Sometime jealousy is good von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 9: This isn’t fair… --------------------------- This isn’t fair… Ace shook the liquid in his beer bottle. He had a little smirk on his lips. He had achieved one of his purposes. Now he knew why Zoro was different. Ace wasn’t stupid. When he had reached the ship he noticed straight away that something had happened here. Of course he noticed how Luffy was acting first. He had known him long enough to know that he had changed. Now he had to know what had changed him. He had only one day to go here, so he had to think of something. Ace hardly noticed that the door of the kitchen opened, so lost in his thoughts were he. To his horror the one who came out was Mina. Mina had come here to get something to drink and then go back and continue her talk with Sanji. He was waiting for her in the crow’s nest. Sanji had offered to go by himself, but Mina had wanted to move herself. She promised to be back in a moment. However, when she saw that Ace was here alone she couldn’t resist and sat opposite him at the table. “Good that you are here, because now I can speak to you. I wanted to apologize that I thought that you were the most unfriendly person that I have met. Nami was right, you aren’t so bad. Maybe a little weird, but who is normal on this ship anything?” Mina smiled. “Are you always like this or is it a façade?” Ace raised his eyes from the bottle. “Façade?” Mina blinked. Mina wasn’t as stupid as a lot of people thought. She acted childish on purpose in certain situations so she could surprise the people with her real side. It seemed that Ace had thought that she is a naïve blond girl too. “Of course not; I am how I am. Of course I know sadness and I carry it in my heart but I don’t have to show it. It is better to smile.” Why should Mina open herself totally? She still didn’t trust him. She knew that she wouldn’t meet Ace again. . “Are you smiling so that your life would be more beautiful?” asked Ace ironically. For some reason he wanted to know if Mina was so naïve. “You should try it too. If you want I could give you a smile.” Mina began to laugh. It was a little weird to talk about it with Ace. Mina didn’t understand why Ace was so interested. “I don’t need your smile. I can handle my life alone.” Ace smiled. There was something about Mina that cheered him up. He couldn’t decide if Mina was a spoilt child or an intelligent woman who was able to use her beauty to trick men. “Heh. You are like your brother, at least a little. I mean, you are smarter but the same optimism.” Just now Mina could see that they had something in common and that they could be brothers. She didn’t notice it before because the anger had made her blind. “I have to confess that my little brother has changed. He has grown up. Luffy told me that you changed things here. Did you change Luffy too?” Somewhere Ace had to know what had happened to Luffy. “No.” Mina smirked. “I didn’t change anything. Someone else…” Mina grinned. It wasn’t her thing to tell something to Ace. When he wanted to know then he could ask Luffy. Ace looked at Mina thoughtfully. He really had thought at the first sight that she was a childish woman and everything was a joke to her. Furthermore, he thought that she only played with the men, drove them crazy, took what she wanted and left. The more time he spent with her though, he had to confess that she wasn’t a blonde. It seemed like Mina wanted to change the world with her smiles. Although she seemed so childish Ace was certain that Mina knew what she wanted from life. “Mina-san, where are you?” The kitchen door opened and Sanji came in. He was searching for Mina who hadn’t come back. “Ah Sanji-kun. I stayed here and talked to Ace and I forgot the time. Sorry. I am coming already.” Cheerfully Mina jumped up and followed Sanji. Before she left the kitchen she stopped by the door and smiled to Ace. Ace stayed alone in the kitchen. He couldn’t decide if she was playing or not. He drank the rest of the bottle up and smirked. Sanji and Mina were in the crow’s nest. Mina wanted to spend time with Sanji. She tried to remedy what she had done to Sanji when she didn’t choose him. Mina told him what she had done the two months after they had parted. When Mina ended there was an embarrassing silence between them. Mina had hoped that Sanji would begin with his ‘Mina-san, you are so beautiful when you speak’ or something like it. However, Sanji was quiet and looked out the window. Mina wasn’t sure that Sanji had listened to what she had said. He was so happy before but when they had come back from the kitchen Sanji’s mood changed totally. “Sanji-kun, what’s wrong?” Mina made a worried face. “Nothing,” answered Sanji. This answer didn’t calm Mina down. Worriedly Mina stood up and sat next to Sanji and put her hand over his. Something had to be wrong. She felt that it could have been her fault. “You can tell me.” Sanji’s reaction was one he didn’t believe that he would ever do. He took his hand away. Even Mina was surprised. She had thought that she knew Sanji and she was excepting that Sanji would react otherwise. “Why did you choose Chopper?” asked Sanji seriously. Mina bit her lip. She hoped that Sanji wouldn’t ask her that. She really didn’t know how to explain it to him. Mina didn’t often feel embarrassment but today it was the second time when she felt like disappearing. She had thought her decision had hurt Sanji, but that he would be so sad… “I was scared. I have never said it. It was easier to say that I like Chopper more than you. It was too hard to say it. Furthermore, you were leaving.” “Mina, you…” Sanji’s voice began to shake. He couldn’t believe that someone… “Sanji-kun, you aren’t angry? It doesn’t matter anymore. It was over two months ago.” Mina smiled and stood up. She wanted to climb down. “I am going to the others.” With that she disappeared. Sanji’s mouth dropped. ‘It doesn’t matter anymore’. How doesn’t it matter?! Mina just confessed that she liked him more than Chopper, but she didn’t dare to say it. When she only had said one word, Sanji would have done everything so that she would have come with them. But now she says that it doesn’t matter. Had she forgotten him already? Or didn’t she mean it seriously. Suddenly Sanji remembered Ace. Mina seemed to get along with him now. Could it be Ace’s fault that it didn’t matter anymore? Mina climbed down. She was happy that she could escape from there. She only hoped that she did cheer Sanji up. She was a little worried that Sanji would understand her wrong. She meant it seriously, but… Sanji finished the dinner. He did it numbly and with no great joy like usually. Even when Nami and Robin came in it didn’t cheer him up. He even didn’t notice them. Sanji carried the food to table and started to eat although not everybody was there. This time Sanji wasn’t going to follow the rule because the ones who weren’t there were Ace and Luffy. Usually the rule was to wait until everyone was at the table. At this time, Luffy and Ace were by the railing. Neither noticed that it was time for dinner. It was very rare that Luffy didn’t notice it. “Are you going to tell me what has happened to you? Mina didn’t want to tell me.” Ace didn’t give up. He wanted to know, although he suspected something. He wanted to hear it from Luffy’s mouth. “Ace, what are you talking about?” Luffy laughed nervously. “You understand what I mean.” Luffy looked at the ground. He didn’t know what to do. Ace was his older brother and he trusted him totally. Luffy had always told Ace everything, but at the same time he didn’t want to do something that Nami had forbidden. “It has to be Nami who changed you. Robin has Zoro. No one else remains when you aren’t looking for something else.” Ace smirked. He knew that it would be easier to find out the truth than with Zoro. “Looking for something else?” Luffy blinked, “What do you know about Zoro and Robin?” “Forget it Luffy.” Luffy had changed a little but it didn’t mean that he would understand that. “I bothered Zoro for so long that he gave in.” “Hm.” It didn’t matter any more for Luffy whether he said it to Ace or not. If Nami got angry he could say that Ace noticed it by himself. “She is very important to me.” Luffy said it quietly like he thought that someone was listening to them. “How sweet! My little brother is in love!” Ace grabbed Luffy and put his hand around his neck. He hit his head. “My brother has grown up!” Ace laughed dearly. Luffy tried to fight against the hold. He got free from Ace’s grip and they began to fight. They wanted to see who was the strongest, like always, but again they were equal. They fought until Luffy stopped and sniffed the air. “FOOD!” he yelled suddenly and ran, leaving Ace on the ground, who could only laugh over his brother’s reaction. Some things never change. Luffy ate like this would be his last meal. He had to eat even faster so that he could catch up with the others. He was a little angry that Sanji didn’t call him, but he forgot about it very fast. Sanji at the same time felt extremely uncomfortable, but it wasn’t Luffy’s fault. Mina was sitting next to him with Ace on Mina’s other side, so Sanji had to hear everything they were saying. He wanted so badly to give up, but he wouldn’t be Sanji if he wouldn’t fight for a woman. “Mina-san.” Sanji tired to attract Mina’s attention and he was lucky. “I wanted to say that I am not angry that you lied about the bet. You should have told me the truth because you would have come with us.” “Ah Sanji. I wasn’t so sure about it then. Even when I regret it a little, it doesn’t matter any more. Things have changed.” Mina smiled sweetly. Again this ‘it doesn’t matter’. Sanji wanted to yell that it does matter, but he didn’t. The worst thing was that Ace was sitting there and grinning. Ace wasn’t laughing at Sanji, he was laughing over Mina. Sanji didn’t know this though. “What do you think of it?” Mina’s answer didn’t satisfy Sanji. He had a feeling that Mina was hiding something. “Don’t you understand? She thinks that with a smile everything is alright. She isn’t interested in you,” Ace answered, stopping Mina before she could respond. Ace was joking, but Sanji didn’t understand the joke. Ace just talked on with Mina without noticing Sanji. It wasn’t hard to notice that what Ace said drove Sanji crazy, but he was a gentleman and wouldn’t voice his anger when a lady was near. He decided to do something. Angrily he stood up. “Come Ace. I want to show you something.” He could hardly control himself. Ace looked him weirdly. He was in no mood to go out, but when he saw the look in Sanji’s eyes he stood up and followed Sanji. When they were out and the door was closed Sanji couldn’t hold it in anymore and his anger busrt out. “What are you thinking?!” “What’s wrong spoon?” Ace joked around again. He didn’t take Sanji’s anger seriously because he didn’t understand why he was so angry. “What’s wrong?! You are flirting with her and you are rubbing it under my nose that she isn’t interested!” “You mean that cute blond girl?” Ace almost laughed. He couldn’t resist joking, although he saw that Sanji was angry. Suddenly the others in kitchen heard a loud yelling. After that they didn’t hear anything until Ace opened the door. He walked back to his chair and sat down. The others didn’t understand what had happened and Ace didn’t seem to want to speak about it. “What happened? Where is Sanji?” asked Luffy. “I don’t know. He walked away. Mina, can you hand me the salad?” Ace acted like nothing had happened. Nami didn’t believe it. Something had to have happened. She had heard Sanji’s voice., and she wanted to know what had happened and she wanted to know that instant! Sanji had been weird today. He didn’t flirt with her or Robin and that was very weird. Nami felt like he didn’t want to be near them. She wanted to go by herself and find Sanji, but she didn’t dare to. “Luffy, Zoro. Go and find Sanji!” said Nami seriously. “What?!” asked Luffy and Zoro together, “Why me?!” “Because I say so!” Zoro and Luffy didn’t want to go, this was obvious. The anger in Nami’s eyes they could see though and they really thought that if they didn’t go, Nami would kill them. Luffy stood up because it was Nami who asked him. Zoro stood up because he was afraid that Nami would raise his debt. They had no other choice but to look for Sanji and they began in their room. When Zoro opened the men’s room he saw Sanji sitting under the window. Although the room was dark, the moon’s light illuminated the room with a soft glow. Zoro wasn’t sure but it seemed like Sanji was crying. “GO AWAY!” yelled Sanji. They didn’t listen to him. They wanted to go back but they knew if they went back and did not bring Nami the explanation of why Sanji was here, they would die. Furthermore, Sanji was their nakama and they couldn’t leave him in such a situation alone. “What’s wrong?” Zoro sat on his bed. It was unpleasant, but he had to stay here. “Like you care!” “What happened between you and Ace?” asked Luffy. This time Sanji didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to speak about it. He also knew that they wouldn’t go before he said something. For some minutes they sat in the darkness until Sanji gave up. “She said that she liked me the most.” Sanji started quietly speaking, “But she didn’t dare to say it to me. Now she doesn’t want me any more, because she has Ace with whom she can play with. It isn’t fair! I always give my best. I always do everything so that the women like me, but still I am alone! This is the first time someone liked me, but he had to destroy everything. All women hate me!” As soon as he had said it he already regretted it. He was sure that Zoro would laugh at him. Zoro wanted to die! It was so embarrassing. How often did he see a man crying and showing his feelings? Not very often and he was lucky for that. Even worse was that it was Sanji who was crying. How could he give him any advice? He had joked before that no women wants him, but at the moment he felt sorry for him. Even Sanji didn’t deserve this kind of pain. “Nami and Robin don’t hate you.” This was the only way to cheer him up. “And?! They aren’t free any more.” Sanji wiped the last tear away. He didn’t want to cry any more. “You know that we are together?!” Of course Luffy didn’t notice that he just confessed it. Zoro sweat dropped. How could he be so stupid?! “It wasn’t hard to notice. I am not blind! You are miserable liars.” Of course Sanji had noticed it. He observed Nami and Robin the most. He took care of them and wanted their attention. When Mina had left he had noticed within a day that their behaviour had changed. Then he just had to sneak around before he knew what was going on. “But when they are happy then I am also happy.” Now Sanji seemed more pitiable than before. Mina didn’t want him any more and he knew that his Nami-san and Robin-chan weren’t free. Although Zoro was sure that he would regret it, he had to do it. “Don’t worry. The Grand Line is big and here are definitely several women who would be pleased with you. Trust me, some day you will find the right one.” Zoro almost bit his own tongue. “Do you really think so?” It seemed to help. Sanji wanted to believe that Zoro wasn’t lying to him. Zoro nodded and tried to show that he believed it. He did even believe it, although he didn’t want to confess that he did it. And then someone opened the door. “Sanji-kun, are you coming back? I want to spend time with you before I leave again.” Sanji jumped up and ran happily to Mina. Zoro wasn’t sure whether it was his words or Mina’s smiled which cheered Sanji up. He was almost sure that it was Mina’s smile. It didn’t matter any more. The crisis was over, although he thought Sanji was stupid to forgive Mina. The worse thing was that his mood was now ruined. Luffy’s mood on the other hand was as good as before. He got up and left Zoro in the room, because the swordsman was already sleeping. Luffy walked to the kitchen. Without a word he walked up to Nami, grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Nami wanted to tell him to tell her where they were going so he wouldn’t have to pull her, but Luffy didn’t give her a chance to talk. Luffy pulled Nami to her room without answering to any questions. When they were finally by her room he let go of her. “Sanji knows about us. Ace too” Luffy said seriously. Now he waited for Nami’s reaction and prayed. Nami watched Luffy without understanding him. What he had said was important but at the moment she wanted to know what had happened, which was why she wasn’t angry at Luffy. After Luffy had explained what had happened with Sanji she forgot completely that Sanji and Ace knew. “Poor Sanji.” She really felt sorry for him. Sanji did everything and made so much effort but nobody seemed to see it. Even her. “Maybe I should talk with him?” Luffy didn’t say anything. He only kissed Nami’s forehead. “Sanji is lucky to have such great nakama as you. And I am lucky too,” whispered Luffy. Luffy kissed Nami’s neck. Although Nami wanted to forget Sanji and enjoy the time with Luffy, she couldn’t do it. Then she remembered what Sanji had said. “When they are happy then I am also happy.” Thinking about that was why Nami decided to be happy and let Luffy take off her blouse. Passionately they kissed, while Nami’s blouse fell to the ground. They helped each other out of their clothes, eventually ending up on the bed. Luffy’s arm moved gently over Nami’s stomach. So soft and silky was her skin. He sighed with relief that Nami wasn’t angry. He was so happy that he had her. With one hand he played with Nami’s hair. He sniffed it. Oh how he loved that smell. Nami could finally enjoy it, more than before. They didn’t have to keep it a secret. It wasn’t a sin anymore like she had felt about it before. The next chapter would be definitely the last... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (