When Nami reached Luffy, she wanted to hit him, but Luffy turned to her and smiled.

“Nami. I used all the money.”

Nami got even angrier, “Ooh my God! You can’t even be alone for one second!”

“But I got double the money back. Do you want the rest?” Luffy handed the money to Nami. Nami’s eyes changed to belis.

”Give it here!” Nami grabbed the money, and began to walk, ”We will meet here at eight o’clock, by this kennel.” Nami disappeared into the crowd. Luffy moved on, too. He could fool around, now. Mina just wanted to look around the fair. Sanji followed her, and the others, too. But Zoro stayed by the kennel, and was watched something in his hand. Robin, who just wanted to go, saw it.

“Kenshi-san, is something wrong?” asked she, when she was next to him.

“I shouldn’t have let Luffy be the first by that game. I could have paid the debts I owe to the witch. But I got a book for an award.” Zoro handed the book to Robin. “I can’t give it to Nami. Maybe you’d want it?”

Robin took the book, and looked at it. The title of it was, “The Pearls of the World.” As she looked in, she noticed that the book was about the most beautiful buildings of the world, and it attract her attention.

“Seems to be interesting.” Robin had forgotten that Zoro was still here.

“Hai, Kenshi-san.” Robin shut the book.

“You owe me now.”

“I could pay you in a different way.” Robin smirked, again, she could play.

“Urusai.” Zoro understood that Robin was playing. He turned around, and walked away.


The time past cheerily. Everyone did what they wanted. Luffy disappeared somewhere, and Zoro had disappeared too. He was following Franky, but then he disappeared, suddenly. Franky was sure that he was lost. Nami, and Robin, were gone too. Franky found only Mina with Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper.

Sanji was dancing around Mina, and tried to attract her attention. This happened for sometime, but Mina liked more to have fun, and walk around the fair, and not to deal with Sanji.

Sanji used all his money, and bought sweets for Mina. Chopper was jealous, because he wanted sweets, too. Of course, Mina liked that. But then, she suddenly stopped by a game stall.

“Aw, this bear is so sweet! Like a little pirate with that eye-flap.” Mina said that very childishly, and she noticed it too. She felt totally embarrassed, and wanted to go on, but the man in the stall began to speak.

“Maybe one of you boys would be so polite, and win the bear for the dame. You only have to break the bottles. Of course, for some belis.” The man rubbed his hands. He knew that the bottles were glue together, so it was impossible to throw them down with a ball.

“I will do it for Mina-san, of course!”

“No, now it is my turn. You don’t have money anyway.” Franky pushed Sanji away, and paid the money. Then he took the ball, took a swing, and threw the ball. He threw the ball so strongly that the bottles flew away, through the wall. The man in the stall got a shock. He didn’t react to Franky’s asking anymore, and that’s way Frank took the bear himself.

“Arigato. Lovely from you, Franky.” Mina took the bear and told Franky to bow. Then she was able the reach him, and kissed Franky on the cheek. She walked on after that. Sanji glanced at Franky angrily. Franky didn’t let him disturb him, and made his SUPA pose.

“Where is Brook, anyway?” asked Mina


Nami was walking around the fair. It was boring and she wanted to sit somewhere, but suddenly, someone grabbed her hand. She wanted to hit them, but then she saw that the one who grabbed her hand, and it was Luffy.

“Luffy, why the hell did you scare me?!” Nami yelled.

“Nami, I wanted to show you something, come’ere.” Nami felt that Luffy was still holding her hand, and now even began to pull.

“Where are you bringing me? And maybe you could let go off me?” Nami was following Luffy, and she didn’t see the need to pull her.

“This is a surprise. I’m not going to tell you that.” Luffy smiled. “And I hold your hand so that you can’t run away.”

“Monkey D. Luffy! I am not a child, as you are. I am not going to run away!” Nami yelled at him, but Luffy didn’t listen to her.

Nami gave up. It made no sense to speak with Luffy. He didn’t listen, anyway. So, she followed him. She was watching his hand, and it was extremely embarrassing for her.

Luffy directed Nami to the forest, which was away from the fair. It wasn’t late, but it was a little dim in the forest. Nami didn’t want to walk so fast in the forest because of the branches which, made the walking heavier. But Luffy didn’t slow down. Suddenly, Luffy stopped, and turned to Nami.

“We’re almost there. Shut your eyes, or I’ll have to cover them.” Luffy let go off Nami.

“Luffy.” Nami said it warningly, “I can’t stand it out any more. Let’s just go.” Luffy made her nervous, but she had to confess that she liked Luffy’s attention, that Luffy was not turning his attention to Mina.

But Luffy didn’t listen to Nami, again. He put his one hand to Nami’s eyes, and with the other hand, he pulled her again. He walked backward. Nami yelled angrily ‘LUFFY!’, but it had no influence on him. Even Nami’s threat that he wouldn’t get food didn’t work. But then Luffy stopped, and took his one away from Nami’s eyes. Nami got a surprise.

Luffy had brought her to a spring. The spring was by a small downhill. The water was flowing down the hill to the spring. But the spring wasn’t as Nami had previously seen them. From the middle of it, water was bursting up to a half meter. Glowing insects were flying around it. Just… so beautiful! Nami hadn’t seen such a thing before. She didn’t believe that Luffy had brought here. Did he know how romantic this was?

“One man from the fair suggested this place. I don’t remember what he told exactly, but he mentioned that this place is special for specific people. I don’t get it.” Luffy scratch his head.

“Luffy…” Nami sighed. Luffy didn’t know how romantic this was. This was a special place for pairs. She was in no mood to explain it to Luffy. “This is special.”

“Okay, I will go now. I want to show this place to Mina too.” Luffy began to walk out from the forest. He left Nami alone.

Nami was shocked. Mina?! Luffy really wants to destroy such romantic moment, and bring her here?! Nami was so angry, and hurt. She wanted to yell at him, but she pulled herself together, and sat down by the spring. Then, she put her hand into the water. She looked at her hand, and her anger turn into sadness. Maybe she should thank Mina. Thanks to her, she opened her eyes, and noticed that she was in love. Of course, it was hard to confess. But when she saw that another woman was flirting with Luffy, it made her jealous. That was a sign that she had feelings. Although Luffy was too blind to notice it, she would not give up. Someday he would notice.


“Yo-ho-ho. Can I see your panties?” Brook said, and the people ran away from him. Of course, they were scared of him. He was a walking skeleton after all.

“I told you. We’re screaming people are, he will be.” This was Sanji, who was walking with Mina, and was searching for Brook.

“Yo-ho-ho, Miss Mina, you were looking for me?”

“Yes, Brook-san. I wanted you to sing. That would be fun!”

“For you always, little lady.” Brook wanted to take his violin, but…

“Brook. You will sing to us later. I want to show to Mina something.” This was Luffy, who stopped Brook.

“Oi, Luffy-kun. Is that “something” fun?”

Luffy wanted to answer Mina, but Nami hit him on his head. After Luffy had left, Nami sat a little by the spring, but decided then not to leave Luffy alone with Mina. That’s why she ran after Luffy.

“Luffy, we don’t have time for that.” Nami turned to Mina, “Mina, go find Zoro and Robin. We will wait here.”

“Hai, Nami-san!”

Zoro was sleeping against a tree, which was away from the fair. The fair didn’t interest him. He tried to take part. He even took part in a game because he hoped to win money so he could get the debts paid. Luffy won the money, and he won only a book. Then he decided to follow Franky, and find something to drink. After some time, Franky disappeared. So, Zoro was in no mood to walk around anymore. He found a place to sleep.

Zoro had had his peace for some hours by the time they found him. He knew that soon, someone would come, and disturb him, because it was soon time to meet with the others. He was half awake, and half in sleep. That was his protection.

Then something attracted his attention. Someone was walking to him. Just in case, he grabbed his sword which was next to him. Ready to attack, he opened his eyes to see who dared to near him.

“Ah, it’s only you.” Zoro let go of his sword.

“Unfortunately, it’s just me, Kenshi-san. Were you waiting for someone else?” Robin walked to the tree.

“Tch, no.” Zoro shut his eyes, and made the face, Don’t-You-Dare-To-Disturb-Me.

“Then I can sit here.” Robin smirked. She didn’t let Zoro’s behavior disturb her, and sat next to him, but not so near, and she leaned against the tree. She took her book, which Zoro gave to her, and began to read it. Robin had walked around the fair, but it wasn’t entertaining for her. So she decided to find a place to read. At the beginning, she wanted to go back to the ship, but then she remembered that they wanted to meet here. So she walked away from the fair, and saw Zoro sleeping by the tree. Robin saw her chance to be with him.

Robin’s relationships with every Mugiwara had bettered after Enies Lobby, even with Zoro. But Zoro was still the only one who didn’t want to let her near him. She didn’t understand why it was so. Robin’s new goal was to make Zoro trust her. She wanted all of the crew to trust her as she did them. That’s why she decided to spend as much time as possible with Zoro. Although, she had noticed that her plan had some trouble. She had made Zoro angry with that nickname, again. Zoro didn’t understand that it was a joke. But what did he understand, anyway? He snapped at Robin. And that made her angry. She wanted revenge. Zoro seemed to trust even Mina more than her, and that made it worse.

At the same time, Zoro didn’t get why Robin has to read here. He wanted just his peace, but no! Robin’s here to disturb him. Robin behaved oddly. Once she was kind, then she had problems, and acted very weird, and then she began to play with him, using that nickname.

Zoro couldn’t drive her away, either. If Nami were to hear it, his debt would raise again. So he decided to suffer. But it depended how long he had to suffer.

“Shouldn’t we find the others?” asked Zoro. So he would know how long he had to wait.

“Sanji-san, and the others, will find us.” Robin used Sanji’s real name, no nickname.

Zoro turned his head away. He didn’t say anything, so angry was he, when he noticed that Robin hinted on the nickname, again. When Robin saw Zoro’s reaction, she realized that this game really hurt him.

“Zoro-kun, Robin-chan! I was looking for you. It’s time for dinner.” This was Mina, who was coming to Zoro, and Robin. Robin was right, someone found them.


Reviews, please ;D

A bad question

4. A bad question.

"It was time!" Nami stood nervously a few steps away from the others and looked how Mina, Robin and Zoro were walking to them. Nami was still angry because of the spring incident and now she was living her anger out on the others. The only thing that could cheer her up would be a good dinner. That’s why she wanted to go on as quickly as possible. She had seen a place where they could eat, of course for cheap. Luffy and the others kept away from Nami because they saw that she was annoyed because Mina wasted time in her eyes.

“Are we going to eat somewhere?” asked Mina who stopped by Nami. “Or we go back to the ship?”

“Now when you are finally here we can go. I found a place where we can eat. Only because of you we aren’t going back to the ship.” Nami didn’t looked to Mina and walked away although Mina opened her mouth to answer to her, but when she saw that Nami didn’t listen, she hadn’t no other choice to follow her as the other did the same.

Sanji followed of course too, but he wanted to carry out a thing before he could run after Nami. And that thing what he wanted to do was to mock Zoro. He wanted to rub his success by Mina under Zoro’s nose, because he knew how it would hurt Zoro’s ego.

So Sanji slowed his walking so he would stay back where Zoro was walking. Of course Zoro noticed that Sanji was planning something, but he made a face like he wouldn’t see it. He wasn’t interested what that shitty cook was doing.

“A slave for a week. Doesn’t it sound wonderful?” said Sanji when he was almost walking next to Zoro. “You don’t know how much plans I have made. So much work for you to do!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about. Me? A slave for you? Forget it!”

“Yes you are. I am going to win. Don’t you see? I have made a huge advancement with Mina. But of course this wasn’t a surprise; we are talking about me after all.”

“Maybe in your dream world...” Answered Zoro with a little bit anger to his voice as normal. Sanji had achieved his purpose.

“No, no. This is so obvious. Actually it doesn’t matter; you are too stupid to see it.” Sanji took a cigarette from his pocket. “What have you achieved? Nothing as I see. Are you losing on purpose?”

“I said once, this is stupid.” Zoro walked faster, but it didn’t help to get away from that ero-kokku.

“Are you giving up? I remind you, slave.” Sanji smirked, “Or you are a coward?”

“Tch. Like this would be possible. I will not lose to you.”

“Then you are…” Sanji wanted to add something, but he saw that Robin, who was walking in front of them, turned to them.

“Kenshi-san, Sanji you are too slow and staying too much back. You will lose your way.”

“Oi Robin-chan! Don’t you worry about me! The marimo will get lost, but don’t worry about him too. We don’t need him.” Sanji’s eyes were shining.

“Tch. Urusai shitty cook!“ Zoro gave an angry stare to Robin, not to Sanji. Robin acted like she didn’t see it and walked on. But Sanji noticed it.

“Wait.” Sanji walked again next to Zoro and was now sure about it when he saw Zoro’s angry face. “Did I hear it right? She said to you the nickname and to me my right name.” Sanji grinned “As I can see, it disturbed you!”

“Go away!” It was hard to hide his anger.

“It’s driving you crazy!” Sanji stopped, he got a shock. Someone disturbed that heartless swordsman and that was Robin! “You don’t deserve even your real name.” Sanji laughed about. He had no aim, only that it made Zoro angry, it even hurt him and Sanji’s laughing didn’t help at all.

With a second, Zoro turned around and wanted to grab Sanji’s shirt, but he felt that someone hit his head.

“Dammit! We are there. Don’t you dare to fight!” It was Nami who stopped Zoro.

“Of course my dear Nami-Swan!” Sanji run after Nami, who was walking to the tent. Actually you couldn’t say that it was a tent, because the tent had only roof and the walls were open. Everywhere were hanging lamps and decorations. There were 6 tables under the roof and 9 people had place behind one table. When Sanji saw that there were only 9 chairs, he made his way to find the 10th for Mina.

Zoro stayed back. He had no mood to talk with someone, especially Robin, who seemed to also want to be alone. But Luffy, Usopp and Chopper seemed to want a nice party, luckily for Robin and Zoro, Nami didn’t allow them.

The Mugiwaras had to wait a little bit before they got a table. By the few minutes Luffy almost died. And when they were by the table he started to yell for food. This attracted the people attention, making them look at them.

“Food! Food!” Yelled Luffy like he would be alone there. He didn’t care that the others were watching him weirdly. But Nami cared.

“Shut up!” Nami hit Luffy. Luffy was now quiet, but the people watched on. They even began to whisper. Nami’s face turned red and she sat back to her chair. She understood that she acted too rush.

Luckily, the people forget them when the food had come and Luffy began to eat. Of course, Luffy wasn’t so quiet as Nami had it wished. He’d shove everything into his mouth and whine when he almost choked.

But he wasn’t the only one who did it. Chopper was doing it too. He seemed to be nervous. The reason seemed to be Mina who was sitting next to him. The last night’s talk about the Mina made him nervous because he didn’t understand it.

Mina was eating calmly, but she looked to Chopper and was surprised that such a little animal was able to eat so much. When she finished her food, she observed Chopper and made a huge mistake then.

“Chopper-kun is so sweet when he is anxious!” This was Mina’s mistake. Chopper stopped automatically, half of the food in the mouth. He looked to Mina with a scary face. Mina only smiled to him and that made it even worse. He swallowed all the food which was in his mouth or he tried it, because the food stayed in his throat and he began to choke.

“Chopper!” Mina jumped from her chair when she saw Chopper’s face was turning blue. She grabbed him and put her hands around him. She tried to push him against her so he could cough the food out; luckily it worked. Mina sat relived on her chair, Chopper in her lap. Chopper was breathing once more!

Mina sighed and then Chopper jumped from her lap. He was a little confused about what had happened. The others were deathly quiet.

Then Luffy broke the silent. “You saved Chopper’s life! Where did you learn what to do?!” yelled Luffy with a wonder.

“Mina-san you are so amazing!” Said Sanji

“My mother taught me, she was a doctor.”

“You mother was a doctor?” Chopper seemed to have forgotten that he was scared of Mina and the scenario that had just happened.

“She was a great doctor. She taught me a lot, even how to make medicine. Do you want to hear more?” Mina saw that Chopper was interested.

“Speak!” Chopper said it with an annoyed voice but pushed his chair closer to Mina’s. Mina smiled; it wasn’t hard to understand what he wanted.

When Mina started to tell her story the others went back to their doings. Robin finished her meal and took a book from her bag. It was totally normal for her and it didn’t seem to disturb anyone. But this wasn’t the truth. The first time Robin’s reading bothered Zoro. It had never disturbed him, but now it concerned so much that he had to do something against it. It was Zoro’s time to live his anger out.

“Oi Robin, don’t read here.” Zoro said it not loud, but enough loud so that she could hear it. He didn’t want to attract the other’s attention. But two of them heard it too, Usopp, who was sitting next to Robin and Nami who was looking around.

“Why shouldn’t I read here?” Robin didn’t get it. Everything seemed to be alright.

“The light here is not good enough. You are hurting your eyes. Think how useless a blind archaeologist would be on a pirate ship.”

“Oi Zoro. That was good!” Usopp started to laugh.

“You are worrying about me?” Robin smiled. This wasn’t Zoro’s purpose. He wanted to insult her, but she smiled.

“Tch!” Zoro turned his head away and didn’t say anything and ate on. Even when Nami added her own input.

“Robin you have to confess that Zoro is right. But…” Nami smirked to Zoro and her mood bettered, “….you are so caring Zoro. Where is that coming from?” Even the teasing didn’t help, Zoro didn’t listen. He didn’t want that at all. It seemed to be better to shut up. Nami knew that he was angry at her and Usopp’s laughter didn’t make it better.

Robin read ahead and Usopp ate on too, after a while. Nami leaned against her chair and was thinking. She had worried about it before as well. The others got good along with Robin; Nami didn’t worry about that. But she thought that Zoro would make Robin’s life a hell after Enies Lobby. Fortunately it wasn’t so. Nami noticed that their behaviour had changed especially Zoro’s. But the two were too stubborn not to see that something was between them, from Nami’s point of view. Their relationship seemed to be so good, that Nami hoped that they would eventually fall in love. As possible as it was, she only wished she could say the same about Luffy and herself. Luffy would never see that she was in love with him. At the moment Luffy had only eyes for Mina.

Nami observed Luffy, Mina and Chopper. Mina was talking, Chopper listening and Luffy was eating and nodded and showed that he was listening too. But then something else attracted Nami’s attention. Music came somewhere. She looked around and saw a band playing out from the tent. Then she heard that Mina shouted something. But before she was able to look to Mina’s sitting place she saw that Mina had walked to Zoro.

“Zoro-san, you have to come and dance with me. This is for the splash what you did this morning.” Mina grabbed Zoro’s hand. “Come on, be a man!” The main affect this had on him was his usual irritated glare. Him? Dance? Never! Thought Zoro.

“Zoro, if you go now then you don’t have to pay me the costs of the shirt that you ruined.” Nami smirked. She had to sacrifice Zoro so Mina would be away from Luffy.

“It was only water!” Zoro didn’t want to go at all. It didn’t work on Nami; she only waved with the dept paper. It made Zoro to think, because he didn’t have money and that bet. But then when Sanji offered himself Zoro decided to go. Only one dance, it wouldn’t kill me… would it?, thought Zoro.

He gave up, stood, and went with Mina, allowing the others to stare them.

Mina pulled Zoro to the dance floor where some people were dancing. With a second, without leaving a chance for Zoro, Mina put her hands around his neck and pulled him against her. It was totally embarrassing, as Zoro thought although as a man he shouldn’t complain.

At the same time by the table

Nami sat on Mina’s place. She wanted to talk with Luffy, but he seemed to like to eat more than to listen to Nami.

“Luffy, when are you going to stop eating?” Nami looked him with a worrying face.

“Ne-vffe-rfd”(Never) joked Luffy.

“Luffy…” Nami’s voice was warning.

“Hey Nami! What’s wrong? Eating meat is good!” said Luffy in his childish way.

“Luffy you are unchangeable.” Nami shook her head.

“Do you want me to change?” Suddenly Luffy seemed so grown-up. “If you want I will do it for you.” Luffy said it absent-mindedly without knowing what that meant to Nami. But Luffy’s grown-up moment left fast and he began to play with Chopper.

Back to Zoro and Mina

“I didn’t think that it would be so funny on a pirate ship.” Mina started to speak although Zoro had wished that she would be quiet and so one dance would pass faster. “I wish we wouldn’t reach the Mikano Island so fast.”

“Your sister is waiting you, isn’t she?”

“I know, I know.” Mina remained quiet, “Hey, Robin and Sanji-san are coming.” Mina stopped and let go off Zoro.

“Excuse us for interrupting, but Sanji couldn’t wait anymore. He wanted so much to dance with you, Mina.” Said Robin. When she reached Mina and Zoro with Sanji, Robin couldn’t stand with Sanji, because he was whining that he couldn’t dance.

“Certainly, I will dance with you Sanji-san.” Of course Sanji’s eye’s turned into hearts. “But you Robin, you have to dance with Zoro-san. It was so hard to get him here. He shouldn’t get away from here so easily.” Mina smirked and grabbed Sanji’s hand. “I will watch that you will dance and don’t you dare to go away!”

Zoro didn’t like it at all that someone decided over him. The thought that he had to dance with Robin was even worse than with Mina.

Even Robin didn’t want to dance. She just wanted to go back and read her book on, this would be the easiest. But one side of her wanted to dance with him because it was the best chance to get along with him.

“We can’t do anything against it, we have to give up.” Robin decided to use her chance. Nothing worse can happen, could it? So Robin walked up to him and put her hands around his neck as Mina had done it, but she didn’t pull him near her. Zoro could react in the first second. Everything went so fast.

Zoro’s first reaction was that he wanted to pull her away. It hurt his ego that everyone seemed to have the right to decide over him. But then his second thought scared himself. His feelings were messed up. He wished that Robin would pull him against her as Mina had done. Oh my god! What’s wrong with me! I have to get away from these thoughts…

“You should be grateful.” Robin stated when Zoro finally began to dance. “I saved you from Mina.”

“Was it so obvious?” He gave up. It seemed to be useless to fight against it. So he decided to play along. But it didn’t succeed well.

“It was.” Robin looked in Zoro’s eyes and saw that he was really bored and not in mood. Robin had a feeling that his bad mood seemed to be connected with her. “I wanted to ask something from you Kenshi-san.”

Zoro listened curiously. He knew that Robin’s questions didn’t mean good.

“Are you mad at me because of the nickname?” There was so much Robin wanted to ask it, but she was scared of the question. She had bad feeling about it.

“How do you feel when a Nakama says to you that she doesn’t trust you?” Zoro stopped dancing. A black shadow covered his eyes. “You are the right one to ask that!” He took her hands away and walked away living her there. This was a shock for Robin. Everything went so fast. Does he really hate me so much? Thought Robin. His reaction really hurt her. But Robin put her mask on and followed him, making a face like nothing had happened.

Zoro reached the table. He didn’t want to act so, but he couldn’t handle himself. Nami was really wondered that he alone came but when she saw his angry face she didn’t dare to ask. After a while Robin came too.

“Oi Marimo, did you step on Robin’s toe or something? Why did you leave so fast?”

“Urusai!” answered Zoro angrily. It was the wrong time to speak with him.

“Make me!” Joked Sanji, but he didn’t know how angry Zoro was.

“Do I have to put your pink shirt into your mouth?!” Zoro jumped from the chair and grabbed from Sanji’s shirt. Sanji pull him away after the first shock.

“Stop it!” Yelled suddenly Nami and the both stopped, “This isn’t possible. How you two baka’s always ruin everything! We’re going back to the ship!” Nami wanted to go away and blaming the two was a good reason to go.

“Nami!” Chopper and Usopp yelled together. They didn’t want to go away at all. “Luffy, do something. You are the captain!”

Luffy looked to Nami, but saw that Nami wasn’t going to give up. “Nami decided”

Although Usopp and Chopper whined they didn’t have any other chance as to go. Someone of them liked the idea to go back to ship too. So they started to walk in groups. Chopper, Usopp, Luffy and Mina were walking in the front. Behind them were Nami and Sanji. Zoro, Franky and Brook were walking after them and Robin totally alone in the back.

Nami was totally in her thoughts, but she observed the people in front of her. She wanted so much to go to Luffy and talk with him. Saying such things to her and then leave, was too much for her. The best would be when she could only say everything out what she felt. But the fear that Luffy wouldn’t feel the same or not even understood was too big. Luffy’s rejection would ruin their friendship and maybe even mess up the team. Nami didn’t want that. She decided that the best would be when she wouldn’t say at all and enjoy the time she spent with him.

“Nami I wanted to talk with you. Nami?” Luffy appeared in front of her. She was in her thoughts that she didn’t notice him. Luffy was now standing almost his nose touching her nose.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Nami pushed him away

“Sorry Nami. I wanted to ask you something. Would you be against it if I asked Mina to join us?”

Nami was surprised that Luffy asked her opinion but at the same time unhappy. Mina’s being would ruin Nami’s chances for ever.

“Luffy I wouldn’t agree.”

“So I thought.” Suddenly he smiled, “Then we will have only two beautiful women on ship.” After that he left her and went back to Mina.

A little smile suddenly appeared on Nami’s lips. Luffy had just said that she is beautiful. Maybe Luffy isn’t so stupid…

“Luffy is acting weird.” Said Sanji when he walked next to Nami.

“Maybe he is an adult now.”

Sanji watched Nami with a wondering face. Could there be more?

Half way to the ship, Robin had gathered enough courage to speak again with Zoro. She didn’t want that Zoro would go to the ship without speaking about. When this would happen he wouldn’t speak with her for days.

“Kenshi-san?” Nothing, “Kenshi-san!” Robin tried to attract his attention. But Zoro acted like she wouldn’t exist.

Brook looked to Robin and then to Zoro. “Yo-ho-ho. You know that with Kenshi-san she means you?” For that Zoro gave to Brook a death stare. “Yo-ho-ho. If stares could kill I would be dead! Wait…” He paused in thought. “I am dead! Skeleton joke!” Brook laughed.

Luckily at that same they reached the ship otherwise Brook would pass by death a second time.

It was late and no one seemed to have the mood to do something. Only Luffy yelled that he wanted food, again, but no one listened to him. Usopp, the unhappiest, had to keep watch

Of course Usopp didn’t like the idea at all. Night watch was so boring and scary because he didn’t know what was there in the dark. But Nami made it clear that he had to watch. So he was going to the deck from the kitchen when he saw Mina standing by the railing.

“Mina, why don’t you go to sleep?” Usopp walked to Mina.

“Ah Usopp-san. I forgot that you are on the night watch.” Mina smiled to him and turned back then to the sea, “Is someone waiting for you in your hometown?” asked she suddenly

“Of course someone is waiting. Why are you asking?”

“I don’t have anyone in my hometown.”

“What about your sister and your parents?”

“My sister doesn’t live there any more already for 10 years and my parents are not there too.” Mina seemed to lose herself in thinking back. “One day a pirate team attacked our home island. Me and my sister were in the forest, unfortunately. My father was a Marine admiral and captured a pirate a few days before. Then he came back home and when we heard the same team come for payback. The people on the island blamed us that a lot of people died. They sent us away, so I traveled with my sister around the Grand Line.” Mina looked still the sea, “Oh my god! You don’t have to listen to my problems.” With a second a lovely smile appeared on Mina’s lips. “I will to sleep now” Mina hugged him and didn’t let him to say a word. She left to the kitchen.

Usopp watched the door with a stupid face. What had just happened? thought Usopp. Mina was a mystery for him now.

Do we need that jealously at all? Oh yes we do

5. Do we need that jealously at all? Oh yes we do

Again it happened; what Zoro hated so much, especially in the morning. The sun shone through the window of his room, meaning the hot rays woke him up. Actually Zoro didn’t understand why they had to build a window in the bedroom. He didn’t need light for sleeping so why bother? The sun would awake him every time he planned for a long lie in.

Zoro was up from the bed at once. It was always the same; they let him sleep or they forget to wake him up. And that meant that he had missed breakfast and now he had to starve until lunch. Sanji’s punishment was that he received no food when he was late for breakfast and the others had given up on waking him. Although he didn’t believe that it was so hard to wake him up. Therefore Zoro tried to wake up himself and usually he managed to. But why couldn’t he wake up today, was that a bad presentiment?

Zoro shook his head. Of course he didn’t believe in such things. Now he didn’t have anything to do other than wake up and go training. Training with an empty stomach wasn’t the best thing but somehow he wanted to think about something else other than food. But before training he wanted to go to the kitchen. Sanji couldn’t ban drinking water.

When Zoro reached the kitchen everything was so as he had thought. The food was gone and the kitchen was empty, only Sanji was doing the wash up. Zoro walked rapidly up to the fridge to take a bottle so Sanji wouldn’t have a chance to talk with him. But this didn’t work as well as he had planned.

“Leave the food alone. You aren’t getting it.”

“I am getting a water ero-kokku.” Zoro pushed Sanji’s leg away which at the front of the fridge.

“If Mina-san hadn’t demanded it, you wouldn’t get lunch either.” Mumbled Sanji

“Whatever.” Zoro wasn’t interested in finding out what had happened here before so he walked to the door without listening to Sanji.

“We will see how long you will stay out.”

“What are you mumbling?!” Zoro stopped by the door.

“You will see. Go out.”

Zoro shook his head. Sanji seemed to speak rubbish as always. Without thinking about it any more he went out and suddenly he understood why Sanji wasn’t allowed to be out. Mina was sunbathing.

The door closed behind him quietly. Mina didn’t hear it and this was the best for Zoro because he was gaping at her open-mouthed. Of course he was a man and he let himself look over beautiful women but usually he could control himself. But now he was gaping Mina’s body until Nami who was standing by the railing ruined everything.

“Zoro! You over slept again!” Nami made a tired face when looking at Zoro holding a map in hand which she had read before. “Zoro, where are you eyes?!” It wasn’t hard to notice where his eyes were. With a second Zoro looked up to Nami. He hadn’t noticed her at all.

“None of your business.” Embarrassing, embarrassing…

“How isn’t it? I try to...” Nami wanted to yell at him.

“Oh Zoro-san, you have waken up! I am so sorry that you missed breakfast.” Mina sat up on her chair.

“It doesn’t matter.” Mumbled Zoro and walked away and making grimaces to Nami. Zoro tried to forget this embarrassing moment and took his training things and went training on the grass. Because of the warm weather, he did so topless.

Nami, who didn’t let that baka ruin her mood, carried on reading her map. But Mina didn’t plan to sunbath on. She sat more up in her chair so that she could she down to the grass. Nami noticed that Mina was boosting so she could see something.

“You and Robin, you two are so lucky.” Nami just wanted to ask something from Mina, but she was faster, “You can enjoy Zoro-san’s training every day.”

“Mina.” Said Nami with warning tone

“What?” Mina made an innocent face, “Don’t say that you don’t like to watch when the sweat drops roll over his muscular body.”

“Okay, okay. His body is look-worthy. I have to confess that a enjoy watching his trainings but…”

“Yes Nami we are lucky.” Robin came from the kitchen. She had listened to their talking. With her devil powers it wasn’t hard to do it.

“Robin, you didn’t hear it, did you?” Nami laughed nervously. Robin smiled only warmly and walked to the railing and looked down.

“Kenshi-san is a peek worth. Your eyes can rest while watching how his muscles move. What but were you talking of Nami?”

“So you agree with me that he is sexy?”

“Mina-san, Robin-chan, Nami-san! How could you?!”

Sanji was standing by the door tears in eyes. He had heard it all, peeking from the window. When wasn’t allowed to be out, he wanted at least to see something. The three women looked at each other. Someone of them had to cheer up Sanji now. Finally Mina gave up and took the mission.

“Sanji-kun, don’t think about it any more, we were joking around.” It worked and it would work on as long as Sanji wouldn’t understand that it a lie was. “Come show me how you cook.” A smile later and Sanji would do everything. Mina grabbed Sanji’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

“I am brining the map back to my room.” Said Nami and left Robin alone by the railing. It was a relief for her that Robin had no more chance to ask from her why she said but.

Robin looked down to Zoro who was still training. When Sanji heard it, is there a possibility that he heard it too?

Finally it was time for lunch and Zoro was going to get food. He had waited so long. Of course he couldn’t eat peacefully because he had to fight with Luffy. After Nami had told them to be as normal as possible she had a chance to speak about the Mina’s last evening here. She had thought to give a party. Luffy liked the idea the most because a party meant food for him. But there was a lot of time to the evening. Franky had an idea how to waste time.

“Little girl.” So Franky named Mina, “You haven’t seen the aquarium system!” Franky jumped up, “Long nose, go and catch a fish.”

“A new fish?!” Luffy thought about how to eat the new fish.

“You aren’t going to fish!” Nami hit Luffy, “You will fall into water like last time.”

“Okay. I’ll wait by the aquarium.” Luffy made a sulky face.

“Robin, are you coming to the aquarium?” Nami had decided to go down too and hoped that Robin would keep company. She was the only one with whom she could speak, normally. There was even a chance that she could ask the older woman for advice how to say to Luffy her feelings.

But Robin lifted the book, smiled and read on. Nami sighed. Robin didn’t give her a chance to talk with her.

Robin took her book and went out to read so she could enjoy the beautiful weather. But it was ordinary that on this ship it was impossible to read in peace. She hadn’t sat when she already heard that someone was coming to the deck. She only hoped that that person wouldn’t disturb her. Luckily it wasn’t a disturber, it was Zoro. But it seemed that this time he wouldn’t leave her alone too.

“I have noticed that you all look, but ‘makes your eyes rest’?”

Luffy pressed his face against the aquarium. He waited until Usopp, Franky, Brook and Mina would let a new fish in. Like a child; he couldn’t wait for it. Nami sat on the couch and observed him. Somehow it seemed stupid, but otherwise so sweet. It was good to see that someone was able to be so happy about such an insignificant thing.

“Hey Nami, you have to see it!” Luffy run to Nami grabbed her hand and pulled her again, without asking. “Do you see it? This fish is orange. Almost the same colour as you hair and as special as you.”

Nami didn’t watch the fish. She was much more interested in Luffy’s mimicry. He had made such a compliment but it wasn’t possible to read something in his face. Luffy only laughed and run after the fish.

“Name it after me then.” Nami said a little angrier.

“That is a good idea!” Luffy’s face shined

“I was joking!” Nami gave up; it hadn’t sense to be angry. “This foolishness I lov…” Nami pressed her hand to her mouth. Almost…

“You heard it?” Robin acted normally, took her chair and sat down.

“Even the baka in the kitchen heard it.”

”You are talking to me.” Robin smiled. Zoro wanted to swear. He had forgotten that he didn’t want to talk with her.

“Don’t you try to talk about something else!”

“Did I disturb you with that?” Robin rose from the chair and walked to him. She stood near him and watched his body to provoke him. “Did it disturb you that we only wanted you body?”

Again, she able to turn everything around. Zoro had planned to tease her with it, but now she was teasing him.

“Your face indicates that my being here is troubling you.” This was enough for Zoro.

“Get away from me!” Zoro pushed Robin away, but Robin didn’t seem to let it disturb her.

“Your insults don’t have any influence. You have to think something else up.” She remembered the insult yesterday and it did hurt, but she couldn’t show him it.

“I don’t have the time to tease people.” Zoro scowled.

“Hey Robin, Zoro-san!” Mina came behind the corner. “Do you want to see the new fish?” Mina’s face shined as Luffy’s would in times like these.

“Do we want to Kenshi-san?” Robin smiled slyly. Zoro wanted so much to snap, but he knew he couldn’t do it when Mina was there.

Without answering Zoro followed Mina. Of course Robin followed too. She knew how much he hated it.

‘So these things can’t go on. She can’t play any more her games.’

Nami stood peacefully by the aquarium. At least it seemed so, but actually Nami’s heart beat as fast as hell. Accidentally she almost said the word love to Luffy. Her mind said that she over reacted but still she didn’t want to say that word to him.

“Is the fish there?” Mina’s voice sounded through the room.

“There it is!” Luffy shouted as loud as she. “It’s has the same colour as Nami’s hair.”

“Oh really?!” Mina ran to Luffy and they began to talk. Nami observed it all and scowled. It seemed like he had it all forgotten, even the compliment. Nami sighed, maybe it was better.

Robin and Zoro walked to the aquarium too. Robin stepped next to Nami and looked around. Zoro stayed behind her. At the beginning Robin didn’t notice him, but then she felt his breath on her neck. With a second Robin forgot the anger that she felt. A new feeling came in place of it. It was that feeling when her heart said: Turn around and take him. But the mind: No! You can’t show him feelings. It was the feeling of confusion. But in the end the mind won, as always.

“You are right. Your being is disturbing me. But Mina’s not.” Zoro passed Robin closely and whispered it and then he walked up to Mina and listened what she was talking with an interested face.

Robin watched it frozen in a place. She seemed so calm, but inside of her it was like she had seen red. The confused feeling was gone and the hate was back again. It was when Zoro laughed over Mina’s joke she pressed her nails to her hand. It was hard for Robin to control herself and not run to and separate them.

“Nami-san, Robin-chan, Mina-san! The dinner is ready!”

Thank god, thought Robin. She didn’t know what she had done when Sanji hadn’t shown up. Robin guessed that Zoro was playing with her as revenge, but still it seemed weird. What’s wrong with him?

Since Nami liked the idea that Mina would live tomorrow she was in a good enough mood to arrange an orderly party. She had forced Usopp and Brook to decorate the kitchen. And Sanji, of course, made a huge meal which Luffy started to eat now.

The real party began when they finished the dinner; of course it meant that Luffy didn’t end. The others went on with chatting. Brook played a song to Mina; one he had written for her. Also Chopper, Sanji and Franky tired to attract Mina’s attention. Nami didn’t like that at all; too much attention for Mina and none for her. She had a feeling like she didn’t get attention at all and that was a totally new experience. Zoro sat on the pillows which were in the corner. He was there because there was the alcohol in a shelf. Robin drank coffee and read. She waited until Zoro would be drunk enough.

It didn’t take much time for Zoro to clear the first whiskey bottle. When Robin saw that Zoro was clearing the second bottle she knew it was the right time to visit him. She closed her book, drunk the coffee up and smiled to Sanji who was sitting next to her and asked where she was going, but Robin walked away without answering. Although Sanji saw that she was going to Zoro he had much more important things to do. After all Zoro wasn’t someone to worry about.

Robin just sat near Zoro and grabbed a bottle from the shelf. This time Zoro didn’t see the necessary not to show that it disturbed him.

“Was the book so boring that you had to come here?” said Zoro with an excitedly voice.

“Books are never boring Kenshi-san.”

“So why did you come here? You are disturbing me.”

“The alcohol is not only yours. You aren’t the only one who wants to drink it.”

“You don’t trust me. So how do you dare to drink near me?”

Silence. Robin looked quietly her bottle. She had come here to ruin his evening like he had done with her. But sitting here and listening to his voice she discovered that she couldn’t do it.

Zoro waited for an answer, a smart saying like it was normal for her, but it didn’t come. And there wasn’t that mysterious smirk. It was other way round. He saw sadness in eyes.

At the same time Mina nodded at Franky’s story but she didn’t listen. At the time she had much important things in her mind going on. She was thinking how to put her plan in practice. For that she needed Luffy by the aquarium or at least away from here. Even when she had to lie, it didn’t matter for her.

“Luffy-kun…” Mina turned to Luffy leaving the others talking and whispered to Luffy, “Franky-kun told me that they caught another fish. Do you want to see it?” Mina knew that Luffy couldn’t stay here knowing it. He wanted definitely to see the fish.

Luffy nodded. This was the only way to signal that he listened, because his mouth was full of food. He jumped up and grabbed food with him. Mina of course jumped up too and run after Luffy. She only stopped for once by the door and smiled to Nami.

This smiled had an influence. It was like someone showed a red towel to a bull. Already when Nami saw that Mina whispered something she wanted to separate them. But now when they were gone she had only one thought: Go after them!

“It hurts. The feeling when people don’t trust you. Do you feel the same feeling?” Robin didn’t raise her eyes from the bottle but she took a big gulp. She regretted that she had said it.

Zoro made his own conclusion from it. He stood up and walked away. He had no mood to talk with her about it when she made such a sad face.

Robin watched the place where Zoro had sat. 3 empty bottles decorated his sitting place. It seemed impossible to talk with him without it would end in a mess. But it had to be better. Their relationship had to get better. So Robin grabbed the whiskey bottle and followed Zoro hoping to save what was possible.

“I don’t see a new fish.” Luffy run around the aquarium and back to Mina, “Franky lied to you.”

“Maybe I understood him wrong. Wait, isn’t that a new one!” Mina who stood straight in the front of him and when she starched her hand out to show that fish which was behind Luffy. Mina moved near Luffy. She really hoped that it will work.

Just at that moment when Mina almost by Luffy’s face was, Nami run into the room.

“Luffy!” Nami run to Mina and Luffy and pushed Mina away. “Keep your hands away from him!” the self-control didn’t work any more.

“Nami, what’s your problem?!” Luffy reacted as Nami had thought. But at the moment she hadn’t any time to deal with.

Suddenly Nami heard laughing. This was Mina’s voice and this made Nami even angrier. This wasn’t a reaction that she had expected.

“Nami, you are caught.” In Mina’s face was a bright smile. “I was right. You like Luffy.”

“What?!” Nami gaped

“Don’t you try to lie. When I came to the ship I saw it at once. I have a good eye for such things. You love Luffy and, even though it took time, I noticed that Luffy like you too. This was really hard to understand. That’s why you didn’t know it I guess. So I made up a plan. I wanted that someone of you will confess their feelings and the best way to make you to confess your feelings was to make you jealous. And my plan has succeeded.”

“So you hit on Luffy on purpose?”

“Exactly. But I hope you don’t need me to help any more. I will leave you now. I have more work to do.” Mina didn’t give a chance to answer and disappeared through the door.

Nami watched after Mina although she was gone. This was a moment when Nami didn’t know what to do, to cry or to laugh. All the time she was so jealous that she wanted to push Mina over the ship. But she only wanted to help. But now Nami didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to turn around but she had no other choice.

Luffy was quiet. He seemed perplexed and didn’t move until Nami turned back to him and he saw her beautiful face.

“Was Mina right?” asked Luffy carefully. He seemed totally changed. His childish side seemed to be lost.

Nami nodded. This situation was embarrassing enough to want to disappear. But she knew that wasn’t possible. So she thought how to move on. But she didn’t notice that Luffy had found the way. He just kissed her without warning.

Nami felt like the time had stopped. His soft lip on hers, it was like a dream had come true. She didn’t want to wake up. She thought that this was impossible. That it was impossible to feel so excellent. She had never felt such a feeling. Unfortunately every good thing has to end.

“My pirate queen” Whispered Luffy when hugging her.

“You can’t run away every time I mention it.” Robin walked to the railing where Zoro stood. She put the bottle on the railing.

“You want to drink on? Really, you shouldn’t drink so much.” Said Zoro testily.

“Don’t you play like you care. You don’t trust me like I don’t trust you.” It was possible that the alcohol helped, but actually Robin had no mood to hold back and decided to say everything out what she wanted. No more hiding even when it meant that they can’t be in a room more. She didn’t see why only she had to strain.

“You started it with that nickname and you didn’t give it a chance. And then you had to made it even worse and use only my nickname. You keep people away from you. It’s only your fault!” 90 alcohol had the blame in Zoro’s case.

Robin calmed down. A silence before the storm you can say. And so was it. Robin grabbed to bottle and emptied it over Zoro’s head.

“Damn bitch, are you crazy?!” yelled Zoro

“I am not at fault. Your paranoia is!” After that the storm ended, Robin kept silence. Zoro stared at her. He had never thought that Robin could be so angry. First time in weeks he noticed that her anger could be his fault.

Just then Robin noticed how cold it was here. Besides that a cold wind was blowing. Later he’ll blame me that he became sick. “Take the shirt of, I will bring you a new one.” Robin pulled herself together and tried to think normally. She is the oldest and has to act like an adult. But Zoro wasn’t so far.

“So you could admire my body?! For everything else I don’t suit. As a nakama you don’t trust me but for self satisfaction I am good enough.” Maybe it was his fault that she was angry, but at the moment he didn’t care at all.

Robin didn’t regret it any more. She wanted only good but that baka thought the worst of her. All the fury in her came up and…

“Go to hell Roronoa Zoro!” Robin hit a whack. Zoro grabbed her hand so she couldn’t hit more.

“Stop it!” Mina appeared as if someone had called her, “Stop fighting!” Zoro still didn’t let go of Robin. “Oh my god, I have to help you two too. Robin, don’t you see? With that nickname you really hurt Zoro’s feelings. Yes even he has feelings. And he has serious feelings towards you, he definitely loves you. That’s why he had been acting like he had. And Zoro haven’t you never thought why she is calling so? Because she is afraid to let you near her. She thinks she would get hurt again. I heard from Sanji that Robin has learned how to trust her friends. But it seems that you haven’t learned how to love. What an irony. You both avoid each other and neither wanted to confess the feelings you have towards each other.” Mina sighed, “It’s even harder than Nami and Luffy.” Mina smiled, “You get it now? No more fighting. Okay? Or I will be back.”

Mina left leaving the two alone. An unpleasant pressure was in the night air. Zoro had released Robin’s hands. It took more than a second to understand what had just happened. But still it was an embarrassing moment. Robin had turned her back to him. It didn’t matter that she knew now it, his words hurt that more.

But for one second Robin forgot it all and felt incredibly good. It was that moment when Zoro hugged her.

“I am sorry.” He whispered, “I saw your tears.” Zoro saw that Robin cried when she hit him. “It isn’t your fault; especially after what had happened to you.”

Now Robin wanted to hit herself to see if she was dreaming or not. Did he really understand that his words remind her past? Everything seemed so unreal. Mina was right. With time she learned to love him. At the beginning she was only interested in him, but she discovered sides in him that she began to love. But she couldn’t figure anything out about his behaviour. So she thought that Zoro wasn’t able or didn’t want to feel the same. So she decided to forget it even if it was extremely hard, but she knew from the past that time helps.

When Zoro saw that Robin had calmed down he decided to do something that he desired for so long. He let go off her and turned her around. Now he could admire her in the moonlight. Of course he had known that she was beautiful, but the moonlight made it even more special. A day before he couldn’t have confessed it. He didn’t have time thanks to training after all. Besides that it seemed like she wouldn’t be interested at all.

He didn’t know how it had happened. She was enemy, a person that you couldn’t trust. But when you have to spend days with that person you learn to respect her as he had learned to trust and respect Nami. He got used to her and didn’t mind her nearness. And so it went on. He thought that it was impossible to win her heart.

But now he had his chance. He bowed slowly to Robin. The adrenalin pervaded both bodies. Slowly their lips met. It was indescribable when Zoro felt that Robin replied the kiss. The wind played with her hair. A moment that seemed to last for ever and with this moment they both forgot all the bad. But suddenly Robin broke it and pushed him away.

“You will catch cold.” And Zoro thought that she was going to say something worse.

Robin pointed on his wet shirt. It was her fault and she had to do something against it. Robin’s hands appeared from Zoro’s hips and the hands grabbed the shirt off. “Otherwise you will get sick.” Robin smiled slyly. “But now I get warm watching you.”

“I know how you could warm me.” With a dirty smile Zoro pulled Robin closer and kissed her again.

Mina sat in the kitchen and looked how Chopper ran around the kitchen two sticks in his nose. The others were laughing, but she was thinking about something else. She was really pleased. Mission completed. Now I can go home.

“Where are Nami-san and Robin-chan?” Sanji sat next to Mina with two cups of coffee.

“They have something to do. But I am here.” One charming smile and Sanji forgot everything.

“Mina-san! You are so sweet!”


Mina’s mission is over, but the story is not yet. The bet hasn’t ended. But can you guess who will win? :D

Power can chance people

6. Power can chance people

Luffy stretched out carefully. He was happy that he had woken up earlier than Nami because now he could wonder about her. Nami breathed steady and quietly. Luffy took some minute time to understand that this wasn’t a dream, it was the reality.

Just in case Luffy raised his hand quietly and touched her soft skin. She is real. Luffy laughed as quietly as possible, of course she is real. Carefully he ran his fingers over Nami’s hand, and up to her tattoo.

Unavoidably, it reminded him of Arlong Park. He could never forget it. Nami suffered so much to save her home. She was so noble although she was so young. Even way back in Arlong Park, a strong protective sense had grown in Luffy. He was ready to die there only for Nami. Now he swore that he would do everything for her. He didn’t want to see tears in her beautiful eyes.

For a second he closed his eyes to forget it. He didn’t want to think about it. It ruined his mood, but he wanted to enjoy this moment. Every minute was special at the moment. He had a feeling… like he had to thank someone that he had Nami. I could hug the entire world. Luffy laughed quietly over his own thoughts again. He had no idea where these thoughts came. It wasn’t like him at all, but actually he didn’t mind. In fact, he encouraged them.

I love you, mumbled Luffy. I will take care of you, always.

He sighed and admired Nami’s face again. Some strands of hair were loosely tickling her face. Although it didn’t ruin Nami’s beauty Luffy wanted so badly to push it away. He knew that it was risky because she could awake. But it was so hard to resist. Carefully, he pushed aside the hair and then observed her. It seemed like she was still sleeping. Luffy sighed, again.

“Luffy.” Said Nami quietly, her eyes still closed, “Did you really think that I was sleeping, when you’re awake beside me?” Nami opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

Luffy didn’t notice that she had awakened the moment he touched her tattoo. Curiosity got the better of her; she wanted to see what Luffy would do when he thought no one saw him. His behavior made her smile. Honestly she had not thought that Luffy would be smart enough for it. Boy, was she wrong. Although Nami loved his childish side she was lucky to know that he had a soft, mature side too.

“Nami, you’re up.” Luffy smiled nervously.

“Yes indeed. And Luffy, I love you too.” She kissed him. She had waited for Luffy to say those three words.

Luffy sighed inside. He really thought she was deep in sleep; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had enough courage to say those three words to her. Usually, courage come second nature to Luffy. Strange how, in this instance, it escaped him completely.

“Robin didn’t come back?” Nami sat up and looked around. Nami and Robin shared the room again because Mina needed a room for herself. Nami didn’t remember that Robin had knocked.

“Maybe she stayed in the kitchen.” Luffy thought aloud, “Let’s check out. The breakfast should be ready too.” Luffy, of course, had a hidden purpose too.

Nami smiled to him. His food madness was incurable.

“Hold me just for a few more minutes and then we’ll go.”

Luffy responded straightaway and pulled Nami back to bed. He held her intensely. Nami felt like in heaven. Nojiko told her once that when you have found the real love it feels like the world around you wouldn’t exist. And Nojiko was right.

“What the hell?!” something awakened Zoro. He felt that someone glided fingers over his stomach. But then he remembered that Robin was here. He turned his head on the pillow to see her, but she wasn’t there.

“Robin?” Zoro sat up. A bad feeling came up. Was this a dream?! Please no! He felt that his heart began to beat harder. The thought was too scary. He didn’t want to repeat it all again. Who will help him this time to say these words?

Just for assurance, he looked around the room. She wasn’t there and what more her clothes were gone too. He was quite sure that the clothes ended on the floor. He remembered it clear. This was another sign that it was a dream. But a damn real dream Zoro had to say.

Tonight, Zoro noticed that he hadn’t been so close to someone else as with Robin. It made him enormously proud that he could say that that woman was his. It was really hard to show so many feelings to someone. He wasn’t sure if he could do it again. It was a relief and he had hoped that the suffering time was over.

As much as Zoro wanted to fight against it, he had to admit the truth. Zoro was giving up and wanted to sleep on hoping that he will see the same dream again. But then he heard a knocking. Again Zoro heart began to beat harder. He didn’t know that it was so easy to make him nervous. He grabbed his pants with hurry and opened the door.

Disappointment. The corridor was empty. The hoped for Robin was not there. But then a new sign aspired appeared. A hand grew from the ground. It was definitely Robin’s hand. The hand waved him and showed the way. Zoro felt so stupid. Only now he understood that it was a game from Robin. He was angry that he really thought that it was a dream. Of course he followed the hand. Finally he ended by the bathroom. He heard that the water was running. Quietly he opened the door.

“You have finally woken up. Are you joining me?” Robin let the towel fall on the ground and went under the shower.

Zoro smirked. For a second he got lost in his thoughts. Everything seemed so perfect, so perfect that it really could be a dream. These games; that smile, that body-it all could drive him crazy. Only the games should change. They didn’t need them any more. They had already wasted a lot of time and they would waste time with the games on.

Zoro threw his pants in a heap to the corner as they had ended the previous night and followed Robin. He took her in his arms. ‘So you can’t run away’ whispered Zoro and kissed her neck. He enjoyed it. Her soft skin and then that pleasant aroma-he could enjoy them all the time now.

Robin stretched her arm out to reach Zoro’s hair. She slid her fingers through his wet hair. This playing was so new and exciting. Every time when she was doing it or wanted to do she felt something weird in her stomach. She thought that was the feeling of “butterflies in your stomach” like she had heard. They said that it will come when you are totally in love. She thought that it was stupid because by that time she hadn’t felt it. Now she understood them. They were saying the truth.

When Robin had played enough she took Zoro’s hands away and turn around and kiss him.

“I am not going to run away again. You don’t have to hold me.” said Robin after the kiss.

“I know.” Zoro laughed, “But I like to hold you.” He took hold of her again and pressed her against him.

Robin smiled. She knew what Zoro wanted achieve but unfortunately she knew that they didn’t have time for it. It was breakfast time and Robin was worried that Nami would begin to search for her. But for some minutes Robin wanted to play with him.

Robin moved slowly to Zoro and was planning to kiss him. One hand moved to his six-pack at the same time. Before their lips thought again Robin stopped and her hand stopped too before the finish.

‘It is time for breakfast,’ whispered Robin with an evil smile. Then she pushed Zoro away and left the shower leaving the whining Zoro there.

Robin began to dry herself and she took her time about it. She knew that Zoro wasn’t ready to leave the shower.

When Zoro and Robin reached the kitchen they saw a funny scene. Brook and Franky were sleeping on the table. Chopper, Usopp and Sanji were sleeping on the ground, Usopp in Sanji’s arms. Mina was making food at the time.

“Oi, you are up! Do you want coffee? Wait! Where were you two the last night? Ah, none of my business.” Mina spoke so fast that Zoro couldn’t say something. “The others had a long night. Isn’t Chopper sweet when he is sleeping?”

“Breath, please breath.” Zoro instructed Mina.

“Am I speaking to fast again? I am so sorry, it happens to me when I am happy!” Mina tried to make food and stay quiet.

Now Zoro had time to laugh about it. Ero-Kokku in such pose, our wannabe ladies-man. Zoro wanted to wake him up so he could see Sanji’s face, but…

“What has happened here?” Nami came with Luffy in the kitchen and disturbed Zoro’s plan to wake Sanji.

“The next who are up!” Mina shone by the cooker.

“Sanji you bastard! Our guest is doing your job and you sleep!” Nami was totally made and yelled at Sanji, but he slept on.

“Food!” Luffy sat behind the table. He pushed Franky and Brook from the table. He didn’t care who was making food the main thing was that he got food.

“In a moment, Luffy!” Mina did it all to thank them that they had taken her with them.

“Mina I wanted…” Nami wanted to speak with Mina, but she didn’t have time for it.

“Tss. I am not going to tell them.” Mina smiled, “It is time for breakfast. But how could I wake them up?”

“Leave it to me.” Nami smiled. Mina blinked irrationally.

“Everyone up!” Nami yelled and walked around. She hit everyone leg so that they flew against the wall. Zoro sighted, in one hand he was happy that he wasn’t sleeping but in the second hand Sanji didn’t see how he was sleeping.

The ship was almost by the island. Nami had wasted her time by punishing the others. They had slept more than her so they can do all the work. Usopp, Franky and Brook were cleaning the deck. Since Chopper was young Nami had mercy with him. He didn’t get a punishment. Sanji got the task to take care of the grass. Zoro was training on the deck and tried to disturb him. Robin was reading near him and quietly laughing when Sanji wanted to kill Zoro. Luffy was fishing so he stayed quietly in one place.

So the time passed fast and they reached the island. It was hard for Nami to hold Mina back. She wanted so badly jump from the ship even though the ship hadn’t been docked. As the ship stopped Nami couldn’t hold her and she climbed down. Without saying something she disappeared. She knew that a pirate ship will catch attention. That’s why she wanted to find her sister as quick as possible.

Luckily she found her sister fast, because Luffy almost went after her. But when he saw that Mina was coming with her sister and her future husband he stayed on the ship.

“They agreed!”

“Another beauty!”

“Sanji! She is getting married today!” Nami hit Sanji.

“They agreed to what?” asked Luffy

“That you will stay in the wedding.” Answered Mina

“We can’t stay, we are pirates.” Said Nami

“But I asked you to come. You saved my sister. I am so thankful. At least I can offer you food and a party. I will explain to the guests who you are and they will understand it.” Mina’s sister Stefani smiled. She looked almost as same as Mina, but she had shorter hair and was taller.

Nami agreed. Actually she had no chance to say no. Usopp, Chopper and Luffy were following Mina before Nami could react.

Mina guided them to the square where the ceremony was. There were tables with food and drinks there and Mina directed them to an empty table. But only Nami and Robin reached it. And Mina disappeared too.

Robin and Nami decided to stay there and not look for the others. Even though the guests knew who they were they still were watching them with a fear. Nami and Robin didn’t want to ruin the good mood. Although Nami was used to this stares she seemed troubled. Robin noticed it but she didn’t believe that Nami let disturb her from stares.

“You can go and look for him if you want.” Spoke Robin.

“What?” Nami tried to make an innocent face, “Who should I look for?”

“You don’t have to hide it. Mina mentioned that she helped you too, you and Luffy.” Robin smirked.

Nami didn’t say anything, she was thinking about it. Why did Mina mention it to Robin and what did Robin mean with ‘helped you too’? Nami realised that Mina had helped Robin too, so she was having someone.

“Who is it? Tell me!” Nami got over her first scare. It wasn’t so horrible that Robin knew it. She trusted her. “You said that Mina helped us ‘too’. So she helped you too. So who is he? No, let me guess. Zoro!” Nami grinned.

“Why do you think that it is him?” Robin was calm as always.

“Because I have seen how he is watching you and I a felt a tension between you two.”

“I hope you mean a positive tension.” Nami didn’t notice that Zoro was standing behind her. Robin of course had noticed him, but didn’t say it to Nami on purpose.

“Damn it Zoro! Don’t scare me!” Nami was about to kill him.

“I came here to say to you that Luffy is looking for you. You should go before he explodes”

“Why is he eating so much?!” Nami stood up and almost run. But she didn’t want that Robin and Zoro would think that she was worried about Luffy, “Zoro don’t you think that you will get away without a punishment.” Shouted she and disappeared in the crowd.

Zoro swore. It didn’t go as he had hoped, but at least he was now alone with Robin.

Nami walked around but she didn’t see Luffy. Just before Nami wanted to give up and kill Zoro she saw him standing near the dance square. Luffy was looking around.

“Looking for me?”

“It’s about time that you came! I could have used that time for eating!”

“So why did you ask Zoro to look for me when you only want to eat?!” Nami had hopped to enjoy that grown-up Luffy longer, but it seemed that the childish Luffy was back.

“I asked him so we could be together. Come on!” Luffy pulled Nami as he had done so several times. Luckily a slow song was sounding and Luffy used it to his advantage. Luffy took her gently in his arms and leaned his head on her shoulder.

Nami was wrong. The grown up and romantic Luffy was still there. Nami was surprised that he could be so. She enjoyed it. He didn’t know how much time they could spend together. She didn’t know how the others would react or how Sanji would survive it. So much to do, thought Nami and sighed.

“What’s wrong? Why are you sighing? Look around all the people are so happy and the food is super too!” Luffy tried to cheer Nami up.

“Baka.” Nami smirked, “I love that you can always make me laugh.”

“Do you know what I love about you? I love your hair, the colour and its softness. But what I love the most is your self-confidence.” Luffy said seriously.

“Luffy, what happened to you?” Nami turned red little. “It isn’t like you at all.”

“I fell in love.” Luffy laughed, it was still really weird to say it.

Now it was Nami’s turn to lean her head on his shoulder. By him she forgot everything. It didn’t matter any more, what she had gone through. She was only lucky that she had done it. It was weird to think, but when Arlong Park hadn’t existed she wouldn’t have met Luffy. It didn’t cure the wounds but it softened them.

So they danced and enjoyed the time. They didn’t care that there was a possibility that someone of the crew would see them. At the moment only the love between them mean something.

Zoro and Robin went back to the ship. They went to most comfortable and romantic place on the ship, Nami’s tangerine grove. Zoro was sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall, Robin laid on the ground her head in Zoro’s lap. There was silence between them because they didn’t need words all the time.

Suddenly Robin began to laugh. The silence what she enjoyed was destroyed because someone was snoring. She wasn’t offended because she knew that he couldn’t sleep last night. His sleeping gave her even a chance. She loved to play with him, to play with his hairs or to stroke over his cheek. This time she chooses the cheek. Carefully she stretched her hand out. For her amazement Zoro grabbed her hand.

“Can’t keep your finger away from me?” Zoro opened one eye.

“Don’t you think so well about yourself” Robin sat up.

“Why shouldn’t I? You yourself said once that I am sexy.” Zoro didn’t let her to get up. He hugged her and his kissed her on her neck. Then he began to unbutton her purple blouse.

Robin let him to do. Every touch made a jolt run through her. His touching was gentle; like he was scared he would hurt her. Robin had noticed how carefully and gently Zoro cleaned his swords. Every time when she saw it she thought if he could handle women as good as his swords. Secretly she wished that she could learn that side of him. Now she didn’t only know that side, she even loved it.

Zoro just couldn’t keep his hands away from her. Robin was perfect. She looked like a goddess and was super intelligent. A combination that you don’t find often. She didn’t speak rubbish like a lot of women did. But most of all, he loved that smile. It captivated her when she came to the ship. He would never forget it because it was where it all began.

Just when Zoro wanted to unbutton the blouse Robin stopped him.

“Why did you agree with Sanji’s bet when you were in love?” Robin made a serious face.

Zoro stopped his doing and stared at Robin. He had no idea how Robin knew it and furthermore he had forgotten the bet. Suddenly Robin began to laugh.

“I know your ego didn’t let you behave otherwise.”

“You aren’t mad?” asked Zoro carefully. He raised his eye-brown. Why did she ask about it at all when she knew the answer?

Robin put her one hand around Zoro’s neck and with the second hand she slipped through his hairs and kissed him passionately. This was her answer. Then Zoro could end his doing but…

“Mh, where are Zoro and Robin?” Luffy’s voice sounded over the entire ship. Zoro swore. He heard the voices from the others too.

“We have to cancel it, again.” Robin smirked and buttoned her blouse. When Robin saw Zoro’s disappointed face she laughed over him which didn’t help Zoro.

Everyone was on the ship like Zoro and Robin had thought. Nami saw them first and smirked at them. She told Luffy that they were on board. Luckily Sanji was talking with Mina who was on the dock and didn’t see Zoro and Robin coming together.

“Do you have to leave so fast?” Mina made a sad voice and face.

“The Log Pose shows a new island. Time to go.” Said Nami.

Mina pursed her lips. She knew that the day will come when they will leave. The only thought which cheered her up was that she was by her sister. Nami had given up the money, but Mina put a bag full of gold secretly in Nami’s room. She knew how much Nami loved money and how much it hurt to give it up.

“Mina-san! Only one thing more!” shouted Sanji, he almost forgot the bet. “I have to confess that we weren’t totally honest with you. We had a childish bet. We wanted to know who you like the most at the end of the trip. I am so sorry, but who won?!” Sanji couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Sanji you baka! You will regret it!” Nami was totally mad. She didn’t except such behavior from Sanji.

Mina stood there quietly. Sanji felt so bad. He thought that Mina got offended.

“Chopper.” said Mina with a smile.

“What?!” Sanji almost died, because he was 100 sure that he would win. “Why?!” he whined, “But…but who lost, who do like the least?” He really hoped that Zoro would lose. It would be a consolation.

“There isn’t such a person. I mean I like Chopper the most and you others are then on the same level. You all are second.”

“We are slaves for a week for Chopper?!” Sanji’s mouth dropped. The entire day was ruined.

Mina laughed. She was happy about Chopper. Luckily she said Chopper because she almost wanted to say Sanji, but it was better that Sanji didn’t know it. Nami tapped on Chopper’s shoulder, “Punish them.” Robin smirked next to Nami. She knew that Nami will help Chopper to think up good punishments.

“Sanji make me a cold drink! Usopp and Luffy fan me, Franky bring me a sunshade, Brook play a song and Zoro massage my shoulders!” Nami made big eyes. She didn’t know that Chopper could be so hard. The power didn’t have a good affect on him.

“But before say goodbye to me!” Mina shined, she had accepted that they had to go. She waved with a bright smile.

The others waved to her too, but one wasn’t so sad that she left.

“Sanji, where is my drink?!”

“Oh god, we have grated a monster!” mumbled Nami. Luffy heard it and laughed over it. He hoped that Nami would save him from Chopper. Then they would have time for them selves.

Robin sneaked to Zoro and whispered to him: “I will ask Chopper to loan you to me.”

“And what are you going to do with me?”

“That what we had to cancel twice.”

“Zoro my shoulders!” Chopper yelled. Zoro sighed; life was hard on him. Robin smiled and pushed Zoro to Chopper.


Immer noch kein Ende im Sicht^^’ 4 more chapters are in planning:)

She is back, Sanji-kun!

7. She is back, Sanji-kun!

It had passed two month since they said goodbye. The life on Sunny went to. Everything seemed to be as normal as before. Although Mina had changed two relationships on the ship the other didn’t know it. Zoro and Robin acted as normally as they could. They stayed away from each other. The only difference was that Robin used his real name. No one even noticed it, because Robin used the right names for everybody. Luffy and Nami didn’t show their real relationship either.

The both pairs decided not to tell anybody about their romance. And it worked, no one suspected a thing. But the price for it was that they didn’t have much time for each other and that was extremely hard for them. At the beginning it was very hard and they were almost caught because they could keep their fingers from each other. This was normal for a young romance. But with time they learned to enjoy the time they had.

Zoro and Robin tried to find as much time as possible. When Zoro or Robin had night watch, the other was there too. When Zoro was taking a shower after training Robin joined too. Luckily Robin didn’t share her room with someone so at least they could spend the night together. But not the entire night, because Zoro had to be back in the men’s room before Sanji got up.

With Sanji they had to be even more careful than with the others. Even the little things would make him very suspicious. When that happens then they wouldn’t keep it a secret for long. Sanji would observe them for a while until he knew the truth. That’s why they had to be extremely carefully with Sanji.

But during the day Robin and Zoro didn’t have time for each other at all. The risk was too big that someone could see, but that risk made it all even more gripping. It was rare that they disappeared behind a corner for a kiss. But when it happened the kiss was the most passionate they ever had, thanks to the excitement of being caught. Of course it would have been easier to tell them, but they didn’t want to share their young love with them. Then they would have a lot more time, but the others would have gossiped and asked stupid questions. That’s why they wanted to keep it a secret as long time as possible.

Robin didn’t agree that keeping it a secret meant that she wasn’t allowed to play with him although Zoro forbid it. Surreptitiously she tried to do it still. Today she had a perfect plan how to tease him. Already at breakfast she had desire to make his life hell. On purpose she sat opposite of him at the breakfast table. At the beginning she was peacefully eating, but then she started to put her plan into practice. Carefully she stretched her leg out and rubbed with her foot against Zoro’s.

Zoro couldn’t do any thing against it, even not say something. He had to suffer although it wasn’t a terrible suffering. But then Robin decided to change it. For a second she rubbed tenderly, but then she hit Zoro’s leg. Zoro almost jumped up after the painful hit.

Zoro stared her angrily and wanted to yell: ‘What are you doing?!’ But he knew he couldn’t. And that’s why Robin did it.

“Oi, sorry Zoro.” Robin made an innocent face, “I should be carefully when I move my long legs.” Robin added an evil grin.

“Marimo! Take your big monkey legs away!”

Zoro didn’t respond to it. He had already an idea how to get his revenge. At the same time he wanted to get away with her from here. He knew that she was playing, again. At first he ate on but then he played like he would be clumsy. He wanted to grab his glass but pushed it down on purpose. The glass rolled over the table and fell down and shattered. The milk flow over the table directly into Robin’s lap. Perfect.

Robin jumped up. Her jeans and her blouse were wet from the milk. Robin tried to act with Zoro’s plan along and made a face like the world end was coming. Sanji of course was yelling at Zoro. His plan was that ‘Zoro broke the glass and Robin’s jeans ruined’. Then he wanted to help Robin, but Nami decided to play along too.

“Zoro, go and help Robin. Now!” Nami said it with a smirk but an angry voice.

Zoro whined. It had to be believable. Then he followed Robin to the bathroom. When the door was closed Zoro pushed Robin against the wall and gave her a French kiss. After that Zoro took Robin her blouse off.

“The jeans need a wash too.” Zoro grinned. His plan succeeded. Finally they were alone today. Usually the nights were theirs but it wasn’t enough any more for them.

“Don’t you think that you are going to get away without punishment…”

“Please, punish me!” when Zoro said it Robin scratched over his back.

Robin had changed her clothes. This time she didn’t put jeans on. This time she put a sexy miniskirt on. She didn’t wear a skirt on this ship often, but this time she made an exception. After changing her clothes she went on the deck reading. She sat in a camp bed. She put one leg over her second. This was part of her plan.

Her plan was completed when Sanji sent Zoro out from the kitchen. This was Sanji’s punishment for breaking the glass. Zoro had to scrub the deck. And as it wouldn’t have been enough for a punishment Robin wanted drive him crazy with her long legs.

Robin wanted to show Zoro what he could have when they would say to the other that they were a pair. She was tired to hide.

Zoro started to scrub. He looked over to Robin but tried to do it so that Robin wouldn’t notice it. But Robin knew that he couldn’t resist and looked. Robin played with her legs. She rubbed her leg against one another. Then she stroke with her hand over her legs. She provoked and she liked it. Just then Sanji came from the kitchen. He wanted to bring Robin a drink. But when he saw Robin in such a sexy pose he almost fainted.

“Oi Robin-chan!” Sanji flew almost to her and his eyes were hearts, “Is today my birthday?” Sanji handed Robin her drink. Robin took it and smiled sweetly. Sanji flew back to the door and shouted to Zoro that he should bring the glass back, unbroken.

Now Robin had a new think which she could play. At first she played with the straw. Then she stuck her finger in the drink and back to her mouth to taste it. A pleased ‘mmmh’ came from Robin. She drank it up and took the straw out. By accident or not she let some drops to fall in her décolletage. She wiped them with her finger away.

Zoro couldn’t move the brush when Robin was showing him the show. He had to bite on his lip to concentrate. But after Robin had ended it and looked to Zoro, he was cleaning harder again. Robin smirked and put her glass on the railing which was left from her. This was a sign for Zoro that he should take it away.

Zoro got up. But he wanted to tease Robin too. He knew that it was a game. Robin wanted to see him suffer and to desire her. He knew that. He had said to her that when she isn’t going to stop with the games she would get him any more. But Robin wasn’t scared at all. She knew that Zoro couldn’t resist.

Zoro took his shirt off acting like it was warm for him. Then he walked to Robin and bowed over her to grab the glass. He did as slowly as he could so Robin could see what she wasn’t going to get today.

But Robin didn’t care that it wasn’t for her. She touched confidently Zoro’s upper-body. Zoro looked her with a serious face.

“When I can’t have you, you can’t have me too.”

“We will see it.” Robin moved closer to him.

“Zoro, Sanji wants to know if you are going to bring the glass back.” Usopp came from the kitchen. He saw the first time Zoro and Robin so near.

“I just took it.” Said Zoro and came quickly away from Robin. Robin smiled to him and read on. Usopp didn’t realize what had happened, but he had a feeling like he was interrupting but then he thought that he was imagining it.

The same feeling had Usopp in the week when they were slaves for Chopper. Usopp saw that Zoro was more with Robin than working. That was very weird.

The week when Chopper was commanding was all in all strange. Chopper was totally different at that time. He let Franky build a throne and Usopp a crown. Sanji had to cook for Chopper every hour. He gained 5kg in a week! Brook had to play and at the end Brook hide himself from Chopper. Usopp didn’t have to worst work. Chopper liked his stories. That was a punishment for the others who had to listen to him.

But Zoro and Luffy didn’t work very often. Actually they didn’t work at all. Usopp noticed that every time when Luffy was given a job Nami would save him from it. And Zoro didn’t have to do any thing, because he was helping Robin. Usopp thought the first time that it was suspicious.

At least Chopper was normal again when the week was over. At the beginning he tried to command on, but when he noticed that no one listened to him, he stopped it. Then he was as normal as it was possible on this ship.

Nami and Luffy were at the same time in Nami’s room. Nami was sitting at her table and set her maps. Luffy was sitting on the sofa and was eating nuts which Nami had bought her from the former island. It wasn’t unusual that Luffy and Nami were alone during the day. Every day they had at least an hour for themselves.

The reason was simple. Nami was the navigator and Luffy the captain. Every time when Nami wanted to be with Luffy, she said that she wanted to explain something to Luffy like the course. So the others didn’t suspect anything that they spend so much time with each other.

Nami was very carefully. She didn’t want to be caught. That’s why she didn’t let Luffy to kiss her or thought when there was a possibility that someone could see. It was hard to explain to Luffy why. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t be with his queen. He wanted so badly to tell the others, but Nami didn’t let him.

Of course Nami had calculated the possibility to tell them, but then she decided not. Actually she didn’t know why. At the moment every thing was alright. They spent enough time with each other. Maybe she thought that when they knew something would change.

Nami knew that they were lucky that they had so much time. They spent the nights and some hours at days together. Only before morning Luffy had to leave. But that meant their time together was special.

“Nami, do you come here too?” Luffy had eaten the nuts.

“I am almost done and then we will speak about the next island.”

“But I thought that you lied to them. Can’t you tell me later?” Luffy often felt that they didn’t have so much time and didn’t want that Nami would waste their time.

Nami almost left her map to fall on the ground. Was Luffy really so impatient.

“Luffy, how can I tell you later when the others know that I am explaining to you at the moment?”

“Say that I didn’t understand they will believe you!”

Nami laughed. Luffy had learned from her. He even understood that the other didn’t think that he was smart. But Nami hadn’t planned that what Luffy hoped.

“It is a possibility, but we are in 10 minutes by the island.” Luckily Nami had something which would bring Luffy on other thoughts.

“Already?!” Luffy eye shone, “And who can leave the ship?”

“I heard from the former island that the Log Pose shows the next island in one hour. So I though that only you and me would go and spend time.”

Nami got up and walked to Luffy. Tenderly she put her hands on Luffy’s cheeks. She looked deeply in his eyes. She saw exciting in his eyes, exciting for the island. For a second she thought that he forgot why he here was, but she was wrong.

Luffy took her hands away and put then around his neck. Then he grabbed Nami by her hips and pulled her closer. Now she was close enough to kiss him. They had only 10 minutes. But then they forget it.

Luffy slide his hand over Nami’s shoulder. He took the shoulder’s straps along with his finger. So he wanted to take her blouse off. Nami let him charm herself and forgot the time too. It was so good to feel him. His finger, his lips and his hair, oh she loved them. She had no idea why, she just loved to slide through them.

She took his hat and put it on her head. Luffy let her do it. Only she could touch it, only she. He trusted her, he knew she wouldn’t do any thing that would hurt him. Never. After taking the hat, Nami slide with her finger through his hair. His hair was so soft but in the other hand so strong. Next time she wanted to ask what he did to his hair that made it so healthy.

Nami glided from Luffy’s hair to his face and stroke over his cheek. She stopped by his lips. For a moment she enjoyed the silence. She gathered herself and then it overcame her. Passionately she kissed him. She wanted him and now. Nothing else mattered at the moment.

“Nami-san! We are almost there!”

Nami broke the kiss. She had a scary face. She felt like they were caught although it wasn’t so.

“Luffy!” She slapped him. Luffy only blinked. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what over come me.”

“Are we going?” Luffy asked carefully because he didn’t know how Nami would react.

Nami nodded only and got up. She dressed herself up again. Then she looked to Luffy who wasn’t happy at all. But she knew how to cheer him up.

“Luffy. A new island.” Said she only and Luffy was immediately up.

Together they went up to the deck. The others were all there. Sanji wanted badly to go to the island. Chopper was excited too. Usopp had made a list of things that he wanted to buy.

“Only me and Luffy are going.” Said Nami when she reached the deck.

“But we want too!” Chopper, Usopp and Sanji said together.

“Maybe next time.” Nami didn’t give them a chance to say something.

Usopp, Chopper, Sanji and Robin stayed by the railing the others left. Zoro was there too, but he was sleeping, so it didn’t count. The three boys were sulky.

“Nami and Luffy are spending a lot of time together.” said Usopp.

Sanji pricked up his ears. Now when Usopp said it he noticed it too. He was suspecting. But Luffy? thought Sanji.

“No they aren’t. Nami is only teaching Luffy.” tried Robin to explain.

“You and Zoro are also to very often together like today. To near for you two.”

Sanji not only pricked up his ears he almost died. He didn’t suspect Luffy so much but suspected Zoro. Sanji had to confess that Zoro was attractive. Not that he was gay or was Zoro more attractive as he was. But he had noticed that women liked him. He was worried that Robin would fell for him too. Even when it had a possibility of 0,5.

“Me and her near? Usopp maybe you need glasses.” Mumbled Zoro half sleep.

“Yes Usopp, Robin isn’t so stupid to let him near her.”

“Sanji is right. I wouldn’t be so stupid.” Robin looked to Zoro who slept on. But then he stuck out his tongue.

Nami and Luffy had walked around the town for a half hour. Nami went into some shops but didn’t find something special. And then Luffy disappeared too. It wasn’t so as Nami had imagined. She wanted a romantic tour through the town, but Luffy didn’t play along.

“For you.” Luffy appeared for Nami and handed her a flower.

“You didn’t pay for it, did you?!”

“Of course not! I picked it by myself.” Luffy knew that when saving up money he could cheer her more up.

Nami kissed him immediately. Nami already hoped that she could get her romantic date, but then two fighting people disturbed them.

“Don’t follow me!” shouted the man.

“It’s your fault that I missed my ship!” yelled the woman back.

“Leave me alone.” Said the man tiredly.

“No, I won’t! You fainted in the harbor and when I helped you then I missed my ship. And then it turned out that you were sleeping! I am not going to leave you along until you will find me a new ship!”

Nami rubbed her eyes. Everything seemed to fit, the look and that voice.


Nami turned from the man to Nami and Luffy. “Nami! Luffy!” yelled she suddenly.

“Hey little brother.”

Is here someone normal?

Author’s note: I know that Ace is in prison, but I wanted so badly to write a story where Ace is. So I made exception. In this story Ace isn’t in prison. It is still a fan fiction.(heh) I hope it doesn’t disturb too much

Author’s note: I know that Ace is in prison, but I wanted so badly to write a story where Ace is. So I made exception. In this story Ace isn’t in prison. It is still a fan fiction.(heh) I hope it doesn’t disturb too much .’

Is here someone normal?

“Little brother?!” Mina looked like she had seen a ghost. Her face turned white. She didn’t want to believe that such an impolite and disgusting guy was Luffy’s brother. It didn’t seem possible to her, because Luffy was so funny and friendly and they weren’t similar at all. She hoped that she had heard it wrong.

“Ace!” Luffy’s eyes sparkled. At first he saw only his brother and almost forgot that Mina was standing there. Then Nami hit him and he noticed her too. “Hey Mina! How come you are with Ace?” Luffy had a bright smile. He was very happy to see his brother, because the last time he had seen him was during their adventure in Alabasta. Luffy had to confess that it was a big coincidence to meet Mina and Ace together here though.

“You know this witch?” Mina became visibly mad when Ace said it; he had insulted her again. Ace wanted to get rid of her, but understood that if they knew her, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of her so easily.

“Ace. She is our friend, our good friend.” Nami wanted to prevent Ace from insulting her any more, but as she thought, Ace didn’t catch on to it. No wonder that they are brothers, thought Nami.

“This horror? Didn’t she get on your nerves?” Ace jokingly asked, although in truth, he was tired of Mina. Why is she following me at all? thought Ace.

“I am not a horror! I am a good person!” Mina burst out. She was tired of him too. “It is your fault that I missed my ship again!” Mina stopped. It was a little weird to say it in front of Nami and Luffy. She had missed her ship again and she was afraid that Nami and Luffy would think that she was just too stupid and that’s why she wasn’t able to be somewhere at the right time.

“Mina, what are you doing here? Not that we aren’t happy to see you.” Nami tried to calm Mina down and draw her attention away from Ace.

“After you left I stayed a month on the island.” Mina was completely calm within a second and began to talk; it was one of her favorite things to do. I became so bored and I felt that my sister wanted to be with her husband alone, so I took the next passenger’s boat and began to travel again like I did before. I ended up here.” Mina’s voice turned disdainful and she glanced at Ace. “I was in a hurry to reach the next island because someone is waiting for me there, so I decided to leave this island without staying here. I was already in the harbor and waiting for the ship when I saw that a man had fainted. I ran to the man, helpful like I am, when the guy jumped up and walked on.”

“Nobody told you to help me,” mumbled Ace. He still didn’t get it why she was so angry or how it was his fault. Mina glanced at him, even angrier now.

“I wanted to know if everything was alright and then he said that he was sleeping. Of course I went back to the harbor but my ship was already gone!” Mina breathed deeply in and then out. She tried to calm down but it didn’t work.

“That’s typical Ace,” laughed Luffy.

Mina glanced at Luffy then. She could feel her blood pressure rise, and she couldn’t come down from her anger. It didn’t matter who Ace was or what for him was typical. She didn’t care. At the moment she was only mad. Mina didn’t remember the last time when she had been so angry.

“Now I have to wait the whole day for the new ship.” Mina sighed. Staying here for a day didn’t fit into her plans.

“We can take you with us, and you could get the gold back too.” Nami didn’t forget the gold that Mina had secretly put in her room. Nami had decided not to waste it and keep it for when they would meet with Mina again. Now was the perfect chance to give it back. Nami wasn’t so money crazy that she would take money from her friends, except maybe from her male nakama.

“No, no Nami! I don’t want it back. I don’t need so much money.” Mina swore silently to herself. She had hoped that Nami had forgotten about it.

Mina and Nami began to walk without looking to see if the boys were following them. Maybe it was better because then both sides could talk now in peace without insults between Ace and Mina.

Mina decided to take Nami’s offer. Although it was a little embarrassing, she didn’t let it ruin her mood. Ace and Luffy followed them. It was a perfectly fine to spend time with his little brother and he had to confess that he wanted to get more information about that girl.

“Luffy, from where do you know her?” Ace asked, as cool and casual as ever.

“We helped her to get to the next island when she missed her boat. Then we brought her to her sister.”

“It wasn’t her first time then. Still, blaming me…” mumbled Ace.

“We had a funny time with her on the boat. She drove the guys crazy on the ship because of the bet.”

“You too?” Ace grinned, “Wait, what bet?”

“Ask Sanji. And no, but she changed a lot.” Luffy tried not to speak about it. He wanted so badly to tell Ace that he had Nami now but didn’t want to do it without knowing what Nami would say about it. He thought about how Ace would only stay for a short time on the ship. No Luffy, Nami could be mad about it and you don’t want it, thought Luffy.

“You are different. You could say that you have grown up. What have you done? Is some woman behind that?” Ace grinned. Although the thought that his little brother had someone was weird, it wasn’t impossible. He knew that often when a man changed, there was a woman behind it.

“Ace, are you coming with us?” Luffy tried to speak about something else. This was the only thing that he could think of.

At the same time Nami and Mina were talking. Mina was still irritated and she didn’t like the idea that Ace was following them. It didn’t let her calm down.

“I don’t understand how such a normal person like Luffy has such stupid brother.” Mina let everything out. She really didn’t want to believe that they were brothers. For her it seemed like they didn’t have anything similar in common. She especially didn’t want to be with Ace any more, but as he was Luffy’s brother it was very probable that he was coming on the ship too. The thought didn’t cheer her up.

“You just met him in the wrong moment. Ace is normal and when I saw him for the first time I couldn’t understand how Luffy could have such a normal and smart brother.” Nami knew that Ace wasn’t like what Mina thought.

“Are we talking about two different people?” Mina sweat dropped. Mina believed in the goodness that every person had. Naïve as she was, she believed that everyone had some good in them and that true evil did not exist in people. Even after her parent’s death she still believed in this purity of people’s character, just as her mother had taught her. For the first time though, she felt that not everyone could be good, and while Ace was no devil, she couldn’t believe that the man could be as friendly as Nami said.

“You would believe me when you have spent time with him.” Nami would have to rely on Mina’s friendliness.

“I am not going to spend time with him!”

The others were enthusiastic when the four reached the ship. Of course they were totally happy when they saw Mina, especially Sanji. This time they didn’t have a hidden purpose; they just missed her as a friend. Ace was however a stranger to some of them. Robin knew who Ace was, but Franky and Brook had no idea. They didn’t have time to see him at all though. They wanted to be near Mina.

“The little girl is back!” Franky started to cry.

“You are overreacting Franky,” said Zoro

”I am not crying!” protested Franky, even as he cried on.

“My heart wants to jump out of my chest, but I don’t have a heart. Skeleton joke! Yo-ho!”

“Mina-san!” Sanji ran to Mina, his eyes big hearts. He had already forgotten the disappointment what Mina had made him.

“You are back! I don’t like you, go away!” Chopper danced around Mina.

“You are right. She is driving them crazy,” whispered Ace to Luffy. Luffy only laughed over it. Nami was standing by them and overheard it too. She smirked. Ace had said it with a weird under tone, or at least Nami thought so. She decided to observe it more.

Mina was in a super mood when she saw them all. She totally forgot her anger. She even didn’t mind that he was there, glancing towards Ace.

After a warmhearted welcome Luffy introduced Ace to Brook and Franky. Ace at the beginning looked at Brook with a weird face but he was not scared of him. He had been on the Grand Line longer and had seen more than Luffy. Franky didn’t scare him at all. He is a cyborg and…? were Ace’s thoughts. He wasn’t so surprised. Franky wasn’t so excited when he saw Ace, and Sanji wasn’t happy either seeing Ace. He had no idea why though.

After Luffy whined, Ace agreed to go with them to the next island but not further. Mina didn’t like the idea, but she wasn’t too angry about it.

Sanji had almost forgotten to make the lunch since Luffy hadn’t screamed for food. Quickly he made a perfect meal, like always, and they began to eat. Everything went on peacefully. They talked, laughed and enjoyed their time until Ace’s head fell into his plate and he began to snore.

“He isn’t normal!” shouted Mina and began to laugh. “It is so funny when he fells asleep like that!” Mina’s mood was too good to let it ruin, and that’s why she decided to follow Nami’s words.

“What?” Ace raised her head, “You aren’t normal.” He then started to eat again like nothing had happened.

“Then we both aren’t normal. You are worse. I speak a lot and too fast but you are impolite and fall asleep within a second.” Mina wanted act like Ace, so she was impolite and stuck her tongue out at him.

“You know what it means when someone shows her tongue?” Ace stopped eating and looked seriously Mina.

Mina shrugged. She thought that it could mean a childish act but she didn’t want to say it about herself. Actually, she didn’t care what Ace had to say.

“It means that you want to kiss the person you showed your tongue.” Ace grinned. He couldn’t wait for Mina’s reaction. He wanted to see if she could handle the situation.

Mina’s face turned red within a second. This situation was extremely embarrassing for her. It was rare that Mina felt like this; actually, it had never happened and now she wanted to disappear. What more, she didn’t understood why Ace said it to her. Sanji next to her got a heart attack and fell to the floor. He was very jealous. At that moment he hated Ace.

“Mina-san didn’t mean it so like that. Definitely not!” yelled Sanji when he got up again.

“Sanji-kun. If it would cheer you up, I could show you my tongue too.” Mina joked. She didn’t want to believe that Ace meant it seriously.

“MINA!” shouted Nami.

“I was joking!” Mina laughed and Ace saw that Mina could handle that situation. Only Sanji didn’t find it funny at all. He also didn’t like that Mina and Ace seemed to get along better.

The rest of lunch went on normally. Only Sanji decided to play the offended. Mina almost forgot her anger and got along well with Ace. He didn’t seem as bad as before. Maybe Nami was right. After the lunch was over the others left the kitchen. Only Ace and Zoro stayed there to drink their beers.

“Luffy said Mina is driving the guys crazy. You too?” asked Ace. He was interested in Mina. At the beginning he thought that she was just a blond girl who only worried over her looks. Now he didn’t believe she was so stupid.

“Definitely not.”

“Was some woman faster than her?” Ace blinked curiously. He knew that Zoro didn’t like it at all.

“What are you talking about?” Zoro looked weirdly at Ace.

“She is beautiful. I am not sure if she knows or if she uses it as a weapon or not. As far as I can tell she drives men crazy. Since you aren’t attracted to her, then another woman has to have her fingers in play. Hm, who is it?”

“Go to hell!” Zoro took the last gulp from the beer and wanted to go. He was in no mood to deal with Ace. He knew that he was playing with him, and he didn’t understand at all why people liked to tease him.

“It has to be someone from this ship. Let me think. How about Nami? She is commanding you and you hate her for that. That anger can easily grow into love, and Nami isn’t ugly. She is quite the opposite actually. It could work. I didn’t see you staring her though,” Ace could hardly hold back his laugh.

“You know, you should go to Chopper. Maybe you are sick because you are speaking rubbish,” snapped Zoro.

“Then we have the beautiful Robin.” Zoro wanted to hit Ace because he was not listening to him at all. “An older woman who has seen life, has experience and knows what she wants. You both are quiet. Yes, this can work too. I saw that you were sitting next to her and there were some glances too.”

“Who are you and where did you put the real Ace?”

“Okay. When Robin is free I could imagine flirting with her.” Ace fooled around. He wanted to see Zoro’s reaction. If he didn’t get angry then it could only be Nami.

“Keep away from her!” Zoro jumped up from his chair suddenly losing his self-control. The thought that someone could come too near to Robin made him feel sick. What was wrong with Ace? This wasn’t like him at all.

“Calm down. It was a joke,” Ace smirked, “It would have been easier if you would have said it earlier.”

Zoro wasn’t amused at all. It didn’t matter that it was a joke. He walked angrily away.

Zoro knew that Ace didn’t mean it badly. So he couldn’t be angry at him long. Today he was even weirder than usual. Maybe it was Mina’s fault, thought Zoro. The others had acted weirdly too when she was on board.

Zoro walked out the kitchen, while Ace stayed in the kitchen. Zoro was lost in his thoughts. Ace’s acting confused him and he was a little worried that he lost his self-control so easily. He really didn’t think that when someone said a comment over Robin it could make him so angry. How could he keep his love a secret? He couldn’t keep it a secret from Ace and he had only been on the ship for a few hours. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that Robin was waiting near his room.

Suddenly Zoro felt someone grab him by his shirt and pull behind the corner. He wasn’t too surprised because he recognized Robin’s perfume. Robin had waited for him to kiss him passionately. Zoro forgot all his thoughts. How Ace was acting didn’t matter any more.

“Not here. Someone could come.” Zoro couldn’t believe he was stopping Robin.

“Wouldn’t it be exciting?” Robin put her hands under Zoro’s shirt. This time she didn’t scratch him. She stroked tenderly and kissed his neck.

“Why are you so tender? How do I deserve it?”

Actually, he didn’t care but he hoped that he could get Robin to the room.

“You protected me. It was sweet from you. However, don’t you think that I am a weak woman who can’t protect herself,” with that Robin stopped being tender and scratched Zoro.

Zoro understood immediately that Robin had heard what he was talking about with Ace. Robin wanted and liked to do this. For his punishment Zoro took Robin’s arms away and pulled her into the room. When the door was closed Zoro sighed. Now he had more time to concentrate on Robin and did not need to look around for someone to come.

“Mina is back.” Robin punished him in her way.

“And?” Now when Zoro wanted, Robin slowed down too much. This was a hard punishment.

“You are not interested?” Robin tried to play again and that time she test jealousy.

“No. Not now, and I wasn’t before. I have you already, why should I be?” It was a disappointment for Robin that Zoro didn’t go along with her game.

Zoro didn’t let Robin slow down more. He didn’t want to speak about anything. He kneeled down, unbuttoning Robin’s shirt from the bottom and threw it on the ground. Passionately he moved with his kisses, from her belly up to her lips.

They kissed. Their tongues touched and it seemed like they were in a fight. This would always stay between them, the fight that nobody could win. Robin and Zoro were both lone wolfs and fighters, only Zoro was more egoistic and wanted always to win. It was why they seemed that they were always fighting. It added passion into their relationship. Sex was for them a battle and the love was war, but a war neither could win.

Their love didn’t consist only from fighting for power. It wasn’t that they only wanted to fight. No, they loved each other and the fight kept the love fresh. It was the perfect match. Two souls had found each other.

Zoro moved his hands over her back and opened her bra. Only just now Zoro noticed that they were together again during the day. Thanks to Ace and Mina, the others had no time to watch them, so they could be peacefully here, or at least they thought so.

They moved towards the bed but froze when they heard noise on the other side of the door.

“Yo-ho. Maybe she is here?” Brook pushed the door a little open.

“In our room? No, I don’t think so,” said Franky, “Come, let’s go to the deck.”

That was the last thing Zoro and Robin heard. The door was closed again. Both were frozen the entire time. Robin laid on the bed with Zoro over her. He looked deeply into her eyes and saw fear in them. Their hearts were beating fast as hell.

They had almost been caught, but they needed only few seconds to recover, and then the passion was back. Their bodies shivered from fear but this made it even more passionate.

Robin grabbed Zoro’s shirt and ripped it off. Arduously she kissed his neck and bit his ear. Zoro moaned. Robin laid back and with her arms around his neck she pulled him with her. Then Zoro licked over Robin’s stomach. That made her moan.

Will it last for ever? Some days ago Robin had asked herself that. She hadn’t the answer. Today however everything was so clear. It wouldn’t last forever. They don’t live forever. It would last for the rest of their lives. That was enough.

This isn’t fair…

This isn’t fair…

Ace shook the liquid in his beer bottle. He had a little smirk on his lips. He had achieved one of his purposes. Now he knew why Zoro was different. Ace wasn’t stupid. When he had reached the ship he noticed straight away that something had happened here. Of course he noticed how Luffy was acting first. He had known him long enough to know that he had changed. Now he had to know what had changed him. He had only one day to go here, so he had to think of something.

Ace hardly noticed that the door of the kitchen opened, so lost in his thoughts were he. To his horror the one who came out was Mina. Mina had come here to get something to drink and then go back and continue her talk with Sanji. He was waiting for her in the crow’s nest. Sanji had offered to go by himself, but Mina had wanted to move herself. She promised to be back in a moment. However, when she saw that Ace was here alone she couldn’t resist and sat opposite him at the table.

“Good that you are here, because now I can speak to you. I wanted to apologize that I thought that you were the most unfriendly person that I have met. Nami was right, you aren’t so bad. Maybe a little weird, but who is normal on this ship anything?” Mina smiled.

“Are you always like this or is it a façade?” Ace raised his eyes from the bottle.

“Façade?” Mina blinked. Mina wasn’t as stupid as a lot of people thought. She acted childish on purpose in certain situations so she could surprise the people with her real side. It seemed that Ace had thought that she is a naïve blond girl too. “Of course not; I am how I am. Of course I know sadness and I carry it in my heart but I don’t have to show it. It is better to smile.” Why should Mina open herself totally? She still didn’t trust him. She knew that she wouldn’t meet Ace again. .

“Are you smiling so that your life would be more beautiful?” asked Ace ironically. For some reason he wanted to know if Mina was so naïve.

“You should try it too. If you want I could give you a smile.” Mina began to laugh. It was a little weird to talk about it with Ace. Mina didn’t understand why Ace was so interested.

“I don’t need your smile. I can handle my life alone.” Ace smiled. There was something about Mina that cheered him up. He couldn’t decide if Mina was a spoilt child or an intelligent woman who was able to use her beauty to trick men.

“Heh. You are like your brother, at least a little. I mean, you are smarter but the same optimism.” Just now Mina could see that they had something in common and that they could be brothers. She didn’t notice it before because the anger had made her blind.

“I have to confess that my little brother has changed. He has grown up. Luffy told me that you changed things here. Did you change Luffy too?” Somewhere Ace had to know what had happened to Luffy.

“No.” Mina smirked. “I didn’t change anything. Someone else…” Mina grinned. It wasn’t her thing to tell something to Ace. When he wanted to know then he could ask Luffy.

Ace looked at Mina thoughtfully. He really had thought at the first sight that she was a childish woman and everything was a joke to her. Furthermore, he thought that she only played with the men, drove them crazy, took what she wanted and left. The more time he spent with her though, he had to confess that she wasn’t a blonde. It seemed like Mina wanted to change the world with her smiles. Although she seemed so childish Ace was certain that Mina knew what she wanted from life.

“Mina-san, where are you?” The kitchen door opened and Sanji came in. He was searching for Mina who hadn’t come back.

“Ah Sanji-kun. I stayed here and talked to Ace and I forgot the time. Sorry. I am coming already.” Cheerfully Mina jumped up and followed Sanji. Before she left the kitchen she stopped by the door and smiled to Ace.

Ace stayed alone in the kitchen. He couldn’t decide if she was playing or not. He drank the rest of the bottle up and smirked.

Sanji and Mina were in the crow’s nest. Mina wanted to spend time with Sanji. She tried to remedy what she had done to Sanji when she didn’t choose him.

Mina told him what she had done the two months after they had parted. When Mina ended there was an embarrassing silence between them. Mina had hoped that Sanji would begin with his ‘Mina-san, you are so beautiful when you speak’ or something like it. However, Sanji was quiet and looked out the window. Mina wasn’t sure that Sanji had listened to what she had said. He was so happy before but when they had come back from the kitchen Sanji’s mood changed totally.

“Sanji-kun, what’s wrong?” Mina made a worried face.

“Nothing,” answered Sanji.

This answer didn’t calm Mina down. Worriedly Mina stood up and sat next to Sanji and put her hand over his. Something had to be wrong. She felt that it could have been her fault.

“You can tell me.”

Sanji’s reaction was one he didn’t believe that he would ever do. He took his hand away. Even Mina was surprised. She had thought that she knew Sanji and she was excepting that Sanji would react otherwise.

“Why did you choose Chopper?” asked Sanji seriously.

Mina bit her lip. She hoped that Sanji wouldn’t ask her that. She really didn’t know how to explain it to him. Mina didn’t often feel embarrassment but today it was the second time when she felt like disappearing. She had thought her decision had hurt Sanji, but that he would be so sad…

“I was scared. I have never said it. It was easier to say that I like Chopper more than you. It was too hard to say it. Furthermore, you were leaving.”

“Mina, you…” Sanji’s voice began to shake. He couldn’t believe that someone…

“Sanji-kun, you aren’t angry? It doesn’t matter anymore. It was over two months ago.” Mina smiled and stood up. She wanted to climb down. “I am going to the others.” With that she disappeared.

Sanji’s mouth dropped. ‘It doesn’t matter anymore’. How doesn’t it matter?! Mina just confessed that she liked him more than Chopper, but she didn’t dare to say it. When she only had said one word, Sanji would have done everything so that she would have come with them. But now she says that it doesn’t matter. Had she forgotten him already? Or didn’t she mean it seriously. Suddenly Sanji remembered Ace. Mina seemed to get along with him now. Could it be Ace’s fault that it didn’t matter anymore?

Mina climbed down. She was happy that she could escape from there. She only hoped that she did cheer Sanji up. She was a little worried that Sanji would understand her wrong. She meant it seriously, but…

Sanji finished the dinner. He did it numbly and with no great joy like usually. Even when Nami and Robin came in it didn’t cheer him up. He even didn’t notice them. Sanji carried the food to table and started to eat although not everybody was there. This time Sanji wasn’t going to follow the rule because the ones who weren’t there were Ace and Luffy. Usually the rule was to wait until everyone was at the table.

At this time, Luffy and Ace were by the railing. Neither noticed that it was time for dinner. It was very rare that Luffy didn’t notice it.

“Are you going to tell me what has happened to you? Mina didn’t want to tell me.” Ace didn’t give up. He wanted to know, although he suspected something. He wanted to hear it from Luffy’s mouth.

“Ace, what are you talking about?” Luffy laughed nervously.

“You understand what I mean.”

Luffy looked at the ground. He didn’t know what to do. Ace was his older brother and he trusted him totally. Luffy had always told Ace everything, but at the same time he didn’t want to do something that Nami had forbidden.

“It has to be Nami who changed you. Robin has Zoro. No one else remains when you aren’t looking for something else.” Ace smirked. He knew that it would be easier to find out the truth than with Zoro.

“Looking for something else?” Luffy blinked, “What do you know about Zoro and Robin?”

“Forget it Luffy.” Luffy had changed a little but it didn’t mean that he would understand that. “I bothered Zoro for so long that he gave in.”

“Hm.” It didn’t matter any more for Luffy whether he said it to Ace or not. If Nami got angry he could say that Ace noticed it by himself. “She is very important to me.” Luffy said it quietly like he thought that someone was listening to them.

“How sweet! My little brother is in love!” Ace grabbed Luffy and put his hand around his neck. He hit his head. “My brother has grown up!” Ace laughed dearly.

Luffy tried to fight against the hold. He got free from Ace’s grip and they began to fight. They wanted to see who was the strongest, like always, but again they were equal. They fought until Luffy stopped and sniffed the air.

“FOOD!” he yelled suddenly and ran, leaving Ace on the ground, who could only laugh over his brother’s reaction. Some things never change.

Luffy ate like this would be his last meal. He had to eat even faster so that he could catch up with the others. He was a little angry that Sanji didn’t call him, but he forgot about it very fast. Sanji at the same time felt extremely uncomfortable, but it wasn’t Luffy’s fault. Mina was sitting next to him with Ace on Mina’s other side, so Sanji had to hear everything they were saying. He wanted so badly to give up, but he wouldn’t be Sanji if he wouldn’t fight for a woman.

“Mina-san.” Sanji tired to attract Mina’s attention and he was lucky. “I wanted to say that I am not angry that you lied about the bet. You should have told me the truth because you would have come with us.”

“Ah Sanji. I wasn’t so sure about it then. Even when I regret it a little, it doesn’t matter any more. Things have changed.” Mina smiled sweetly.

Again this ‘it doesn’t matter’. Sanji wanted to yell that it does matter, but he didn’t. The worst thing was that Ace was sitting there and grinning. Ace wasn’t laughing at Sanji, he was laughing over Mina. Sanji didn’t know this though.

“What do you think of it?” Mina’s answer didn’t satisfy Sanji. He had a feeling that Mina was hiding something.

“Don’t you understand? She thinks that with a smile everything is alright. She isn’t interested in you,” Ace answered, stopping Mina before she could respond. Ace was joking, but Sanji didn’t understand the joke. Ace just talked on with Mina without noticing Sanji.

It wasn’t hard to notice that what Ace said drove Sanji crazy, but he was a gentleman and wouldn’t voice his anger when a lady was near. He decided to do something. Angrily he stood up.

“Come Ace. I want to show you something.” He could hardly control himself.

Ace looked him weirdly. He was in no mood to go out, but when he saw the look in Sanji’s eyes he stood up and followed Sanji. When they were out and the door was closed Sanji couldn’t hold it in anymore and his anger busrt out.

“What are you thinking?!”

“What’s wrong spoon?” Ace joked around again. He didn’t take Sanji’s anger seriously because he didn’t understand why he was so angry.

“What’s wrong?! You are flirting with her and you are rubbing it under my nose that she isn’t interested!”

“You mean that cute blond girl?” Ace almost laughed. He couldn’t resist joking, although he saw that Sanji was angry.

Suddenly the others in kitchen heard a loud yelling. After that they didn’t hear anything until Ace opened the door. He walked back to his chair and sat down. The others didn’t understand what had happened and Ace didn’t seem to want to speak about it.

“What happened? Where is Sanji?” asked Luffy.

“I don’t know. He walked away. Mina, can you hand me the salad?” Ace acted like nothing had happened.

Nami didn’t believe it. Something had to have happened. She had heard Sanji’s voice., and she wanted to know what had happened and she wanted to know that instant! Sanji had been weird today. He didn’t flirt with her or Robin and that was very weird. Nami felt like he didn’t want to be near them. She wanted to go by herself and find Sanji, but she didn’t dare to.

“Luffy, Zoro. Go and find Sanji!” said Nami seriously.

“What?!” asked Luffy and Zoro together, “Why me?!”

“Because I say so!”

Zoro and Luffy didn’t want to go, this was obvious. The anger in Nami’s eyes they could see though and they really thought that if they didn’t go, Nami would kill them. Luffy stood up because it was Nami who asked him. Zoro stood up because he was afraid that Nami would raise his debt. They had no other choice but to look for Sanji and they began in their room.

When Zoro opened the men’s room he saw Sanji sitting under the window. Although the room was dark, the moon’s light illuminated the room with a soft glow. Zoro wasn’t sure but it seemed like Sanji was crying.

“GO AWAY!” yelled Sanji.

They didn’t listen to him. They wanted to go back but they knew if they went back and did not bring Nami the explanation of why Sanji was here, they would die. Furthermore, Sanji was their nakama and they couldn’t leave him in such a situation alone.

“What’s wrong?” Zoro sat on his bed. It was unpleasant, but he had to stay here.

“Like you care!”

“What happened between you and Ace?” asked Luffy.

This time Sanji didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to speak about it. He also knew that they wouldn’t go before he said something. For some minutes they sat in the darkness until Sanji gave up.

“She said that she liked me the most.” Sanji started quietly speaking, “But she didn’t dare to say it to me. Now she doesn’t want me any more, because she has Ace with whom she can play with. It isn’t fair! I always give my best. I always do everything so that the women like me, but still I am alone! This is the first time someone liked me, but he had to destroy everything. All women hate me!” As soon as he had said it he already regretted it. He was sure that Zoro would laugh at him.

Zoro wanted to die! It was so embarrassing. How often did he see a man crying and showing his feelings? Not very often and he was lucky for that. Even worse was that it was Sanji who was crying. How could he give him any advice? He had joked before that no women wants him, but at the moment he felt sorry for him. Even Sanji didn’t deserve this kind of pain.

“Nami and Robin don’t hate you.” This was the only way to cheer him up.

“And?! They aren’t free any more.” Sanji wiped the last tear away. He didn’t want to cry any more.

“You know that we are together?!” Of course Luffy didn’t notice that he just confessed it. Zoro sweat dropped. How could he be so stupid?!

“It wasn’t hard to notice. I am not blind! You are miserable liars.” Of course Sanji had noticed it. He observed Nami and Robin the most. He took care of them and wanted their attention. When Mina had left he had noticed within a day that their behaviour had changed. Then he just had to sneak around before he knew what was going on. “But when they are happy then I am also happy.”

Now Sanji seemed more pitiable than before. Mina didn’t want him any more and he knew that his Nami-san and Robin-chan weren’t free. Although Zoro was sure that he would regret it, he had to do it.

“Don’t worry. The Grand Line is big and here are definitely several women who would be pleased with you. Trust me, some day you will find the right one.” Zoro almost bit his own tongue.

“Do you really think so?” It seemed to help. Sanji wanted to believe that Zoro wasn’t lying to him.

Zoro nodded and tried to show that he believed it. He did even believe it, although he didn’t want to confess that he did it. And then someone opened the door.

“Sanji-kun, are you coming back? I want to spend time with you before I leave again.”

Sanji jumped up and ran happily to Mina. Zoro wasn’t sure whether it was his words or Mina’s smiled which cheered Sanji up. He was almost sure that it was Mina’s smile. It didn’t matter any more. The crisis was over, although he thought Sanji was stupid to forgive Mina. The worse thing was that his mood was now ruined.

Luffy’s mood on the other hand was as good as before. He got up and left Zoro in the room, because the swordsman was already sleeping. Luffy walked to the kitchen. Without a word he walked up to Nami, grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Nami wanted to tell him to tell her where they were going so he wouldn’t have to pull her, but Luffy didn’t give her a chance to talk.

Luffy pulled Nami to her room without answering to any questions. When they were finally by her room he let go of her.

“Sanji knows about us. Ace too” Luffy said seriously. Now he waited for Nami’s reaction and prayed.

Nami watched Luffy without understanding him. What he had said was important but at the moment she wanted to know what had happened, which was why she wasn’t angry at Luffy. After Luffy had explained what had happened with Sanji she forgot completely that Sanji and Ace knew.

“Poor Sanji.” She really felt sorry for him. Sanji did everything and made so much effort but nobody seemed to see it. Even her. “Maybe I should talk with him?”

Luffy didn’t say anything. He only kissed Nami’s forehead. “Sanji is lucky to have such great nakama as you. And I am lucky too,” whispered Luffy.

Luffy kissed Nami’s neck. Although Nami wanted to forget Sanji and enjoy the time with Luffy, she couldn’t do it. Then she remembered what Sanji had said. “When they are happy then I am also happy.” Thinking about that was why Nami decided to be happy and let Luffy take off her blouse.

Passionately they kissed, while Nami’s blouse fell to the ground. They helped each other out of their clothes, eventually ending up on the bed. Luffy’s arm moved gently over Nami’s stomach. So soft and silky was her skin. He sighed with relief that Nami wasn’t angry. He was so happy that he had her. With one hand he played with Nami’s hair. He sniffed it. Oh how he loved that smell.

Nami could finally enjoy it, more than before. They didn’t have to keep it a secret. It wasn’t a sin anymore like she had felt about it before.

The next chapter would be definitely the last...

I want her back!

I want her back!

Zoro snored, alone in the dark room. He had fallen asleep with the thought that maybe he could forgot it all if he slept. He just had to forget it, because he didn’t want to remember it ever again. One time was enough to experience a life trauma. He only could hope that it wouldn’t haunt him in his dreams. Sleeping was one of the things he liked the most, and if his sleeping was ruined, then only training, drinking and Robin would remain. That just would not be enough. He needed more to have a good time here, but it would be better if Robin didn’t know it…so he had to forget it to save his good life on the ship.

At the same time that Zoro was snoring away, Robin sneaked quietly into the room. She knew that he was here. She knew everything thanks to her devil powers. She walked up to his bed and stood before it. She hadn’t seen such view and who knew when she would see it again. It was very rare to observe him so peacefully.

The moon shone in from the windows and illuminated Zoro’s figure. Robin was able to see Zoro’s features although the room was fairly dark. His hair glossed in the moon’s light. Robin hadn’t noticed it before. This was the first time that she had observed him for so long. Usually she didn’t have the time to do it. There were times when she observed him when she had woken before him, but at those times she had to watch that he wouldn’t awake. Now however, she could even observe how his chest rose up and down. She smirked, because the thought that kept surfacing was how he would look if he was shirt-less.

Robin could stand here for hours and look him. She had to confess that she had found a handsome man. Yes, she could stand here for hours but she was afraid that he would awaken. Zoro had a sixth sense for it. He knew always when somebody was watching him, which was why Robin never had a real chance to observe him. Today was special in the fact that he hadn’t woke up yet. However, Robin wanted to wake him by herself and that’s why she couldn’t risk just standing here.

Carefully she stepped a few feet closer and leaned towards Zoro’s face. She held her hair back so that it wouldn’t fall on his face and wake him. She bent over so that she could kiss him. It seemed to happened in slow-motion, at least it seemed like it for her. Robin felt his warm breathe and saw again his features. The moon’s light made it so breathtaking. She didn’t believe that such a simple thing could do have such an effect on her. Finally her lips softly touched his.

Suddenly Zoro opened his eyes. How could anyone sleep when somebody kisses you without warning? Contentedly Robin stood up, because she had achieved what she wanted: Zoro was up and now was whining that she didn’t let him sleep. Although Zoro wasn’t so mad that it was Robin who woke him up, this time it was a little different. He wanted to sleep and forget things, but it didn’t work this time.

“You are waking me like the princess who woke the prince with a kiss?” Of course, it was the other way around but he wasn’t going to imply that he was the princess.

“The prince woke the princess,” corrected Robin.

“You think that I am a man?” Asked Robin in an offended voice.

She was playing again. Zoro sweat dropped. How could he think that she is a man? Zoro had to confess that she was an excellent actress. He almost believed that Robin got offended, but then he knew that she was joking when he saw the smirk on her beautiful lips. Without warning Zoro grabbed Robin’s hand and pulled her into his lap.

“Did you use your devil powers to hear everything?” Zoro tried to talk about something else.

Robin made an innocent face. It didn’t work. Zoro already knew that she had listened. She just couldn’t quit doing it; old habits died hard. She just had to know everything, because in her past it was the only way to escape when it was necessary. This time Zoro was happy that she knew what had happened here. Now he didn’t have to explain it and live through it again.

“How many times do I have to punish you until you learn from it?”

“Endless times.”

Zoro laughed. She was incorrigible. Zoro began to kiss Robin’s neck. This wasn’t a stern punishment, but at least he got something out of it.

Robin ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her. She wanted to feel him. She wanted to feel his strong muscles against her skin. It gave her a warm feeling, and she couldn’t think of a better thing.

Robin pushed Zoro away from her so that he fell onto the bed on his back. Just a second before she wanted to feel him, but now she pushed him away. The reason was simple. She wanted to feel but not like this. She wanted to lie with him in the bed and enjoy the comfort, but it was too early to think about that at the moment. They could enjoy the comfort in the morning. No one thought that they were in the wrong room for it.

Robin moved her hands over Zoro’s upper-body, up to his shirt neck, before grabbing it and ripping down and pulling the ruined shirt away. Passionately she kissed his stomach, moving to his nipple. Zoro moaned when Robin bite it. It was more a punishment for Zoro than for her. And he noticed it too.

Zoro lifted Robin so that she had to sit up. Then he ripped her blouse off like she had done to his. They both knew that they had to stop with the ‘passionately ripping off of clothes’ because they would run out of clothes soon and it was too expensive. It was too hard to give it up though. Actually, Robin didn’t have a problem with running out of clothes; it was Zoro who had to wear old shirts.

Zoro wanted to refocus solely on Robin, but before that he had to get rid of the bra. He was satisfied when he heard her moaned like he had done.

Suddenly Zoro stopped. He looked deeply into Robin’s eyes. The moon’s glow lit Robin’s back but still Zoro could still clearly see her eyes. He could drown in them. He had a feeling like they were in another world. This time her eyes gave him courage, courage to say it.

“What?” asked Robin. It was weird for Zoro to stop and only watch her.

“When I look in your eyes, I am not afraid of love any more.” Zoro said, a serious set to his features.

Robin smiled and kissed him. She knew how hard it was for him to say it. Now everything was perfect. When they separated again she whispered: ’I love you’

There wasn’t any sign of fear in Zoro like there had been before. He was ready; she was ready. He had thought that he could be ready only with the right person. This meant that she was the right one.

“I love you.” These 3 magical words…

Sanji followed Mina happily to the kitchen. Everything was alright now. Yes, so fast did he forgot the past events. Before he entered the kitchen he watched through the window the antics of his other crewmates. Brook was playing violin, Chopper and Usopp were dancing and Franky was laughing on the ground because they were dancing so comically.

Ace was sitting at the table and watching the idiots. He didn’t want to believe that Luffy had found such stupid nakama. On the other hand, they were suited to him.

After a moment of doubt, Sanji opened the door and went in with Mina. Nami looked curiously at Sanji to see his reaction. Everyone stopped their actions when they saw Sanji. Franky had a hard time holding his laughter back because Chopper and Usopp stopped their dancing at a very comical pose.

Sanji made a face, pretending like he didn’t notice them and began to clean up. He took the dirty plates from the table, brought them to the sink and began to wash them. The others didn’t get what was going on. Why was Sanji acting normally although Ace was here? Ace acted normally too, because there was no need to act differently. He just ate on. Mina broke the silence. That wasn’t the reaction that she had expected. She wouldn’t be pleased without an explanation. She needed to know what was going on, now.

“You are not angry at Ace, Sanji? And you Ace, are you angry or not?” It was hard to even ask it. She didn’t know why they were fighting and she actually didn’t want to know the reason, because she had a thought as to why.

“No,” chorused Ace and Sanji together.

Sanji meant it seriously. He wasn’t mad any more, although the others had thought that he would be. Sanji had yelled at Ace, several times, which was why Mina thought that Sanji was still angry. At the beginning he had been angry.

However, by the railing Ace explained to Sanji that he shouldn’t be angry because of Mina. She was only playing. Ace wanted to show him this when he was flirting with her, and when Sanji thought about it he realized that Ace was right.

He didn’t sit in the dark, alone in his room because of Mina. It was only a little impulse. It only reminded him that he was still alone and every time when he remembered that he was still alone, he had to live his disappointment out. That time he cried in his room. Unfortunately the shitty swordsman and his captain had to see it. It was too late now to regret it. He just had to live it out. If only so he could it forgot for some weeks.

“Let’s sing a song for celebrating! Yo-ho-ho!”

The stress in the kitchen disappeared. Even though Sanji’s and Ace’s answer didn’t please Mina, she didn’t want to ruin the mood for the others so she decided not to ask any more questions. Their answer came to fast for her liking, but she hoped that Sanji was forgiving her.

Chopper and Usopp danced on as before Sanji and Mina’s interruption; it was still comical. Sanji laughed along with Franky when doing the wash-up. He didn’t have Mina’s love, but still he hoped that some day someone would love him. He would believe it until the next breakdown. Laughing came from the kitchen and it lasted to the early morning.

Nami woke in Luffy’s arms. Immediately she had a smile on her lips. What could be better than waking up like this? Okay, maybe a few tons of gold, but then she would have to find the treasure with him, and that would be perfect. Then it happened—she was lost in her dreams. It happened every time when she was thinking about gold and money. She saw only bellis and didn’t notice anything else. She didn’t notice when Luffy woke up. When he saw Nami’s dreaming face he knew what was going on.

“Dreaming about the gold again?”

Nami swore. He knew her too well. Even knowing he was right, it didn’t disturb him. It was not a big deal that she was thinking about gold when being with him. He thought about meat too sometimes when they were together. Okay not very often, but it had happened. Of course, it would be better if Nami didn’t know about it.

Luffy was still sleepy. He began just now to wake up completely. Usually he woke up if he smelt the scent of food and would be soon sitting at the kitchen table and yelling for food. Now he didn’t want to do it. Why should he when he had something better near him? He had begun to notice that food wasn’t the only thing in the world. This was a huge discovery for him. Now Luffy had Nami to wake him up. Once he was up, he began to stroke over her belly.

“Stop it! That tickles.” Nami just wanted to enjoy herself, but Luffy had something else in mind.

“Last night wasn’t,” grinned Luffy dirtily. No one ever got to see that grin, it was reserved only for Nami.

Luffy just couldn’t keep his fingers away from Nami. She was too perfect for him not to touch her. How could he be so blind as to not have seen her beauty before? It didn’t appear over night. Still, he never noticed it, until Mina opened his eyes. It cheered him up that he noticed it now and not when it would have been too late. Of course, he had seen that Nami was a woman but he just hadn’t thought about it. Adventures, meat and One Piece had consumed too much of his attention.

Nami cuddled against Luffy. She was still thinking about tons of gold, and when she was thinking of gold she couldn’t lose the thoughts so easily. She hoped that when they reached the last island they would find One Piece together. If it wasn’t gold…! She had no idea what would happen, but it wouldn’t end well. The world would break down for Nami. A bad thought, have to forget it fast, thought Nami. Nami did forgot her thoughts when she felt Luffy’s hand again.

Luffy wanted to use this change to his advantage. It wasn’t usual for them to wake up together and just lie in bed. Now, after knowing that Sanji knew about them he hoped to spend more time with her. He even hoped that Nami would let him kiss her around the others. It had been impossible before but now things had changed and maybe when Nami was in a good mood, it could happen.

“Why do Sanji and Ace know?” Nami asked suddenly, and ruined to whole atmosphere. She knew what Luffy wanted to, judging by what he was doing with his kisses and hands. She also knew that he could suffer.

Luffy was quiet. He had already forgotten about that because Nami hadn’t said anything about it before. It was too early to be happy, because she hadn’t forgotten it. He knew that it would end well.

“They understood by themselves,” tried Luffy, hoping to save his head.

“You didn’t say anything to them?”

“Erh..no?” That wasn’t so believable.

“Then everything is alright.” Nami smiled. She wanted to tease Luffy about it and wanted to play like she would be angry. She had learned it from Robin and she had to confess that she liked it. She wasn’t actually angry. It didn’t matter that they knew because it would someday have had to come out.

Luffy sighed. Nami didn’t yell at him or anything. He had hope that Nami was in a good mood.

Nami looked deeply into Luffy’s eyes. It was said that time is needed to know if the relationship would be right but Nami knew that they didn’t need time. She knew that they were right for each other and she was sure that Luffy knew it too.

Finally Nami decided that Luffy had suffered enough. She took Luffy’s hand away from her and kissed him passionately.

After that Luffy grabbed Nami around her hips and pulled her onto him so that he was laying on his back with Nami on top of him.

Nami glided her fingers through Luffy’s hair and kissed him. At the same Luffy moved his hands from waist to her back. Finally Luffy thought that it was time, but then he heard loud shouting from the deck.

Nami began to laugh. She wanted Luffy to suffer when waiting, but now he wouldn’t’ get it at all.

“We have to cancel it.” She grinned.

Luffy didn’t find it at all funny. He didn’t want to get up and go to the deck, but he had no choice. A last time he hugged and kissed her.

Luffy and Nami appeared on the deck where the loud noise was. Nami noticed that they had reached the island where they had to bring Ace and Mina, which was why the shouting was so noisy. Usopp, Franky and Chopper wanted to party on and did not want to say goodbye. Mina though was set on going to the island. Then she remembered to hug them. Even Sanji hugged her tenderly. The disappointment and the anger were gone. How could he be angry at her at all?

Ace jumped down to the dock from the ship. He didn’t have to say goodbyes like Mina. Sanji let a ladder down so that she could get to the dock too. When Nami was on the dock she began to search for someone. Suddenly, her eyes started to shine because she found the person.

“STEFAN!” she shouted and ran to an unfamiliar young and handsome man and hugged him.

The others on the ship got a shock. What was going on now?! Ace was laughing though. He had thought that Mina was hiding something like that. Why otherwise would Mina forgot Sanji so fast.

“This is Stefan, my boyfriend. I met him a month ago on my trip.” Mina smiled and kissed him.

“NOOO!” yelled Franky and Brook together. Nami was surprised too. How could she hide that? Why didn’t she tell her? She had thought that they were friends. Then Nami remembered that she hadn’t spent much time with her on this trip. That’s why Mina couldn’t tell her, she didn’t give her a chance.

Zoro and Luffy were indifferent, but Sanji had a strange feeling. Now he knew why Mina wasn’t interested any more. She had found her love. It also meant that Mina forgotten him very fast, and that wasn’t positive. He didn’t want to think about it though. He just had a crisis.

“Hey, little brother, I am going now. Treat Nami well and the same goes for you Zoro. Treat Robin well.” Ace grinned and walked away. It was a farewell tease from him.

The others had a real dilemma. They didn’t know if they should gape at Luffy or at Zoro or even at Mina. Too much was going on.

“What did Ace mean?” asked Usopp.

“I don’t know,” Zoro responded and took Robin’s hand and they walked away.

“Me neither,” Nami said, taking Luffy’s hat and putting it on her head before kissing Luffy. Finally, Luffy’s one dream had come true.

“YOU MEAN?!” No one wanted to say it out loud. Chaos ensued. Franky, Brook and Usopp began to ask questions, at the same time as each other of course. Zoro had thought that it would happen like so and that’s why he went away.

“I want Mina back!” cried Chopper by the railing. He saw Mina standing with her boyfriend on the dock and laughing over the mess on the ship. Chopper wanted her back; the girl who had changed so much for them.

The End


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Zorobin
2012-11-02T22:35:19+00:00 02.11.2012 23:35
woooow :o
i love Zoro and Robin :*
best ff .. ever !
Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T14:28:48+00:00 21.10.2008 16:28
So that's why Mina lost interest.
I wasn't so surprised, then it makes sense.
Again - poor Sanji V.V
Now he lost all women around him ^^'

Your FF was great and I liked the end :D


Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T12:20:24+00:00 21.10.2008 14:20
Oh poor Sanji T.T
It's so true, that he is always trys he's best to get the attention from the women.
Although I could never let him have Robin or Nami, especially Nami she just belongs to Luffy ^.^
I hope he really will find some day a girl who will fall deeply in love with him in the manga.


Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T11:06:13+00:00 21.10.2008 13:06
Well, that's funny xDDD
Mina and Ace didn't get along, but it seems that now they changed their minds about each other :D
I think, they could fall for each other, but then I would feel really sorry for Sanji xxDD

Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T10:01:45+00:00 21.10.2008 12:01
What a great chapter!! ^-^
I love Luffy and Nami, they're just so sweet together


Von: abgemeldet
2008-10-18T20:56:07+00:00 18.10.2008 22:56
also das Kappi is insgesamt toll <33 besonders die letzte Szene, nur i-wie...spinn ich, oder is deine satzstellung falsch? wenn ich das richtig sehe übersetzt du quasi wörtlich aus dem deutschen ?!
Naja, wie gesagt, nicht nur das kapi, die ganze FF is klasse, weiter so!
lg Ryoko
Von:  -ChiRo-
2008-10-08T13:45:24+00:00 08.10.2008 15:45
Oh damn robin is so mean xD" Minas little brother..
I think, my little heart can't handle this xD That's too mean xD But I'm curious *grin*
Hope you'll write more soon~
I wanna see the hot little brother ♥
Von:  elysian03
2008-10-02T21:08:58+00:00 02.10.2008 23:08

What happened with Chopper? xxDD
He was really bossy lol

"“Do you know what I love about you? I love you hair, their colour and their softness. But the most a love your self-confidence.” Said Luffy it seriously.

“Luffy, what happened to you?” Nami turned red little. “It isn’t like you at all.”

“I fell in love.”"
That was so romantic ^.^


Von:  elysian03
2008-10-02T17:41:49+00:00 02.10.2008 19:41
It was so sweet when Luffy and Nami kissed ^.^
Finally they got together :D
I was really surprised that Mina planed all that.
I feel sorry for Sanji.
Now both Nami and Robin are already taken xxDD
He's going to be so angry at Zorro and Luffy lol


Von:  -ChiRo-
2008-10-02T14:48:39+00:00 02.10.2008 16:48
Oh damn, I love it *_*
I just have read it today and I swear, It's wonderful! I really really like it, even if I can't understand english soooo well.
From all of it, I like the scenes with zoro and robin the most because that's my favourite pairing.
It was funny and sad in the same time.
I hope you'll write more FF's like this in the future and I would like it if you could send me an ENS then.

