Gone with the sin... von abgemeldet (~the beauty of death~) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- Disclaimer: Neither Naruto nor the song belong to me. Though I wished either Kishimoto or HIM would give one of these to me ;XX A/N: So, here I am again with a little ficlet... hope u'll enjoy Warnings as in most of my fics: it's da~~~~~rk, dark, dark and filled with my weird and twisted view on love and romanticism (yeah I know I'm just screwed up regarding those topics X)) and for all who don't like shonen-ai contents: close this window and never ever read one of my stories XD And if u can't stand one of the characters dying u shouldn't read either, sweeties ;X Well I luv everyone who stands reading til the end *lol* PS: if u find any mistakes you can keep them (or mail me and I'll fix 'em ;D) English still isn't my mother tongue, so sorry ;XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone with the sin ~ I love your skin oh so white I love your touch cold as ice ~ Your cerulean eyes, dazed and a bit out of focus, watched me, as I moved nearer, touching your once suntanned skin, now white as the pure sheet your body was lying on. You were so pale...and as I touched I felt the cold of your before warm body. Did you know that I loved the touch? The feeling of your smooth skin under my slender fingers, as they ran down your side... ~ And I love every single tear you cry I just love the way you're losing your life ~ There was one tear running down your cheek, caressing your whisker marks, I caught it as it was about to fall off your lovely chin. I licked the salty liquid up, savoured the taste of the droplet... once you swore to never again shed tears, but you did, in front of me, break your oath for the sake of this moment... I felt my heart jump at the adorable sight. I loved you, loved every single bit of you... and I loved how the blood was slowly, beautifully running down your arm, finally collecting at your fingertips 'til it would be too heavy and dropping down, forming a little pool of blood on the dark wooden floor. You were losing the life that rejected you... ~ my baby, how beautiful you are My darling, completely torn apart You're gone with the sin my baby and beautiful you are You're gone with the sin my darling ~ I knew what the people of Konoha were talking about you, whispering to each other every time you walked past them, thinking you wouldn't hear... or not caring if you heard. And I, too, knew that you heard perfectly well what they said, each single word. It tore you apart, though you would still give everyone that fake smile of yours... And even though I loved the way the pain darkened your sky-blue eyes, I tried to ease this pain, making you happy by showing you how much I cared... It didn't do any good, was not enough to comfort you, and so I started to just stand besides you and love your pained expressions, which would cross your beautiful face once in a while, even more... ~ I adore the despair in your eyes I worship your lips once red as wine ~ Blue met black as you looked up into my face, a thin smile on your pale lips... an honest smile, the first I saw in a long time. You knew I would accept your decision, would not try to keep you in this hell, your life. So you gave me your genuine smile, while the despair was clearly showing in your eyes. I bent down, moving a bit closer and brushing my lips gently against yours. While feebly returning the kiss you heaved a sigh of relief... ~ I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine I just love the way your running out of life ~ I took a deep breath, inhaling your sweet scent, slightly shivering as I opened my eyes, which I closed during the kiss. The light in your eyes slowly dimmed and I knew you wouldn't have to wait for long... Every breath you took in was a bit shallower than the one before, every time you closed your eyes it took you longer to open them again... My hand found your silky blond hair, which had always looked like sunshine, and I ran it through slowly... my lips forming the three words I wanted to tell you before you left. You closed your eyes, smiling and sighing again, took in your last breath and I just thought how beautiful you are... ~ my baby, how beautiful you are My darling, completely torn apart You're gone with the sin my baby and beautiful you are You're gone with the sin my darling ~ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)