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Not as planned - Dabi and Hawks

A/B/O Verse

Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Dabi moves in with Hawks.

Takes place after chapter 26 of the main story!

This story is a lot darker than the main story. I probably won't write explicitly about the rape, but Dabi will mention it later and he will have flashbacks. Just as a warning. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Hawks goes shopping and does a little bit of fan service. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Dabi is alone with his thoughts.

TW: Thoughts of past rape/abuse and self-blame for it! Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Dabi's memories.

TW: Flashbacks to past sexual assault, self harm, panic attacks

It is not too explicit, it is just the beginning of it. Komplett anzeigen


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Dabi looked around in the house. It was fairly big, he felt really uncomfortable here, like on a presentation plate. Nervously he bit his lower lip. The living room was huge, the kitchen was huge, everything was just huge. He was visibly tense, everything was so open.

Keigo was next to him, his feathers rustled slightly as his wings moved. “Well, that’s my home” he said, after clearing his throat.

“It’s big …” Dabi mumbled, he curled his hands into fists and trapped some fabric of his shirt with that action.

“Yeah, it is. But it is also safe. It has security cameras everywhere. The windows are bullet proved et cetera. And I got a spare bedroom, there you can live.”

Keigo reached out to lay his hand on Dabi’s shoulder, but the villain flinched back. He looked to the ground. Keigo observed him, Dabi was even tenser now. “I’m sorry” the winged hero muttered. “Follow me, I’ll show you around.”

Dabi nodded and walked behind Keigo, his hands were over his small belly and he caressed it to calm himself down.

They entered a blank bedroom, it was Keigo’s guest room. There was a blanket and a pillow neatly placed on the bed, but that was it, no other decorations, just the bed, a big closet a mirror and an armchair in the corner, next to the bed was a nightstand as well. “I’ll buy you some stuff in the future, but I didn’t expect a guest” Keigo said, he turned towards Dabi.

“Doesn’t matter, I … I’m going to bed, I’m tired.”

“Alright … I’m next door if you need anything.” The hero mustered his new roommate. Dabi nodded. He waited until Hawks had left the room. He looked around, but there was really nothing here. He huffed a little and walked to the second door in the room. It was a bathroom. Good to know, if he had to throw up, he wouldn’t have to walk very far.

He was still rubbing over his belly. He exhaled shakily and walked over to the bed. He kicked his shoes off and the coat and lay back on the bed. He was shaking, as he stared at the ceiling. He was gone … he was away from the League of Villains.

These thoughts overwhelmed him. He was away … He didn’t have to see them any longer! He was away … gone, just like that … He could feel the blood pooling out under the burned skin. He couldn’t believe it yet. This seemed too easy!

He rolled to the side and pulled the blanket over his body. He pulled it even over his face. The bed was gigantic and he felt slightly unsafe in it. He made himself as small as possible and tried to stop the shaking of his body.

His burned hand reached for the scent blockers on his neck, he peeled them off. He hopefully wouldn’t need them anymore.

Exhausted, Dabi closed his eyes. He really tried to sleep, but he was still too much on edge. He had really trouble to calm down enough. The shaking started again and it kept him awake. More bloody tears ran over his cheeks.


Keiko walked over to the living room, he sat down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed exhausted. What was he getting into? This could break him the neck when someone found out that he was hiding a villain.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. Goddamn, why did he say yes? He wasn’t really close to the villain, they had worked together while Hawks had spied on the League, but that was the full extend of their relationship.

How should he proceed now? He had to get some stuff for Dabi too, some normal cloths, especially maternity cloths. Maybe some blankets? Hygiene products for sure … He wasn’t sure what a pregnant omega needed. He never had the time to think about stuff like that.

He bit his bottom lip and exhaled deeply. His wings moved a little. How would the rest of the pregnancy go? What if Dabi had to go see a doctor? Was he seeing a doctor in the first place? What could they do? He didn’t know and that drove him crazy. And he couldn’t ask someone how all of that went down, no one could know about Dabi …

Hawks stood up and flapped his wings a few times, he started to pace through the room. What could he do? He needed some kind of doctor for Dabi, he needed clothing and other products for him. He would ask him first, how he handled himself before in regards of the doctor. He clicked his tongue. He grimaced and walked over to the kitchen.

It was still relatively early in the morning. He decided to make something to eat, he wondered if Dabi would want something too. He sighed, he didn’t even knew what Dabi liked in the first place.

He was in the middle of making breakfast, when he heard sounds out of Dabi’s room. He furrowed his brows and took the pan from the stove, before he walked over. He knocked on the door, but Dabi didn’t answer him. Carefully he opened the door and stuck his head in. He saw Dabi rolled up in the bed. He could see the shivering of the blanket. The villain moved and he whimpered.

Keigo entered the room and walked over to the bed. “Hey, Dabi!” carefully he touched him by the shoulder. Dabi immediately sat up straight in bed. He was breathing heavily. “Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, everything’s alright.” He patted Dabi’s back.

The villain needed a few seconds to calm down, he looked around the room frantically and suddenly he jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. He rushed to the toilet before he started to vomit.

Hawks frowned a little but ultimately was behind him after a few seconds. Didn’t exactly knew how he should proceed, Dabi didn’t like to be touched. So he waited until it was over and gave him afterwards a glass of water.

“Is it better now?” Keigo asked.

Dabi took the water and cleared his mouth from the puke. He looked over to Keigo. “Thanks … b-but don’t touch me, I don’t like that.”

“Sorry” Keigo mumbled.

Dabi flushed the toilet and put down the lid, before he sat down. He was again rubbing over his belly. “I fear this will happen more often. It’s pretty bad.” He warned the hero.

“No problem, it happens.” Hawks cleared his throat. “Uh, I was preparing breakfast for myself, do you want anything?”

“Anything but fish, I hate fish” Dabi grimaced.

“Okay, than I’ll make more, I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?”



Keigo went back to the kitchen and proceeded to make the breakfast, scrambled eggs with chicken and rice.

After he was done, he put it into two bowls and called out for Dabi. It took the villain some time but eventually he appeared. He sat down opposite of Hawks.

They ate in silence for a while, but eventually, Hawks began to speak. “So, let’s talk about some stuff.”

“Great …”

“Oi, that’s part of the deal! You promised to tell me stuff.”

“Yeah, yeah. So, what do you want to know?”

“First of all I want to know stuff about you.” Dabi lifted his eyebrows at that. “Do you see a doctor of any kind?”

“Nope, I didn’t want anyone to know about. Besides, it’s not that I could just walk up to a doctor’s office and get an appointment. And I don’t know any midwife who works in the underworld” he sighed in frustration.

Hawks clicked his tongue. “We have to find you a doctor. You need to go to check-ups.” Hawks pushed the now empty bowl away and placed his elbows on the table, he lifted his arms and supported his chin on this intertwined fingers.

“Good luck in finding one …” Dabi looked to the side.

“I’ll hear around, there must be someone who can help, if not I have to pay someone to keep their mouth shut” he pursed his lips.

“Do what you want, I didn’t need a doctor before.”

“Are you not worried about her? You came all the way to me, to keep her save, and now you say you don’t need a doctor?”

The villain looked down on the table. His hand caressed his stomach again. “I … I don’t know. I just don’t believe that any doctor would be willing to help me” he murmured. “I’m honestly not used to people helping me.”

Keigo clenched his jaw, when he heard that, he observed Dabi. The villain was still slightly shaking. “What happened?”

Dabi stiffened after hearing that question. He stared on the table and couldn’t move.

Hawks raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. “I … I don’t want to talk about it. I can talk about that alpha bitch. That’s what you want to know right?” Dabi looked up, his turquoise eyes stared into Keigo’s golden ones.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Well, this bitch showed up a couple of weeks ago. She talked with … Shigaraki. I don’t exactly know what they said, since they left the room, but ever since she appeared, he’s all over her.”

Keigo was surprised. “Hmpf, never guessed Shigaraki was the type to fawn over someone? I mean …”

“No, you’re right” Dabi answered quickly. “He’s usually not. But she had this aura of power surrounding her. And she stank after money. She looked rich as fuck, maybe that’s why. You know, the League needs money.” Dabi murmured.

“Huh, that is surprising. Not enough shady business?”

“That’s not fucking funny” Dabi growled. “He made us do so many odd jobs, before he was bitten that is. Afterwards the money got real tight. Nobody cared to take on shitty jobs.”

“So, he’s on good terms with her, because she got money? How does Darleen look like? I’ve not seen her properly, she was the only one that did not had a clear mug shot by the police.”

Dabi exhaled. “She has long white hair and eerie ice blue eyes.” He furrowed his brows when he thought about her. “She’s about … thirty? Give or take. She has pristine skin, she radiates dominance. Her whole appearance it screams authority figure. She knows exactly what she does. She’s long in the business …” Dabi stopped for a while.

“She examined me, when I first met her. I think she instantly knew that I was pregnant. She has this … predatory look on her face. But she doesn’t like omegas. She treated me and Toga like we were her servants … well, more slaves. She snapped her finger at us and she got agitated when we didn’t comply. She had no trouble using alpha commands on us.” Dabi paled at that memory.

“She said that Shigaraki had some stubborn little pets. He should keep us on a shorter leash.” Hawks could hear the bitterness in the villain’s voice.

He was shocked when he listened to Dabi. Seeing omegas as pets? From which century was this woman? It was forbidden to treat omegas as mere pets for over twenty years now.

“God, that sounds terrible” Hawks mumbled.

“It was …” Dabi gulped. He pressed the back of his hand against his mouth. “’scuse me.” He sprang off the chair and ran back to the bathroom. Hawks looked after him, he heard the retching sounds from the bathroom.

He exhaled deeply and got up as well. He collected the dishes and brought them to the dishwasher. He cleaned the rest of the kitchen, before he walked over to his room. He opened his drawer and pulled out some old blankets, a very old and way too big sleep shirt, some sweatpants and socks. He brought them over to Dabi’s room.

“I got you some cloths and some more blankets.” He informed him. He stayed away from the bathroom this time. “I’m in my room, you can wake me, if something’s up.” Waited for an answer but Dabi said nothing.

He returned to his room and closed the door. He changed into his sleep clothing and hopped into his nest. He sat there for a while, criss-cross applesauce and he stared at the other wall of his room. This Darleen woman sounded absolutely terrible. They had to find her as soon as possible. Alphas with that type of world view were absolutely dangerous …


Dabi returned to his room again, he saw the pile of blankets. He changed into the new clothes and then took a look at the other items. He pursed his lips and looked around the room. This bed was so massive … He didn’t like it one bit. He felt so helpless in it.

Sighing, he walked over to the closet. He opened and inspected it. The ground was even, nothing in the way. Good! He took all the blankets and the pillows he had and brought them over to the closet. He placed them at the bottom and started to prepare a nest for himself. It took him a while but eventually he was happy, he made it as good as he could with the materials he had. He walked in and sat down, he closed the doors from the inside. He wrapped himself in the blankets and closed his eyes. He felt much safer now than in the big open bed. He could finally find some sleep.

Hawks woke up the next day, he let out a big yawn and flapped his wings a little bit. He just sat in the bed and tried to find motivation to get up. He looked to the side and reached out for the Endeavor plushie. He grabbed it and hugged it. He had a meeting with him tomorrow, today he had a day off.

He exhaled deeply and looked at the plushie in his lap. “What the hell am I doing? I should tell you … Damn” he rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand. He pressed the plushie to his chest once again. “Goddamn …”

After a while he got up and sorted his nest a little. He carefully placed his plushie back on its place. He flapped with his wings again and stretched.

He hugged himself for a moment before going to the bathroom. He got ready and after that he went to Dabi’s room. He knocked but no answer. He waited a few seconds before he opened the door.

His heart dropped for a moment when he saw, that the bed was empty. “Dabi?” he called out. He looked into the bathroom but he wasn’t in there. He called again.

The closet door opened a little. “What?” a grumpy voice echoed. Hawks sighed in relief.

“There you are.” He walked over to the closet, but Dabi growled when he was about to open the door. Immediately Hawks took a step back. He didn’t want to intrude Dabi’s space, he had clearly built his nest inside the closet. “What are you doing in there?”

“Bed’s too big, I don’t feel comfortable in it” he murmured.

“Ah, I understand. Uh” he cleared his throat “do you want anything for breakfast?”

Dabi shook his head. “No … I’m not hungry.”

“Alright, you know where the fridge is, you can always make yourself something.” Hawks squatted down in front of the closet. “I will be out today. I try to find a doctor for you, do you need anything else? Clothing? Blankets? Or do you want to online shop for stuff?”

“Just bring anything, I don’t care that much. Maybe some pullovers.”

“Alright, I got’cha.” With that Hawks carefully closed the door and left the room. He made himself breakfast and sat down and ate. He browsed his phone and looked through his contacts. There had to be someone who could help him.

He looked at Endeavor’s number for a few seconds, before he scrolled further down. No, he couldn’t tell him.

After he finished his meal, he put the dishes in the dishwasher and headed out. Maybe he really had to bribe someone …


Hawks walked through the large city, still captured in his inner conflict, he went into a store. He walked over to the blanket section. He would look for the most necessary things for Dabi first – aside from the doctor.

He looked over a few blankets, and found one with lots of baby chicks on it. Smiling, he grabbed it, if Dabi didn’t want it, he would take it. He looked around a little bit more and he found two other cute blankets with matching pillows. He grabbed them and placed them in the basket.

His wings rustled, when he saw an Endeavor pillow. It was a brand new one, with his new hero costume. He exhaled and grabbed it. He really needed that!

Keigo walked over to the pullover section. He browsed some of the stands. He came across more Endeavor merch, he really had to hold back, no, he didn’t need stuff like that! Nope! He sighed and grabbed a dark blue and orange pullover that was designed after his hero costume. He couldn’t wear it because of his wings, but it would fit into his nest. He pursed his lips and thought if it would be weird to ask Endeavor to scent it. It would definitely be weird!

But he wasn’t here to shop for himself! Nope, he needed to focus on stuff for Dabi. He wondered what he would like … Nothing with heroes for sure.

He browsed a little bit more and decided to pick some plain black pullovers. If Dabi wanted something specific he could have said so!

Keigo walked over to the register. The woman gave him a friendly smile while scanning his items and bagging them in two different bags. Hawks quickly paid and left the shop. Okay this was done … now a doctor …

He walked through the city again, he stopped to look up to one of the big TV Monitors. They announced an upcoming MMA tournament. He pursed his lips, when they introduced some of the fighters. The former champion ‘Roo’ would finally compete again. Roo had taken a two years break after losing his title to the by now undefeated Alpha competitor Goose. She was one of a kind and Hawks liked her, because of her goose like appearance. At least he knew what he would watch the oncoming nights. He was so happy to know that she would compete again.

After the broadcast was over he continued his way. From time to time he helped civilians or took pictures with them, even tough it was his day off. He signed an autograph for a girl and a small boy asked him, if he could touch his feathers. Hawks smiled and allowed it.

He eventually sat down in a small café. It was noon by now and he could take a little break. He really liked the café, it had a quiet and calming ambience and the personnel was really nice and sweet.

The waitress came to his table, big bright smile on her face, she seemed to be new, he never saw her before. “Hello, my name is Hiko, what can I do for you, sir?” she asked. Her light brown hair was in a somewhat messy, but cute bun and the uniform fit her body shape perfectly. She had friendly blue eyes. She seemed to be an omega, but Hawks had honestly trouble in identifying her secondary gender, she had a scent of roasted almonds and cinnamon.

“Oh, I’ll take a coffee, black, and uh, hm, the chiffon cake looks good.”

“Right away, sir” with another smile, she excused herself and went to the counter to get the coffee and the cake.

She returned a few minutes later and placed Hawks’ order on the table. “Enjoy your cake, sir.”

Hawks returned her smile and thanked her. He picked up the fork and started to eat. The cake was really good!

Out of habit, he listened to the few other people that were in the café, the conversations were mostly irrelevant to him. Just a bunch of normal people talking about normal stuff that wasn’t of his concern.

He sat in the café for about thirty minutes, before he called Hiko over. “I’d like to pay” he told her.

“Of course, sir, right away.” She took his plate and coffee mug and brought them to the back, after that she readied his bill.

“Here, sir” she handed it to him and Hawks gave her the amount, plus tip.

“Here, you can keep the rest.” He smiled.

Her own smile got even brighter. “Thank you sir, this is too kind” she looked like she wanted to say something.

“Is something up?” Hawks asked her, he tilted his head.

“Uh, well, sir, it might sound unprofessional, but could I take a picture with you? I’m a big fan.” She blushed slightly and looked embarrassed to the ground.

“Of course you can! I’m happy to take a picture with you.” Hawks patted her forearm slightly, to reassure her that everything was fine.

“Thank you, I just grab my phone. Be right back.” She quickly left and returned moments later with her phone. Hawks eyes widened, when he saw her phone case.

“Oh my god, I like your phone case!” a smile spread over his face.

She held the phone towards him to show him the case. It depicted Endeavor, it seemed to be fan art but it looked absolutely amazing. “Why, thank you. I drew it myself. I’m quite the Endeavor fan since I was a child.”

“What a coincidence! Me too! And you drew this? That’s amazing art!” He praised her.

“This really means a lot, thanks!” She smiled and moved next to Hawks, she opened the camera app and cautiously placed an arm around his shoulder. Hawks pulled her closer. She took a few pictures, before she let go.

“Thank you again, Hawks, it was nice to meet you.” She smiled at him.

“No problem, Hiko” he squeezed her hand, before he grabbed his bags and left the café. He had no problem with fan service, especially when the people were nice. His mind went crazy, he should have asked her for some contacts, he wanted to check her art out. The Endeavor picture on her phone case was too damn hot. Maybe she had more?

He had to admit, that he looked for spicy fan art of his favorite hero almost on a daily basis, especially during his heat. He really wished he could go into one of the dakimakura shops and just get one, but this would be really weird.

Before his mind could wander of in more dirty terrain, he focused on his task of finding a doctor.

Dabi sat in the darkness of the closet. He hugged himself deeper into the blanket. His mind was running wild. It was shortly after Hawks had left the house that it started. He knew, that he was completely alone now, Hawks wasn’t in the house … What if Shigaraki and the rest came here?

No! No, they wouldn’t find him, not here in the safety of his new nest! Hawks’ address wasn’t public knowledge, so there was no way that he would find him!

But still, his mind couldn’t rest. This was all so new to him, he didn’t need to sleep with one eye open. He could relax! No one was here to harm him! But what if they came, when he closed his eyes?

What if he found him, here in this small closet? He wouldn’t have the space to dodge him! His skin was crawling with the memory of his hands on his body. How they touched him everywhere. A once careful touch turned violent.

Dabi felt the bile rising up in him and he quickly opened the door and sprinted over to the bathroom. He retched and made it to the toilet in time before he started to vomit. It took a while before he calmed down. He sat down next to the toilet, his body was shaking. Blood was leaking out of the patches from under his eyes.

He tried to control his breathing, but it wasn’t easy. He tried to stop thinking about him. Why was it coming up all of a sudden? He thought he was done with thinking about that … He was over it, he told himself over and over and over again. What’s done is done. Thinking about it, wouldn’t change anything! But … why couldn’t he stop?

Dabi pulled his legs up to his body, as good as he could, and wrapped his arms around them. Why was his body still shaking, every time the memory of that night came up? Why was it coming up anyways? He was done with it!

It was his own weakness that had caused this incident in the first place. He was weak, that’s why he couldn’t stop him. How could he? Shigaraki was a prime alpha after all. He wasn’t meant to stop him. He gritted his teeth, he just had to accept it. He was just a weak little omega …

Omegas were supposed to obey their alphas, to make them happy. It didn’t matter how they felt, they weren’t important … he shook his head violently. No! Those were just the toxic words of that woman!

But it must be true, ever since she came, he had changed. His views on omegas had changed. “Stop it” Dabi murmured. He didn’t want to think of him. He felt how his body got colder, it happened frequently, when ever the thoughts of that night came back to his mind. Dabi’s breathing got heavier and his hands wandered in his black hair.

Dabi pushed himself up to his feet and he turned on the shower, he undressed as quickly as he could and then he walked in the hot water stream. Still, his body was violently shaking from the cold. He leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground again. He made himself small again, it didn’t help against the shaking though.

His neck was itching around the bite mark. He knew that he wasn’t supposed to scratch it, he tried his best not to. He saw droplets of blood mixing with the shower water.

He had tried to hide it for so long, all the months where he was still with the league. He couldn’t let them see a thing. He wouldn’t tell them what fucking bothered him. They weren’t that close. Besides, they all listened to Shigaraki … And he didn’t want him to know.

So he did his best to act normal around them – if not even colder and crueler than before. He poured his rage and hatred in his actions and he killed a bunch of people. It was fine as long as his stomach was still flat, as long as he didn’t knew.

Dabi leaned back against the wall, stretching his legs. His hands wandered over his small bump. But then, he noticed it. He noticed the change in his body, and he was scared to death. He begged that this wasn’t true. He couldn’t be …

He bought a pregnancy test in the pharmacy and he went to his home, it was the longest two minutes of his life, but eventually the strip turned blue – positive. His already broken world crumbled even more. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn’t raise a pup in a world like this …

He had burned the strip to ashes, none of them could know! He had to find a way out! Did he even want the pup? It was conceived in so much pain and hatred … But what choice did he have? He couldn’t see a doctor! He was an A-Rank villain!

His hands wandered over his stomach, the hot water was still running over him. After that incident he had already started to distance himself from the league and especially from Shigaraki, but the prime was persistent. They were mates after all, he didn’t think anything of it. So Dabi was forced to share the bed with him from time to time.

He grabbed strands of his hair and shook his head. He wanted it to stop! He didn’t want to think about all of that! Clumsily he got up to his feet and he turned the water off. Carefully he left the shower, looked in the way to big mirror – for his taste – and he saw the bump he still didn’t know exactly, how to feel about it.

Dabi didn’t want to kill the child, not even he could be so cruel, but could he ever love it? It was his child too. He clenched his jaw and gripped one of the towels. Carefully he rubbed over his body and dried himself off. He slipped back into his cloths and made his way out of the bathroom. He walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. He wasn’t really hungry, but he knew that he had to eat something.

His hands were still rubbing over his belly. His limbs were aching a little bit, he really hated it. He made himself some cornflakes and moved to the living room. He turned on the TV. He zapped through the channels but there wasn’t anything interesting at all.

When he was done eating, he placed the bowl on the couch table. He then leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, hands constantly rubbing over his belly.

He bit on his lower lip as he tried to keep the memories away. No, he didn’t want to think about all of that any longer! He was free now! Well … except for the bond mark. He would never be truly free, he knew that. He already regretted it. Shigaraki hadn’t forced him to mate him, but they knew each other for not even two months. Just because they fucking heat shared one time … They were both drunk at that time, drunk and horny, but now he had to live with the consequences.

It was his fault from the beginning … if he hadn’t shared his heat with Shigaraki, maybe nothing of this would have happened. But he never had seen a prime alpha before. He was curious.

In his youth he had a lot – really a lot – of different alphas. He never really had a problem with rough sex, but still, now the thought of that night haunted him.

He turned the television off, some news reports about Endeavor, he didn’t need to see that. He sat on the couch for a while. But it was dangerous, with nothing to do, his thoughts could wander. He didn’t want that. He wasn’t used to doing nothing at all.

Dabi wandered around in the house, the winged hero even had a gym in it. How rich was he, the villain wondered. He also had a room full of movies, not quite a home cinema but close.

Not even at Endeavors house, they had something like that. Dabi wondered, when he had been to the movies the last time, he remembered, he seen one with Natsuo, so long ago. It was a kids movie, they were kids after all, he still remembered the happiness in his brothers eyes.

He had seen some post-apocalyptic movie with one of his alphas, it was shortly after they had heat shared for the first time. They had been pretty rough and they wanted to make it up to him, with more blood and violence …

His fingers moved over the Blu Ray cases and he looked for something to watch.

«Dabi, what are you doing?» He heard the voice of the prime alpha, from somewhere behind him, a shiver ran down his spine. «Do you think you can run from me?»

Slowly, the omega turned around, no one was with him in the room. «You should know, that you are mine!» It came again from somewhere behind him, which was impossible, because the shelves with Blu Rays were in his back.

He flinched, when he could feel hands over his body. «Come back to me! I know that you can’t be without me!» Shigaraki was whispering in his ears. «You need me, you are mine!»

“No, stop it! You’re not real, this is just in my head!” Dabi grabbed his arms with his hands and he turned around to the shelves again, just to prove to himself that the prime alpha was not there.

«I am in your whole body, I flow through your veins, I am right here, in your belly, where your pup is growing …» His voice was hypnotizing, even in his head he used his alpha commands.

“Fucking stop it! Leave me alone!” Dabi’s palms got hotter and he pressed his right hand on his left forearm, burning even more of the already burned to a crisp skin. He mostly didn’t feel the pain anymore, he was so used to it by now.

Quickly he rushed over to his bedroom, he banged the door shut and he glided on his socks over to the closet, he needed the safety of his nest! He grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around himself like a cocoon. «Still trying to escape me …» He closed the door of the closet shut and the voice faded from his mind.

His whole body was shaking violently, he made himself as small as possible. He felt incredibly cold, his breathing was heavy, he felt a panic attack coming, hands all over his body.

His head was spinning, he couldn’t think straight anymore, he tried to stay calm and breathe regularly but it was of absolutely no use, he was overwhelmed by his emotions. Blood was seeping out from under the patches of his eyes.




Dread was rising in Dabi’s chest, when he heard the low growl of the prime alpha, he only wanted to bring Shigaraki some food, none of the others was willing to go into the primes den, even though they all knew that Dabi was close to his heat, he was already leaking out the spicy scent. It was more dangerous for him, as for anyone else.

Yet, he was here now, face to face with his mate who had lost it after a bite from some omegan bitch. The prime looked at him with red, bloodshot eyes, he was on his bed, Dabi felt like a deer in the headlights. Shigaraki was a predator, and he was the prey, at least it felt like that in the moment.

“You’re going into heat” Shigaraki commented, his voice was deep and it sent shivers down his spine.

“Yeah, that’s why I want to do that quick. Here’s your food” He put the plate on the bedside table, he wanted to leave again, but Shigaraki grabbed him by the wrist.

“But why, you are my mate, forgot about that?” he pulled Dabi closer.

“The fuck are you doing?! I don’t want to sleep with you when you’re this crazy!” Dabi hissed. He tried to break free, but Shigaraki pulled him closer, before Dabi realized what was going on, his back hit the mattress and his hands got left and right pinned next to his head. Shigaraki’s body weight pressed his legs down. The prime was so fucking big.

“Don’t disobey me, omega” his eyes started to glow red.

Dabi could feel the weight of the alpha voice, it sounded doubled, an even deeper voice was beneath his normal voice, his omega reacted strongly to the call of his mate. But the problem was, Dabi didn’t want it. He felt like his guts were turning.

A foul stench was seeping out when Shigaraki towered over him, he looked down at him, before he leaned over and forcefully pressed his lips on Dabi’s. The omega tried to shake his head, but one of Shigaraki’s hands grabbed him by the chin and held him still. The prime forced his tongue into Dabi’s mouth.

“I know you want it, stay still!” He straight up alpha commanded him. Dabi’s heart sunk when he heard the doubled voice of the prime alpha. He could withstand normal alphas, but not primes. His body went stiff and he couldn’t move anymore. Panic set in, when he realized that his heat came faster. He could feel the gut pains of his pre-heat.

Shigaraki stuck his tongue out and he licked over Dabi’s chin and his lips. Dabi could taste the bitterness that was his venom mixed in his saliva, his eyes were glowing stronger. Shigaraki grabbed his shirt and ripped it open, his hand trailed over the wrinkled, deep purple skin of Dabi’s chest.

“Stop it!” Dabi snarled, even though he couldn’t move, he could still talk.

“Don’t be a fucking bitch, you want it too, your body clearly tells me yes!” Shigaraki bit down at the junction of Dabi’s shoulder and neck, where the bond mark over his scent gland was. Dabi let out a pained groan.

His body reacted heavily to the venom, that Shigaraki injected into him. His pre-heat was working in overdrive now to get him ready for the prime alpha. Dabi tried to stop his body, but he knew that it was useless.

Shigaraki ripped down the omegas pants, he had a sickening smile on his face when he saw the slick that was already seeping through Dabi’s underwear. “You’re my fucking bitch … you’re lying to me, that you don’t want it, but I see through you!” His voice sounded more and more animalistic.

“I don’t want it!” Dabi hissed again, he tried so hard to move his body but the command was too strong. It was as if tons of invisible steel were pressing down on him. He was helpless when Shigaraki pulled down the last bit of clothing that still covered him. More pain rushed through his body, as Shigaraki’s pheromones got stronger and sped up his pre-heat, his body wanted to get ready and he hated it. “Fucking stop!”

The prime alpha snarled, baring his teeth at him, venom was dripping down. “Don’t say that, Dabi, you’re my mate, it’s my job to help you through your heat.”

“But I don’t want to! Let me go!” He felt more dread rising inside of him when Shigaraki grabbed his legs and pushed them open …





Hawks came home from his shopping trip, he got everything except for a doctor, this frustrated him. He opened the door of his house and he could immediately smell the distressed scent of a pregnant omega. The sour pheromones impregnated the air and seeped out of the bedroom through the whole living room and kitchen.

Keigo rushed over to Dabi’s quarters, he opened the door and he had to cover his nose because the stench was so bad. “Dabi!” He called out, he placed the bags next to the door and he walked closer to the closet. He knocked against the door, he didn’t want to scare Dabi more than absolutely necessary. He heard whimpering and he just couldn’t stand to hear it. He opened the doors and he squatted down. “Dabi!” he repeated. He grabbed the edge of the blanket that covered up the villain and pulled it aside.

Dabi snapped out of it, he gasped and with scared eyes he looked around, he still seemed so far away. “Dabi, can you hear me?” He snapped one time with his fingers to get his attention. Dabi’s pupils snapped towards the sound, his breathing was still rigid and he had trouble of staying in the present.

“What happened?” Keigo asked, he wanted to grab the villain, but he remembered that the other omega didn’t like touches.

“S-Shigaraki … I … I heard him over the mating bond …” Dabi murmured, when he had collected himself enough.

Keigo gritted his teeth. “He’s not here! He can’t find you here” he reassured the distraught omega.

“I know … but it’s confusing, it feels so real. I know it’s in my mind but I can’t do nothing against it …” He was still shivering like leaves in a storm.

“I’m sorry that I am unable to do something against it” Hawks apologized.

“Bullshit … I don’t need your pity, it’s my fault anyway, for ever mating him in the first place” Dabi’s voice got harsh.

“It was a mistake and now you get punished for it, that’s not fair, this was completely out of your control!” Hawks looked him in the eyes.

The distressed omega looked down, his hand was rubbing over his belly and he started to purr, to soothe himself. He shook his head. “I don’t want to think about it. Did you get the stuff for me?” He changed the topic, he was so sick of thinking about Shigaraki.

Keigo raised his eyebrows, he exhaled, and nodded. He didn’t want to push Dabi, if the villain wasn’t ready. “Yeah, I got some things for you” with the help of his feathers, he brought the bags over. Only the ones for Dabi though, he didn’t want him to accidentally stumble over the Endeavor merch.

Dabi was rummaging through the bags, still purring, he pulled the blankets and pillows out and immediately started to scent them, this way he had to concentrate and the sour, distressed scent got less and more of the peppermint scent of his came back. After that he started to place the items in his nest. “Thanks …” he murmured.

“Not a problem” Keigo watched him preparing the nest, he had started to purr as well, just to help him calm down.

After a while, Dabi seemed to be done. He crawled now out of the closet, he had a hoodie in his hands and he wanted to change into it. His current one was drenched in his distressed scent and it was uncomfortable.

“So … you got like any luck with the doctor?” Dabi tried to change the topic again.

“Uh, no, unfortunately not.” Hawks scratched the back of his head.

“I expected that …” He sighed. He pulled Keigo’s pullover over his head and changed into the new hoodie, thankfully it was very big and he almost completely disappeared in it, he purred somewhat happily. After that he sat back into his nest. “Much better …” He wrapped the new fluffy blankets round himself and he leaned back.

“Should I leave you alone?” Keigo asked.

Dabi hesitated for a few moments. “Yes, but if I start to get nightmares again, can you wake me?”

“Of course!” the winged hero promised.

“Thanks …” Dabi exhaled, he was still a bit scared to go back to sleep, but he didn’t want to do anything else. He was so exhausted, he just wanted to do nothing. He wrapped himself tighter in the blankets and leaned back in his nest, Hawks closed the door carefully and Dabi was submerged in darkness again. This time however it felt different, he felt a lot safer than before.

He still purred to keep himself calm, this time, Shigaraki didn’t linger in the back of his head, and he was grateful for that.

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Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (2)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: Hinata_Shouyou
2021-10-28T19:09:16+00:00 28.10.2021 21:09
freu das kappi war der hammer
weiter so
Antwort von:  Puraido
28.10.2021 22:32
Danke, Das freut mich ^^
Von: Hinata_Shouyou
2021-08-03T09:09:38+00:00 03.08.2021 11:09

bin gespannt wie es weiter geht^^
Antwort von:  Puraido
03.08.2021 12:15
Hey ^^
ich werde versuchen, mal wieder was zu posten ^^
