Not as planned 1 - Katsuki Bakugo von Puraido (A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: ----------- The time went by and Katsuki felt slowly but surely better again. He still hated to be an omega, but he managed to cope with it. In school he would always wear his scent blockers. None of the other extras needed to know. He had eventually called his parents to let them know what had happened. His mother was really, really surprised by it. She mocked him a little but she wasn’t disappointed. His father reassured him that everything was okay. That it wasn’t bad to be an omega. After the phone call his mood was dampened. The comments of his mother had pissed him off again. He lay back in his nest and pressed the Pomeranian pillow – still with Eijiro’s scent on it – to his chest. The next setback was when Shoto presented as an alpha. So he really was the only male omega in his course – he didn’t give a fuck about the other courses. He knew that one of the Big Three guys was an omega but he didn’t matter. He snarled when he learned that the other purple fuck, the zombie looking brain washer, was an alpha too. Eijiro and the girls did their best to calm his mood down. Time went by and Aizawa put him and the stupid nerd together for training. It was the first time that he was this close to Izuku again, since both of them presented. Katsuki hated to admit it, but he avoided Deku as good as he could. He absolutely hated it but he was still after his scent. He let Eijiro scent all the belongings in his nest in the hopes to forget about Deku’s but it was no use. He liked Eijiro’s scent a lot, but it wasn’t the same. Still better than to admit he liked Deku’s more. They were training for hours now and the alpha physique really pissed him off. Deku was so much bigger than him now. This plus One for All was not a good combination for him. He lost to Deku way too many times during this training. He yelped in pain as his back hit the mat again. “Sorry. Did I hurt you?” Deku asked and offered his hand. “I am fucking fine!” Katsuki growled while pushing Deku’s hand away. The damn nerd smiled at him. This stupid fucking smile sent shivers down his spine. He was so close to Deku during training. And now he was even closer. He could smell the adrenaline in the other boy. Combined with the musky pine scent it was absolutely arousing … A low growl escaped Katsuki as he tried to get rid of the thoughts. No, he couldn’t let that happen. It was true that he was on better terms with Deku now, but he still didn’t even consider him a friend. He didn’t want to think of him in ‘that’ way. He distanced himself from Deku and he was glad when the lesson was finally over. It was so fucking hard to concentrate when everything smelled like fucking Deku. During changing his gaze was on Deku’s strong back again. He could see the scars he had because of his training. He didn’t notices that he was staring at him for so long. He came to when Eijiro pushed him slightly in the arm. “You’re staring”, he whispered. Katsuki shook his head violently and forced himself to change into his school clothes again. He left the room with Eijiro and his confused heart sank when he saw that Ochako was clinging to Deku again. He knew that she liked him. And he shouldn’t really care, because he definitely didn’t like Deku and he even were somewhat friends with her now, but he felt strange every time he saw her, clinging to his arm. “Is everything okay, man?” Kirishima asked. He had a concerned look on his face. He knew that Katsuki was very fixated on Deku’s scent. But he didn’t know what was up with him right now. “Meet me later in my room” he stormed off. He didn’t want to see Deku and Cheeks together. Why was he so god damn emotional? Was he going into heat again? It was still too early, besides he was on suppressants, so he would get his heat only two times a year, for as long as they were in school that was. Thank god they were done with classes for today and he went straight to his dorm. Some small explosions started in his hands and he scared two girls that passed his way with that, but he couldn’t care less. He was too angry at Deku and Cheeks for making his day bad. He arrived at the dorm and he went to his room immediately. He threw himself into his nest and buried his nose in one of the pillows. Eijiro’s cedar scent embraced him and it calmed him down a bit. Katsuki patted the Typhlosion and tried to not think about Deku and Cheeks. Why was he feeling so strange? Cheeks and he got along surprisingly well the past few weeks. So why was he so mad at her? He didn’t need a reason to be angry at someone but he still didn’t understand why he was so upset. Some time later Eijiro knocked on his door. “Hey, Katsuki, what’s wrong?” he asked. “I don’t know” Katsuki murmured. “You don’t know?” “Yeah, this is my fucking problem. I don’t know what’s wrong. I am so angry right now” he tried to explain. “Why are you angry?” “I don’t know! I look at Cheeks and Deku and I am just so pissed off!” he growled. “She’s always clinging to him, rubbing her scent all over him and he doesn’t even push her off”, he gritted his teeth. “But why am I so angry about it? I don’t even like Deku. So why am I so pissed off?” “Hm, maybe the omega possessiveness? You were pretty fixated on Izuku’s scent so of course you wouldn’t like it, if any other omega is near him” Eijiro guessed. “But I don’t like Deku! So why would it bother me?” “Maybe because he stays away from you? I mean ever since you presented he keeps his distance. Usually he was always around you in some way?” Eijiro suggested. “I kept my distance because of that stupid smell. Stupid nerd sending out his oh so great alpha scent as if he is the best here” Katsuki grumbled. “But how dare he to ignore me? He is touchy with cheeks all the time, but he isn’t coming after me? Why is he ignoring me? Am I not good enough?” He talked himself angrier and angrier. “Maybe … because my scent is all over you?” Eijiro sounded unsure. Katsuki inhaled sharply, he hadn’t thought of that. “G-good, that keeps him away, huh? He better stays away from me.” Eijiro raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t sure what his friend was going through, but it was really bad. He reached out to him and patted his head carefully. “Just try to calm down, yeah? You are still a bit confused. But I am sure this will settle with time.” Katsukis growling turned into a light purring. He let Eijiro pat him for a while but then he snapped out of it and pushed the hand away. “I don’t need that. I am fucking fine”, he averted his gaze however. Eijiro just smiled at him. “Sure man.” They went down to get dinner when they met Izuku. He smiled at the pair, but this set off Katsuki again. “Why are you smiling, nerd? What’s so funny?” Confused Deku blinked at him. “Nothing? What’s wrong with me smiling?” Katsuki growled. “Don’t laugh at me!” His scent was very unpleasant. “I am not laughing at you, Kacchan! I am just happy for you”, he tried to calm him down. A wave of his pine scent was washing over Katsuki and Eijiro. “Happy for me? What the hell do you mean?” “Well … I mean for you and Eijiro? You seem very close lately. And you smell like him …” Katsuki lost it for a moment. His eyes widened and he started blushing. “W-wait! You think him and I are dating?” he stammered. “We are not!” Izuku lifted his eyebrows and looked to Eijiro. “No, I think this was a misunderstanding. I am just the comforter” he shrugged. “Don’t say that! I don’t need comfort” Katsuki flipped him off. “You are just allowed to be in my room. “Sure thing, Katsuki”, Eijiro waved him off. “Okay, then sorry for assuming things.” Deku still fucking smiled. “What’s with you and cheeks, huh?” Katsuki asked him rudely. “She’s all over you!” “Ah, yeah … I try to tell her, that she shouldn’t do it, but she still comes close. But I don’t mind too much. Her scent is nice”, Deku blushed slightly. Katsuki gritted his teeth. “So my scent is not good enough to be worthy of you? FUCKING ASSHOLE!” He bumped his shoulder into Deku’s arm and stormed off. “What the hell just happened?” Deku asked confused. “D-does he want me to be close to him or not?” “Honestly man, I have no clue. He is very confused” Eijiro shrugged. “Maybe you should talk to him?” “Hmpf”, Izuku grunted. “I guess I should do that. I don’t want that our relationship goes bad again.” “Yeah, this would suck” Eijiro made his way over to Bakugo who was angrily chopping onions. It seemed like he made the onions cry while doing so. Deku looked at his childhood friend for some time, but then he sighed and left to go to his room until dinner was ready. He would normally stay to help with something but he guessed that Katsuki wouldn’t let him. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (