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Sometime jealousy is good



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She is back, Sanji-kun!

7. She is back, Sanji-kun!

It had passed two month since they said goodbye. The life on Sunny went to. Everything seemed to be as normal as before. Although Mina had changed two relationships on the ship the other didn’t know it. Zoro and Robin acted as normally as they could. They stayed away from each other. The only difference was that Robin used his real name. No one even noticed it, because Robin used the right names for everybody. Luffy and Nami didn’t show their real relationship either.

The both pairs decided not to tell anybody about their romance. And it worked, no one suspected a thing. But the price for it was that they didn’t have much time for each other and that was extremely hard for them. At the beginning it was very hard and they were almost caught because they could keep their fingers from each other. This was normal for a young romance. But with time they learned to enjoy the time they had.

Zoro and Robin tried to find as much time as possible. When Zoro or Robin had night watch, the other was there too. When Zoro was taking a shower after training Robin joined too. Luckily Robin didn’t share her room with someone so at least they could spend the night together. But not the entire night, because Zoro had to be back in the men’s room before Sanji got up.

With Sanji they had to be even more careful than with the others. Even the little things would make him very suspicious. When that happens then they wouldn’t keep it a secret for long. Sanji would observe them for a while until he knew the truth. That’s why they had to be extremely carefully with Sanji.

But during the day Robin and Zoro didn’t have time for each other at all. The risk was too big that someone could see, but that risk made it all even more gripping. It was rare that they disappeared behind a corner for a kiss. But when it happened the kiss was the most passionate they ever had, thanks to the excitement of being caught. Of course it would have been easier to tell them, but they didn’t want to share their young love with them. Then they would have a lot more time, but the others would have gossiped and asked stupid questions. That’s why they wanted to keep it a secret as long time as possible.

Robin didn’t agree that keeping it a secret meant that she wasn’t allowed to play with him although Zoro forbid it. Surreptitiously she tried to do it still. Today she had a perfect plan how to tease him. Already at breakfast she had desire to make his life hell. On purpose she sat opposite of him at the breakfast table. At the beginning she was peacefully eating, but then she started to put her plan into practice. Carefully she stretched her leg out and rubbed with her foot against Zoro’s.

Zoro couldn’t do any thing against it, even not say something. He had to suffer although it wasn’t a terrible suffering. But then Robin decided to change it. For a second she rubbed tenderly, but then she hit Zoro’s leg. Zoro almost jumped up after the painful hit.

Zoro stared her angrily and wanted to yell: ‘What are you doing?!’ But he knew he couldn’t. And that’s why Robin did it.

“Oi, sorry Zoro.” Robin made an innocent face, “I should be carefully when I move my long legs.” Robin added an evil grin.

“Marimo! Take your big monkey legs away!”

Zoro didn’t respond to it. He had already an idea how to get his revenge. At the same time he wanted to get away with her from here. He knew that she was playing, again. At first he ate on but then he played like he would be clumsy. He wanted to grab his glass but pushed it down on purpose. The glass rolled over the table and fell down and shattered. The milk flow over the table directly into Robin’s lap. Perfect.

Robin jumped up. Her jeans and her blouse were wet from the milk. Robin tried to act with Zoro’s plan along and made a face like the world end was coming. Sanji of course was yelling at Zoro. His plan was that ‘Zoro broke the glass and Robin’s jeans ruined’. Then he wanted to help Robin, but Nami decided to play along too.

“Zoro, go and help Robin. Now!” Nami said it with a smirk but an angry voice.

Zoro whined. It had to be believable. Then he followed Robin to the bathroom. When the door was closed Zoro pushed Robin against the wall and gave her a French kiss. After that Zoro took Robin her blouse off.

“The jeans need a wash too.” Zoro grinned. His plan succeeded. Finally they were alone today. Usually the nights were theirs but it wasn’t enough any more for them.

“Don’t you think that you are going to get away without punishment…”

“Please, punish me!” when Zoro said it Robin scratched over his back.

Robin had changed her clothes. This time she didn’t put jeans on. This time she put a sexy miniskirt on. She didn’t wear a skirt on this ship often, but this time she made an exception. After changing her clothes she went on the deck reading. She sat in a camp bed. She put one leg over her second. This was part of her plan.

Her plan was completed when Sanji sent Zoro out from the kitchen. This was Sanji’s punishment for breaking the glass. Zoro had to scrub the deck. And as it wouldn’t have been enough for a punishment Robin wanted drive him crazy with her long legs.

Robin wanted to show Zoro what he could have when they would say to the other that they were a pair. She was tired to hide.

Zoro started to scrub. He looked over to Robin but tried to do it so that Robin wouldn’t notice it. But Robin knew that he couldn’t resist and looked. Robin played with her legs. She rubbed her leg against one another. Then she stroke with her hand over her legs. She provoked and she liked it. Just then Sanji came from the kitchen. He wanted to bring Robin a drink. But when he saw Robin in such a sexy pose he almost fainted.

“Oi Robin-chan!” Sanji flew almost to her and his eyes were hearts, “Is today my birthday?” Sanji handed Robin her drink. Robin took it and smiled sweetly. Sanji flew back to the door and shouted to Zoro that he should bring the glass back, unbroken.

Now Robin had a new think which she could play. At first she played with the straw. Then she stuck her finger in the drink and back to her mouth to taste it. A pleased ‘mmmh’ came from Robin. She drank it up and took the straw out. By accident or not she let some drops to fall in her décolletage. She wiped them with her finger away.

Zoro couldn’t move the brush when Robin was showing him the show. He had to bite on his lip to concentrate. But after Robin had ended it and looked to Zoro, he was cleaning harder again. Robin smirked and put her glass on the railing which was left from her. This was a sign for Zoro that he should take it away.

Zoro got up. But he wanted to tease Robin too. He knew that it was a game. Robin wanted to see him suffer and to desire her. He knew that. He had said to her that when she isn’t going to stop with the games she would get him any more. But Robin wasn’t scared at all. She knew that Zoro couldn’t resist.

Zoro took his shirt off acting like it was warm for him. Then he walked to Robin and bowed over her to grab the glass. He did as slowly as he could so Robin could see what she wasn’t going to get today.

But Robin didn’t care that it wasn’t for her. She touched confidently Zoro’s upper-body. Zoro looked her with a serious face.

“When I can’t have you, you can’t have me too.”

“We will see it.” Robin moved closer to him.

“Zoro, Sanji wants to know if you are going to bring the glass back.” Usopp came from the kitchen. He saw the first time Zoro and Robin so near.

“I just took it.” Said Zoro and came quickly away from Robin. Robin smiled to him and read on. Usopp didn’t realize what had happened, but he had a feeling like he was interrupting but then he thought that he was imagining it.

The same feeling had Usopp in the week when they were slaves for Chopper. Usopp saw that Zoro was more with Robin than working. That was very weird.

The week when Chopper was commanding was all in all strange. Chopper was totally different at that time. He let Franky build a throne and Usopp a crown. Sanji had to cook for Chopper every hour. He gained 5kg in a week! Brook had to play and at the end Brook hide himself from Chopper. Usopp didn’t have to worst work. Chopper liked his stories. That was a punishment for the others who had to listen to him.

But Zoro and Luffy didn’t work very often. Actually they didn’t work at all. Usopp noticed that every time when Luffy was given a job Nami would save him from it. And Zoro didn’t have to do any thing, because he was helping Robin. Usopp thought the first time that it was suspicious.

At least Chopper was normal again when the week was over. At the beginning he tried to command on, but when he noticed that no one listened to him, he stopped it. Then he was as normal as it was possible on this ship.

Nami and Luffy were at the same time in Nami’s room. Nami was sitting at her table and set her maps. Luffy was sitting on the sofa and was eating nuts which Nami had bought her from the former island. It wasn’t unusual that Luffy and Nami were alone during the day. Every day they had at least an hour for themselves.

The reason was simple. Nami was the navigator and Luffy the captain. Every time when Nami wanted to be with Luffy, she said that she wanted to explain something to Luffy like the course. So the others didn’t suspect anything that they spend so much time with each other.

Nami was very carefully. She didn’t want to be caught. That’s why she didn’t let Luffy to kiss her or thought when there was a possibility that someone could see. It was hard to explain to Luffy why. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t be with his queen. He wanted so badly to tell the others, but Nami didn’t let him.

Of course Nami had calculated the possibility to tell them, but then she decided not. Actually she didn’t know why. At the moment every thing was alright. They spent enough time with each other. Maybe she thought that when they knew something would change.

Nami knew that they were lucky that they had so much time. They spent the nights and some hours at days together. Only before morning Luffy had to leave. But that meant their time together was special.

“Nami, do you come here too?” Luffy had eaten the nuts.

“I am almost done and then we will speak about the next island.”

“But I thought that you lied to them. Can’t you tell me later?” Luffy often felt that they didn’t have so much time and didn’t want that Nami would waste their time.

Nami almost left her map to fall on the ground. Was Luffy really so impatient.

“Luffy, how can I tell you later when the others know that I am explaining to you at the moment?”

“Say that I didn’t understand they will believe you!”

Nami laughed. Luffy had learned from her. He even understood that the other didn’t think that he was smart. But Nami hadn’t planned that what Luffy hoped.

“It is a possibility, but we are in 10 minutes by the island.” Luckily Nami had something which would bring Luffy on other thoughts.

“Already?!” Luffy eye shone, “And who can leave the ship?”

“I heard from the former island that the Log Pose shows the next island in one hour. So I though that only you and me would go and spend time.”

Nami got up and walked to Luffy. Tenderly she put her hands on Luffy’s cheeks. She looked deeply in his eyes. She saw exciting in his eyes, exciting for the island. For a second she thought that he forgot why he here was, but she was wrong.

Luffy took her hands away and put then around his neck. Then he grabbed Nami by her hips and pulled her closer. Now she was close enough to kiss him. They had only 10 minutes. But then they forget it.

Luffy slide his hand over Nami’s shoulder. He took the shoulder’s straps along with his finger. So he wanted to take her blouse off. Nami let him charm herself and forgot the time too. It was so good to feel him. His finger, his lips and his hair, oh she loved them. She had no idea why, she just loved to slide through them.

She took his hat and put it on her head. Luffy let her do it. Only she could touch it, only she. He trusted her, he knew she wouldn’t do any thing that would hurt him. Never. After taking the hat, Nami slide with her finger through his hair. His hair was so soft but in the other hand so strong. Next time she wanted to ask what he did to his hair that made it so healthy.

Nami glided from Luffy’s hair to his face and stroke over his cheek. She stopped by his lips. For a moment she enjoyed the silence. She gathered herself and then it overcame her. Passionately she kissed him. She wanted him and now. Nothing else mattered at the moment.

“Nami-san! We are almost there!”

Nami broke the kiss. She had a scary face. She felt like they were caught although it wasn’t so.

“Luffy!” She slapped him. Luffy only blinked. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what over come me.”

“Are we going?” Luffy asked carefully because he didn’t know how Nami would react.

Nami nodded only and got up. She dressed herself up again. Then she looked to Luffy who wasn’t happy at all. But she knew how to cheer him up.

“Luffy. A new island.” Said she only and Luffy was immediately up.

Together they went up to the deck. The others were all there. Sanji wanted badly to go to the island. Chopper was excited too. Usopp had made a list of things that he wanted to buy.

“Only me and Luffy are going.” Said Nami when she reached the deck.

“But we want too!” Chopper, Usopp and Sanji said together.

“Maybe next time.” Nami didn’t give them a chance to say something.

Usopp, Chopper, Sanji and Robin stayed by the railing the others left. Zoro was there too, but he was sleeping, so it didn’t count. The three boys were sulky.

“Nami and Luffy are spending a lot of time together.” said Usopp.

Sanji pricked up his ears. Now when Usopp said it he noticed it too. He was suspecting. But Luffy? thought Sanji.

“No they aren’t. Nami is only teaching Luffy.” tried Robin to explain.

“You and Zoro are also to very often together like today. To near for you two.”

Sanji not only pricked up his ears he almost died. He didn’t suspect Luffy so much but suspected Zoro. Sanji had to confess that Zoro was attractive. Not that he was gay or was Zoro more attractive as he was. But he had noticed that women liked him. He was worried that Robin would fell for him too. Even when it had a possibility of 0,5.

“Me and her near? Usopp maybe you need glasses.” Mumbled Zoro half sleep.

“Yes Usopp, Robin isn’t so stupid to let him near her.”

“Sanji is right. I wouldn’t be so stupid.” Robin looked to Zoro who slept on. But then he stuck out his tongue.

Nami and Luffy had walked around the town for a half hour. Nami went into some shops but didn’t find something special. And then Luffy disappeared too. It wasn’t so as Nami had imagined. She wanted a romantic tour through the town, but Luffy didn’t play along.

“For you.” Luffy appeared for Nami and handed her a flower.

“You didn’t pay for it, did you?!”

“Of course not! I picked it by myself.” Luffy knew that when saving up money he could cheer her more up.

Nami kissed him immediately. Nami already hoped that she could get her romantic date, but then two fighting people disturbed them.

“Don’t follow me!” shouted the man.

“It’s your fault that I missed my ship!” yelled the woman back.

“Leave me alone.” Said the man tiredly.

“No, I won’t! You fainted in the harbor and when I helped you then I missed my ship. And then it turned out that you were sleeping! I am not going to leave you along until you will find me a new ship!”

Nami rubbed her eyes. Everything seemed to fit, the look and that voice.


Nami turned from the man to Nami and Luffy. “Nami! Luffy!” yelled she suddenly.

“Hey little brother.”


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Von:  elysian03
2008-10-21T10:01:45+00:00 21.10.2008 12:01
What a great chapter!! ^-^
I love Luffy and Nami, they're just so sweet together


Von:  -ChiRo-
2008-10-08T13:45:24+00:00 08.10.2008 15:45
Oh damn robin is so mean xD" Minas little brother..
I think, my little heart can't handle this xD That's too mean xD But I'm curious *grin*
Hope you'll write more soon~
I wanna see the hot little brother ♥
