Crossing Over von konpaku ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Gathering Information -------------------------------- Chapter 3 – Gathering Information In Suna When entering the building Rukia felt relieved. It was a lot cooler than the heat outside would have suggested. The youngsters let her into a room that was barely furnished. A table with a well matched chair stood in front of a large window side that seemingly had no glass in them to block the desert winds. Yet the heat wasn't too hard to bear here either. Across from the large desk was a couch where she was told to sit down. The young Kazekage seated himself behind the desk while his siblings positioned themselves between him and her attentively, most likely to interfere if she tried to do anything to their brother. "Let me ask you again Kuchiki Rukia – san: Where are you from?" The Kage demanded, his folded hands in front of his mouth. "May I see a map, so I could show you?" Rukia asked politely. Nodding to his brother Kankurou left to bring the item. A deep silence befell the remaining. Feeling the boy's gaze Rukia kept her head lowered. This wasn't the interrogation she anticipated, but that still could happen. Therefore she needed to act wisely and according to her plan. Some minutes had passed when the cat boy returned with a huge scroll in hands. Rolling it onto the desk Rukia stood up to get a better look. Only to stare at it in disbelieve. "What is wrong Kuchiki – san?" The Kage asked slightly concerned. "N – nothing Gaara – dono...", she managed to reply still shocked about this revelation. Staring blankly at the map Rukia sat back down. This was not what she had expected. This wasn't the human realm Ichigo lived in, neither was it any place she had ever heard of. Thinking about it she noticed that the kids were able to see her, even though she was certain that she was in her spirit form and not in an artificial body, a Gigai. "What happened?" She mumbled ignoring the concerned questions of the others. "What do you mean?" Gaara wanted to know, asking in a tone that made her snap out of her thoughts. Remembering the situation she was currently in she answered honestly: "I have never seen a map like this before. I do not know how I came here and why. The last thing I remember is an explosion. The next waking up in the alleyway. My brother and my friends are somewhere out there and I don't even know if they are alright..." The last part she had planned to show with some fake tears, but the real worry for everyone made her eyes water. She wouldn't cry, she was too proud for that, but the aching in her heart was real concern. Looking at each other the siblings decided that she couldn't be lying. The sadness in her eyes and words was real. "Maybe one of the other villages encountered some of your friends." Temari suggested, sitting down beside the smaller woman, putting an arm consolingly around her shoulders. "There are more villages like this?" Rukia asked moving out of the hug. "Not exactly like this, but they are Hidden villages as well." Still looking confused Rukia waited for someone to continue. Picking this up Gaara said: "I will write a note to the other Kages if they encountered someone like you. When I'm done we'll explain the concept of the Hidden villages. Is that alright with you Kuchiki – san?" "Yes Gaara – dono. Thank you very much." She bowed again. The red haired boy took out a piece of paper and some ink to write while his sister left the room for reasons unknown to the Shinigami. Having an idea Rukia suggested: "If it may help I could draw pictures of everyone." "That would probably be a good idea." Fetching her notebook and some markers out of her robe Rukia started to draw the missing people. Wondering about the odd pencils she was using the brothers shared a look before Kankurou got to Rukia's side trying to catch a glimpse of the picture. Noticing this Rukia pressed the notebook to her chest and sent a death glare at him, telling him angrily: "No peeking!" "Ok, ok" He exclaimed in defeat causing his brother to grin slightly. Fascinated by her eagerness Gaara couldn't write his letters. The girl had her tongue stuck out while the weird pencil scratched over the paper. Some minutes past till she contentedly exclaimed: "Ready!" presenting the result to the boys. Not knowing what to say Gaara kept silence while Kankurou burst into laughter and ended up getting hit by a pillow. For a moment fearing she would throw the next one at him the Kazekage tried: "That's..." "Nii – sama, Renji, Rangiku – san..." Rukia picked up pointing at each figure while calling their name. After she had finished Gaara tried again: "Do they all have bunny ears?" "No silly, that's just the way I draw them." Rukia explained as if that would be the most obvious thing in the world. "Alright we should send that along then.." "You nuts?" Kankurou yelled, still holding the pillow, but was silenced by his brother's glare. "It is better to have some description than none." He explained holding out his hand for the picture. Carefully Rukia removed the paper from her block and handed it to him. Ignoring the doubtful expression of his brother Gaara finished the letter for Konoha. He hoped at least the Hokage would understand this picture. In the mountains "Now as you know where you are it is about time for your departure." Madara concluded his explanations. "Who's that?" A young boy, who had just entered the room asked. He wore rather short black hair and his irises held the same color. Next to him stood a cloaked figure with the hood pulled up, his face hidden deep within. Third was a man who seemed quite familiar to Byakuya. Though he couldn't place where he had seen him before. "This is our guest Kuchiki Byakuya – san, but don't get too used to him Sasuke. He will leave us soon." Looking at the foreign man the boy left with a shrug, muttering: "Whatever." Seeing recognition in the third man's eyes and him starting to speak up Byakuya interjected: "And who is this scum?" "Well, well, aren't we uptight this close to our departure?" Madara asked rhetorically. Meanwhile Byakuya noticed the plant – guy shifting behind him. He had to distract the others long enough so he could make his escape in time without losing his cover. "This is Yakushi Kabuto, one of my allies. And this is one of our famous Ninja, revived from the dead to serve our purposes." When addressed the revived soldier stopped knowing what the Kuchiki had implied. "Interesting" Byakuya stated uninterested, an eyebrow raised. Hearing these words and seeing the man in front of him proved, that these men had powers beyond belief within them. If they could revive the dead, which he could verify through remembering the soldier, then it was best to leave as soon as possible. But he didn't have much time to think. Right this instant the man behind him tried to enclose him with his parted body. He more than not looked like a carnivore trying to devour its prey. Using Shunpo Byakuya evaded his attacker leaving an afterimage behind. Thinking he had caught him Madara smirked only to see the image disperse. Where formerly there had been Byakuya with a fearful and surprised expression, there now was only thin air. "What?" The masked man then exclaimed. Bearing witness to the Kuchiki pushing himself from the edge of the cave into the sky Kabuto screamed: "Don't kill him! He's special!" Rushing to where he had been just moments ago they only could watch him falling farther and farther to the ground, only to stop shortly above it and to vanish again. "What the hell? Where is he?" Madara yelled angered. "Don't look at me stupid! Catch him!" He then ordered Kabuto and Zetsu, nearly pushing them off the mountain. Byakuya meanwhile made his way back through the forest passing several meters with each Flash Step. As he now knew what he needed to know, he started the second stage of his plan: Finding Rukia. And everyone else. In Konoha "Leave." Tsunade ordered the two men, who obeyed with little protest. "So who are you and what are you doing here?" She repeated her question. "Honestly ma'am? I have no idea about the second part." The Shinigami confessed. "You don't know?" The Hokage replied surprised. "I don't. One moment I was having fun with some friends of mine. The next I was here on your rooftop." Rangiku explained sighing. "Then where did you come from?" Was the next demand. "It might sound ridiculous, but I think from another realm as I don't recognize anything on this map." Rangiku revealed waving one hand in the direction of the map, that hung on one of the walls. "Another realm?" "Have you ever heard of something like that?" "Well..yeah there have been theories about it, but no one ever really crossed over to one least I don't know about it..." "So what are you going to do with me now?" "As this is too absurd to be a lie you are obviously telling the I will have some of my Nin examine and interrogate you to find out how you came here." "Sounds fair to me." Rangiku agreed. "I will have Iruka and Kakashi supervise you then. Don't take advantage of them or I'll put you into a nice cell within our prison." Tsunade threatened, causing Rangiku to shiver a bit. "I'm far too pretty for jail. I'll behave." She replied eagerly grinning. Returning the grin the Hokage straightened herself and turned to leave, swinging her long ponytails behind her. Shortly after her departure the teacher returned. "Iruka – san would you happen to have little pins and small pieces of paper?" Rangiku asked innocently. "What do you need that for?" "I feel a little creative today." She smiled at him making him obey her wish. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (