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Sometime jealousy is good



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This will be a funny game.

Disclaimer:I don’t own One Piece.

This story takes place after Thriller Park. Spoiler: Brook has joined the crew.

Chapter Two

This will be a funny game.

Sanji was standing stock-still by the kitchen. The tea was flowing onto the ground, and the splinters of the tea cup were lying on the ground, too. But Sanji wasn’t interested in it. In another situation he would have got totally mad. No one was allowed to break, or waste something. But at the moment, after shouting mellorine, he was staring the girl who was by the others. Sanji got his usual shock by seeing her. The others didn’t notice it, because they were used to it. It was normal for Sanji. Furthermore, Nami had turned her attention to Luffy.

Sanji didn’t notice it at all what was happing by the others. He was totally in his thoughts.

Sanji’s thoughts

I am in heaven, or an angel has landed on our ship. She is so wonderful! I don’t know who she is, but she is perfect. She had everything that a dream woman should have, and like I have dreamed about. What a figure! The long legs which seemed so unending are wondrous. Furthermore, the hourglass form made her more perfect. And then the slender arms and elegant fingers which were now by her light pink lips. The lips fit perfectly with her light skin colour. Her face is so thoughtful, but still, it seems so beautiful that only a painter could have done it, because such a beauty couldn’t exist in nature. Her eyes are turquoise, when I see correctly. Her blond, long hair, which reached to half her back, was shining in the sun.

I thank god that he made her wear such clothes, because that made it all even better. I could admire her long legs thanks to that black mini shirt. Oh, and the shirt! It gave a beautiful view. Oh my god, this is wonderful. I think I am in love.

She is a little bit taller than Nami-san. When comparing with Nami, she has a bit more sweet child-likeness. At the same time she seemed as elegant as Robin-chan.

She must be a miracle. I am a lucky fellow. Mellorine!

Nami there, too, when Sanji was still standing in a trance, handling her problematic child – at least, it seemed so.

“Sorry, Nami I forgot.” Said Luffy, laughing nervously, and scratching his head.

“You forgot?!” Nami walked angrily towards Luffy. Zoro was smirking, because it was fun to watch how someone else got the trouble. “Do you know how much you owe me, now?! Seriously. You are going to die! ” Nami wanted to hit Luffy, but someone else attracted her attention.

“Oh, my God! I am on the Mugiwara’s ship! How stupid of me. Of course, you are Monkey D. Luffy. I was too confused because of my things to notice it.” Mina forgot now totally why she was here, because she noticed that she was on that ship. She turned to Luffy, and smiled at him.

“You don’t have to fear us. We aren’t bad pirates.” Said Chopper, who wasn’t afraid of Mina.

“Fear? Why should I fear you?” Mina turned to Chopper and her face began to shine. “Cotton Candy Lover Chopper!” called she, suddenly, and sat fast in front of Chopper. Then she hugged him. “You are even softer, and sweeter, than on the picture!”

“Leave me alone!” Chopper began to struggle, because he didn’t want to be in her lap. He struggled free, and hid himself behind Zoro’s leg. “I am not sweet!” Chopper shouted angrily, but made his joy dance.

“As I have heard. You don’t like cuddling.” Mina smiled to Chopper, and it made Chopper dance even more. Mina moved her eyes up from Chopper, and reached Zoro’s face. She was up within a second, and grabbed Zoro’s arm.

“Roronoa Zoro. Wow! I am on the same ship with the sexiest, and with the future’s best swordsman!” Zoro couldn’t believe what he had heard. He felt that his cheeks warm up. Nami got a shock, because of it. She didn’t believe that Mina was so brave. Robin began to laugh, and the others didn’t get it what she had said.

“Our Kenshi-san has a fan.” Said Robin

“Urusai, woman!” It was enough embarrassing for him.

“Hehee. Zoro is sweating.” Began then Luffy to laugh, which made the situation even worse.

“Hey! I am not a fan. Or am I?” joked Mina. “When I am a fan, then I am not only a fan of Zoro-kun. I admire you all.” Mina let go of Zoro, and began to walk. “I am a fan of you, Usopp-kun.” She walked on, “Of you, Nami. And, of course, of Robin, Chopper-kun, Luffy-kun, and now Franky-kun, too.” Mina walked all them pass.

Suddenly she stopped, and her face turned pale. The reason was Brook.

“Yo-ho-ho. Little Lady. Can I see your panties?” Brook bowed. Mina got a serious shock. She didn’t except a talking skeleton on the ship.

“Brook! Leave her alone. You are a scaring her!” Nami walked to Mina. “Are you okay?”

“W..ho..i..s….t.hi..s?” Mina hardly was able to speak.

“This is Brook. Our new nakama. He is a musician. A long story why he a skeleton is, but he has devil powers.”

“A new nakama?” Mina was again able to speak. “Brook, then I am a fan of you, too!” Mina said it with smile again. The others sweat dropped. They didn’t believe what they heard.

“Nice to meet you little lady. Can I see your panties, now? “Brook tried to bow again but this time so low that he could watch under her skirt.

“Never!” Mina hit Brook with her hand so that he could do it, but it was a joke for her.

Nami shook her head. She didn’t believe that Luffy had brought such a girl to the ship.

“Finally, I see you all in real life. I know that I am acting weird, but I am so happy. Okay, I know that the fact that I am a fan of pirates is not normal, too. But I like you all so much. I have head so much about you. For example, I have heard that Chopper doesn’t like cuddling. I have also heard that you are not evil, as the other pirates. Hey! Now I remember that I haven’t seen Black Leg Sanji. Where is he?”

When Sanji heard his name, he woke immediately from his trance. He was by Mina with super-high-speed, and kneeled in front of her. He had taken a rose from somewhere.

“I know that the rose isn’t as beautiful as you, but this is a symbol of my love.” Sanji stretched his hand with the rose out, and his eyes turned into hearts.

“How sweet of you!” Mina took the rose. Sanji wanted to die because of the joy.

“Arigato.” Mina bowed to Sanji, and gave him a kiss. Sanji fell down because of it, and began to mumble something.

“I always wanted to see how you would react!” Mina began to laugh.

Oh my god, she is crazy!, thought Nami. She made her angry, and wanted some normality. That’s why she wanted to get to know what her problem is. Then they would know if they would help her, or not.

“Like you had mentioned, you said that you had a problem. What was it?” Mina turned to Nami after her question.

“Actually, you are my last chance. I had explained it to Luffy-kun already.”

Luffy-kun?!, thought Nami. She got a little bit angrier when she heard it, without knowing why.

“I was on a trip to the over next island, Mikano. I made a stop here. I was travelling with a passenger ship. The trip was exhausting, because I am going to the beginning of the Grand Line. When I finally could sleep in a hotel, I was stupid, I overslept, and missed the ship. Now I will never be in right time on Mikano for the wedding.” By the word wedding, Sanji almost got a heart attack. “My sister is having her wedding in three days.”

A big stone fell from Sanji’s heart. Thank God, it was only her sister’s wedding.

“Luffy-kun was so kind, and he allowed me to take with you, because you are on the same way.” Added Mina.

“Ooh, he knows that we are on the same way.” Said Nami irritably.

“If you don’t agree, that’s fine, too. I still have some money left that my sister sent me to get there. Her future husband is rich.” Mina smirked a little, because she suspected a reaction from Nami.

“You can trust us!” said Nami suddenly with a happier face, and her eyes turned into belis. “We will take you with us. Do you think we will get compensation?”

“NAMI!” the others yelled at her, expect Robin.

“What? Three days costs, too. Food, water.” Nami made an innocent face.

“The money is not the problem.” Said Mina. She was smiling slyly. She knew that Nami would react so.

“Decided. You are coming with us. Sanji-kun, make the dinner ready.” Nami walked to the kitchen.

“Yes, Nami-san! Mina-san, do you want something special?” Sanji danced around, but Mina wasn’t listening to him, she was following Nami. Sanji didn’t let that disturb him, and followed them, too. Everybody, expect Zoro, and Robin, went to the kitchen.

Zoro decided to train before dinner. He didn’t care what was happening on the ship so long he could train, sleep, and eat. Although he had to confess that he was interested a little bit in her.

Robin was curious and wanted to know who that girl was. But at the moment she had other things to do. For the moment, she sat on her chair, and took her book, but she wasn’t planning to read.

“She is an interesting girl.” Said Robin, before Zoro was too far to hear her.

Zoro hated when Robin was talking with him when she was reading.

“She is a little bit crazy, I have to say.” Zoro stopped.

“Are we so speaking about your fan?” Robin punctuated the word fan.

“Urusai! This is not funny!” Zoro raised his voice. This made it all even worse. Robin liked to tease him. And lately, she was doing it more.


Last week, Zoro was by the whee,l and was keeping watch. It was raining. Although he had a cape, he got wet, and he wasn’t at all lucky. The others were in their warm beds, and this made it even worse.

All in all, it was boring, and uncomfortable. But then, the door from the kitchen opened. It was Robin who came from the kitchen. She was walking to Zoro, having two cups of coffee in her hands. This surprised Zoro. It was night, she should be asleep, and she was without a cape or coat. Zoro decided to yell at her when she would be by him, because she would catch cold. But Robin didn’t let him speak.

“Kenshi-san, isn’t the rain beautiful?” Robin handed the cup to Zoro. Zoro took it, but for him it seemed very weird. ‘Rain, beautiful?’

“What are you doing here? You are going to catch cold!” snapped Zoro to her.

“The rain isn’t disturbing me.” Robin watched the dark sea. Raindrops rolled over her face. But then she turned her head to Zoro. “Are you worrying about me?”

“When that love-cook hears that you caught cold, because I didn’t force you to go inside, he would be angry, and then he would want to beat me, even when he wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“But why aren’t you in the house of the mast?” Robin was right. He could be in the house, and then he wouldn’t have got wet. But he didn’t know why he was here.

“It is none of your business.” He snapped, again.

“Kenshi-san.” Robin smiled, “Our captain would beat me if I didn’t force you to go in.” Robin joked. Of course, she wouldn’t get trouble. “Don’t sleep here, and go to the house.” Robin walked back to the kitchen.

Zoro looked after her, and shook his head. “Are you worrying about me?” Zoro used Robin’s tactic. Robin stopped by the door, looked to Zoro, smiled slyly, and closed the door.

Zoro sighed. He didn’t understand her anymore.

End of the Flashback

Zoro was lost in his thoughts, and didn’t listen to Robin.

“Kenshi-san, are you listening to me?”

“What?!” Zoro woke from his thoughts.

“I asked you what you are thinking about her. Do you trust her?”

You are the right one to ask that, thought Zoro. “Why not?” he asked then.

“You have some problems to trust people.”

“Not with everyone.” Zoro got angry because of the hint. He walked away, not listening to Robin any more.


Nami was sitting opposite to Mina in the kitchen at the time. Mina was explaining to Chopper, Usopp, Franky, Brook, and Luffy what she had gone through when she was on the trip. Sanji was listening, too, while making the food. Nami didn’t listen, because it was boring for her.

Nami was watching Luffy without understanding how he was able to listen to Mina. Luffy was so patient, and listened on. Usually, he would have yelled for meat, but he hadn’t done it, yet. Nami felt some jealousy that Mina was able to capture Luffy with her story.

“….and then we reached Alabasta.” This sentence attracted Nami’s attention. Now she decided to listen to her story. Maybe she had heard something about Vivi, although it was not likely. “I had the honor to meet with the princess.”

“Vivi? How is she?” Nami burst out. She forgot that other people shouldn’t know that they were friends with a princess.

“You know her?” asked Mina.

Nami wanted to bite on her tongue. Vivi would get problems when it would come out that they were friends.

“Of course we know Vivi!” We save…” Luffy couldn’t end his sentence because Nami hit him with a fist.

“You are a baka!” Nami sat back. Now she had to lie again. “I didn’t mean the princess. I meant another Vivi.”

“I don’t believe you. You are lying.” Mina looked peacefully.

“NANI?” Nami didn’t believe what she heard. Someone dared to say it to her.

“I know that you know her. I am not stupid. Vivi told me about you and your reaction betrayed you.”

“Really?” Nami felt how a vein popped out.

“You don’t have to fear. I am not going to tell it anybody. Vivi is too nice for it. I had an honor to meet with her, because my sister’s future husband is a relative of her’s.

“How is Vivi?” asked Sanji.

“She is good. She is learning under her father’s hand. And Alabasta is fine, too. Of course, she didn’t tell me about you right away. My trip ship stopped by the island for a week. You know, it’s a warm country, perfect for relaxing. And then when king Cobra heard that a future relative was on the island, they invited me to the castle. So I spent a week with Vivi. A day before I had to go, I told her that I admire pirates. I told her which crew I admire, yours, and then she reacted weird. After that Vivi, tried to act normally, but I understood what was going on. The stories that I had heard were true. You saved Alabasta. When I forced her, then she told me everything.” Mina smiled.

“Vivi-chan is alright. I am so happy!” Sanji was dancing.

“Oh, I forgot. I don’t know if you know already, but this is so sweet! Vivi and Kohza are a sweet pair!” Sanji stopped dancing and fell on the floor, again. Nami began to laugh.

“I know it!” called Nami

“Yo-ho-ho. Now you have ignored us enough.”

“The skeleton is right. Who is Vivi?” added Franky who didn’t know what they were talking about.

Sanji got up from the floor, mad. “Someone is going to explain to you later. Someone has to get that baka swordsman here for the dinner.

“I will do it. I want to be useful.” Mina got up.

“Mina-san. You don’t have to go. Usopp can go.” Said Sanji. After that Usopp got a disease; I-Can’t-Go.

“No, I will go.” Mina walked out from the kitchen.

When Mina was out from the kitchen, and had walked pair footsteps, she saw Robin reading a book, and Zoro training by the wheel.

“Robin-san, Zoro-kun the dinner is ready.” Said she so that Zoro could hear it.

“Arigato Mina-san.” Said Robin and shoot her book. “We are coming.” Mina smiled and went to the kitchen.

By that time Zoro had put his shirt on and was walking to the stairs. Robin stood up too, and was on her way to the kitchen.

“Mina? You said her real name. You don’t say our real names, but you say hers?” asked Zoro, when he was behind Robin.

“By the way, you are the only one by whom I use the nickname. I almost forgot, I even trust her.” Robin smiled to Zoro.

“Are you hinting that you don’t trust me? So what, I don’t care.” Zoro said it very abhorrently.

“Then it is alright.” Robin walked in the kitchen.


The dinner was over. Nami had explained to Brook and Franky who Vivi was. Mina was then talking the remaining time. Nami didn’t find it interesting, again. But Luffy was listening to it, which annoyed Nami. Nami wasn’t the only one who didn’t listening to Mina. Zoro didn’t listen, and Robin was making a face, too, like something else was bothering her.

Zoro had been quiet the entire dinner, and by the news that Kohza, and Vivi, were together, answered he only with a mhm. Nami had wanted a better reaction. She noticed that Zoro was a little bit different today. Nami didn’t know that Zoro was angry because of Robin’s words.

Zoro tried to avoid Robin the entire dinner. But instead of it, he was staring her, and when their eyes met, he turned his head away, angrily. He didn’t believe that such saying would influence him. Oh, she doesn’t trust me? It doesn’t matter me, thought Zoro. Zoro was thinking, and forgot that was he still starring Robin.

“Zoro? Are you now sleeping with opened eyes, or are you watching Robin?” asked Nami. Although Mina was talking, she shut up, because she also noticed that Zoro was staring Robin.

“What?” Zoro woke from his thoughts.

“You are gaping at Robin.” Added Nami.

“I am not!” snapped Zoro to Nami.

“Marimo, leave Robin-chan alone!”

“Go to hell!” Zoro took his bottle of sake, and drank so that nobody could speak with him.

Mina found that funny, because she saw that Zoro’s cheeks were red. She wanted to laugh, but was tired. She was yawing, and got up.

“I am so tired. I had a long day. Nami, could you lend me some clothes? My coffer is on the passenger ship.”

“Okay. I will go to sleep, too.” Nami got up. She didn’t like the thought that Mina was wearing her clothes, but she couldn’t do anything against it. So she walked Mina out from the kitchen.

“Sanji, can you give me the coffee thermos?” Robin said Sanji’s real name to tease Zoro.

“Yes, Robin-swan!” Sanji brought the thermos. He was happy that Robin used his real name.

“I will go now.” Robin got up. It was her turn to keep watch.

So only men remained in the kitchen. Luffy and Usopp were fooling around. That’s why Zoro wanted to leave the kitchen, and go sleeping. Actually, it was unusual that Sanji let them be here so long. Normally he would force them out from the kitchen. But before Zoro could stand up, Sanji began to speak. So he had to listen.

“Mina is so beautiful. Like an angle from the sky.”

“Yo-ho-ho. I want to see her panties.”

“Brook, you are a pervert!” shouted Sanji.

“I agree with Sanji. She is extremely beautiful.” Sanji looked to Usopp who said it.

“I thought that a girl is waiting for you in your hometown.”

“She is, but I can watch other women, too. I will not do anything. Oh wait! How the hell do you know that?!” Usopp forgot himself, speaking.

“Nami-san told.” Answered Sanji with a grin.

“Yes, she has something else to say about it, too.” Said Franky before Usopp could say something to Sanji.

“YOU ARE TOO OLD FOR HER!” Usopp and Sanji yelled together.

“I don’t understand what you are speaking.” Chopper tapped Usopp.

“You don’t have to. You are a reindeer. Sorry, but you don’t understand human feelings.” Usopp tried to explain it to Chopper, so he wouldn’t get offended.

“I don’t understand it, either.” Luffy looked around with stupid face.

“But you should.” Usopp sweatdropped.

“I don’t get it. Nami is as beautiful as Mina.”

Zoro almost fell from his chair. Everyone watched Luffy, disturbed.

“What?” Luffy didn’t get it.

“He doesn’t understand what he said. It is the only explanation for it.” Sanji smirked over Luffy’s foulness. “What do you think about her Marimo? You have been so quiet. Not that I am worried about you.”

“Why should I tell you?” Zoro was in no mood to go with their foulness.

“What do you think about you fan, you baka. Even you are thinking something about her; even Luffy can see that she is beautiful.”

“I am not going to tell you anything.” Mumbled Zoro

“Come on. You definitely like that you have a fan. You have to confess that she is beautiful. I believe that there is a little bit space in your brain for women.” Sanji teased Zoro on purpose.

“I am not as stupid as you, and let myself get influence by a woman. She is not going to control me with her beauty.”

“Oi. What did I hear? But hey, it doesn’t matter. You wouldn’t have a chance, anyway.” Said Sanji with a grin. He was planning something.

“And you are so successful. We all see it.” Zoro joked. But Sanji didn’t care. His plan was working.

“Let’s make a bet. I will be the one whom she would miss the most.”

“Oi, our cook is so sure.” Said Franky, “I will take part in it.”

“Okay. We will make a bet, with all of you. The winner is the one whom Mina will miss the most when she is leaving us. I will ask her a few days after she leaves.” Sanji was 100 sure that he would win. That’s why he had made this bet up, and he wanted Zoro to lose.

“I am not taking part of our idiot game.” Zoro got up, and wanted to go away.

“The loser is a slave for a week for the winner. Everyone who is in this room now will take part automatically. Or is someone here a coward?” Sanji was sure that Zoro would take part because of his pride.

“You are not going to win, Ero-Kokku.”


Robin was sitting in the house of the mast. She had just concentrated so that she could use her devil powers. Now she didn’t need her devil powers, and let her hearing disappear from the kitchen. She had heard it all, what the boys had talked in the kitchen.

This is going to be a funny game…



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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  elysian03
2008-09-21T10:10:52+00:00 21.09.2008 12:10
I wanna know, how this game is gonna be like xDDDD
Nami is going to be so jealous *happy*
I hope Luffy will be jealous some day, too.
For any reason, I don't care why, he just has to, too. lol

