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Hinweise FA-Hochladen eng [Diskussion]

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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel wird gerade ins Englische übersetzt. Um Bearbeitungskonflikte zu vermeiden, haben nur folgende User die Erlaubnis den Artikel zu editieren: redhead, tyraptos, inho, ermelin, Ore-sama . Andere User, die dies stören werden ihre gerechte Strafe bekommen. Dieser Textbaustein wird erst nach Vollendigung der Arbeit entfernt.--Steve 20:40, 11. Dez 2006 (CET)

In addition to the general fanwork rules (German/English), there are, especially for the fanart section, some further rules which should be obeyed, if you submit a fanart here.


Hinweise zum Fanart-Hochladen



Repeated violation of the rules and/or decisions of a fanart- admin may be followed by deletion of your account without warning. Repeated upload of a rejected scribble will count as such a repeated and deliberate violation.

Respect the fanart gallery

Animexx is a fanart gallery; we reserve the right to reject works of art, if they differ too much from the gallery's topic. Works of art created during art lessons, should only be added to the gallery, if they are related to anime/manga or Japan.

Correct classification

Please place your pictures into the right section (topic) and assign them according to your drawing tools (style). A short comment and a significant title are advantageous.
Suggestions: How did you create your artwork? How much time did it take and who is portrayed in the picture?
That upgrades your work at once.

Why are these classifications of importance? On Animexx, you can look for particular artists, styles and series. Your pictures cannot be found, if they are not assigned properly, they distort those categories in which they are put by mistake, or they get ignored.

Multi Upload

If you want to send your works to different competitions, please load them up at the Fanart Administration. You can send them to competitions afterwards at any time without loading them up again.


Junks, scraps, scribbles, crumpled paper - Works that make you feel sorry for the paper, will not be accepted anymore. The fanart gallery stays an open gallery for beginners to profis; yet, everyone should at least take enough time to think twice before he uploads something. More information can be found under "Forbidden Fanarts" further down. SKETCHES are not concerned, as long as the artist has obviously made an effort.


Read through the instructions. No matter if it is for a private or an official competition, send in you artwork according to the rules. Note in the first place the rules of Animexx, then the general competition rules and at last the rules of the individual competition. The most important rules in brief: not more than 10 competitions per work of art, do not color outlines copied from pictures by a third person, give a link to the outlines you colored in the comment and do not send in old pictures, when new ones are required.

The Rules


Last Update: 19.12.2006

Accepted Fanarts

We accept your own drawings, as long as they are at least an (elaborated) sketch on paper that is neither lined, nor squared. You may as well upload a well-lit and cut photography of your works. Handicrafts are allowed, too, if they are related to anime and manga. Please stick to the common rules of Animexx. In general, this will be enough to exhibit your works on fanarts.net.

Preferably, we accept manga and anime fanarts, but we tolerate other drawings as well- as long as you are fans. It would be appreciated, if artists who mainly draw fantasy or reality, contributed some fanart as well.

Pictures drawn from other ones are allowed, but you are obliged to mark them. If possible, give the origin, please!

Forbidden Fanarts

Fanarts that fall in that category are removed in most cases by the activators or after objection (reclamation function).


Stolen 1


Foreign outlines

1. Stolen pictures, that is work of all kinds that you take from another artist and claim yours. Same refers to outlines, screenshots (collages) and painted over prints! Colored outline pictures are activated only if your picture comment contains a direct (!) link to the outlines that are free for general usage.

Stealing of fanarts will be prosecuted with admonishment. Recurrent attempts lead to blocking of the account.

Activators and admins have the duty to check where the original picture originates, but they also have the right to claim proof for the validity of the picture from the user. Please work together. Stolen pictures can be protested against via "Beschwerde" (together with the link to the original artwork and the Animexx link) or reported at this thread in the fanart forum.

2. Pictures of friends and acquaintances: Please don't upload pictures drawn by your friends, relatives and acquaintances. The gallery is for your personal pictures only. Better invite them to get their own galleries at Animexx.




Squared paper

3. Freetime-junk aka. "scrawls" : Pictures that do not indicate any effort of user. ("Scribbled in 5 minutes.", "Done in school.", "I didn't really care." etc.pp.).

Same for:

  • Program testings with filters and collages.
  • Usage of squared or lined paper from exercise books, notepads, chewing gum paper etc. Please take your time to transfer your pictures onto normal paper – that's exercise, too!
  • Body parts, as in single eyes, hands, back, feet etc. Portraits on the other hand are okay. Figures on fashion drawings should at least have a face.

Crucial for classification as 'scrawl' is not a general level of the drawing skill but the gallery of the artist. Style is taken into account as well as previous drawings and the age of the user. We care about a gallery and not a unloading area of uninspired evidence of your boredom.



4. Shota/Lolicon/Gore: Shota is the implicit or explicit depiction of very young characters (under the age of 14) during a sexual process or violence or dominance games with adults or characters of the same age. Lolicon is the female version of Shota.

Sexual abuse of children is illegal and liable to prosecution, which you certainly know. Pictures with children depicted as 'sexual objects' will be deleted as Shota and the user will get a penalty.

We reserve the right to delete unacceptable crudities (extreme Gore pictures). Incest, Twincest or the like between real existent people will be deleted. Depictions of violence victims usually won't get activated, either.

5. Copied pictures: Pictures that are copied but not marked so won't be activated. If you have copied from another picture that had been loaded up onto Animexx you'll need to ask the user who created that picture originally for permission to load it up. (you need to mention that you have done so in your fan art comment)

It should be distinguished between:

  • Completely copied pictures will only be activated if you have marked it as 'copied'- with a link, for fairness' reasons. This rule is also valid for pictures from which you have copied only the person, but not the background.
  • Marking a picture as 'copied' is voluntary for pictures for which you needed the help of a reference, e.g. in order to draw a tree properly or in order to improve the composition.
  • This does NOT mean that you cannot copy from photographs of J-Rockstars or the like. It only means that you give other users a possibility to see how well you have copied (or how much was changed from the original picture) and only with the original picture, proper criticism and tips are possible.

5 b) Traced pictures, sudden improvements: Traced and over painted pictures won't be activated anymore. These pictures don't show enough own work to account as an independent fan art. Please report to the help thread with proofs of the making of. Particularly in this case and in the case of sudden improvements it could happen that an activator will ask you for proofs: Screenshots, sketches, models, descriptions or the like. Please be ready to save step-by steps or present similar artworks with making ofs.

6. Insults by fan art. Please behave properly and do not insult anybody with your fan arts or your comments. You admit to have no arguments anymore when you start insulting anybody.

7. National socialist symbols, politic fan arts: Please make sure that such fan arts are properly censored. Pictures that deliver messages against the constitution are strictly forbidden. Animexx doesn't represent a certain politic direction and it isn't well liked at all if pictures are uploaded that propagandize any radical politic direction. This is valid for radical caricatures, religious insults and poster art.


Defective upload


Bad scan


Bad photographs


- not cropped properly (creative)
- not cropped properly

8. Defective uploads, double uploads, bad scans, scanning edge, bad photo quality: Please take care that your work is scanned well.

  • You can see if you're picture is uploaded defectively right after you have loaded it up. Please delete such pictures immediately.
  • Please turn your pictures onto the proper side and take care that they don't have any creases, tears, or scanning edges. Pictures with scanning edges, be it in the width of 1mm, will be rejected because every artist should take the time to adjust his/her work in a presentable way.
  • Too dark, too bright, too low-contrast, and wiggly photos will be rejected as well. Please try at least a little bit to edit them with a graphic program. Gimp, IrfanView and a couple of other programs are free to download and there are tutorials how to work with them.

9. Photos aren't valid if neither a fan art nor an anime/manga related bricolages are depicted, even if they were taken by you.

Pictures with only photos as background are only valid if the photos were clearly given free to use as a picture background or if they were made by yourself (this must be included in the artist's comment).




Abstract art


Too much text & symbols

10. Symbols, Collages, Banners: If your submission is nothing more than a symbol, a character (as in writing, eg. Kanji) or an abstract depiction (triangle, cone, etc), it will not be accepted by Animexx.
The same applies to pictures not containing a discernible scene or character.

Collages/wallpapers only consisting of photos or other peoples’ materials, are not allowed. Banners, even if completely consisting of your own work, don’t have a place in the Animexx galleries.

Artwork with more text or photographic material than actual drawing on them, are no longer allowed. As a general rule, in case of 50% or more being alien materials (text, photographs), it becomes critical or will be rejected. Screeners will verify whether or not the actual drawing is still the center of attention of the work.

Logos and stickers not designed by the submitting artist will no longer be allowed. You can draw the initial sticker or logo yourself if you want to upload the picture but not paste the original logo or sticker. (Exception: external contests which explicitely require the integration of the logo)



11. Multiple uploads with the intention of increasing hits: if your fanart is uploaded at a time inconvenient to you, do not upload it again at another time. Ths also applies to contests. Re-colorings, details from previously submitted work or filters also count as multiple uploads. It’s decisive how much has been changed about a picture. For example, adding characters, adding to sketches or a hand-drawn, exchanged background, do not count as a multiple upload and are acceptable. Tutorials and step-by-steps are to be submitted as one picture.

12. 3D models, dolls and coloring pictures,you did not create yourself. This includes generators like Poser, Terragen or scans from www.Mermaidmelody.de, ready-made dolls, but also things you created yourself as we cannot verify whether you created a doll yourself or used someone else’s base/generator. In the case of 3D models, we may ask for rendered pictures in other perspectives or the grid.

Why all these rules and exceptions? Because, if all of the above is substracted, all you can do is create art yourself ^__^ The good old fanarts with pen, paper, original ideas and – lots of fun!)

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