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Results of drunken nights



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He knew he was slowly waking up but he tried very hard to stay asleep. He kept his eyes shut because he noticed why he wanted to stay asleep: He had a terrible headache. The moment he was completely awake and the headache on its peak he noticed the naked body that was pressed against his own. But that naked body wasn't just pressed against his own body, it was pressed against his own naked body.

What the hell had happened the night before? He remembered going out with the others. They were drinking and having fun and the next thing he knew was waking up here. He didn't do something stupid, did he? He felt panic rising. Now he was wide awake. To his surprise he noticed that this naked body was a male one. What was a naked male body doing in the same bed pressed against his own naked body?

He wanted to know who lay next to him but he was a little afraid of what he might see. He opened his eyes very slowly. He was relieved to find that he was in his hotel room. He turned his head only to find Yunho looking back at him. They just stared at each other. The shock was clearly written on his face. It wasn't just any naked body in his bed, it was Yunho's naked body.

"What... what the hell are you doing in my bed? Naked!!!"

"I don't know! The last thing I remember is celebrating with you, Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun. The next thing I know is waking up here with you in my arms."

There was a small pause.

"So tell me Jaejoong, why did you put me in your bed?"

"I didn't!" answered Jaejoong. "The last thing I remember is celebrating and the next thing I know is waking up here with you pressed against me."

There was silence again.

"Maybe we should ask the others if they know what had happened!" suggested Yunho.

Jaejoong nodded and started to get up until he felt pain shoot through his body. He gasped and froze in his movements. Yunho looked at him with concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"My back..." The words died as Jaejoong's eyes widened in shock.


Jaejoong looked at Yunho. His eyes showed shock and a hint of horror.

"I... you... we... I mean..." he trailed off because he just didn't know what to say to Yunho.

"Just tell me!" Yunho insisted.

"My back is sore."

Jaejoong still had the hints of horror and shock in his eyes.

"And that means?"

"Just think Yunho! We woke up in the same bed, our naked bodies pressed against each other, my back is sore..."

Yunho thought for a moment before he understood what Jaejoong had tried to tell him. His eyes grew wide.

"Do... do you think we did... it?"

"I don't only think it, I'm sure we did!"

Jaejoong couldn't tell if Yunho made a shocked or a disgusted face because it showed traces of both. An uncomfortable silence settled in the room. Jaejoong was relieved when a knock on the door broke it. He picked up a pair of jeans that lay on the floor and went to open the door. Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun entered, all three wearing wide grins on their faces.

"How are you two doing today?" asked Yoochun, the grin never left his face.

"Oh! Look! Hoe sweet! It just happened a few hours ago and Jaejoong is already wearing Yunho's jeans!" exclaimed Junsu.

Jaejoong and Yunho blushed and then went pale.

"What... what happened?" stuttered Yunho.

"What do you mean what happened?" asked Changmin.

"Yunho and I... we don't remember. The last thing we know is celebrating with you!" answered Jaejoong.

There was a moment silence until Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin realized that Jaejoong was telling the truth. Then they started laughing. Jaejoong and Yunho shared a puzzled look.

"So... sorry" Yoochun answered between laughs "but this is just too funny!"

"It seems you know what happened last night. So please tell us!" stated Jaejoong.

"Well..." started Changmin "you married each other."

"We what?" asked Jaejoong and Yunho.

"You married each other!"

Yunho and Jaejoong looked at each other. But Jaejoong couldn't keep the look. He blushed and looked away. Yunho looked down at his hands and that was the first time he noticed the ring on his finger. Yunho jumped out of bed and grabbed Jaejoong's hand. And there on his ring finger was exactly the same ring Yunho was wearing.

"Ehm Yunho... maybe you should dress yourself!" stated Changmin.

This sentence caused Jaejoong to look down. He blushed even more when his eyes fell on Yunho's penis. Yunho blushed as well, grabbed the clothes that were scattered on the floor and Jaejoong's hand. Then he, the clothes and Jaejoong vanished into the bathroom. After a few minutes both came out again dressed in the "right" clothes. They both sat down on the bed and looked at Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin.

"Would you please explain what happened last night?"

"We already told you: You married each other!" answered Junsu.

"We know that! But why did we marry? Why didn't you stop us?"

"We tried to stop you!" answered Yoochun.

Yunho opened his mouth to throw more questions at the other three members of Dong Bang Shin Ki but Jaejoong put his index finger on Yunho's lips.

"Please tell us what happened last night from the beginning to the end!" requested Jaejoong with a much calmer voice than Yunho.

"I hope you remember that we went out to celebrate! We all drank and had fun until someone mentioned pairings and Jaeho/Yunjae. You two started arguing about it and suddenly you were kissing each other. Junsu told you to stop because you two kissing would cause mire rumors. Yunho looked up pouting and declared that you two would get married now. When we asked you why you wanted to get married you answered that all the rumors were annoying you and that there wouldn't be any rumors after you got married. So you went to the little church next to our hotel and though we protested you got married. Afterwards you went to Jaejoong's room for your first night as newly-weds. You even carried Jaejoong into the room. That's what happened as far as we know. We don't know if you had a wedding night or if you were so drunk that you fell asleep instantly!" answered Changmin.

"Oh don't worry! We figured that out already!" replied Jaejoong.

Silence fell again.

"What do we do now?" asked Yunho.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho. After a moment he looked away.

"We could get divorced!" answered Jaejoong silently.

Now it was Yunho's turn to look at Jaejoong.

"Yeah! I think you're right. That would be best!" Yunho replied.

No one except Yoochun noticed Jaejoong biting on his lower lip and closing his eyes to keep the tears from falling. Yoochun grabbed Changmin's and Junsu's hands and dragged them towards the door.

"We leave you to discuss what you want to do!" he explained and left the room together with Junsu and Changmin.

Now that Yunho and Jaejoong were alone again the uncomfortable silence came back. Neither Jaejoong nor Yunho dared to look at the other. When both thought that they wouldn't be able to stand the silence any longer Yunho stood up.

"I'm trying to get everything we need to get divorced!" Yunho explained and went to the door.

"Yunho wait!"

Yunho turned around and looked into Jaejoong's eyes.


"I... I..." started Jaejoong. "Just forget it!"

Jaejoong traced his finger over his ring and avoided Yunho's eyes.

"Something's bothering you! I can see it! Come on, you can tell me!"

Jaejoong shook his head no. There was another moment of silence between them.

"No, nothing's bothering me except one little favor I want to ask of you!"

"Go on! Tell me!" answered Yunho while he sat down next to Jaejoong again.

"Well... I... I don't know if or when I'm going to marry again. So... I want one kiss from my husband..."

Yunho stared at him wide eyed.

"You... you want a kiss... from me?"

Jaejoong only nodded. He was sure Yunho would say no. He was about to tell Yunho to forget it when he felt Yunho's hands on his cheeks. He looked up. Yunho's face was only inches away from his own. Before another thought could cross his mind he felt Yunho's lips brush against his own. A few moments later Yunho deepened the kiss and Jaejoong felt his eyes closing. It ended too soon for Jaejoong's liking. Yunho let out a deep sigh, got up once more and started walking towards the door when another hand caught his wrist holding him back. An instant later he felt Jaejoong's arms wrapped around him. Jaejoong's head rested on his shoulder.

"I... I don't want to get divorced!"

"Jaejoong..." was all Yunho could say.

Jaejoong's hug tightened.

"I'm sorry! I know it's stupid but I fell in love with you!"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No Yunho! I mean it! I love you! I love you more than anything else in this world!"

"You really love me? Enough to be married with me?"

"Yes" whispered Jaejoong.

Yunho turned around and got down on one knee.

"Jaejoong, will you marry me?"

Jaejoong smiled.

"I'm sorry! No!"

"What?" Yunho asked shocked.

"Well I'm already married. And my husband is the best husband in this world!"

With that said Jaejoong leaned down to Yunho and kissed him.


Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (4)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Nedia
2010-07-27T22:46:43+00:00 28.07.2010 00:46
wahhhhh~ einfach nur süß....und ich liebe jae's trockene kommentare (don't mind. we already figured out! <-- oder so, einfach nur genial *lach*)
das pairing ist ja ohnehin schon eines meiner liebsten aber die umsetzung war einfach nur spitzenklasse.
auch der eigentliche grund für die heirat, ist zum schießen aber recht haben sie ja, nun sind alle fronten geklärt.
ich persönlich hätte ja gerne noch ein zusatzkapitel, in dem beschrieben wird, wie sie das dem management erklären...könnte funny sein.

wie dem auch sei, mach weiter so *knuff*
Von:  -HyukJae-
2010-03-18T19:05:00+00:00 18.03.2010 20:05
ich schreib jetzt mal auf deutsch, da ich weiß, dass du das auch verstehst ^__^
eine wirklich super fanfic, das muss ich sagen
vor allem, wie das alles so nach und nach ans licht kam
natürlich konnte man das schon ahnen dass es yunho ist, der mit ihm im bett liegt.
aber ich finde das so süß wie er ihn dann bittet ihm einen einzigen kuss zu schenken >_______<
und einen super schreibstil hast du auch ^0^
liest sich alles super gut ^____^
weiter so

Von: abgemeldet
2008-08-07T13:05:26+00:00 07.08.2008 15:05
Really nice story with an unusual storyline.^^
My fav pairing. Love it.^^
More! XD
Von:  Snaked_Lows
2008-04-06T15:35:47+00:00 06.04.2008 17:35
So sweet >_________________________<
I love the idea and the way you write!!!!!
Lovly story!!!
