Growing Up von Pris ================================================================================ Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter Thanks to my new beta! Family Life Molly was excited. She would have Harry today for the whole day, because the Twins had to test a new product. It was amazing that he had been with the Twins for more than four months now. She really was looking forward to the family Christmas next week; everyone would be there, and Molly loved a chance to spoil her children and grandchildren. But now she had to fetch Harry. She apparated into the Twins' kitchen and found them in the middle of breakfast. "Hi, Mum. You're early," Fred said. "Hello dears. Did you really expect me to be able to wait?" Molly asked. "Not really, Mum. Say hello to Grandma, Harry," George said. "Hello Grandma!" Harry cried happily. "Hello my baby. We're going to make cookies today," Molly answered. "Cookies good," Harry said. "Yes, especially Mum's. Mum could make something delicious out of an old newspaper, right George?" Fred inserted. "Absolutely. Let's finish with breakfast before she gets impatient," George said with a wink. They were soon done and Molly could finally leave with Harry. Unfortunately they had to use the Floo, which Harry still didn't like, but Molly had had much practice calming down small children. "Alright, sweetie. Let's get started with the cookies," Molly said and lifted Harry to her left hip. This way he could 'help' her. She let him add ingredients, but as he was doing so very enthusiastically he was soon covered in flour. While the cookies were baking she told Harry a story, the story of the Frog Prince. "...and then the Princess threw the frog against a wall and he turned into a Prince. They married and lived happily ever after," Molly finished her story. "Story!" Harry exclaimed. "I will tell you another after lunch. Now I have to take the cookies out of the oven and make lunch. Play with your blocks for a while, sweetie," Molly said and put Harry down on the floor next to his blocks. She watched him out of the corner of her eyes. Harry built towers and threw them down as soon as they were finished. He looked like the twins when they were his age. It was a pity that they weren't able to have children as they had turned out to be wonderful fathers. She was really sorry to ever have doubted them. She was glad Harry had gotten this chance. For a time she had feared that he would commit suicide. In a way, Harry Potter was actually dead, as his memories had been lost. She would miss him, but now he would have the life he always dreamed of. After lunch she told Harry another fairytale but he fell asleep halfway through it. In the afternoon she went outside with him to build a snowman. The twins came for dinner and announced that they had a new product, a sweet that would give the eater a flamingo beak for ten minutes. They still had to find a name, but that would come soon. Before they left Molly made them promise that they would stay at the Burrow for the holidays. ‡ The Burrow resembled a can of sardines, so many people were there. Molly had had to bow to reason and had delegated some of the visitors to the Twins house, but still the Burrow was full, as the Grangers, the Delacours, the Tonkses and the Clearwaters were visiting. Molly was determined to fit all twenty-one people into her kitchen for Christmas dinner. And she did. It was truly a miracle. On Christmas Day everyone came to the Burrow for breakfast and presents. Harry was excited because everything was different than his usual routine. He was a bit afraid of all the people, but his Papas, aunt, uncles, Grandma and Grandpa were there. Grandma had made a great breakfast. He had sat on almost everyone's lap. Currently he was with Uncle Charlie, who was telling him about dragons. Harry wanted to see a dragon. They sounded exciting. Now everyone was going into the next room, where a tree with many colourful glass balls and stars and candles stood. There was a huge pile of brightly wrapped boxes beneath it. Harry wanted to see what was in there. The others started singing and he was getting impatient. After a long time Grandpa stood up and picked up a present. He gave it to Harry. "Father Christmas brought this for you, Harry. He asked your Grandma and I what you should get and we suggested this," Grandpa said. Harry tore through the wrapping paper. Inside were a wool blanket and a jumper with a broom and a lion on it. It was great. Uncle Charlie had told Father Christmas to give Harry a stuffed dragon which could roar. He got some more clothes and stuffed animals from Santa Clause. But his Papas had told Father Christmas that Harry would like a broom when he asked them. And he had got one! It didn't really fly, but he knew that he would get one that would really fly when he was a big boy. He liked his broom anyway, because he knew that he couldn't fall off this one. Harry watched as the others talked about the presents they had gotten from Santa Clause. Their talking made him feel safe and warm. He snuggled closer to whoever was holding him at the moment and drifted off to sleep. ‡ Ron was sure that this was the best Christmas ever. He missed his best friend Harry, but his nephew Harry made up for his absence. He had started to think of them as different people some time ago. Harry was sitting on his lap at the moment. Ron felt him fall asleep, and gently covered him with his maroon jumper. "He's looking good on you, Ron. Do you and Hermione plan to have children?" Tonks whispered next to him. Ron's felt his ears turning red. "Tonks! We're still in school. Who knows if we even will be together after graduation?!" Ron hissed to her. "Aw, come on, Ronniekins. Everybody knows that you and Mione will get married. You're already bickering like an old married couple!" Tonks teased. "Why are you doing this to me?" Ron asked. "Because making my almost brother in law blush is fun!" Tonks said. Ron huffed and stood up. On the way to his room he started thinking. Hermione was already seventeen and he would be soon. He knew that Tonks was right. His brothers were talking about marrying all on the same day. Ron came to a decision. He would ask Mione The Question. All he needed was a ring. He lay down next to Harry. Just as he fell asleep he knew what to do about the ring. ‡ Hermione was puzzled. Since Christmas Day Ron had been acting strange. He was blushing whenever she talked to him, stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking and tried to avoid her most of the time. His behaviour was very confusing. She had talked to his brothers and asked if they knew something. Charlie, Bill and Percy hadn't noticed anything strange and the Twins had only said that she would see for herself soon. Her last resort was Ginny. "Ginny, do you know what's wrong with Ron?" Hermione asked. "Well, I promised him not to tell you, but you'll find out tonight," Ginny said. "Can you give me at least a clue?" Hermione asked. "No! If you haven't caught on already, I know the Twins have, I won't ruin the surprise," Ginny answered. "Okay, thanks anyway, Ginny," Hermione said and left. Well, this was totally useless. Hermione tried to occupy herself for the rest of the day with mixed success. What would Ron do? She couldn't think of anything. She sighed and looked up. The object of her thoughts was standing in front of her. "Hi, Mione. Could I talk to you in private for a moment?" Ron asked. "Of course. I've been wondering all day what you were up to," Hermione answered. Ron blushed and led the way up to his room. "Well, you see, Mione. Tonks got me started on an idea on Christmas Day. I...I really liked you for a while now, and Tonks made me realize something. you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?" Ron asked and held out a silver ring. Hermione could only gape at him. Her brain had somehow stopped working. "Wow, Ron I...I...I love you, too. I will marry you!" Hermione answered. Ron looked relieved. "Really? You can't imagine how afraid I was," Ron said. "That I would say no?" Hermione asked. "Yes, and that you would laugh. I love you, more than anything in the world. Er, the rings not much. Ginny helped me pick it out," Ron answered. "I like it. What do you think about going downstairs and shocking the others? But first you have to kiss me!" Hermione said. It took them quite some time to go downstairs. A/N: 1. The princess never kissed the frog. She threw him against the wall when he asked for one. 2. Hermione saying yes fast: She is practical, but she also knows that Ron is the right one. She didn't want to risk him getting cold feet. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (