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Finding Finnie

Zeichner: Prises   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 14.10.2016
Neueste Seite: 03.11.2016
Nicht abgeschlossen
Stichwörter: Fantasy, Romantik, Action
Leserichtung: Westlich
Kapitel: 1
Seiten: 9
  • Seiten: 9
    Neueste Seite: 03.11.2016
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen


What's about? It's about how far would you go to get back your best friend and how much will you change on that journey?


The main characters Heyn and Finnie are living on a small island in a fictitious world. Both are outlaws, in their own way. But it's okay as far as they have eachother. And then someday a strange man offers Finnie to change her life forever …


This won't be a kids story. So please beware of mature content as violance and sexuality.


Well then, that's all I have to say for now. I'm glad and looking forward for any feadback.

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