The S-Files von abgemeldet (A Scientific Treatment on Structure and Workings of Athena's Saints (Well, sort of...)) ================================================================================ Kapitel 4: File BS02-Uni-T003 - One Hit Too Many! All Disasters Come in Threes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File BS02-Uni-T003 One Hit Too Many! All Disasters Come in Threes Makoto pondered over a blank sheet of paper. "I need a plan." "Well, neither brute force nor seduction worked. Ah well, I admit that plan B only failed because we never actually tried it as I had to employ a tactical retreat... But why don't you try to ask him out for a date?" "I don't like the idea. I'm sure he'll say no." "Then bring forth a plan of your own!" "I'm thinking," Makoto sighed. "It's got to be something where one doesn't have to get too close to him." "The closer you get, the better the pics... Why don't you write him a fan mail?" "You sure?" "Of course," Himiko nodded. "You think he's great, you hope he'll win the tournament, and why can't you meet him somewhere to wish him luck, or something like this. And when you sit together in some café or ice cream parlour, you just put some knock-out drops into his drink." "I don't find a proper start," Makoto complained. "Be creative!" "Okay, okay..." About half an hour later, she jumped up. "It's finished! I just asked him to meet me at the café." "Okay, Akira - you'll bring it to the Kido Mansion. Then it's there as fast as possible." "Fine. That's certainly faster than the mail service." * * * When Akira wanted to drop the letter at the Kido mansion, the entrance door opened, and Jabu left the house. "Hello. Here's a letter for you," Akira told the Unicorn Saint. Jabu frowned and opened the envelope. Hm... There was only a note about a meeting and no signature. He examined Akira whom he had beaten soundly only a while ago. Obviously it was a challenge letter by him. "So, you want to challenge me ?" he asked aggressively. "Why don't we settle this here and now?" Before Akira could utter only one word of explanation, an uppercut sent him flying backwards. Jabu smiled in satisfaction. "I guess that should suffice," he grinned and went towards the city where he wanted to buy some nice present for Saori-san. * * * "No, forget it," Akira growled when he returned to the Research Lab. "But Akira, you can't leave us to this dangerous task alone!" Makoto pleaded. "Of course I can. I decided to go back to Greece and keep up the training to become a Saint again - there I haven't been beaten up this often in such a short time!" He stormed out of the lab, and Makoto and Himiko looked helplessly after him. "Dear me, I fear we won't find another guy who's insane enough to try and catch some Saints," Makoto sighed. "Then it's left to us alone. Just as the Professor said - we've got to be creative!" - File BS02-Uni-T003 Closed - Hosted by Animexx e.V. (