試験管ベビー von abgemeldet (Kapitel 25 in Arbeit) ================================================================================ Kapitel 16: Go mad emotion -------------------------- Chapter 16 Opening: >Go mad emotion< (by Camino) Tifa was shocked when she stepped into the kitchen. It looked like Elena had tried to cook for herself, after she hadn't been able to find Tifa. But all she had been able to do was turn the kitchen into a real mess. The blonde was sitting on the floor, looking really distressed. When she set her eyes on the brunette, she stood up, desperately pleading for help. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to… I just wanted…" "It's okay…" Tifa replied soothingly. "I think I can fix that." "Really?" Elena sniffed. Sighing, she bowed her head. "Okay, then let me help, at least." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naomi was in a pretty good mood when they returned. Reno was glad about it; he opened the door and led her to the kitchen. He hoped that lunch would be ready by now, he was quite hungry. When he entered, however, he stopped dead in his tracks, causing Naomi to bump into him. "Ow…" she murmured. "What's up?" "What the Hell happened here?" the redhead whispered. The whole kitchen was a mess. It looked like someone had emptied most of the cupboards and strewn the contents on the floor. "Dare say something and you're dead!" Blinking in surprise, Reno looked at Elena who squatted on the floor, glaring at him. She didn't need to say any more for him to understand what was going on. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Tifa silently picking up some things and putting them on the table. The redhead frowned. "What is it?" Naomi wanted to know and looked wide-eyed into the kitchen. Gasping, she clapped a hand over her mouth. That was too much for Elena. Muttering darkly, she stood up and rushed past them and then hurried upstairs, now swearing loudly. Still remembering the incident in the morning, Reno didn't say anything as he carefully crossed the kitchen and began to help Tifa cleaning up. Naomi followed him. The whole time while they were busy no one spoke or even looked up from what they were doing. When they were finished, Tifa sighed and finally glanced up at Reno. "Thanks…" she muttered. Just because she was mad at the redhead didn't mean she was not grateful for his help. "No problem," Naomi replied cheerfully. "If you don't mind, I'll go and take a shower now." Reno and Tifa nodded. "Go ahead," the brunette said, smiling at her. After the girl had left the room, Reno stood up and brushed some dirt off his clothes. "Well…" he said slowly, before turning to Tifa. "About this morning…" He felt silly, saying this now. But he knew there was no turning back. He got a small package out of his pocket and held it out to her. "I just… I… I'm sorry." He just stood there, awkwardly waiting for some reaction. This was stupid. There was no need for him to apologize, she should be the one saying sorry. She had been the one punching him, not the other way around. Blinking in confusion, Tifa looked at him, not knowing what to do or say. She would never have thought that Reno of all people would be able to apologize for something. But… she had also been surprised when he had helped her clean the kitchen. Just when the redhead thought she wouldn't accept it, the brunette stepped forward, cautiously taking the package from his hands. Tifa tilted her head a little. "It's okay…" she whispered. "But, this…" "Think nothing of it," Reno said harshly, this whole situation was quite embarrassing. "Just don't let Elena help you cooking." With that, he left the kitchen and went upstairs, heading to his own room. Still a little confused, Tifa shrugged and put the package into a drawer before she began to prepare lunch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, Naomi stepped into the shower and turned the water as hot as she could stand. For some time she just stood there, her arms wrapped around her body. Then, suddenly, she took the shower gel and a hard sponge, beginning to scrub her skin violently. Ever since the incident with those idiots in the gift shop, she felt dirty. And she wanted to wash this off. Even though she didn't know if it was possible. But when she just felt cleaner… it would help. The others had been thinking she was mad. She had made Reno believe that she had just been acting. He would never know that it had been really painful for her. To feel something that wanted to come out of her. To hold it back. She didn't really know what it was… she just knew that it was still there… hiding. Waiting to break free. Maybe she should ask Vincent if she could do something about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oy!" Rude called out as he opened the door to Reno's room. "Lunch is ready!" The redhead just waved a hand at him. "I'm coming!" Sighing, he got up from his bed. All the time since he had come up here he had been wondering how Tifa would react, once seeing his gift. He felt awkward going down now. Suddenly, he wished he hadn't given it to her. It was just… ridiculous. If he weren't that hungry, and even curious about Tifa's reaction on the gift, he wouldn't even go downstairs. To be honest, he was a little afraid of looking at her right now. Considering their encounters in the kitchen… when she had punched him… and when he had apologized before… he had never felt so lost. But Naomi would surely miss him. Thinking about this, he felt better. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)