A Family Matter von CP (Fili/Kili/Thorin fluff+angst) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Of Winter -------------------- Thorin watched carefully over his sister's happiness. He always did. The little family was growing peacefully in 'the poor lodgings of their exile', how Thorin liked to call the Blue Mountains. He was happy for his sister and his brother-in-law. He truly was. And seeing his little nephew, smiling up at him filled his heart with warmth and pride, he didn't know he possessed anymore. But there was also something nagging at the back of his head. It just didn't feel right. It wasn't like Thorin was not included in the family. On contrary. His sister made sure he always had a place between them. Thorin was there when the little dwarfling babbled his first words, or when Dis had shown him how Fili could walk his first clumsy steps into his uncles open arms, all by himself. But it wasn't home. He hadn't realized the invisible wall, which was slowly building up, separating him from the rest of his family, but now there was no denying it. It was their life not his. And the feeling of not belonging that tormented his soul rose stronger with every passing day. So when Dis announced with proud that a second bundle of happiness was on its way everything seemed perfect to them. Thorin however had buried himself in the hard work of the forge and took long trips to the City's of Men. Of course not to far away. He had noticed the steadily swelling of his sisters belly too. It wouldn't be long till the child would be born. And not for all gold in the world he was gonna miss that. It was a gray day when he returned to Ered Luin from another journey. The King without a mountain was tired and his muscles arched from the hard work. The head of his pony hung low, while the cold wind was tugging at his cloak. He shivered. Winter was coming. As soon as he saw the gates of the mountain he knew something was wrong. There were too many lights, too many torches, too many guards. He spurred his horse and urged it to run as faster as it could till they reached the entrance. Just before he could get off his pony Balin was at his side. His face was a mask of stone, ready for battle. "Niri had fallen." The older dwarf said in a low voice. "Your sister's husband is dead." For a moment there was nothing more than silence between them. Pictures of countless dead faces appeared in Thorin's mind. Now he had one more to add. "Where is she?" Thorin finally demanded to know. He felt his chest tightened in fear as Balin took his time to answer. "Where is Dis!" He almost screamed, but he didn't wait for a reply and stormed of through the dark mines. The image of his brother-in-law's lifeless body made him feel sick to his bones, but the thought of his sister was what drove him now. He opened the door to her small bed chamber. There was no candle lightened and he could barley made out the dark figure in the room. "Dis..." Thorin called out in a soft voice. Only silence greeted him as he stepped in. He found his sister in a catatonic stage. Dis was clenched over her son with desperate fingers digging in his nephew's way to tiny back, rocking them both gently. As she lifted her face to meet her brothers eyes tears streamed down her cheeks. Her hair hung in messy strains from her head and her breath hitched dangerously. It broke Thorin's heart to see his beloved sister in so much pain. Fili looked helpless at his uncle. Fear and confusion mirrored on his little face. He was unable to cope with the situation. He didn't know what to do. In two long steps Thorin was by their sides, holding both of them in his strong arms, while rubbing soothing circles over Dis back and muttering comforting words in their ears. He was letting his sister cry at his board shoulder, while slowly night turned into day. At some point Dis had passed out of exhaustion and drifted into a restless sleep, still clinging to Fili like a life-line. Thorin had left and walked down into the kitchen. He looked surprised to find Balin there. He must have waited for him the whole time. The older dwarf handed him wordless an ale and Thorin took it quietly. For a long time neither of them spoke till a deep sigh escaped the kings mouth. "What happened?" He asked in defeat, knowing that delaying the question wouldn't do him any good, nor Dis. "A group of orcs attacked two days ago..." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)