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Video: 【Cosplay PV】ロッテンガールグロテスクロマンス【Hetalia】

Von: abgemeldet (askBelarusArlovskaya)
Datum: 02.09.2012, 21:08
Länge: 4:17 Minuten
Thema: Hetalia - Axis Powers
Kategorie: Fanfilme/-serien
Beschreibung: nobody was hurt for this, I swear

Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance (Stalker)

finally my video to say thank you for 100 followers on tumblr QAQ
thank you guys seriously thank you, hope you like it

thanks to my friends, for the help

got the translation from here
http://vocalochu.blogspot.de/2009/08/ly​ricsmiku-rotten-girl-grotesque.html<​br />
we used a Canon EOS 600D for the recordings
any questions feel free to ask

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