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Pink 'n' Blue



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Pink 'n' Blue

'How about this?'

'I... don't know what to think about that.'

Not to mention he did know that gaping with his mouth wide open was probably inappropiate, but he couldn't help it.

Joshua just shrugged nonchalantly and then smiled at him.

'It's not that big of a deal, Neku.'

Oh yes it is, he thought. Indeed if one only looked at Joshua's upper body, nothing seemed to be off, the shirt he was wearing resembled the other ones he prefered. It was just his style. The only strange thing was the color: Light pink. But even that wasn't that weird, considering who it was that wore it. And he had to admit that it somehow suited Joshua. Anyway, the horror only made itself known if you looked at the bigger picture and that was exactly what Neku did... and any other person in his right mind would've done, too.

There he was, standing in the shop, wearing a dark blue skirt with bright pink stripes, not the least offended by the customers all around him, staring openly. A few girls were even giggling and Neku could have sworn that they said something about a cute crossdresser and some emo-looking boyfriend... wait, what?

There was one question in his mind which had been bothering him all day long already. It had started with Beat and Shiki asking them if they were.. well... in a more intimate way together than Neku would have liked to picture. So in actuality, the only reason he had agreed to accompany his lunatic friend to go shopping was because he wanted to ask one tiny question: Are you gay?

It may seem ridiculous to fuss over it so much. After all, would there even be anyone surprised if Josh was? He certainly seemed very gay right now. Sometimes the horrible thought crossed Neku's mind that Josh was indeed some divine punishment, sent to annoy him for every little bad thing he had done in his whole life. Just leave it to Josh to make one shopping spree living hell.

It was only later, during a break in cat's cafe that Neku, mouth full with pumpkin soup, could finally stare at Joshua with the usual amount of annoyance and not like he had seen... well, Joshua in a school uniform, a female one, that is. Though it did really fit him well... the boy did obviously have feminine looks, Neku had to give him that. He looked at the long eyelashes, the delicate nose and the sensitive lips. No matter at which angle he approached, it seemed that Joshua was indeed your pretty boy. The way he always acted even made that impression stronger. Even now, when he was just drinking coffee, he had this heavy-lidded expression as he took one sip. And the way he was holding the cup...

'Do I have something on my mouth?'

Neku was startled by the sudden question and couldn't help but wonder if Joshua's gaze had always been this intense. He just managed to not spill his food while spluttering something incomprehensive. Why, out of all people, why must Josh always be the one to catch him off guard to the extent of noticing Neku when he... what did he do anyway? With utmost horror, Neku realized that he had been cheking Joshua out!

'Hee hee, your face is hilarious, Neku.'

... must... fight... urge... to kill. This whole affair was driving him insane! If only he could just ask...

'Neku... why don't you just ask?'

Yeah, why indeed, that was actually a good... wait.

'.............. You knew?'

'Please. It was painfully obvious. I knew from the moment you decided to go shopping with me... voluntarily. And the way you've been nervously twitching around in my presence or how you always stole a glance when you thought I wouldn't look... it's really your clichéd average love story, don't you think?'

How, just how the hell could he calmly twirl his hair while he said that?!

'It's. Not. A. Love. Story.'

'My my, quite defensive, aren't we? In fact, you're partly right. It doesn't matter what kind of story it is...'

... was he even listening?

'... what really interests me is... how did you like my performance?'

Neku glared. He thought about wiping the smug smile off of Josh's face, but he didn't think he would be able to. He considered willing the muderous intent that was sure to be found in his eyes away, but he knew he wouldn't succeed. Instead he just asked this time.

'... It was all an act?'

'As always, a quick one. I like that.'

It went without saying that Neku didn't feel better at all. And knowing Joshua, he had probably only wanted to shove it into Neku's face that he loved to watch him squirm utterly helpless on the ground... now that sounded way wrong!

Yes, they had been in Shibuya all day long with Joshua trying out women's clothes wherever he had gone and being generally very... gayish. Evening dresses, skirts, even... shudder, bikinis. So what? It's not like Neku could've smelled it! ... no, definitely not!

'So... are you gay or are you not?'

Urg, why was he looking away now? Certainly it was just to avoid staring at Joshua... right?


Why the pause? It's for emphasis, they say.

'...I think you'll need to find out for yourself, hee hee.'

Neku could hear his inner emo crying.


Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (9)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2009-08-26T01:08:05+00:00 26.08.2009 03:08
Dieser OS ist wirklich genial <3
Irgendwie schreit es mir aber zu sehr nach ner Fortsetzung, die es wohl nicht geben wird xDD
Nya - auf jeden Fall hast du deine Idee wahnsinnig gut umgesetzt und - ich setz das jetzt einfach mal auf meine Favoliste xD
Von: abgemeldet
2009-01-24T09:44:47+00:00 24.01.2009 10:44

Der arme Neku. Egal in WELCHEM Universum, Joshua macht ihn fertig, fertig, FERTIG! XD

Wenn ich Neku wäre hätte ich Joshua jetzt wohl zur Strafe im Tin Pin fertig gemacht, und zwar brutallest--
Tin Pin ist ja das einzige, in dem er Joshua je übertroffen hat, selbst im Hauptuniversum. XD
Von:  Joker_of_Eden
2009-01-05T22:03:32+00:00 05.01.2009 23:03
omg wie geil xD
die FF ist zu geil und in jeder situation fähig meien alune zu heben! xD
Ich leibe sie udn vorallem der letzte satz *lach*
zu köstlich!

haste ehct super geschrieben udn auf deutsch würds glaub nur halb so sehr fetzen
Von: abgemeldet
2008-12-31T15:56:01+00:00 31.12.2008 16:56
wow, die FF ist dir echt gut gelungen^^, dein Englisch ist echt klasse

glg Sameshi
Von:  Kanji
2008-11-22T21:19:14+00:00 22.11.2008 22:19
Geile FF x33
der letzte Satz fetzt :DDD
Von: abgemeldet
2008-09-21T14:20:23+00:00 21.09.2008 16:20
ich bin des englisch gottseidank mächtig und ich finds bloss geil XDDD weiter so !
Von: abgemeldet
2008-06-26T09:16:01+00:00 26.06.2008 11:16
Yay, war das süß! ^_^
Leider hab ich das Spiel noch nicht lange, bin also noch nicht weit gekommen...
Aber bitte mehr davon, bin jetzt schon infiziert xD

Lg, Pingu
Von:  mayluu
2008-06-18T10:09:28+00:00 18.06.2008 12:09
Oh nein, wie geil xDDD
Josh und Neku *g* Leider bin ich noch nicht ganz durch und hab das Bonuskappi nicht freigeschaltet... Aber jetzt hab ich einen Grund mehr, mich darauf zu freuen ^^
Sehr schöner OS, mach weiter so ^_____^
Von:  Nieves
2008-06-03T21:37:04+00:00 03.06.2008 23:37
ich bin total schlecht in englisch XDDDD ich würds tooll finden wenn sie ins deutsch übersetzt wird
