Not as planned 1 - Katsuki Bakugo von Puraido (A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 95: ------------ Izuku woke up the next morning, at seven am. He felt still pretty tired, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Katsuki lying on his chest. The omega had crossed his arms on Izuku’s chest and his chin rested on top of them. He watched Izuku, a dreamy smile on his face. “Morning” the alpha mumbled. Katsuki smiled wider and started purring, he leaned over and pressed his lips on Izuku’s. “Morning” he answered. After that he lay back on the broad chest of his boyfriend. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki and hugged him tight. “Did you sleep well?” he asked. They hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, they hadn’t done anything major, but they had made out for quite some time. But neither of them felt ready to go further, they had learned their lesson. “Yes! But sleep was still a bit too short” Katsuki sighed, he nuzzled his head in the crook of Izuku’s neck. He felt so damn comfortable, Izuku was really warm and even though the weather was hot outside and his room was hot too, he loved Izuku’s warm embrace. Katsuki purred slightly and Izuku loved the sound. Izuku hummed a little to Katsuki’s purring. He adored the sound. Even when they were little pups, Katsuki’s purring was music in his ears. Carefully Izuku rolled them over, he supported his body on his forearms, he looked Katsuki in the eyes. “My Kacchan” he smiled and let out a chuckle, while kissing him again. “My Deku” Katsuki chirped affectionately. Deku let out a quiet laugh, when he saw that Katsuki had to suppress a yawn. “I think you should sleep a little more. It was a very long night.” Izuku said, while kissing the omegas cheeks. He nibbled on his earlobe. Katsuki let out a moan, but it turned into a yawn. “You’re right, maybe … Can you stay with me?” he begged. “Hm, I can stay until you’re asleep but I should probably head back to my room soon. Before others see me here.” He murmured. Katsuki grimaced. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He sighed. He turned to the side and Izuku rolled over so he could wrap his arms around him. Izuku let out a darker purr in response to Katsuki’s, it helped him to fall asleep quickly. After a few minutes, Katsuki was fast asleep and Izuku climbed out of the nest carefully. Still smiling like an idiot, he left the room, he closed the door quietly, but when he turned around he almost screamed. He somehow managed to muffle all sounds but a little squeak. Mezo stood by his door, arms crossed in front of his chest, he had just left his own room and stopped to watch Izuku sneaking out of Katsuki’s. “Morning, what are you doing here?” But he had a grin on the duplicated mouth, he definitely knew what was going on. “Uhhh, I was staying with Kacchan?” Izuku answered. He closed the distance to Mezo and they made their way down to the common area together. “Obviously” he chuckled. “Was it … fun?” he asked teasing. Deku flinched and got red immediately. “We didn’t do anything!” his voice pitched higher. Shoji looked at him with a ‘please, who are you kidding?’ look. Defeated, Izuku sighed. “Okay … We kissed and it was good!” he hissed. Shoji had a smug grin on the mouth of his. “I knew it. Good for you.” They walked to the kitchen, a few people were already there. They were baffled because the table was already set and Mai-Li and Hua were cooking. “See it as an apology and thank you for all the inconveniences” Mai-Li answered their quizzical looks. “It’s not done yet, though, breakfast is ready at eight. Teacher told me, no school today.” “Oh, wow, thank you! But you don’t need to do that!” Tenya assured her. “But we want to! So shut up and let us!” Mai-Li hissed. Tenya lifted his arms apologetically. Hua smiled and seemed to scold her mother, but it was in Chinese, so they weren’t sure. Mezo, Izuku and Tenya sat down on the couches and they talked for a while about the things that had happened yesterday. After a while however, the door opened and the mercenaries came in, to the students surprise, they brought Dabi with them. Hawks was next to Dabi and Shoto too. Dabi had his baby in his arms. Kairi looked incredibly grumpy. She had the hands in the pockets of her long, black coat. She got even more annoyed, when she saw Mai-Li in the kitchen. She cursed in Romanian and sat opposite of Izuku on the couch. “Oi, kiddo, how you holding up?” she asked. “As good as I can. The bite is itching like hell and I sometimes have flashbacks of me pounding in on Shigaraki’s face and it creeps me out, but otherwise, all is peachy!” his voice was dripping with sarcasm. “Great! You holding yourself better together than expected.” Kairi scoffed a little. Dabi sat down too, Hawks was still close to him, almost like glued to Dabi’s hip. “Well, I talked with Dabi … or Toya? What do you want to be called now?” She looked over. “Toya is fine” he answered. “Okay, I talked with Toya already, but I’ll repeat it for you again.” She looked at Izuku. “We have some really good specialists in Thailand, they are very good at scrubbing bond marks. If you want to get rid of Savage’s mark, I can offer you help with that. I already talked to Eraser, he would be okay with you coming with me, and getting rid of it.” Izuku gasped. “Really? But it takes weeks to get rid of a bond mark! I would miss so much! Besides, I can’t afford a trip to Thailand! Nor could I cover the costs for a procedure like that.” He interjected. He thought of Katsuki, how would he react if Izuku told him that he would leave for Thailand? “Don’t worry, I’ll cover the costs. For Toya too.” She answered. “No! No, I can’t accept that! That’s too much! I couldn’t repay you!” Izuku shook his head. “Did I say anything from repaying me? A first class flight from Tokyo to Bangkok is about six hundred USD; so both flights for about 1.2k. And the bond scrubbing is between 4k and 6k depending on secondary gender and the depths of the bite et cetera. So it’s minimum 5.2k and max is 7.2k. This is absolutely nothing for me!” She snapped her fingers. “For you it might not be, but for me it is! I don’t like the idea of being indebted to you, and I can’t pay seven thousand dollar just like that!” “Boy, I’m not after your money! Really, it’s okay! Those 7k won’t make a difference on my bank account! I’m filthy rich, so I don’t give a fuck about money. Even 14k for the both of you doesn’t faze me.” She shrugged. “Still, I don’t know …” Izuku pouted a little. He looked over to Toya. “Are you getting the mark removed? And, what happens to you anyway?” “Yes, I’m getting the bond scrubbing. I finally want to close the chapter ‘Shigaraki’” he mumbled. “And, well … uh, what happens to me, well, thanks to Kairi and her … persuasion, I don’t have to go to jail.” “Yeah, but he needs to be supervised by Chicken Wing or Endeavor for the next couple of months, he needs to go to therapy, family counseling yada, yada, the full program.” Kairi answered. “I’m not chicken wing! My name’s Hawks” Hawks mumbled quietly. He seemed to be quite intimidated and unusually shy. What had he witnessed to be in such a mood? “How did you ‘persuade’ the authorities? He killed a lot of people, as far as I’m aware!” Tenya asked. Kairi grinned. “Well, good that you asked. Miles did some digging! He checked every single person that Toya killed and he found their dirty little secrets. And oh boy, I tell you, some of them were really dirty! Even ‘civilians’ can have dark, hidden secrets. So even though his methods were … a tad bit over the top, he did the public a favor” Kairi beamed. “And with all the evidence I went to the HPSC, the head of police, the government and to the court in charge and I made them offers they couldn’t say no to.” “What kind of offers?” Mezo asked. Kairi’s grin got incredibly sinister, she lifted her index finger to her lips in a ‘shhh’ gesture. She winked at the three boys. “Well, Miles did some digging for them too, so let’s just say, they agreed under the condition that I don’t spill their own dirty little secrets.” “Wow … just wow!” Izuku mumbled. “This seemed awfully quick. How fast can you get the information? And you were like dead?” Mezo added. “Oh with the right mode, I can see any information of a person at once. I love this part of my job, digging up all the dirt and filth from a person’s life. You should have seen the absolute mortified faces of them when Kairi started to talk about those things” Miles smiled too. The other mercenaries chuckled at that. He looked over to Izuku a grin spread over his face. “You’re especially funny to read.” “AAAAH Stop! Don’t read me!” Izuku panicked. What if he found out about One for All? “As for the time I need to regenerate, I can literally come back in seconds. Miles gave me a clean head shot so my brain could reset fairly quickly. My body heals quickly too. But I chose to stay dead so you guys don’t need to see the healing process. It’s quite brutal.” The three alphas looked at her mortified, even Toya and Hawks shivered. They were all not used to it, that someone talked so casually about dying. “Anyway, and the authorities just let this happen? I mean, Dabi is a murderer … Uh, no offense” Tenya mumbled. “None taken.” Toya said dryly. “Ha! Y’all need to learn one thing, people in power will do anything to stay in power! And if that means, to let a quote-unquote ‘murderer’ off the hook, instead of having all their dirty secrets revealed, they will do that. Besides … it helps to be a prime alpha. They almost shat their pants when I turned up my ‘monstrosity’” Kairi still smiled. Hawks got pale at the memory of it. “They knew that I could have fucked them up in over two hundred ways, so yeah, better not mess with the prime alpha soldier that you hired to find the enemies.” The boys shivered a little. “Do you do this often? Helping out murderers?” “Hm, not really, things are handled differently in Japan than in Thailand. In a city, where 80% of the population consists of killers, the term ‘murderer’ loses its meaning. Usually ‘murderer’s’ are dealt with by the people who have a problem with said murderer. Or people like me get sent out to deal with them. We have a lot of vigilante justice, y’know?” Tenya shook his head. He was about to say something, but Kairi gave him this eerie smile. It meant to just leave it and to not question it any further. “Anyway, baby!” she looked over to Toya. “Do you have a name for her?” A bit surprised by the sudden change, Toya needed a few seconds to respond. “Oh, uh, yeah, her name’s Hotaru” he answered. “That’s a good name!” Kairi smiled. “Yeah, she’s right!” Izuku grinned and leaned over to get a better look. Shoto next to his brother had a smile on his face too. Some other students came down now, it was almost eight am. They were surprised to see Kairi’s group of mercenaries just chilling on their couches, also Dabi and Hawks, and especially Mai-Li and Hua in the kitchen. But Katsuki couldn’t care less, all he was interested in, was to get to Izuku as fast as possible. He almost sprinted to the couch where Izuku was sitting on, but then he reminded himself. No public affection! Eijiro was here too! He growled slightly and slowed down. “Good morning!” He said. Slowly, he sat down next to Izuku. “Hey Kacchan!” Izuku gave him a big smile. God he wanted to kiss him, but no, self control! They were in public and Eijiro was here too. “Morning Kacchan” Ian greeted him. He cleared his throat. “Uh, how are you feeling, physically I mean. Any problems?” “No, I feel really good! Your blood is like a magic potion or something.” He grinned. Ian laughed. “Something like that, yeah. A question, do you feel that anything is different?” Katsuki raised his eyebrows. “No? What do you mean?” “Well, the sheep girl, Marjolaine, she drank a liter of my blood too and last night she always asked, if I could stay with her. Even though I was part of the group that killed Darleen, she was quite … cuddly with me. Took me ages to get her off.” He grimaced. “Oh, uh, no, I didn’t have time to think about that last night” Katsuki answered with a slight blush. “But I could actually feel your presence while you were showering.” He murmured deep in his thoughts. Ian cringed. “Lovely …” “Oh, no! It wasn’t that I could ‘feel’ anything what you were doing or shit like that. I just knew that you were still somewhere in the showers.” He corrected himself. “Still, creepy as fuck. That’s why I don’t like to use my blood for stuff like that.” “Will this stay?” Katsuki asked. “No, as soon as my blood leaves your body, any kind of feeling will go away. So don’t worry.” He smiled. “Good, I got your brother’s blood in my system, not that I start to feel weird about him, where is he anyways?” Toya asked. “Oh, he’s video calling his mate, Mina, so you better not disturb them” Ian chuckled. Katsuki now looked over to the baby, he let out a purr. Toya turned to him and he hummed quietly. “You want to see her?” “Yeah!” Excitedly, Katsuki moved closer. Toya moved the blanket a little and showed the baby girls face. Katsuki let out an excited little trilling sound. Izuku’s eyes widened at that, it sounded absolutely adorable! Toya grinned. But suddenly his expression darkened. “Uhh, Bakugo … sorry about the kidnapping last year.” Katsuki looked up. “Uh … I … I accept it.” He gulped, but then he looked back to the baby. “Let’s not talk about that.” “Sound’s good” Toya replied. Now, more and more students, mainly the other omegas, surrounded Toya and his pup, they all squealed in delight at the newborn. Eventually, Mai-Li called them for breakfast. Quickly the students took their seats, the mercenaries ate in the living room. Dabi joined at the tables, he sat next to Shoto and surrounded by the other omegas. Momo helped him, feed the baby. They had prepared some bottles for her beforehand. Denki and Hanta devoured the breakfast. “Damn, this is so good! Thank you for that!” Denki cried. Mai-Li and Hua smiled at him. They didn’t understand him, but they could guess what he meant. Katsuki looked over to Izuku, who sat with the other alphas, he got a dreamy look on his face. He thought about the kisses from last night, god, he wanted to kiss him! But he pulled himself together. Mina however noticed that look. “Oi, Katsuki, you’re spacing out pretty heavily. Did something happen?” Her voice made it clear that she knew that something was up. “Hmm, nothing of your concern right now” he growled a little. “Oh? Then you have to tell me later” she had a sing-song-y tone. “We’ll see, maybe” Katsuki snarled. “Oh, I will get my tea” She giggled. Katsuki cringed but didn’t say anything, he focused on the baby instead of Izuku. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (