MV family von abgemeldet (our history) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Second ----------------- The second family Cainz father, Walker wasn’t too happy about the relationship with Ren. Not because of Ren personally but because of Ren’s father, Gray. Walker hated wizards, since he lost his wife thanks to magic. But he couldn’t protest too much, since he loved small children. He learned to love his two new grandchildren very soon. But the fact that they couldn’t see each other very much made Walker extremely sad. So he decided to adopt a child in the same age of his grandchildren. And her name was Hisora. Deng, an acquaintance of Gray and the brother in law of Walker was a close friend of Akira and Ren. He and his wife youBAKA supported Akira during the time she was pregnant. youBAKA herself was pregnant with a baby girl. She taught Akira the basics needs to be a mother. But youBAKA herself wasn’t an expert. Mukuro Rokudo, Deng and youBAKA’s first son was only one year old back then. Manongjulius, deng’s father often looked after young Mukuro. Then as youBAKA gave birth to their baby girl they were shocked to find out that the girl was half human and half pineapple. After many years of studying their daughter’s appearance they concluded that she inherited her looks from her father. Deng was a shape shifter. Artic, loved pineapples so the day he met pineapple he immediately fell in love with her. He wooed her for many years. And so they got married. Pineapple who was pregnant that time seemed very happy about the wedding. Eight months later she bore Artic a two sons named Kyrei and Heiwa. Setsuna, another young wizard of Gray’s community was a close friend of Akira. One time, he visited Akira he saw her daughter, TanuTan. Tanu’s boyfriend back then was Kyrei, pineapple’s son. Setsuna was deeply in love with her, that he agreed to become Hikari’s boyfriend during that time just to be near Tanu. Hikari too had hidden feelings for Kyrei. As the time passes, the four of them found out that Kyrei only agreed to be Tanu’s boyfriend to be in the presence of Hikari. Exactly the same reason why Setsuna became Hikari’s lover. So the couples broke up. Hikari and Kyrei were together leaving Tanu broken hearted. That where Setsuna steps in. He healed Tanu’s heart and so they got married. Not long after that, Tanu gave birth to twins, they eldest was shinra-san and the youngest was called GingerKid. Kyrei and Hikari became a married couple too. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (