Sometime jealousy is good von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: One day can change a lot ----------------------------------- Chapter 3 One day can change a lot Sanji was making the breakfast, while Luffy was whining in the kitchen, because he wanted food so badly. The others in the kitchen had to stand it out. The only one who wasn’t in the kitchen was Mina. Nami let her sleep. When she was sleeping, Nami didn’t have to listen to her stories. The only positive thing today. Despite that, that didn’t last long; Mina came to the kitchen eventually. She seemed so rested and her face shined when she smiled. She had borrowed Nami’s clothes, Nami noticed. She didn’t like it at all. But she couldn’t do anything against it. Mina was able to ruin Nami’s mood only with her being there, but Luffy seemed not to be upset any more. He even stopped whining. “Good morning, Luffy-kun.” Mina sat next to Luffy. She smiled to him. Luffy wanted to reply, but Nami cut in. “Luffy-kun? When has that happened?!” Nami said it without thinking. “She says Zoro-kun too.” Said Robin calmly, not raising her head from the book. Zoro gave Robin an angry glance. “But I call all boys with a –kun.” Said Mina innocently. She didn’t understand why Nami had reacted in such a way. “I don’t care.” Snapped Nami. This was embarrassing for her, that she had said it so loud, and in front of everyone. “Sanji, where is the food!?” “Yes, Nami-san!” Sanji was already running with food to her. The breakfast went on. It wasn’t routine this time, unusual. Nami noticed that the boys were acting weird. They were polite. Franky was handing food to Mina, Brook played to her on the violin. Usopp tried to make her laugh with his stories. Sanji acted quiet, a strange sign. He tried to attract Mina’s attention in different ways. Even Luffy didn’t rob food from her, and tried not to speak with full mouth. The only one who acted normal was Zoro. He ate calmly, only glancing to Robin sometimes, but Nami found that normal, anyway. When the breakfast had ended, Nami said that they would reach the next island in a few hours. The island’s name was Hauta. Nami had read from the newspaper that there was a fair and she was even agreed to go there. Of course, they only have to be prudent with money. They had to wait only a few hours, and find activities for themselves. Sanji made it clear that it was Zoro’s turn to do the dishes, and clean up. Of course, Zoro wasn’t happy about it. Sanji made it even worse when he said that he can now use the time to be with Mina. Zoro went to the plates with a growl. The others left the from the kitchen, and Sanji wanted to call Mina, but she stopped before it. “I feel so useless. Can I help someone? Please, I want to be useful.” Said Mina. Sanji wanted to say that she could come with him, but someone was faster than he. “You could help me with the dishes.” Mumbled Zoro from the sink. “Gladly.” Mina went to Zoro. Sanji stood by the door with a smirk. This was Zoro’s answer to his last night’s question. Sanji left the kitchen confidently because he didn’t see in Zoro a competitor. When Sanji left, Zoro began to wash the plates and Mina dried the plates. At the beginning, Mina was quiet, but she couldn’t be for long. “You know, you are special pirates. Do you know how the folk calls you?” “No.” Zoro wasn’t in a mood to talk. “The crew of dreamers.” Mina smiled, “Definitely because of Luffy-kun. He is always yelling that he will be the next pirate king; it doesn’t matter where he is. But the dreams from you and the others has reached the folks, too.” “I don’t care what they think about us.” Said Zoro, a little irritably. “I know.” Mina’s voice was still happy, which surprised Zoro, because he had snapped at her. “One thing has always interested me. Why do you follow Luffy-kun? As I have heard, he isn’t the smartest. You are a lone wolf, so why should you follow him?” “Where do you get your information?” Zoro stopped washing, and wondered why Mina knew him better than the folks. “I have heard it all. You were a lone wolf because you were a pirate hunter.” “I don’t know why we follow him.” Zoro decide to answer to Mina’s question, “Luffy is different. He has something I can’t explain it.” “So I thought. When people see him for the first time, they think that he is still a kid. But I know that he is special.” By that sentence Zoro let the plate fall into water, and it splashed water into Mina’s shirt. “Hey, don’t do it! These are Nami’s clothes.” Mina looked her white top. “You are going to pay for it!” Said Mina with a smirk, putting her hand into the water, and splashing the water into Zoro’s face. She started to laugh, of course. Zoro tried to stand as calm as he could, and tried not to lose his self-control. “You look like a wet poodle.” Zoro wanted to snap her in half, but he remembered the bet, and laughed along with Mina, on purpose. At the same time, Nami and Robin were near the kitchen door. Robin was sitting in her chair and was reading. Nami was standing by the railing. Suddenly Nami heard a laughing from the kitchen. “Is this our swordsman there?” asked Nami. She didn’t believe that it was Zoro’s voice. “Kenshi-san, and Mina-san, are there.” Said Robin. “The girl has won Zoro over, too. I think I am sick,” whined Nami, who thought that Mina was playing with the boys. “Kenshi-san seems to like it.” Said Robin coldly. “Robin! Stop with the cold comments. They aren’t funny!” Luckily, Nami got that out before Mina came from the kitchen. When Mina saw Nami, she stopped. “Zoro-kun made me wet. I am sorry. These were your clothes.” Nami smirked to Mina’s sentence. She thought about something else, too. “I will raise Zoro’s debt.” Mina smiled, and went to her room leaving Nami and Robin alone. “Kenshi-san made her wet.” Smirked Robin. “Robin, leave it! I don’t want to think about it!” ……………………………………………………… Mina was on her way to her room. Half way there, she met Franky, who was on the way to the deck. Then, Mina remembered that she wanted to speak with him. “Franky, I wanted to speak with you.” Mina smiled. “Really?” Franky saw his opportunity. ”Yes, I wanted you to explain to me the dock system of Sunny. But, before that, I have to change my clothes. Would you wait here?” told Mina “Of course.” Franky was happier. “Arigato Franky-kun.” With the words Mina spoke, before she disappeared into her room. ……………………………………………………… After the dishes were done, Zoro went to the mast to sleep, or, at least, he planned to. His plan didn’t succeed, and the two reasons were Mina, and Robin. They both were on the upper deck. Robin was reading, and Mina was speaking with Franky. He would be disturbed by the thought that only Robin had given him a nickname, and disturbed by Mina. It didn’t disturb him since she had never said it to his face. He knew she did this on purpose, toying with him. Disturbed by Mina, because of the stupid bet. He didn’t want to take part in it, but he didn’t want to lose, too. The worse part was that he thought that Mina was playing with them, at least, it seemed so. He wasn’t sure if Mina knew it or not, but she was able to manipulate. Still… she seemed innocent to it. Since Zoro couldn’t sleep, he decided to listen what Franky, and Mina, were talking about. “Don’t you wear jeans so that Brook doesn’t ask do see your panties?” asked Mina with an innocent face. Robin started laugh quietly. Zoro got a shock when he heard it. Did she really ask that?!, thought Zoro. It was worse for Franky, who’s face red turned. “Of course not!” Yelled Franky, “Wearing jeans is against my rules!” “Oh. I was thinking that something was wrong with you.” Mina’s word made it even worse, “I am lucky that it isn’t so.” Luckily, Nami saved Franky from the embarrassing moment when she came from the kitchen. She didn’t understood what had happened, but she felt that something was wrong. “I wanted to tell you we were in the harbor. You probably didn’t notice, because no one told me!” raised Nami her voice. “Really!?” Mina looked to the sea and saw the island. The harbor was big, and decked indefinitely because of the fair. “Ooh, fairs are so great!” shouted Mina childishly. They noticed they could buy guards for ships… even pirate ships. Thanks to that, everyone was able to come to the fair. For Nami, it seemed weird. But she thought that nobody would steal their ship, because the people recognized them. So, they walked through the town, to the meadow where the fair was. Nami gave everyone money, with high interest. When they reached the meadow, Nami wanted to explain where they will meet, but then she noticed that the boys were all gone. “This is impossible!” yelled Nami. “They are there.” Mina pointed to a kennel, and a high post was next to it. Nami sighed, and they walked to the kennel. When Nami reached Luffy, she wanted to hit him, but Luffy turned to her and smiled. “Nami. I used all the money.” Nami got even angrier, “Ooh my God! You can’t even be alone for one second!” “But I got double the money back. Do you want the rest?” Luffy handed the money to Nami. Nami’s eyes changed to belis. ”Give it here!” Nami grabbed the money, and began to walk, ”We will meet here at eight o’clock, by this kennel.” Nami disappeared into the crowd. Luffy moved on, too. He could fool around, now. Mina just wanted to look around the fair. Sanji followed her, and the others, too. But Zoro stayed by the kennel, and was watched something in his hand. Robin, who just wanted to go, saw it. “Kenshi-san, is something wrong?” asked she, when she was next to him. “I shouldn’t have let Luffy be the first by that game. I could have paid the debts I owe to the witch. But I got a book for an award.” Zoro handed the book to Robin. “I can’t give it to Nami. Maybe you’d want it?” Robin took the book, and looked at it. The title of it was, “The Pearls of the World.” As she looked in, she noticed that the book was about the most beautiful buildings of the world, and it attract her attention. “Seems to be interesting.” Robin had forgotten that Zoro was still here. “Hai, Kenshi-san.” Robin shut the book. “You owe me now.” “I could pay you in a different way.” Robin smirked, again, she could play. “Urusai.” Zoro understood that Robin was playing. He turned around, and walked away. ……………………………………………………………… The time past cheerily. Everyone did what they wanted. Luffy disappeared somewhere, and Zoro had disappeared too. He was following Franky, but then he disappeared, suddenly. Franky was sure that he was lost. Nami, and Robin, were gone too. Franky found only Mina with Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper. Sanji was dancing around Mina, and tried to attract her attention. This happened for sometime, but Mina liked more to have fun, and walk around the fair, and not to deal with Sanji. Sanji used all his money, and bought sweets for Mina. Chopper was jealous, because he wanted sweets, too. Of course, Mina liked that. But then, she suddenly stopped by a game stall. “Aw, this bear is so sweet! Like a little pirate with that eye-flap.” Mina said that very childishly, and she noticed it too. She felt totally embarrassed, and wanted to go on, but the man in the stall began to speak. “Maybe one of you boys would be so polite, and win the bear for the dame. You only have to break the bottles. Of course, for some belis.” The man rubbed his hands. He knew that the bottles were glue together, so it was impossible to throw them down with a ball. “I will do it for Mina-san, of course!” “No, now it is my turn. You don’t have money anyway.” Franky pushed Sanji away, and paid the money. Then he took the ball, took a swing, and threw the ball. He threw the ball so strongly that the bottles flew away, through the wall. The man in the stall got a shock. He didn’t react to Franky’s asking anymore, and that’s way Frank took the bear himself. “Arigato. Lovely from you, Franky.” Mina took the bear and told Franky to bow. Then she was able the reach him, and kissed Franky on the cheek. She walked on after that. Sanji glanced at Franky angrily. Franky didn’t let him disturb him, and made his SUPA pose. “Where is Brook, anyway?” asked Mina …………………………………………… Nami was walking around the fair. It was boring and she wanted to sit somewhere, but suddenly, someone grabbed her hand. She wanted to hit them, but then she saw that the one who grabbed her hand, and it was Luffy. “Luffy, why the hell did you scare me?!” Nami yelled. “Nami, I wanted to show you something, come’ere.” Nami felt that Luffy was still holding her hand, and now even began to pull. “Where are you bringing me? And maybe you could let go off me?” Nami was following Luffy, and she didn’t see the need to pull her. “This is a surprise. I’m not going to tell you that.” Luffy smiled. “And I hold your hand so that you can’t run away.” “Monkey D. Luffy! I am not a child, as you are. I am not going to run away!” Nami yelled at him, but Luffy didn’t listen to her. Nami gave up. It made no sense to speak with Luffy. He didn’t listen, anyway. So, she followed him. She was watching his hand, and it was extremely embarrassing for her. Luffy directed Nami to the forest, which was away from the fair. It wasn’t late, but it was a little dim in the forest. Nami didn’t want to walk so fast in the forest because of the branches which, made the walking heavier. But Luffy didn’t slow down. Suddenly, Luffy stopped, and turned to Nami. “We’re almost there. Shut your eyes, or I’ll have to cover them.” Luffy let go off Nami. “Luffy.” Nami said it warningly, “I can’t stand it out any more. Let’s just go.” Luffy made her nervous, but she had to confess that she liked Luffy’s attention, that Luffy was not turning his attention to Mina. But Luffy didn’t listen to Nami, again. He put his one hand to Nami’s eyes, and with the other hand, he pulled her again. He walked backward. Nami yelled angrily ‘LUFFY!’, but it had no influence on him. Even Nami’s threat that he wouldn’t get food didn’t work. But then Luffy stopped, and took his one away from Nami’s eyes. Nami got a surprise. Luffy had brought her to a spring. The spring was by a small downhill. The water was flowing down the hill to the spring. But the spring wasn’t as Nami had previously seen them. From the middle of it, water was bursting up to a half meter. Glowing insects were flying around it. Just… so beautiful! Nami hadn’t seen such a thing before. She didn’t believe that Luffy had brought here. Did he know how romantic this was? “One man from the fair suggested this place. I don’t remember what he told exactly, but he mentioned that this place is special for specific people. I don’t get it.” Luffy scratch his head. “Luffy…” Nami sighed. Luffy didn’t know how romantic this was. This was a special place for pairs. She was in no mood to explain it to Luffy. “This is special.” “Okay, I will go now. I want to show this place to Mina too.” Luffy began to walk out from the forest. He left Nami alone. Nami was shocked. Mina?! Luffy really wants to destroy such romantic moment, and bring her here?! Nami was so angry, and hurt. She wanted to yell at him, but she pulled herself together, and sat down by the spring. Then, she put her hand into the water. She looked at her hand, and her anger turn into sadness. Maybe she should thank Mina. Thanks to her, she opened her eyes, and noticed that she was in love. Of course, it was hard to confess. But when she saw that another woman was flirting with Luffy, it made her jealous. That was a sign that she had feelings. Although Luffy was too blind to notice it, she would not give up. Someday he would notice. …………………………………………… “Yo-ho-ho. Can I see your panties?” Brook said, and the people ran away from him. Of course, they were scared of him. He was a walking skeleton after all. “I told you. We’re screaming people are, he will be.” This was Sanji, who was walking with Mina, and was searching for Brook. “Yo-ho-ho, Miss Mina, you were looking for me?” “Yes, Brook-san. I wanted you to sing. That would be fun!” “For you always, little lady.” Brook wanted to take his violin, but… “Brook. You will sing to us later. I want to show to Mina something.” This was Luffy, who stopped Brook. “Oi, Luffy-kun. Is that “something” fun?” Luffy wanted to answer Mina, but Nami hit him on his head. After Luffy had left, Nami sat a little by the spring, but decided then not to leave Luffy alone with Mina. That’s why she ran after Luffy. “Luffy, we don’t have time for that.” Nami turned to Mina, “Mina, go find Zoro and Robin. We will wait here.” “Hai, Nami-san!” Zoro was sleeping against a tree, which was away from the fair. The fair didn’t interest him. He tried to take part. He even took part in a game because he hoped to win money so he could get the debts paid. Luffy won the money, and he won only a book. Then he decided to follow Franky, and find something to drink. After some time, Franky disappeared. So, Zoro was in no mood to walk around anymore. He found a place to sleep. Zoro had had his peace for some hours by the time they found him. He knew that soon, someone would come, and disturb him, because it was soon time to meet with the others. He was half awake, and half in sleep. That was his protection. Then something attracted his attention. Someone was walking to him. Just in case, he grabbed his sword which was next to him. Ready to attack, he opened his eyes to see who dared to near him. “Ah, it’s only you.” Zoro let go of his sword. “Unfortunately, it’s just me, Kenshi-san. Were you waiting for someone else?” Robin walked to the tree. “Tch, no.” Zoro shut his eyes, and made the face, Don’t-You-Dare-To-Disturb-Me. “Then I can sit here.” Robin smirked. She didn’t let Zoro’s behavior disturb her, and sat next to him, but not so near, and she leaned against the tree. She took her book, which Zoro gave to her, and began to read it. Robin had walked around the fair, but it wasn’t entertaining for her. So she decided to find a place to read. At the beginning, she wanted to go back to the ship, but then she remembered that they wanted to meet here. So she walked away from the fair, and saw Zoro sleeping by the tree. Robin saw her chance to be with him. Robin’s relationships with every Mugiwara had bettered after Enies Lobby, even with Zoro. But Zoro was still the only one who didn’t want to let her near him. She didn’t understand why it was so. Robin’s new goal was to make Zoro trust her. She wanted all of the crew to trust her as she did them. That’s why she decided to spend as much time as possible with Zoro. Although, she had noticed that her plan had some trouble. She had made Zoro angry with that nickname, again. Zoro didn’t understand that it was a joke. But what did he understand, anyway? He snapped at Robin. And that made her angry. She wanted revenge. Zoro seemed to trust even Mina more than her, and that made it worse. At the same time, Zoro didn’t get why Robin has to read here. He wanted just his peace, but no! Robin’s here to disturb him. Robin behaved oddly. Once she was kind, then she had problems, and acted very weird, and then she began to play with him, using that nickname. Zoro couldn’t drive her away, either. If Nami were to hear it, his debt would raise again. So he decided to suffer. But it depended how long he had to suffer. “Shouldn’t we find the others?” asked Zoro. So he would know how long he had to wait. “Sanji-san, and the others, will find us.” Robin used Sanji’s real name, no nickname. Zoro turned his head away. He didn’t say anything, so angry was he, when he noticed that Robin hinted on the nickname, again. When Robin saw Zoro’s reaction, she realized that this game really hurt him. “Zoro-kun, Robin-chan! I was looking for you. It’s time for dinner.” This was Mina, who was coming to Zoro, and Robin. Robin was right, someone found them. ………………………………………… Reviews, please ;D Hosted by Animexx e.V. (