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Autor:  Yanthara

Ty was silent, and in that silence, Kit thought of Ty's headphones, the music in his ears, the whispered words, the way he touched things with such total concentration: smooth stones, rought glass, silk and leather and textures linen. There were people in the world, he knew, who thought human beings like Ty did those things for no reason - because they were inexplicable. Broken.

Kit felt a wash of rage go through him. How could they not understand everthing Ty did had a reason? If an ambulance siren blared in your ears, you covered them. It something hit you, you doubled up to protect yourself from hurt.

But not eyerone felt und heard exactly the same way. Ty heard everything twice as loud and fast as everyone else. The headphones and the music, Kit sensed, were a buffer: They deadened not just other noises, but also feelings that would otherwise be too intense.

The protected him from hurt.

He couldn't help but wonder that it would be like to live so intensely, to feel things so much, to have the world sway into and out of too-bright colors and too-bright noises. When every sound and feeling was jacked up to eleven, it only made sense to calm yourself by concentrating all you energy on something small that you could master - a ,mass of pipe cleaners to unravel, the pebbled surface of a glass between your fingers.

Lord of Shadows - Cassanda Clare

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